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Mo Wonderboy

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Just caught up with the first few episodes of the new season of NXT. Michael Cole is just immense right now. They need to turn him heel full time. And he better not actually be leaving NXT, cause he is the only reason to watch it.

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With Bravo getting closed down im more bothered about where Dog the Bounty Hunter will end up:o

I would be amazed if TNA ends up on sky sports though. Vince wont stand for Sky showing the opposition, especially with TNA's decent viewing figures in this country.

I would imagine extreme sports, espn or even virgin might pick it up

Virgin don't any channels to show it on, though. Extreme Sports does seem the most likely if Sky do decide to dump the contract, I suppose we'll find out fairly soon.

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ROH Dragon Gate USA : Enter the Dragon 2010

I wonder what match on this show will be the mega showstealer which every DGUSA show inevitably has. There's a couple of right shifty looking matches on here but there's also some really awesome looking matches. I'm hoping that Mochizuki continues his awesomeness. They're in the ECW/CZW Arena which ensures that the crowd is gonna be uber-hot.

CIMA vs. Johnny Gargano ( ***1/2 )

Adam Cole vs. Arik Cannon vs. Chuck Taylor vs. Ricochet ( **** )

Drake Younger vs. Naruki Doi ( **1/2 )

Scott Reed vs. Rich Swann ( N/A )

Kamikaze USA vs. Mike Quackenbush, Hallowicked, Jigsaw and Masato Yoshino ( *** )

BxB Hulk © vs. Masaaki Mochizuki - Open the Freedom Gate Championship ( ***1/4 )

CIMA vs. Johnny Gargano

This is an impromptu challenge from Johnny. Johnny then slaps CIMA. This isn't going to end well for him. Left hands from Johnny and then CIMA with right hands and then slaps to the chest. Slaps and chops. Running Back Elbow and an Enziguri sends CIMA to the apron. Rolling Kick from Johnny. SUICIDE DIVE FROM GARGANO !!! Johnny with a series of chops and then he bites the head of CIMA. Back into the ring they go. Dropkick to the back of the head gets a two count. Neckbreaker from Johnny and that gets a two count. Chop sends down CIMA and then he sends him into the ropes. Sunset Flip but CIMA then with the Double Stomp to the face and then the Standing Senton Bomb and that changes things early. Kicks to the leg from CIMA and then a snap of the leg. He keeps down Johnny and slams the leg into the canvas and he does that HARD. CIMA then locks in a Modified Mexican Surfboard. He has the legs locked with his own. That's rather nice. He then adds the Chinlock which seems to be the standard these days for this move. He then goes to the hair, so Johnny bites. CIMA goes back to the knee. Full Nelson from CIMA. Johnny gets into the corner and he's bent. Dropkick to the ass from CIMA. Elbow strike to the back of the head. Kick to the chest from CIMA. CIMA runs into a boot but lands the Venus and sends Johnny to the apron. Slaps from CIMA. JOHNNY WITH A SLINGSHOT SPEAR ON CIMA !!! Niiiiiice. Elbows to the back of the head. Kicks and knees from Johnny and then a Spin Kick. CIMA has enough and picks Johnny up. O'Connor Roll from Johnny and then he locks in a Bow and Arrow Hold of sorts. CIMA tries a fight back and he's going to work on CIMA with stomps. Russian Legsweep gets a two count for Johnny. CIMA avoids a Suplex. CIMA into the ropes. LUNGBLOWER FROM CIMA !!! "OO !!" SLINGSHOT DOUBLE STOMP FROM CIMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Johnny is in the corner now. CIMA now onto the apron. To the top rope. Sunset Flip off the top gets a two count. Double Knees in the corner from both men. LAWN DART FROM JOHNNY !!! SUPERKICK FROM JOHNNY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! The fans are right into this. Chops from Johnny. Lawn Dart missed. SUPERKICK FROM CIMA !!! SCHWEIN ... countered. PERFECT DRIVER FROM CIMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CIMA can't believe Gargano got away from that one. Johnny now in the Tree of Woe. Basement Dropkick. COAST 2 COAST DROPKICK FROM CIMA !!! SCHWEIN FROM CIMA !!! METEORA FROM CIMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Johnny Gargano looked great in defeat here. CIMA's realisation that he had to hit every big bomb he had one after the other was a good thing. Johnny Gargano controlled most of the match. I don't think he's a great fit for Dragon Gate USA but he's a decent enough wrestler and should continue to look good if he's given the right kind of push like he was here. ***1/2

