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Mo Wonderboy

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If that is indeed who they are then I will drop the TNA have the potential to be rival WWE for at least a year, or until they create another good storyline.

I can't believe you're taking his post seriously. Believe me when I say that it will be a heel "2 cool" faction consisting ofcoarse of Rikishi, Scotty and Grandmaster Sexayy

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Bragging Rights only 3 weeks away? What's with all the PPVs so close together? :blink:

They are right around Bound For Glory. Cena joining the Nexus has been well timed by Vince, people are more likely to buy WWE PPVs over TNA's if the product is interesting.

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I must admit that I thought RAW was amazing. If I had been told ahead of time that it would be mostly about Cena and the Nexus then I probably woulda thought it would be shite but credit where it's due, it was thrilling.

I don't like PPVs only being like 2 weeks apart. Not enough time for feuds to start up and it usually involves feuds going through more than one pay-per-view, which is alright for the Miz/Danielson feud but not so good for others.

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I don't like PPVs only being like 2 weeks apart. Not enough time for feuds to start up and it usually involves feuds going through more than one pay-per-view, which is alright for the Miz/Danielson feud but not so good for others.

It gave us the likes of Edge/Swagger from the other night, which had no build up at all and didn't merit a spot on a PPV card.

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PBPs of "Classics"

I'm going to be reviewing matches which made the two PWT Top 100 matches lists. When I've done that, I've decided I'm going to try and find other possibles and then post my top 100 matches of all time.

Vader vs. Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker - WWE In Your House : Final Four ( ****1/2 )

The Steiner Brothers vs. Sting and Lex Luger - WCW Superbrawl I ( ****1/4 )

Akira Hokuto vs. Shinobu Kandori - AJW Dreamslam 02/04/1993 ( ****3/4 )

Tully Blanchard vs. Magnum TA, I Quit Steel Cage Match - NWA Starrcade 1985 ( ***** )

Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Mitsuharu Misawa - AJPW 08/06/1990 ( ***** )

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam, Ladder Match - WWE RAW 27/05/2002 ( ***1/2 )

Vader vs. Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker - WWE In Your House : Final Four

"May the best man win. Me."

Amazingly, Austin gets practically zero reaction from the fans here. I don't think they were quite sure how to take him at this point. All four men are cautious and then pair off to the obvious pairing. Taker into the ropes and he lands a Flying Clothesline on Vader. Taker then clubs on Hart and Austin. Headbutt from Taker to Hart and then he lands Old School on Austin early. Vader with a Belly 2 Belly Suplex on Taker. Taker sits up. Clearly not amused. Taker sent to the floor. Head first into the railing goes Taker while Hart and Austin continue to battle in the ring. Vader now has a chair and misses a shot. Hart is whipped into the buckles chest first. Elbow Drop from Austin. Taker kicks the chair into the face of Vader. Hart into the ropes and he runs right into the Back Elbow from Austin for a two count. Vader then gets sent into the steps. Vader is busted open. Right hand from Taker to Vader. Backbreaker from Hart to Austin in the ring. Vader and Taker back into the ring and this is a war. Right hands from Hart to Austin. Vader with shots to Taker. Sleeper Hold from Hart, but Austin breaks with a Jawbreaker for a two count. Taker into the ropes and he grabs Vader. CHOKESLAM !!! Austin chokes Hart over the middle rope. STONE COLD STUNNER ON TAKER FROM AUSTIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Avalanche from Vader to Hart. Hart with right hands. Taker grabs Austin and unloads with rights and lefts. Vader and Hart to the floor. Chair to the back and then a second time. Back into the ring they go, while Austin and Taker head for the floor and they battle up the aisle. Taker with a Back Body Drop onto concrete on Austin. Vader runs right into a Clothesline. Hart to the apron and Taker stops him and brings him back into the ring with a Suplex. Vader and Austin now brawl up the aisle. Vader tries and fails to use the steps. Austin sends Vader into the steps. Austin then drops the steps over Vader. Right hands from both men now. This is madness. In the ring and Taker gets a two count from something or other. Austin then gets dropped over the railing. Vader gets whipped into the timekeeper. That looked ridiculous. Austin then beats the crap out of Vader with a belt. This is a stunning section of the match between Austin and Vader. Clothesline from Taker knocks down Hart. Elbow to the face from Vader and then again. Austin to the top rope and he gets crotched. Vader and Hart now brawl up the aisle. Hart gets sent into the railing. Leg Drop goes low from Taker to Austin. Hart then whips Vader over the railing and we now have crowd brawling going on. Face first into the steps goes Hart. Taker tries to get Austin over the top rope but can't. Austin comes off the top rope with a Flying Clothesline. Sid : "f**k HIM UP VADER !!!". SHARPSHOOTER FROM VADER TO HART ON THE FLOOR !!! The whole brawl now moves to the floor. Hart gets sent into the steps but he fights back on Austin. Back into the ring goes Vader. Taker and Hart double team Austin but Vader comes across and eats a right hand. Austin and Vader back into the ring. Thesz Press and the punches from Austin right to the eye. Austin into the ropes and he runs into the brick wall of Vader. Clothesline from Taker knocks down Vader. Hart then drops his weight across the back. Clothesline knocks down Taker. HART WITH THE PILEDRIVER ON AUSTIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Vader is now going for something. MOONSAULT FROM VADER TO TAKER ... MISSES !!! Kick to the stomach from Taker and then a right hand that goes to the floor again. Hart tries to drag down Austin and that doesn't work. Taker chokes Vader with some cable. He then does it again. Hart is close to being eliminated but he can't quite make it. Hart tries to drop Austin over the top and that doesn't work either. Vader chokes Taker. Hart then punches away at Austin. As this match has gone on, Austin and Hart have gotten more and more physical. Austin avoids a Suplex. O'Connor Roll gets a two count for Austin. Head first into the top buckle goes Hart. Vader and Hart are now exchanging right hands. Low blow from Hart and that is a MAJOR receipt for the low blow earlier. Austin now rams the leg of Taker into the ringpost. Russian Legsweep from Hart to Vader and that gets a two count. Taker tries to drop Austin over the top rope but that isn't working at the moment. Vader's face is a mess. Vader now has the Fujiwara Armbar on Hart, as Austin looks to eliminate Taker from the match. Austin is VERY close to going out but he holds on by the skin of his teeth. Short Arm Clothesline from Taker to Vader. That gets a two count. AUSTIN IS DROPPED OVER THE TOP ROPE !!!

