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Mo Wonderboy

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Also second the Hassan love. Super character, should have been the perfect heat grabber and the do gooders ruined it.

The very nature of his character meant that if real world events changed he was going to be in trouble. The prejudice angle they had was pretty good but once they brought religion into it with the "prayer" and "terrorist attack" there was always going to be problems. The date it went out on was just a horrible coincidence, however.

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Hassan wasn't a million miles away from landing the big one IMO. He had the look, the mic skills, the gimmick and I always loved the fact that there was more than na element of truth in most things he cut promos about and the American audiences hated home truths. A fantastic character.

This got me looking at other old heels and ended up with some cracking characters in the WWF of the late 80s and early 90s especially who never got their day in the sun. Guys who, had they been about today would have probably been right at the very top of the tree. My three favourites in this regard were:

Mr. Perfect - The gimmick, the vignettes of him shooting hoops and hitting home runs and cutting fantastic promos, the excellently chosen entance music and the fact that he was one of the best wrestlers I've ever seen and had probably one of my favourite finishers. His IC title match with Bret Hart at Summerslam 91 is one of my favourite matches ever.

The Million Dollar Man - DiBiase was a superb character, aside from his 'buying' of the title back in 86 he never really got close to the title (or even the IC title, which is astounding). He was a guy people loved to hate and consistently so, rather than pit Hogan against monsters like Bundy and a barely mobile Giant, they should have been sticking him in with DiBiase or the next fella.

Ravishing Rick Rude - Before Val Venis (blegh), before Shawn Michaels, before John Morrison.....the most vain wrestling character in history and way ahead of his time. He was a natural heel in that he pushed the envelope at a time when the WWF was very much a family affair in the conservative 1980s the women loved it and the guys despised him for it. The fact that he was a solid talker, had bags of charisma and wasn't a typical cowardly heel character but rather, for the most part, a fighter, should have made Rude at least get a decent run at a number one contenders storyline.

Any other suggestions? I'd also have stuck Scott Hall in his Razor Ramon guise in there, but I think had he stuck it out in the WWF along with Nash, he'd have found himself in the main event eventually anyway. (And the history of wrestling would have taken a very dramatic turn).

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They names are shite. Why cant they just keep them the way they were? Nothing wrong with things like Judgment Day etc. They should bring back King Of The Ring, you canny beat a good tourney or a PPV. Survivor Series 1998 was amazing cause of a tourney.

Aye, those names are pish. Whats with the just naming them after types of matches?


One of the best Rumbles ever IMO.

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There has been a lot of controversy this week about me mentoring Daniel Bryan on WWE's new show, WWE NXT.

I've read a lot of interviews, blogs, ect. about the matter and they all seem to be asking the same thing. "Why is The Miz mentoring Daniel Bryan when Daniel Bryan has wrestled all over the world for 10 years plus?"

It's come to my knowledge that some members of the WWE Universe think they know everything about WWE and what it takes to be a WWE Superstar. They think that if a guy does well in the independent minor leagues, then all of a sudden he should be in the WWE.

They think that if a guy can main event in front of a hundred people at a bingo hall, then he's ready to main event at WrestleMania. Just because fans on the Internet say you’re ready doesn't mean you really are.

Just because a fat guy with no teeth who sits in the front row, buys your T-shirt and says you're the king of wrestling, doesn't mean you really are.

What the WWE Universe doesn't understand is there is so much more then I can describe in a single blog involved in being successful in the WWE.

My job is to make Daniel Bryan a star in the WWE, because let's face it, if you look at a picture of him right now, do you think STAR?

No, Daniel Bryan looks like my accountant ... ordinary and bland.

Maybe if he had The Miz's charisma and look, he would have been in the WWE by now. Don't hate on me because it didn't take me a decade to get a WWE contract and go down in WWE history to be the first Superstar to win the United States Title and Unified Tag Team Titles.

Don't get me wrong, Daniel Bryan has all the talent in the world, but every wrestler has weaknesses. And that's what my job is, to find his weakness and make him the biggest star possible.

I just hope Daniel Bryan doesn't believe himself what these ignorant members of the WWE Universe believe about him, or WWE NXT is going to be a nightmare for him.


He has spoken.

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Brilliant TNA remix video from a few years back, condensing an episode of Impact into sitcom form. It also includes that Angle/JB segment I mentioned a few pages back.


Thats awesome :lol::lol::lol:

Also, that Miz blog is absolutely correct, what a guy. He really is AWESOME!!!

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There's so many places they can go with Miz and Danielson. One way I'm sure they'll take it is having Miz change Danielson's look; just after signing for WWE, Bryan posted a pic of himself on facebook with a weird pretty boy-ish look; flashy singlet etc.

In an interview, JoMo said that upon seeing the graphic flash up for it, he laughed and said to Miz "he knows more than you do!" :D

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Just me or does anyone else think this is one of the best matches ever? biggrin.gif


Why is there no sound? Heenan and Schvionne? were an excellent partnership. TNA desperately needs a Schvionne, Styles or JR as Tenay doesn't really cut it.

Hassan was meant to win the title at Summerslam before he had to be taken out of the show.

That is astonishing. I unaware of that, if the WWE had gone through with that, I would have made him keep the title until Wrestlemania to draw a serious amount of heat towards Hassan.

