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Mo Wonderboy

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A waste to who? TNA gain another household name and potentially if used as a tag team, then one of the most popular tag teams ever.

Certainly not a waste for TNA for those reasons.

Incase you mean a waste in terms of his own career, then I think TNA is the right move for him, he isn't getting the spotlight and will be waaaay behind in terms of an IC/US title shot, younger, better guys are ahead of him, McIntyre, Rhodes, Ziggler, Kingston ect ect. He also talks about wanting to settle down more and be closer to his family and living in Orlando will be a lot closer to S.Carolina and he will get to hang out with Shannon Moore and Jeff dailly at work, perhaps forming a stable. It's a no brainer than TNA will be better for Matt with his personal issues and also for his career now that he finds himself well down the card and also burning his bridges with WWE.

In terms of his own personal life yeah, it's a good move, but as far as his career goes, this would pretty much see him in stalemate.

Even Jeff Hardy, a super over main event player in WWE and a hot commodity manages to sort of blend into the rest of the roster. It's why I always say that Christian is better off in WWE as well. Both Christian and Matt Hardy will be seen more and will be making more money and selling more merch in WWE than they would in TNA.

The only thing that would benefit them in TNA would be moving into the main event, but Matt Hardy has just as much of a chance in WWE as he has in TNA as he's charisma-less fat f**k. Christian would probably settle back into the main event scene though if he were to go back. He'll be happy with his steady spot in WWE. He was a big player in TNA and wasn't happy there. That says all that needs to be said about how much that mattered to him. Probably matters as much as it does to anyone who isn't a TNA diehard.

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Thanks for the spoiler.

We all knew Y2J was going to be off tv for months, an injury angle was obvious, unless he was to just quit or get sacked. None of which would have been a suprise.

Hope he comes back with long hair, beard and tights oppossed to trunks.... and goes face.

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Christian would probably settle back into the main event scene though if he were to go back. He'll be happy with his steady spot in WWE. He was a big player in TNA and wasn't happy there.

I think he left for the WWE in part because he hoped that he might get in the title picture there too as he took a step down to TNA and showed that he could go on a title run, show he can make a decent champion and deserves to be in amongst the top guys in a company. Yet he isn't getting anywhere near the title picture in WWE.

It's one of those things where you can either be happy to sit back and keep cashing the cheques or you can take a step down and win belts and wrestle.

A bit like getting the choice to win medals every year at Rangers and getting respect from the fans and being a big name in the league or chosing to double your wage and play at championship level boro on a high wage but winning f**k all. (Using Kris Boyd situation to show the big pond small fish metaphor/analogy/whichever)

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He DID think that being in the main event scene in TNA would be better and ultimately found out it meant nothing.

Winning belts doesn't really matter when the belts have f**k all prestige. I'd be happier with the fucking tag belts in TNA than I would be winning the main prize.

Most wrestlers in WWE will be happy to sit in the midcard because they are competing on the grandest stage of them all. Whether they are in the lower half or the top half of the card, what they are doing is still much more important than anything else that's going on in the wrestling world.

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A waste to who? TNA gain another household name and potentially if used as a tag team, then one of the most popular tag teams ever.

Incase you mean a waste in terms of his own career, then I think TNA is the right move for him, he isn't getting the spotlight and will be waaaay behind in terms of an IC/US title shot, younger, better guys are ahead of him, McIntyre, Rhodes, Ziggler, Kingston ect ect. He also talks about wanting to settle down more and be closer to his family and living in Orlando will be a lot closer to S.Carolina and he will get to hang out with Shannon Moore and Jeff dailly at work, perhaps forming a stable. It's a no brainer than TNA will be better for Matt with his personal issues and also for his career now that he finds himself well down the card and also burning his bridges with WWE.

IMO Christian should be back in TNA too, smaller pond but I'm sure he would rather be getting attention, wrestling in PPVs and having the chance to win belts. WWE is very much moving onto this new younger wave of talent and it is pushing some established pros down the pecking order.

As for the "they" I sadly feel like it could be Nash, Sting, Hall and Steiner backed up by Hogan and Bischoff, which will surely fail but also if it was done correctly it might be half decent.... still hope thats not it though.

TNA already have enough big names there. The problem is that they deploy stupid plotlines and they shoot themselves in the foot too often. The crowd won't take to him, the Impact Zone are all about the high flying, fast paced action. It's why I think they weren't into Hardcore Justice as much as, say, the Hammerstein Ballroom would've been. Bringing back the Hardy Boyz would be so stupid, they were built on being extreme and all that. Matt Hardy can barely run never mind doing high flying moves.

It's all about the world's smallest violin. The reason why Christian left, the reason why Homicide has left, the reason why Kaval left, although that might've been cause he wanted to add being in WWE to his resumé but you get the idea.

If that who "they" are then that is just another example of the TNA writing staff shooting themselves in the foot. It's bad enough that we're seeing that feud in the midcard but to make it the main event would be even more stupid than thinking Jericho is going to TNA.

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Kaval would have wanted to be in WWE most likely. He had oppertunities before but said that the timing wasn't right. Probably just wanted more exposure before heading along. That's basically what Daniel Bryan did too. AJ Styles is another one that has knocked WWE back, but he's one of the very few guys who has been treated right by TNA, so he'll be happy where he is.

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One thing you can't say Kaval doesn't have is charisma. Hardly even has to open his mouth and the NXT audiences were right into him. So yeah, he might go places. He can't talk but he doesn't have to. He has this intensity about him which thankfully hasn't been lost.

I suppose he could go back to TNA and job to Bob Backlund though.

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One thing you can't say Kaval doesn't have is charisma. Hardly even has to open his mouth and the NXT audiences were right into him. So yeah, he might go places. He can't talk but he doesn't have to. He has this intensity about him which thankfully hasn't been lost.

I suppose he could go back to TNA and job to Bob Backlund though.

Or Job to Hornswoggle? TAD POLE SPLASH OMG!

The NXT Audience is the same demographic of people that buy cheese in a can.

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Had to google who Kaval was, LoKi is good but a charismaless diddy. With no cruiserweight div. there is little hope for him to win many belts.

Aye, apart from the fact that he has a title shot whenever he wants.

One thing you can't say Kaval doesn't have is charisma. Hardly even has to open his mouth and the NXT audiences were right into him. So yeah, he might go places. He can't talk but he doesn't have to. He has this intensity about him which thankfully hasn't been lost.

I suppose he could go back to TNA and job to Bob Backlund though.

They should have him in a tag team with someone who is really good on the mic, either Christian or CM Punk depending on face/heel status and see if he can improve it. They might be able to since they've improved McIntyre's patter pretty well over the past month or so.

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Aye, apart from the fact that he has a title shot whenever he wants.

They should have him in a tag team with someone who is really good on the mic, either Christian or CM Punk depending on face/heel status and see if he can improve it. They might be able to since they've improved McIntyre's patter pretty well over the past month or so.

Kaval and Christian would be a good partnership. WWE desperately needs more good tag teams and it would actually work out good for both parties. Christian gets a shot at some gold instead of being a midcarder, and Kaval's status in the WWE is elevated before (if) he gets his title shot. It makes sense, which is why it will probably never happen.

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Paul Bearer is back biggrin.gif . I thought he was "killed" at the Great American Bash in 2004.


Bloody terrific news ... surely his involvement (and here's hoping he's hanging around for a bit) signals that this'll be the last feud between Kane and 'Taker before the Deadman retires.

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