Adam Cole vs. Arik Cannon vs. Chuck Taylor vs. Ricochet

Guys like Cole and Ricochet would do well in Dragon Gate style six man tag. Cannon and Ricochet are going to start the match. Lockup and Cannon goes behind. I'll call Ricochet Ric for my own ease. Ric kicks away Cannon. Lockup and a Headlock from Cannon and he lands a forearm. Arm Ringer from Cannon and then Ric with a counter. Cannon with some chain stuff and he takes down Ric. Hammerlock from Cannon. Chop from Ric and then into the ropes. Arm Drag is slightly botched. In comes Taylor. Arm Drag on Taylor which is countered and Taylor lands a Dropkick. Cole and Taylor in the ring. Arm Drags from Cole. He misses a third and gets chopped down. Cole sends Taylor to the floor. SUICIDE DIVE FROM COLE TO TAYLOR !!! Ric into the ropes and he runs into a Back Elbow. Tilt-a-Whirl Rana sends Cannon to the floor. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP FROM TAYLOR TO CANNON AND COLE !!! RIC WITH A CORKSCREW SPACE FLYING TIGER DROP !!! WHOA !!! That's an insane move. Back into the ring they go. Ric onto the apron to the top rope. Taylor crotches him there. SUNSET BOMB/SUPER REVERSE SUPLEX !!! EXPLODER INTO THE CORNER FROM CANNON TO COLE !!! BRAINBUSTER ... stopped. Northern Lights Suplex from Cole to Cannon gets a two count. Chops from both men now. Slap to the face from Cannon. Forearm from Cole. SUPERKICK FROM COLE !!! BRUTAL LARIAT FROM CANNON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Taylor takes Cole's place. Both men with counters. SOUL FOOD !!! YAKUZA KICK FROM TAYLOR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Taylor runs into a boot. HANDSPRING RANA AND A STANDING SHOOTING STAR FROM RICOCHET !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... COLE SAVES !!! CRADLE BREAKER ON RICOCHET FROM COLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! BACKSLIDE DRIVER FROM RICOCHET !!! SWINGING DDT ON TAYLOR !!! HE RUNS RIGHT INTO A LEG LARIAT !!! Right hand from Cannon. TOTAL ANARCHY ON COLE FROM CANNON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Richochet and Cannon do battle now. OCEAN CYCLONE SUPLEX SENDS RICHOCHET ONTO THE APRON !!! Cole to the top and he lands a Cross Body on Cannon who's in the ring. This is crazy action. COLLATERAL FROM COLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BRAINBUSTER ON COLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Cole is now set on the top rope and Cannon goes up. Cole then with a comeback. Palm strike on Cole. Ricochet back into the ring. Spinebuster on Richochet. MOONSAULT FROM CANNON ... MISSES !!! PANAMA SUNRISE ON CANNON !!! DOUBLE KNEES OFF THE TOP !!! DOUBLE FUCKING MOONSAULT MISSES !!! WOW !!! WAFFLE WAFFLE FROM TAYLOR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEE !!!

Well fuck me, THAT is a spotfest. Ricochet looked like a Dragon Gate star in the making in this one. I was surprised at how little chance Cole was given to shine as he is capable of much more than he showed. I also loved the hard hitting from Cannon. Superb match though. Should have been the opener. ****

Drake Younger vs. Naruki Doi

Here's a test. Naruki Doi is not typical of the sort of opponent that Younger would face in a non-garbage match. Basically, Younger will be coming out of his comfort zone for this match. Lockup and against the ropes they go. Lockup and again they go against the ropes. Clean break again. Kick from Drake and then into the ropes he goes. Arm Drag is blocked nicely from Drake and then he sends Doi to the floor. CANNONBALL OFF OF THE APRON ... HITS NOTHING BUT CONCRETE !!! Drake seems to have hurt his knee and that is now the focal point for Doi now. He rams the knee into the apron. Into the ring they now go. Kicks to the knee from Doi. More kicking to the knee from Doi. Knee over the middle rope and he does some stretching. Running Dropkick to the knee from Doi. Drake tries to kick back, but eats another Dropkick to the knee. Doi now stretches the knee using his own. Drake gets into the bottom rope. Dragon Screw then from Doi. Knee Breaker from Doi and then another and then a Back Drop Suplex and that gets a two count. In the corner and Doi stands on the knee of Drake. Drake stops an Irish Whip. Dropkick to the knee again from Doi. Doi jumps and gets caught. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM DRAKE DROPS DOI ON HIS HEAD !!! Shoulder Tackles from Drake. Doi avoids something. Elbows from Drake. Running Back Elbow from Doi. DOI 555 .. misses. Diving Lariat gets a two count for Drake. Drake into the ropes and he's sent onto the apron. Shotgun Dropkick from Doi. CANNONBALL ACROSS THE BACK FROM DOI !!! School Boy gets a two count for Younger. Both men with counters. SITDOWN DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM DRAKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! DRAKE'S LANDING ... stopped. DOI LANDS DRAKE ON HIS HEAD !!! Drake misses a charge. CANNONBALL IN THE CORNER FROM DOI !!! DOI 555 !!! BAKATARE SLIDING KICK FROM DOI AFTER AN AWESOME FLURRY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Standard stuff really to make Naruki Doi look strong. Drake kept his offense simple and that was a good idea, while Doi controlled the match and never looked in any danger. **1/2

