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26 1/2 weeks now so I could probably be bumped up to 2/3.

Talking of bumps hers is getting bigger everyday. I was 11 1/2 pounds when born and my family were pretty much all 10 pounds plus.

My missus in pretty small and is therefor shitting herself. I can`t help the wind up though.

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Reading Saintee -1

Scary Bear - 3
Rowan - 3
Reina - 2
Lm - 1
Swarley - 2
Mozza - 1
Skyline Drifter - 2
die hard doonhamer - 2
Scottsdad - 1
Bobby Skidmarks - 1
Weirdcal - 1
Mallo_Madrid -2
Shuggie - 2
lightscamera - 2

Nelsjfc - 2
G_Man1985 - 2

energyzone -1

Gaz -2

milton75 -1

mozam76 -1

gav-ffc - 1

pub car king -1 + 1/3

bobby carlos - 2

Nelly 78 - 1

Desp - 1

Sparky88 - 1

8MileBU - 1

The Lochend Brazil - 1

Dee Dee - 2

Septentrional Wasp - 2/3

madwullie - 2

KiwiDB - 1

Kid Twist - 1/2

mattydfc - 1/2

The Woolshed - 2/3

Ally - 2 x 1/2

11thHour - 1/3

Le Tout P'ti Fc - 1

panddarilla - 2

Running total - 52 + 2 x 2/3 + 4 x 1/2 + 2 x 1/3

Grandchildren: JG - 4 + 1/2

Romeo - 2

Keithgy - 1

heedthebaa - 3

Raidernation - 1

supermik - 1

printer - 1

Grand total - 65 + 2 x 2/3 + 5 x 1/2 + 2 x 1/3

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26 1/2 weeks now so I could probably be bumped up to 2/3.

Talking of bumps hers is getting bigger everyday. I was 11 1/2 pounds when born and my family were pretty much all 10 pounds plus.

My missus in pretty small and is therefor shitting herself. I can`t help the wind up though.


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Anyone else got a massive collection of Thomas take and play stuff? Amazes me the amount of stuff you can get for it. We must have hundreds of pounds worth of it now, madness.

Yep, our youngest has almost everything. It's the only thing he ever plays with.

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Away out to get the wee mans school uniform today :(

Thankfully he was extremely popular at his nursery so should have no problems settling in at school but still have the odd worry.

You should be on The List, too.

When was your son born?

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Thankfully he was extremely popular at his nursery so should have no problems settling in at school but still have the odd worry.

Nah, the wee yin will take to it like a duck to water. Most weans love 'the move up'. It's often their maws who greet.

Quick tip: Take the wee man to his first day at school yourself if you can. I was proud as f**k each time but managed to hold it back until I got back in the car.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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You've got him on the list under his previous guise - The Lochend Brazil

Thank you - I was about to stick him in regardless. I might put James Keatings in brackets after Lochend Brazil, or vice versa.

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Well in, chap and a healthy wee lassie. Hope her maw is dandy.

Thanks. Her mum had to have a CS and was sent to ICU due blood loss and low BP but just phoned hospital and she's with the baby and about to be moved to the ward, thank goodness.
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Thanks. Her mum had to have a CS and was sent to ICU due blood loss and low BP but just phoned hospital and she's with the baby and about to be moved to the ward, thank goodness.

Good news and hope they both thrive. You must be very proud.

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You can add me to the list as now a first time Grandfather. My eldest daughter gave birth to 7 lb 11 oz daughter, Layla Claire, just after 1am.

Good news - congratulations.

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Reading Saintee -1

Scary Bear - 3

Rowan - 3

Reina - 2

Lm - 1

Swarley - 2

Mozza - 1

Skyline Drifter - 2

die hard doonhamer - 2

Scottsdad - 1

Bobby Skidmarks - 1

Weirdcal - 1

Mallo_Madrid -2

Shuggie - 2

lightscamera - 2

Nelsjfc - 2

G_Man1985 - 2

energyzone -1

Gaz -2

milton75 -1

mozam76 -1

gav-ffc - 1

pub car king -1 + 1/3

bobby carlos - 2

Nelly 78 - 1

Desp - 1

Sparky88 - 1

8MileBU - 1

James Keatings (The Lochend Brazil) - 1

Dee Dee - 2

Septentrional Wasp - 2/3

madwullie - 2

KiwiDB - 1

Kid Twist - 1/2

mattydfc - 1/2

The Woolshed - 2/3

Ally - 2 x 1/2

11thHour - 1/3

Le Tout P'ti Fc - 1

panddarilla - 2

Running total - 52 + 2 x 2/3 + 4 x 1/2 + 2 x 1/3

Grandchildren: JG - 4 + 1/2

Romeo - 2

Keithgy - 1

heedthebaa - 3

Raidernation - 1

supermik - 1

printer - 1

Eednud - 1

Grand total - 66 + 2 x 2/3 + 5 x 1/2 + 2 x 1/3

Something wrong with my copy & paste facility. :o

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