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I believe Colic is usually 0-3 months. The first 3 months are the worst, apparently because it's like a fourth 'trimester'. I'm clinging onto the hope that Cal will be more settled in a month or so... We had a much better night last night - he only woke twice for a feed. :)

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Cal was a nightmare tonight, the gaviscon isn't working, so I don't think he has reflux... just good old-fashioned colic. :( Going to take him to the osteopath. If that doesn't work, we'll try Bowen - the nearest therapist is in Nairn, which is why we're going for osteopath first. Will report back - fingers crossed, it's really getting me down. I'll end up with PND at this rate.

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Cal was a nightmare tonight, the gaviscon isn't working, so I don't think he has reflux... just good old-fashioned colic. :( Going to take him to the osteopath. If that doesn't work, we'll try Bowen - the nearest therapist is in Nairn, which is why we're going for osteopath first. Will report back - fingers crossed, it's really getting me down. I'll end up with PND at this rate.

That's a wee shame. :(

A friend of mine had such trouble with her boy they ended up going out in the car - her husband drove them to Glasgow airport and back so they could both get a wee sleep in the car. Her wee boy was bottle fed though. They tried all different formulas until eventually discovering Aptimel was the only one not to upset his wee tummy.

Hope you get it sorted - he looks so peaceful when he is sleeping too! I can't imagine what it is like, Baggio jr never suffered from colic.

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he looks so peaceful when he is sleeping too!

I know, he's a wee angel in the morning and he's not too bad during the night (usually only wakes up twice during the night for a quick feed then falls asleep again). He starts to kick off in the afternoon and is inconsolable in the evening. So hard! The thing is, I know he'll grow out of it in a month or two, but that seems so far away when he's screaming for hours at a time...

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I know, he's a wee angel in the morning and he's not too bad during the night (usually only wakes up twice during the night for a quick feed then falls asleep again). He starts to kick off in the afternoon and is inconsolable in the evening. So hard! The thing is, I know he'll grow out of it in a month or two, but that seems so far away when he's screaming for hours at a time...

Chin up Debs. When Charlie had Colic I used to put him in his big pram (has Callum got one he can lie down in?) and take him out a walk. Gave LM some peace and it kept him occupied for a wee while, and, if we were lucky, he would nod off for a sleep.

It will seem like the end of it will never arrive, but it does. :)

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I've booked Cal into the osteopath on Thursday - couldn't get anything sooner. The receptionist said that the woman who treats babies and children is always really busy - that can only be a good sign?! I'm so desperate for something to work.

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I've booked Cal into the osteopath on Thursday - couldn't get anything sooner. The receptionist said that the woman who treats babies and children is always really busy - that can only be a good sign?! I'm so desperate for something to work.

When I was training in reflexology, (which is brilliant for digestive problems in adults btw), you can do this to kids as well, from birth. Babies feet are really small, so instead of trying to pinpoint certain areas of the foot, working over the whole area should have an affect. PM me if you want and i'll try and explain what to do for him.

Another thing a mother in the class told us when her baby had colic, it's a bit of an old wives remedy, was put the baby face down across your knees, head and feet at either side of your knees and gently lift your heels so your knees go up and own, very gently, and this can release any trapped wind, bubbles etc. She swore by it! No idea coz I haven't got a baby to try it on. :rolleyes:

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Ooooh, jabs are horrible! It broke my heart when the health visitor gave him them. Poor wee man screamed his head off. He's ok now and is no more grizzly than usual. Poor wee monkey, I wont be able to let him go today, he'll be fed up of me cuddling him!

Trying terry nappies today for the first time - probably not the best idea to start them today, but hey ho... Wish me luck! It's *really* bulky, but maybe I didn't fold it very well. He seems to like it though! The plan for now is to have him in terries around the house for a start and see how successful they are and use disposables when we're out and about - unless the terries work really well of course! It'll definitely be disposable at night though...

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Guest sheer mutiny
Another thing a mother in the class told us when her baby had colic, it's a bit of an old wives remedy, was put the baby face down across your knees, head and feet at either side of your knees and gently lift your heels so your knees go up and own, very gently, and this can release any trapped wind, bubbles etc. She swore by it! No idea coz I haven't got a baby to try it on. :rolleyes:

gently rubbing their back...made both of mine fall asleep even at their crouchiest moments :rolleyes:

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Its awsome being a Dad.

Ill echo that.

Feel sorry for those suffering sleepless nights. Annas still doing well, she normal sleeps at least 6 hours normally up to 8. Tin after tin of SMA is disappearing and shes getting a wee bit chubby! Been in the bath with her mother the last couple of nights and really enjoyed it (except getting stripped, dried and dressed from daddy <_< ). Her noises are fantastic. Happy most of the time on her mat, having her mum and dad speaking nonsense to her!

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Charlie has bad dreams. The health visitor said it wasn't possible that a child so young could have them, but I know he does. He's woken up tonight screaming and really upset. It's not a cry like he's in pain, so it's not that. He actually looks terrified and does that thing that older children do where they cry so hard they breathe very fast and heavy like they can't control it. Poor wee man. :(

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