Scott Reed vs. Rich Swann

If this match manages to grab my attention, I'll be impressed. The fans chant the name of Swann. Apparently these two had a match earlier in the day. Lockup and a Headlock from Reed. Headlock from Reed and he throws Rich away. Headlock from Rich. Rich into the ropes and then a Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Reed. That gets a two count. Reed into the ropes and he flips over. Wheelbarrow Stunner from Rich. BRUTAL Release German Suplex from Reed gets a two count. Knee is caught by Rich and that gets a two count. Spin kick from Rich. HURRICANE KICK FROM RICH !!! Rolling Samoan Drop. STANDING MOONSAULT !!! STANDING 450 SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Squash match. Nothing to see here. N/A

Kamikaze USA vs. Mike Quackenbush, Hallowicked, Jigsaw and Masato Yoshino

Kamikaze USA are represented by Gran Akuma, Jon Moxley, Akira Tozawa and YAMATO. This match is elimination rules. It's going to be a wee bit mental I suspect. Kamikaze attack right off the bat from behind and they brawl to the floor. YAMATO and Quack now in the ring. Moxley goes into the railing. YAMATO and Quack then exchange right hands. Forearms from Quack and then Moxley attacks from behind. He then chokes Quack. YAMATO and Moxley are laying on the beating on Quack. Headbutt from Moxley and he now pairs off with Quack to get this thing going properly. Slap to the chest. Quack charges both YAMATO and Moxley to the floor. MOONSAULT PRESS OFF THE TOP FROM QUACK !!! Yoshino and Akira now in the ring to face off. Yoshino into the ropes and he lands the big Dropkick sending Akira to the floor. Hallowicked and Akuma into the ring. Akuma with a kick. Wicked springs and get the Arm Drag. Arm Drag again from Wicked and then a Shoulder Charge. Standing Iconoclasm gets a two count for Wicked. Wicked into the ropes and Akuma jumps into a Fireman's Carry. SLEEPY HOLLOW !!! Michinoku Driver from Jigsaw gets a two count. Akuma to the floor and then Akira comes in and he lands some chops. Moxley now into the match. Standing Suplex from Moxley and then into the corner and in comes YAMATO. YAMATO then with chops but Jigsaw comes back into the match. YAMATO with a Clothesline in the corner. Akuma into the ring now and Akira and Akuma with choking with boots. Moxley then behind the back of the referee does some damage. Akuma locks in the Octopus Stretch. Akuma gets a two count from that. YAMATO with a cheap shot to Quack. Slam from Akuma and then he heads for the top rope. MOONSAULT FROM AKUMA ... MISSES !!! Jigsaw backs into the corner and then Akuma kicks him down. SUPER RANA FROM JIGSAW TO COUNTER THE JOKER DRIVER !!! Wicked now tagged into the match. Running Rana. Big Boot on Moxley. SKY HIGH ON AKIRA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Forearm from Wicked and the hip attack but a boot from Wicked gets a two count. SLEEPY HOLLOW ... COUNTERED TO THE SAITO SUPLEX !!! Kamikaze work over Wicked. GALLERIA FROM YAMATO !!! Hallowicked is eliminated.