Vader and Hart are now doing battle in the ring. Austin is now heading for the back. Vader into the corner. Stinger Splash from Taker. Hart with right hands on Taker. Taker with right hands on Hart and then a Headbutt. Vader then with a chop block brings down Taker. Vader and Hart then stomp away at Taker and kick him out of the ring. Right hands from Hart to Vader. Avalanche from Vader. BEARER HITS TAKER WITH THE URN ON THE FLOOR !!! Vader with a Suplex on Hart and then he heads for the top rope. Hart stops him up there. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM HART TO VADER !!! HOLY SHIT !!! SHARPSHOOTER ON VADER !!! Taker comes in and breaks it up. How stupid was that ? Hart is sent to the floor, where Austin turns up and lays on a beating on the floor. Austin then sends Hart face first into the ringpost. Austin sends Hart back into the ring and then gets in there. VADER BOMB ... TAKER SENDS VADER OVER THE TOP ROPE !!!

Austin is still in the ring with Hart. Taker with a shot to Austin. Taker is distracted. TAKER HAS BRET !!! CHOKESLAM ON HART !!! Austin is on the apron. Austin then tries to drag Hart over the top rope and he crotches him instead. Taker with a right hand on Austin. O'CONNOR ROLL FROM HART !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! HART SENDS TAKER OVER THE TOP AND WINS THE GOLD !!!

All sorts of madness going on here. Vader was the star of the show here, bleeding all over the place and looking like a badass in every exchange. The best exchange being between Vader and Austin as they punched the shit out of each other. ****1/2

The Steiner Brothers vs. Sting and Lex Luger - WCW Superbrawl I

Luger and Rick are going to get this match going. Lockup and they break. They lockup again and into the corner and this is an intense lockup. We have a clean break from it though. Lockup and an Arm Drag from Luger. Lockup and Steiner takes down Luger and then he finds the bottom rope. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock. Rick gets a Waistlock Takedown and they find their way to the ropes. Headlock from Rick and we have a break again. Rick into the ropes and a Powerslam for Luger and that gets a two count. Rick into the corner and Luger misses a charge. Release German Suplex and a Clothesline from Rick and that gets a two count. Back Body Drop from Rick and then Luger into the corner. He comes out with a hard Clothesline. Luger with a Gorilla Press Slam and then in comes Sting. Sting sends Rick to the floor. PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE FROM STING TO RICK !!! Back into the ring they go. Bulldog from Sting and that seems to anger Rick. Sting then gets hung upside in the corner. STINGER SPLASH ... MISSES !!! Rick now tags out of there and in comes Scott. TIGER DRIVER FROM SCOTT !!! Tilt-a-Whirl Slam from Steiner. Sting into the ropes and then he lands the Hot Shot. Suplex from Luger now coming back in. In comes Sting again. Manhattan Drop from Scott to Sting and then he sets him on the top rope. SUPER BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX FROM SCOTT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Scott misses a charge and winds up on the apron and in comes Luger and he lands the Suplex coming back in. Scott into the ropes and he drops behind and lands a big takedown. Powerslam from Luger and then he signals for the Torture Rack. Scott counters to the Russian Legsweep. Rick into the ring. TOP ROPE BULLDOG FROM RICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! MISSILE DROPKICK FROM STING !!! Scott isn't happy with that. This is getting physical. Rick into the ropes and then both men collide in the middle of the ring. Sting and Scott now exchange and Sting lands the Back Drop Suplex. Scott clubs on Sting. TOMBSTONE FROM STING !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... RICK SAVES !!! Luger isn't happy with that. The referee ends up down on the floor. STINGER SPLASH FROM STING TO SCOTT !!! Nikita Koloff heads for the ring. KOLOFF SMACKS STING WITH THE CHAIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Too many old WCW/NWA matches have a ref bump in them. This match was really good. It was dodgy before Scott Steiner came in, but after that point, the pace was electric and the action was physical and there was lots going on. Great match. ****1/4

