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Girl in my work once claimed her sisters kid weighed in at 12lbs....I'm calling absolute bullshit.

We had an 11lb 3oz baby so 12lb isn't completely out of the question.

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Our oldest has always been a terrible sleeper but she had improved slightly. Now she's getting worse again. Will often resort to banging her head violently against the wall to stop herself from going to sleep. Her record is being taken to bed at 9pm and still being awake at 3:45am. Even when this happened she was still wide awake again at 7:30am.Incredibly frustrating and I can feel myself getting angrier and angrier with her at bedtime. Terrified I'm going to lose my temper and roar at her.
The number of times I've been seconds from loosing the place in the last 6 months is mental. On Sunday about 5 or 6 weeks ago she was sent to bed at 8.30pm and I had to be up at 7am for work and neither of us had been to sleep. When my wee boy was born and not sleeping the first few weeks she was just being a brat and litterally not sleeping so I'd spend the time with her and not her brother .
I was 11lb 10oz.
Fat b*****d.
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Our youngest was born 7 weeks ago now so we're pretty much living like two single-parent families. I have Alyssa all day and my wife has Tabitha all day. I know my wife has it difficult because she's breastfeeding and Tabitha seems to like the comfort of breast even when she's not feeding, so she's stuck to my wife all day, but I'm chasing a toddler around all day and having to try to get her to sleep at night as well. I'm exhausted.

The only time I get any kind of time to myself is if my wife goes out with her mum for a couple of hours but even then I have to use the time to try to get the house tidied. It's usually a pigsty.

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Yeah good luck with a girl........

Now now.

If I'm being honest I'm expecting it to be more difficult next time round. We've really had an easy ride of it with Zak, he's been nothing short of brilliant to be fair to the boy.

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Anybody got nits experience? We may have the potential for a case here. Haven't checked yet but the bairn was with my nieces for 3 days and my sister now says they have nits.

Derbac M is your friend. Always follow the instructions. 8)


Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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Anybody got nits experience? We may have the potential for a case here. Haven't checked yet but the bairn was with my nieces for 3 days and my sister now says they have nits.

Hedrin and a nit comb, works a treat.

Your weans head infested with those wee things is an absolutely horrible thing to look at though, our wee one got them weeks into starting nursery.

Just make sure the nursery/school are aware of it because the shampoo is really fucking expensive, you don't want to have to buy it again a few weeks later because some minky b*****d isn't treating their kid.

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You'll know if she/he's got them, they were actually bigger than I was expecting!

It's mostly these (not so) wee buggers you'll notice,


Just wipe the nit comb on a bit of kitchen roll or something and they'll be impossible to miss.

The eggs tend to be quite noticeable wee white things stuck to the hair near the base.

Gave me the heebie jeebies!!

Edited by Tommy Nooka
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Now now.

If I'm being honest I'm expecting it to be more difficult next time round. We've really had an easy ride of it with Zak, he's been nothing short of brilliant to be fair to the boy.

Yeah my first was a boy, he was great, then I had my second who was a girl and a nightmare, shes now a very precousoius three year old then I had my third who's also a girl and after 15 months of being a dream is now making sure she isn't forgotten about!

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Anybody got nits experience? We may have the potential for a case here. Haven't checked yet but the bairn was with my nieces for 3 days and my sister now says they have nits.

Went through a long nightmare with my daughter and these little pests. Another child at her school had them and due to the schools policy of not informing parents about any infestations, all the class ended up affected, which meant that no sooner had we cleared her of them, she would get them again from another classmate. It was just a vicious circle as all the kids kept passing it to each other.

In the old days, as soon as anybody was infected then warning letters would be sent out but not anymore as the right on brigade have taken over.

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That's flamin pathetic. For what reason don't the school inform parents about infestations?

Data Protection Act or variation thereof probably. Maybe Human Rights Act. Same mentality that insists on no prizes at sports day or even for class work.

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I think it was for something like not singling out any one person over it all. At the end of the day it was not any one persons fault as nits usually prefer clean heads anyway but schools should not be afraid of mildly upsetting people for the greater good of the class. The thing is, after my girl was infested, how many others did she pass it onto? In a way we could have been the ones that received a letter as much as any other parent. It got to the stage where the shampoo was not working anymore so we had to keep changing brands. Not cheap in the end.

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How can they not just send a letter out to the effect "watch oot, some c***s got nits"?

We got a letter to that effect last term. "Please check your child's head for head lice as a case of head lice has been discovered in your child's class." Simple.

Re: girls v boys - they're all different. My son was/can still be a bit of a nightmare. But my daughter was an absolute breeze. They're just completely different personalities, nothing to do with gender, IMO.

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Re: girls v boys - they're all different. My son was/can still be a bit of a nightmare. But my daughter was an absolute breeze. They're just completely different personalities, nothing to do with gender, IMO.

Agree. Some children are difficult. Some are not. Gender is irrelevant.

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I never got to that stage sad.giflaugh.gif

It's a stressful time. I never went to any parenthood classes, I asked a midwife and she said if you knwo how to change a nappy and not to kick the baby across the room there isn't much point going.

And I have one piece of advice for expectant mums.

Take the epidural

Never did have another epidural!

But this little man is starting school tomorrow! He'll be 6 in September. Never did I think back then that I'd have seen Ross County beat Celtic to make the final of the scottish cup or play SPL football!

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