Jigsaw into the ring and he makes Kamikaze collide in the middle of the ring. Kick to the back of the head. SWINGING DDT ON AKUMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... MOXLEY SAVES !!! Quack into the ring. Sweep from Quack. Double Gutbuster and then a Dropkick from Jigsaw. Dropkick in the corner and one from Quack and then Yoshino. Dropkick Senton from Yoshino. SUICIDE DIVE ONTO AKUMA AND AKIRA !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM JIGSAW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SUPERKICK ... stopped. CROSSFACE CHICKENWING SUPLEX DROPS JIGSAW ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TW ... KICKOUT !!! WHOA !!! SUPERKICK FROM JIGSAW !!! LARIAT FROM MOXLEY !!! KICKOUT AT ONE !!! YAMATO into the ring now and Moxley brings in a chair. CHAIR TO THE HEAD OF JIGSAW !!! DQ !!! John Moxley is eliminated.

Jimmy Jacobs goes out and deals with Moxley. GALLERIA ON JIGSAW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Jigsaw is eliminated.

Quack tries a couple of roll ups. Akira sweeps down Quack. Yoshino and Akira now into the ring. SLING BLADE FROM YOSHINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Yoshino to the top rope. Dropkick misses. Akira onto the apron. SPRINGBOARD SPLASH ... MISSES !!! SENTON SPLASH FROM AKIRA !!! GERMAN SUPLEX FROM AKIRA ... Yoshino escapes. Tilt-a-Whirl Slam from Akira gets a two count. Quack and Akuma into the ring. DOUBLE KNEE GUTBUSTER ON QUACK FROM AKUMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Falcon Arrow. FROG SPLASH FROM AKUMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Quack blocks the Irish Whip. Fireman's Gutbuster from Akuma. WHIPLASH INTO A POWERBOMB FROM QUACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Gran Akuma is out.


That was a nice wee match there. The action was messy as hell in the opening minutes. I can't help but feel that the match would have been better without the likes of Gran Akuma, Hallowicked and Jon Moxley in there. It was a good payoff though. ***

BxB Hulk © vs. Masaaki Mochizuki - Open the Freedom Gate Championship

BxB Hulk's entrance gives me goosebumps every time I see it. It is absolutely the best thing ever, and I'm gutted that we won't see it again, but at the same time, I feel almost honoured to have seen it live. Hulk then shows off his lovely new bald head. Lockup and against the ropes they go. We have a clean break from there. Lockup and against the ropes they go again and the fans liked that. They then lock hands and Hulk with a wee kick. Moch with a HUGE kick. Moch then into the ropes and he runs into a Dropkick. He pops up. Big kick from Moch misses and Hulk moves and we have a stalemate. Kicks from Moch. Kicks from Hulk and Moch now and he sends him to the floor. Kicks from Hulk. Moch misses a big knee against the ringpost and then into the ring they go. Kick from Moch and then he runs right into a Dropkick to the knee and Moch heads back to the floor. Kicks to the leg out there from Hulk and then he stretches the leg over the railing and lands some elbows. Kick to the leg from Hulk and then the same again. He then twists at the knee. Kicks to the leg and then he drops his weight on the leg. Hulk locks in a submission and Moch finds the ropes. Hulk then stretches the knee over the middle rope and gets a spin kick to the knee. Cloverleaf from Hulk then follows that and he's really putting the hurt on that leg. Hulk and Moch then battle with strikes, and Moch kicks down Hulk. Moch misses a charge. Hulk tries a springboard and misses and gets sent to the floor. Moch then heads to the floor and lands a big kick. More kicks to the chest from Moch. Hulk misses a kick and it hits the ringpost and then back onto the apron they go. Knee Breaker on the apron. Running kick to the leg which is over the bottom rope and now Moch is the one doing the damage. Moch then snaps back on the leg of Hulk. Hulk finds his way to the bottom rope. Knee Breaker and then a chop block from Moch. Figure Four Leglock from Moch and he locks that in. Hulk fights his way close to the bottom rope but Moch pulls him back into the middle. Hulk is doing his best and he finds his way into the bottom rope. Figure Four Leglock and Hulk kicks him. More kicks from Hulk and Moch doesn't care much for that and KILLS Hulk with a big kick. Hulk still isn't having it. Enziguri ... COUNTERED TO THE ANKLE LOCK FROM MOCHIZUKI !!! HE ADDS THE GRAPEVINE TO THE MOVE !!! Hulk finds his way to the bottom rope yet again. More kicking from both men and it's clear that Moch has the advantage. Knee Breaker is missed. Spin Kicks from both men. Both men with kicks in the head. Hulk onto the apron and he lands the Springboard Dropkick. Hulk has Moch tied up and lands an overhead kick. BERMUDA TRIANGLE MOONSAULT FROM HULK !!! Is that some sort of message to Dragon Kid there ? Both men then get back into the ring. Kicks from Hulk. Sweep. STANDING CORKSCREW SENTON FROM HULK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Hulk into the ropes. SCISSOR KICK !!! ROCK BOTTOM FROM HULK !!! Back to the feet gets Moch and he lands a big boot. YAKUZA KICK IN THE CORNER FROM MOCH !!! Tree of Woe for Moch. Kicks to the chest there. Kick to the back from Moch. Release German is blocked by Hulk. FIRST FLASH FROM HULK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! EVO ... countered. MOUSE !!! Lariat from Hulk. SUPERKICK ... blocked. Spin Kick to the head. KNOCKOUT KICK FROM MOCH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! TWISTER FROM MOCHIZUKI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Right hand and Hulk blocks the springboard. Headbutt knocks down Hulk but he gets the Spinning Heel Kick. Hulk heads for the top rope and Moch stops. SUPER BRAINBUSTER FROM MOCHIZUKI !!! Hulk on the middle buckle. RUNNING SPIN KICK IN THE CORNER FROM MOCHIZUKI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Hulk blocks the Reverse Suplex. EVO FROM HULK DROPS MOCHIZUKI ON HIS HEAD !!! Moch blocks a kick. Spin Kick to the head and both men exchange. YAKUZA KICK IN THE CORNER FROM HULK !!! He has Moch. SUPER EVO FROM HULK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTTT !!! How did he manage that one ?! Slam from Hulk and he heads up top. PHOENIX SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTT !!! FIRST FLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was not wrestled like a main event. Felt like it should have been placed firmly in the midcard. It didn't help that nobody really bought Mochizuki winning the title from Hulk. ***1/4