Akira Hokuto vs. Shinobu Kandori - AJW Dreamslam 02/04/1993

Akira in the all black. Kandori in the yellow and black. Forearm from Akira and that knocks down Kandori right off the bat. Akira then lays on a beating. Kandori knocks down Akira and goes for the arm and ties it behind her back. OUCH !!! Back into the ring and Kandori kicks away at the arm. That's some quality selling right there. Against the ropes where Kandori lands a LOT of forearms. Akira comes back with big right hands and then a choke with the boot. Jesus christ. Kicks to the chest, but then Kandori grabs a leg and Akira gets into the ropes. Botched Reverse Suplex attempt leads to Akira getting control of the match. She kicks away at Kandori. ASAI MOONSAULT ... Kandori stops that and sends Akira back in the ring. Body Slam from Kandori. CROSS ARMBREAKER FROM KANDORI !!! Akira manages to stop any real damage getting done here. Kandori is persistant with it, but then decides to just kick Akira in the face instead and looks to stretch the arm again. Akira does all she can to avoid this, but the damage is getting done here. CROSS ARMBREAKER FROM AKIRA !!! Kandori finds the ropes. Face first into the ringside table goes Kandori. TOMBSTONE ON THE FUCKING TABLE FROM KANDORI !!! This is some major hate. There's a hole in the fucking table. :o Akira is bleeding a gusher and suddenly the fans are a bit sympathetic. I wonder if they decide to make this a story of the match. Akira gets back into the ring and Kandori knocks her right back down again. Akira is completely out of the game at the moment, as Kandori continues to punch and kick away at the busted head of Akira. Akira catches a kick though and drags her into the crowd. Face first into one of the chairs in the audience. She is PISSED. Akira lays on a beating in the crowd. Kandori is now busted open. You know something, it's good to see blood in a match actually meaning something. Akira lays on some retribution for the beating that Kandori gave and then just brutally kicks Kandori in the forehead. More of the same follows that. SPINNING HEEL KICK FROM AKIRA ... BLOCKED !!! Kandori can't be fucked with this and lays on another beating. FRONT SUPLEX DROPS AKIRA OVER THE TOP FUCKING ROPE !!! Jesus christ. PESCADO FROM KANDORI !!! Slingshot Back Drop Suplex from Kandori as Akira does everything she can to avoid that. HUGE FUJIWARA ARMBAR FROM KANDORI !!! THAT'S DEEP !!! CROSSFACE CHICKENWING FROM KANDORI !!! AKIRA FINDS THE ROPES !!! BRUTAL PILEDRIVER FROM AKIRA !!! SPIN KICK TO THE HEAD FROM AKIRA !!! Spinning Heel Kick ducked. LEG GRAPEVINE FROM KANDORI !!! Akira finds the ropes again. Kandori is determined she's gonna get the submission here. DDT FROM KANDORI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Head Scissors with the arm trapped from Kandori. Half Crab from Kandori but Akira manages to turn around and relieve the pressure on the move. Akira with a wild Snap Suplex. Body Slam from Akira then she heads for the top rope. TOP ROPE SPLASH FROM AKIRA !!! Akira heads back to the top rope. ANOTHER TOP ROPE SPLASH FROM AKIRA ... HITS THE KNEES !!! HUGE POWERBOMB FROM KANDORI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kandori heads for the top rope. Missile Dropkick misses from Kandori. DRAGON SUPLEX FROM AKIRA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Akira heads for the top rope and Kandori stops her. SWINGING SLEEPER HOLD FROM KANDORI !!! HEAD ARM CHOKE WITH THE BODY SCISSORS FROM KANDORI !!! AKIRA FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! POWERBOMB FROM KANDORI ... COUNTERED TO THE RANA FROM AKIRA !!! POWERBOMB FROM AKIRA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! To the floor with Kandori. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OFF THE TOP ROPE FROM AKIRA !!! AKIRA WITH A DROPKICK OFF THE TOP ROPE TO THE FLOOR !!! Back into the ring the match goes. KANDORI ROLLS INTO THE CROSS ARMBREAKER !!! Akira finds the bottom rope though. TIGER DRIVER FROM KANDORI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BRIDGING BACK DROP DRIVER FROM AKIRA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB FROM AKIRA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUUTTTTT !!! I don't think I've seen many matches quite like this. NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB FROM KANDORI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUUTTTTTT !!! Akira clubs down Kandori. Big clubbing blow from Akira gets a three count. Wait ... WHAT ?!?!

