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The wee one went for her first set of injections today, the look of pure horror as her happy face crumbled in front of me was heartbreaking.

I'm sure she's been eyeing me suspiciously since then.

I have to take my littlest for her 3rd set tomorrow. The Mrs can't stand needles so it's been my job every time there's injections with both of ours. She didn't even cry last time round which was surprising!
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The jags are horrible. In theory they have 2 nurses doing both arms at once. I took Liv in and there was only 1 nurse to do both arms and a spray up the nose. After the first jag...wow. The screams, then having to turn her round for the second. She was hysterical by this point and the nurse handed me the nose spray. I managed it but for days afterwards she wouldn't take off a long sleeved jumper, not even for bed. And she eyed me suspiciously for weeks afterwards

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20 week scan today. Delighted to say we can now start calling "it" she.

Couldnt be happier.

we had ours a couple of weeks ago and were keeping it quiet, Mrs was ill (discovered its pregnancy related asthma) and was off work, so when she got back they were asking how she was and hows baby.. She replies 'baby is good, he started kicking last night' bag. Cat.out of
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we had ours a couple of weeks ago and were keeping it quiet, Mrs was ill (discovered its pregnancy related asthma) and was off work, so when she got back they were asking how she was and hows baby.. She replies 'baby is good, he started kicking last night' bag. Cat.out of

We didn't know and didn't want to know the sex at all, but always referred to the baby as a he.

You should have blagged it.

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We didn't know and didn't want to know the sex at all, but always referred to the baby as a he.

You should have blagged it.

she canny keep a secret without going red. Still. Makes it easier on me. Was getting annoying with having to refer to him as it.

Already did some baby stuff shopping.

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Girl in my work once claimed her sisters kid weighed in at 12lbs....I'm calling absolute bullshit.

We have 2 girls, first came in at 9 lb 10 oz and number 2 (4 months old tomorrow) was 10 lb 14 oz (and a 1/4) but apparently they round down! The Mrs didn't even look that big (to me anyway)
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Congrats G-Man! Glad to hear everything is going well. Hope they get home soon. Sure you will be fed up with visitors by the end of the week.

Anyways, Catherine is better now and Anna is doing well. She is sleeping around 6-7 hours every night as well! Heres a few pictures of anna from the last two months.....




School in 2 weeks! :huh:

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We have 2 girls, first came in at 9 lb 10 oz and number 2 (4 months old tomorrow) was 10 lb 14 oz (and a 1/4) but apparently they round down! The Mrs didn't even look that big (to me anyway)
3 of my cousins were all 10lbs +. Admittedly not 12 lbs.
It must have been like a scene from Alien.My two were fairly small. Madi was 6lbs 8 and Max was 8lbs.
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It must have been like a scene from Alien. My two were fairly small. Madi was 6lbs 8 and Max was 8lbs.

I wouldn't call 8lbs fairly small! In comparison to 12 lbs it is, I suppose. :lol:

I'd say anything under 7 lbs is "fairly small". What's the average weight for new born babies - someone's bound to be able to tell us.

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Madi's bed time is fast becoming a running battle. From when she has to brush her teeth she is a pain in the arse for at least two hours. She's never been a sleeper but she is getting worse.

Our oldest has always been a terrible sleeper but she had improved slightly. Now she's getting worse again. Will often resort to banging her head violently against the wall to stop herself from going to sleep. Her record is being taken to bed at 9pm and still being awake at 3:45am. Even when this happened she was still wide awake again at 7:30am.

Incredibly frustrating and I can feel myself getting angrier and angrier with her at bedtime. Terrified I'm going to lose my temper and roar at her.

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