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The Miz isn't right, he's a fucking tit (although his character is ace). It's this kind of attitude that's holding the WWE back and causing the scene to become stale.

John Cena



Jeff Hardy

Randy Orton

The Rock

Kofi Kingston


Drew McIntyre


All of the above never had the experience of wrestling in front of loads of fans. They all had to go through the 'bingo hall' route of the WWE 'minor leagues' or the UK scene yet all have had great success in the WWE (clearly some more than others). In fact Cena, Orton and the Rock had to create their own characters to get success because what the WWE gave them was so shit it wasn't working. Edge had to turn heel and become more like he supposedly is to become a really big star.

Really a guy like Danielson has a vast amount of experience and shouldn't have to be babysat when he's probably better than at least half of the roster. Surely he has wrestled in front of big crowds anyway in the likes of Japan? He knows how to work a crowd both in terms of wrestling and mic skills. He's worked with many different oppenents and many different styles. He's worked many different types of matches. He's worked with and learned from veterans. He's worked in front of different crowds. He has a great and well rounded skill set that should see him on the main roster right away. Instead he's being taught to 'work' like everyone else and therefore losing any individuality he could bring to the WWE and will probably just be lost in the mix because he won't stand out because he won't be allowed to stand out.

The WWE attitude is one of stupid fucking arrogance that smells so badly of shit that it may one day ruin them.

Edited by DA Baracus
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The thing I find incredible about the Hassan character is that it was played so well that it was beleivable and realistic yet the part was played by an New York/Italian. I loved the character but he had some of the worst luck imaginable with the timing of his storylines. I actually think it could work still if they wanted to do so, although he would need to get Daivari back.

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The thing I find incredible about the Hassan character is that it was played so well that it was beleivable and realistic yet the part was played by an New York/Italian. I loved the character but he had some of the worst luck imaginable with the timing of his storylines. I actually think it could work still if they wanted to do so, although he would need to get Daivari back.

Aye it is hard to believe he wasn't actually an Arab-American given how well he played the part. You're right about Khosrow as well, he added to the whole effect.

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All of the above never had the experience of wrestling in front of loads of fans. They all had to go through the 'bingo hall' route of the WWE 'minor leagues' or the UK scene yet all have had great success in the WWE (clearly some more than others). In fact Cena, Orton and the Rock had to create their own characters to get success because what the WWE gave them was so shit it wasn't working. Edge had to turn heel and become more like he supposedly is to become a really big star.

Nothing you're actually saying there is actually anything to do with any of the points The Miz was making though. What he says doesn't contradict a single thing you have said. All of those guys had to spend a couple of years on the full time WWE roster to get their success. Apart from Sheamus, and his title reign is just full of success as we can all see. The Miz's point is that Danielson can't just waltz in and expect to be seen as the best in the world. Just like all of those before him, he'll be starting from scratch.

Really a guy like Danielson has a vast amount of experience and shouldn't have to be babysat when he's probably better than at least half of the roster. Surely he has wrestled in front of big crowds anyway in the likes of Japan? He knows how to work a crowd both in terms of wrestling and mic skills. He's worked with many different oppenents and many different styles. He's worked many different types of matches. He's worked with and learned from veterans. He's worked in front of different crowds. He has a great and well rounded skill set that should see him on the main roster right away. Instead he's being taught to 'work' like everyone else and therefore losing any individuality he could bring to the WWE and will probably just be lost in the mix because he won't stand out because he won't be allowed to stand out.

He has wrestled in front of big crowds for WWE too, but that's not to say that it actually means anything. He'll now be expected to do this week in week out for a living rather than one off tours that end with one big show every two months. And the WWE style is very very different to the styles he has wrestled before. The only promotion he has worked for that will REALLY help him with his move is the All Star Wrestling he did on these shores. Other than that, he'll be on a bit of a learning curve. In that respect, The Miz is more experienced than Danielson, and has perfected his gimmick. If there's one place Danielson will have to brush up, that'll be it.

Lets remember that CM Punk took a while to get adjusted to the WWE style of things, and he was a guy who had very much the same experience as Danielson had. CM Punk took a few months to get into the groove, but when he did, he had some cracking matches on ECW. Is Danielson coming in this way really any worse than any other way he could have come in ? Would you rather he be a jobber for months on end ? Who's to say that he won't tire of The Miz and then go on his own ? The only way you can really say that this is a bad idea is if you actually know how it's all going to turn out. You don't.

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Oh, wrestling at Greenock Town Hall tomorrow night. Nice and convinient for myself and the card looks amazing.

PBW Tag Team Championships

CJ Hunter and Johnny Star © vs. Liam Thompson and Chaos

Wolfgang and Lionheart vs. Project Ego ( Kris Travis and Martin Kirby )

Darkside vs. Bubblegum

El Ligero vs. Noam Dar

Joey Hayes vs. BT Gunn

Red Lightning vs. "The Butcher" Scott Renwick

Some of the very best from south of the border in this one too. The tag team match not for the titles is the main event and should be a cracker. BT Gunn might not be fit, but if he is, the match with Hayes will probably steal the show. Darkside vs. Bubblegum is Gum's last match up here because he wants to spend more time with his family. They had a pure corker in PBW before and this will probably better it because it's Bubblegum's last PBW match.

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