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Mo Wonderboy

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23 hours ago, 8MileBU said:

I think what makes the sad news about Scott Hall worse is that it now makes you wonder if he’d have been well had he not gone in for the hip operation. 

Just a shit load of bad luck, a blood clot coming loose is an absolute fluke, it might have came loose anyway at some point even without the operation 

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9 hours ago, 54_and_counting said:

Just a shit load of bad luck, a blood clot coming loose is an absolute fluke, it might have came loose anyway at some point even without the operation 

Yup. The exact same thing killed Chris Candido who underwent surgery for a leg break.

Awful luck, I was thinking about him and the while situation earlier on today and just how close he was to dying about 10 years ago. By rights he probably should have, he was a sad, frail trembling shambles.

Although it's obviously massively sad and tragic that he died the way he did, it was really, really good that he got his redemption arc played out in full. He got his HoF moment, he appeared at more big events, he got his pals back, and also got to pass on a lot of knowledge and wisdom to others - every time you saw him in last 8 or 9 years, he'd looked just genuinely chuffed to still be about younger folk in the business and you could see how much the wrestlers of today just enjoyed having him about. Course they did, he was one of the legit coolest characters ever to step in a ring.

He definitely thought at his worst that those chances had all been blown and passed him by and although 63 is no age, he definitely got 10 years and 10 good years that he probably wouldn't have without DDP stepping in and Jake showing him what could be done.

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If it wasn't for DDP we'd already be having this chat 5 or 10 years ago, no question.

Think his son got into the business too? He'd have been proud to see him at least give it a go.

Although it'd sad he's now gone, he should be celebrated for his wrestling legacy and for his fight back from his demons.

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In the early days of Cody Hall's career, Scott was the default manager or would tag along for appearances. I remember seeing a short doc on them.

Career wise Cody never really did much in the US. Had runs in New Japan, then NOAH, then up until COVID hit he was in DDT. Which is the wrong career progression. Doesn't seem to have done anything since COVID. Makes sense after being shut out of Japan where there was some money in it for him.

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The list of wrestlers who have contributed to notable piece of crap Drake Weurtz,s "political campaign" makes interesting reading. From the expected and known QAnon ballbags like Bobby Fish and Karrion Kross to surprising names like Jimmy Jacobs and Biff Buisick to those seemingly hell bent on career self sabotage like Riddle 

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Biff has just taken to Reddit to let people know that he didn't contribute to the campaign and that Drake asked him for a loan of money and promptly put it into his campaign contributions 😬😬😬


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14 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

I know wrestlers quite often tend to be pretty thick, but any time I've seen or heard of Riddle, even going back to TUF, he seems to take that bar to a new low


13 hours ago, TheGoon said:

I don’t know if he’s thick, but he is stoned 90% of the time 

I remember hearing an interview with Riddle around the time he was coming onto WWE's radar and had left MMA for a while.  ALthough he still had that stoned drawl, he seemed like quite a switched on guy, talking about how he wanted to be a safe worker and the like and separate the real stuff he could do with the "fake" stuff he was now into.  Seems like he's just happy to do whatever he wants regardless of the consequences. Which is working out real well for him now.

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