It lacks the super match that has been on previous shows. I think that the big elimination match was supposed to be that match, but there was too much shit in it for it to be anything special. Amazing that a showcase match turned out to be the match of the night. Still a good solid night and most promotions would kill for a PPV with this consistancy.

I'll be doing ROH's latest PPV next, Glory By Honor IX. World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Kings of Wrestling~~!!

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Precitions for night of champions ?

Taker, Orton, Danielson, Kingston, Melina, Big Show.

If Jericho's stipulation on himself is still in effect then I could see him winning. I would rather CM Punk win, but I think the rest of the SES will interfere and allow Show to pick up the win. The ladies match will also end with Laycool fighting each other.

Edited by forehead7
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I'm going for ...

Kane ( they'll wait for Hell in a Cell to pull the trigger I reckon )


The Miz

Kofi Kingston


The Big Show

I have no idea why I think Sheamus will win. It's just one of them feelings. I gotta feeling, WOO HOO !!!

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What's the tag-team match?

There isn't one announced but as the whole idea of NoC is that every title is on the line, I'm sure Jambo is just having a guess. Pretty good shout actually.

Also leaves the question .. who do you think would make the best tag team out of Nexus? Surely Gabriel and someone.

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Sometimes, the UKFF really can bring the goods.

BACKSTORY : A poster called UK Hat Guy does an annual list of the best UK wrestlers voted for by the members of the UKFF, but this year, he has added a Shitlist. This is also voted for by the members.

One of the names included is a guy named Surf Graffiti. It's no good posting the original post as it has been editted, but it made claims about his family. It should be noted at this point that any comments come from members of the forum anonymously and not from UKHG. With that in mind ...

Things take an odd turn.

Edited by DomDom
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Sometimes, the UKFF really can bring the goods.

BACKSTORY : A poster called UK Hat Guy does an annual list of the best UK wrestlers voted for by the members of the UKFF, but this year, he has added a Shitlist. This is also voted for by the members.

One of the names included is a guy named Surf Graffiti. It's no good posting the original post as it has been editted, but it made claims about his family. It should be noted at this point that any comments come from members of the forum anonymously and not from UKHG. With that in mind ...

Things take an odd turn.

What a tadger.

Big tough Wrestler getting his mammy to phone the polis. :lol:

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Sometimes, the UKFF really can bring the goods.

BACKSTORY : A poster called UK Hat Guy does an annual list of the best UK wrestlers voted for by the members of the UKFF, but this year, he has added a Shitlist. This is also voted for by the members.

One of the names included is a guy named Surf Graffiti. It's no good posting the original post as it has been editted, but it made claims about his family. It should be noted at this point that any comments come from members of the forum anonymously and not from UKHG. With that in mind ...

Things take an odd turn.

Oh. My. God. :lol:

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