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Mo Wonderboy

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Heyman was brilliant at winding up JR. There's so many great examples of fits of rage that JR went into.

Heyman was absolute gold during the run he had with JR in 2001... third best commentary partnership of all time behind Monsoon/Heenan and JR/Lawler.

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Just back from the tattoo shop, got my new TNA tattoo with 10/10/10 underneath it. TNA all the way! Can't wait for Jericho to turn up with Goldberg at Bound for glory. biggrin.gif

Not really... Raw was decent until cena disgraced it, Bryan has won my over if he keep that music, brilliant, Cole is awesome with the heel comms, love it. RIP to the big man as well, only 44, feels like it's a monthly thing in wrestling now. Nexus's first night on Raw was great, sad to see how much WWE have totally fucked up their potentially awesome story line, Nexus to disband at HIAC... and the HIAC legacy for hardcore, dangerous matches to be further pished on with none of the matches involiving any weapons, blood or top of the cell fighting.... (prediction)

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Two HiaC matches last year had weapons. Might have been all three. I'll need to check. One of them was an absolutely stunning match.

The only problem I have with the HiaC is the lack of blood. I have problems with the actual PPV concept though.

As for top of the cell fighting, it certainly isn't needed.

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Two HiaC matches last year had weapons. Might have been all three. I'll need to check. One of them was an absolutely stunning match.

The only problem I have with the HiaC is the lack of blood. I have problems with the actual PPV concept though.

As for top of the cell fighting, it certainly isn't needed.

Then why put a roof on the c**t? Just make it a cage PPV like Lockdown, the way they have a roof on it and don't use it just takes away an extra angle to the match with escape/top of the cage dives ruled out.

I can't remember weapons in the last PPV, Taker won the title in (I think) the curtain jerker match, The DX - Legacy match was insanly good, probably the most I've enjoyed a match in a long time, it saved the PPV from being mediocre and made it a good one. Great match!

Blood isn't such a big deal but it does add that extra dimention to a match, Triple H vs Y2J matches often had one or both of them busted open and it just gave it so much more. I'm not asking for anyone to be thrown from the cage but to see them fighting up there is great, I remember Jericho doing the Walls on top of the cage and it just looked great, for the live audience seeing wrestlers that high up must add to the experience.

HIAC used to be a special one off match used for grudges and now it's just tame in comparison to 97-2002 HIAC matches.

I am though massivly in favour of the Elimination chamber PPV, I love it.

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I am though massivly in favour of the Elimination chamber PPV, I love it.

The only 'gimmick' PPVs to work are the Royal Rumble and Survivor Series. In the latter's case it may just be because it's been around for so long and is just tradition, but I've said it so many times - the new 'gimmick' PPVs are just a bad idea. HIAC and EC are the best examples - such brutal stipulations should ONLY be used to end grudges, not just because it happens to be a particular month and that particular stip just has to be used.

Edited by The Naitch
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Then why put a roof on the c**t?

Because the point of the Hell in a Cell originally was to stop HBK from running. That's the idea behind the hell in a cell.

The Punk/Taker and DX/Legacy matches both had at least a chair. The DX match also had a sledgehammer. I'll need to rewatch Cena/Orton, but I'm pretty sure that had a chair too.

Blood isn't such a big deal but it does add that extra dimention to a match, Triple H vs Y2J matches often had one or both of them busted open and it just gave it so much more. I'm not asking for anyone to be thrown from the cage but to see them fighting up there is great, I remember Jericho doing the Walls on top of the cage and it just looked great, for the live audience seeing wrestlers that high up must add to the experience.

I think in a match like HiaC, blood is important because it's seen as this hellish torture match where two guys are just locked in a cell and made to kill each other.

HIAC used to be a special one off match used for grudges and now it's just tame in comparison to 97-2002 HIAC matches.

I am though massivly in favour of the Elimination chamber PPV, I love it.

I don't mind the EC getting it's own PPV because the concept of that is different anyways. They all go on about how it's a dangerous match etc., but they don't pretend that it's anything more than just a big cage match with lots of guys.

As for the first point, yeah, agreed. Nothing will match those first matches for pure intensity in the cell, although in saying that, HHH vs. Batista was a cracker.

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Batista is badly missed, dunno if he is in movies now? Or just taking time off, but I really liked the big man, Unpopular decision but I prefered him as a face, I know a lot on here liked his heel turn.

Hope Triple H comes back soon too, he is a legend, and WWE is running out of them. I can see Cena vs Orton happening again soonish, vol.84.

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Hope Triple H comes back soon too, he is a legend, and WWE is running out of them. I can see Cena vs Orton happening again soonish, vol.84.

And needs to heel it up, he simply isn't a face and when he cuts face promos I find myself cringing quite a bit. Bring him back as an evil b*****d like he was in Evolution and we'll be on to a winner.

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Urban Legends

Some funny shit, although it is a bit out dated ie.it talks about Trent Acid scoring heroin after shows.

Pretty funny. Only at 155 atm.

It is out-dated but still worth a read. CM Punk going out with Traci Brooks for one.

68. Macho Man had his way with Stephanie (she was about 14 then) back in 94/95 and that Vince found out and that was the true ending for Macho Man in WWF.

That was one of my favourites. Quite a lot are about older wrestlers aswell so I didn't get/know half of them.

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99% is probably bullshit but they're a good laugh. Although Buff Bagwells name came up quite a few times, no smoke without fire and all.

Also, Punk comes across as a bit of a c**t laugh.gif

James Storm and Bradshaw being assholes is likely to be true so the ones involving them seems reasonably believable

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I've heard these ones before:

182. Dynamite Kid used to wake his wife up by putting a pistol to her head... and pulling the trigger once her eyes opened. Then he would say, "One day, it will be loaded."

192. Brian Pillman was a definite racist.

197. Rock loves to lay the smackdown on Trish Stratus.

These ones made melaugh.gif :

183. The Anvil taught Davey Boy how to drug his wife's orange juice right before bed time each night. Then the next morning their wives would awaken with bloody, sore anuses. It took them a few bloody anuses to realize their husbands were anally raping them.

202. At WM 13, supposably Psycho Sid shit his pants in the match with the Undertaker and Undertaker said it was some horrible smell in the ring.

446. Chris Benoit invented the triple German suplex back in the 80s; Steve Strong was the Trans-Canadian Heavyweight Champion, but was a real dick about it backstage, so one day before a match with Benoit, Beef Wellington jacked off all over the back of the belt before he put it on. Once the match began, Strong's belly was so sticky that Benoit couldn't get his arms off of it until after the third suplex.

458. At the beginning of the Attitude era, when Vince was going nuts with merchandising ideas-- one of his pet concepts was for a set of WWF Legends commerative cockrings which would have been available in adult speciality stores like Spencers.

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I remember Bradshaw once said "90 per cent of things said about me are true" or something to that effect so his stuff is probably true for the most part.

JBL did an interview last week that I read where he admitted he was a dick, especially to Miz. Also I've heard the one about Bradshaw threatening to rape Grand Maaster Sexay before.

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