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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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While WWE revealed a few more details regarding the format of NXT on last night's show, they have still yet to make an official mention of what the winner of season one receives.

There have been several ideas thrown around such as the first place guy getting a RAW deal and the second place guy getting a SmackDown spot but that idea didn't come across too well. There is talk also of having something along the lines of two winners, putting them on each brand as a way of not burying one of the brands.

Talk about shitting on Smackdown....thats an awful idea. They should have the winner choosing which brand they want to wrestle on and have the runner up go straight into the opposite one. Also if they want to find the next star then why not allow the fans to vote for the winner.

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I was considering posting that tonight as well. I especially love the ending.

"Not for me."

The RAW side of things for Wrestlemania has been phenomenal. Why can't Smackdown get beyond their usual lethargic state ?

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I was considering posting that tonight as well. I especially love the ending.

"Not for me."

The RAW side of things for Wrestlemania has been phenomenal. Why can't Smackdown get beyond their usual lethargic state ?

Deep down we all know that Taker and HBK can't beat what they did last year...but this match is WrestleMania for me this year, I'm not particularly bothered by anything else compared to this one. I jus love the whole video,it's one of the best ones I can remember in a long, long time. I love the song they used for it too...it just fits so well with HBK's character the past few weeks.

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Hopefully Taker vs HBK has a clean finish however if the match is on last then i have a feeling it will either end in a draw or Triple H is going to cost Shawn Michaels his career. It would make sense considering HBK hasn't been interested in HHH lately and has shown little interest in the tag titles, while Triple H's promo on Raw seemed to give off the wrong impression. Additionally i don't think the Undertakers streak will be broken by Michaels, it will be saved for an upcomer.

Edited by Parscelona
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I think Batista was at the same point as Edge before he got injured. Thye had played their characters for so long that they went stale. Edge has come back and turned face and it's worked. Batistas character was crying out for a change and so far so good. On the issue of what he was wearing...since the heel turn his attire has been getting camper and camper. I'm predicting one day he will hit the ring in assless chaps or something.

I was more wondering about the (at least) two new tattoos he seems to have had done since last week. Enough already Dave.

Really enjoyed this week's Raw apart from the guest hosts bit. That was a bit weird and "druggie" for WWE these days.

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The RAW side of things for Wrestlemania has been phenomenal. Why can't Smackdown get beyond their usual lethargic state ?

because 2 of their top stars are involved in the "RAW side of things" maybe?

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Just watched NXT.

Not quite up to par with last week's effort but a decent show nontheless.

Danielsson loses quite easily to the big English guy after selling heavily on the injured ribs from last week, tries to do a springboard off the top rope and misses the rope, the big fella slams him down and that's all she wrote.

Regal had a few genuine LOL moments as he berated his annoying arsehole of a rookie mid-match, he really is feckin great, love the fact that there's never any character with Regal, he's just a constantly irked Engliahman and it works brilliantly, not sure the American audience have ever quite gotten his sense of humour quite like the Brits though. Matt Hardy's South African lad looks like a solid high flyer, nice 450 on Regal to win.

So far:

Good: Brian Danielson, Justin Gabriel (even if he does look like Matt Willis from Busted and I'm a Celebrity)

Not sure: David Otunga, Wade Barrett, Michael Tarver, Skip Sheffield (decent powerhouse in ring, but a total tadger)

Shiiiite: Heath Slater, Darren Young

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This has me buying WrestleMania before I even know half the card:


Am I the only one who thinks this is a phenomenal promo video?

That is a very good promo video, and you are right. This match wil be nowhere near as good as last years. Anyone know the song for this promo and what the AC/DC song at the end is?

Deep down we all know that Taker and HBK can't beat what they did last year...but this match is WrestleMania for me this year, I'm not particularly bothered by anything else compared to this one. I jus love the whole video,it's one of the best ones I can remember in a long, long time. I love the song they used for it too...it just fits so well with HBK's character the past few weeks.

Nothing comes close to this.


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because 2 of their top stars are involved in the "RAW side of things" maybe?

So why is Smackdown not being used for the build too then ? It'll be good when the Smackdown side of the card gets going obviously, but with RAW on such a hot streak at the moment, it's a shame to see them fall behind.

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That video is fucking ace! WWE have always been excellent in that department and this is just one area where they utterly thrash the competition.

The song used is a Placbo song if I'm not mistaken, but don't know what it is. Just type Placebo into Youtube and try some of them. Most likely to be a newer one though as I think they released a new album not too long ago.

Is the AC/DC song not from their recent album?

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