Well, I don't care for that ending. This was incredibly sloppy at times. Does that matter ? No. Matches like this are very rare. It's absolutely brutal in every sense of the word. I don't think I've ever seen two women have a match with such disregard for both their own and their opponent's body, and given the pure hate that you could sense, it definately worked in context of the match. The entire match from start to finish was absolute madness, and no wonder this is seen as a classic. Can't go full throttle in good faith. ****3/4

Tully Blanchard vs. Magnum TA, I Quit Steel Cage Match - NWA Starrcade 1985

Lockup and against the corner they go. Right hand from Magnum and that knocks down Tully. Tully takes down Magnum but gets kicked away. They both now roll around on the canvas. Back to the feet where Tully takes the advantage, but Magnum comes back with right hands. Forearms follow that and Tully is on the back foot. Right hand from Hansen. Magnum then tries to send Tully face first into the cage and that gets blocked. Tully to the top rope and he drops an elbow on Magnum and then kicks away at him. Magnum then gets sent face first into the cage and now Magnum appears to be busted open. Camel Clutch from Tully. Magnum fights his way back out. Tully into the ropes and then a Gorilla Press Hot Shot from Magnum. More right hands from Magnum. Kick to the stomach from Tully and then a knee. Magnum with another fight back. Magnum gets sent face first into the cage again. Tully wants Magnum to say it and he doesn't. Tully gets sent into the cage this time from Magnum. Hammerlock from Magnum and then he sends Tully into the cage again. He then rips at the busted arm of Tully. More right hands from Magnum. I can't say this match fills me with the same visceral joy that the last one did. Magnum is ripping away at the arm again. Magnum is busted in a big way and he seems to be put off by this. Tully with a big shot and down goes Magnum. Kicks to the chest and the face from Tully Blanchard and then he wants Magnum to say it. MICROPHONE SHOTS TO THE HEAD FROM TULLY !!! Tully Blanchard still won't quit though. Right hands from Tully. Tully wants a cover but the rules don't allow for it. Hot Shot from Tully as he seems to be out of ideas. Tully to the top rope and a Double Axe Handle. Tully now has the microphone again. MICROPHONE SHOT TO THE HEAD AGAIN !!! Elbow Drop from Tully but then he misses a second one. Magnum TA now has the microphone. Tully is as persistant as Magnum though. MICROPHONE TO THE HEAD OF TULLY !!! Tully sweeps down Magnum again. This is a war. They are both on their knees now and Magnum takes down Tully with a right hand. Tully then kicks down Magnum when he asks him to quit. Magnum won't stay down though and lands punches in the corner. Manhattan Drop from Tully. Tully crowns Magnum with the mic again and then lands a couple of elbow drops. Tully now has a chair which was thrown into the ring and now he kicks down the referee. He wants to spike Magnum with a broken bit of the chair. The crowd are going MENTAL at this stuff. Knees to the body from Magnum. MAGNUM RAMS THE STAKE RIGHT INTO THE HEAD OF TULLY AND HE QUITS !!!

Jesus christ. This is hate on a level that's hard to describe. It starts pretty normally but both men get more and more annoyed and desperate at the same time which sees the match escalate on a crazy scale. *****

Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Mitsuharu Misawa - AJPW 08/06/1990

Probably the best rivalry of the early 90s for any promotion this one. I can remember seeing this match before and thinking "WOW !". I hope it holds up. Lockup and that doesn't go anywhere for either man. Lockup again and that doesn't go anywhere either. Lockup and a Headlock from Jumbo and he gets sent into the ropes and he charges down Misawa. Body Slam from Jumbo and that seemed to be out of anger more than anything else. Misawa into the ropes and Jumbo misses a big knee but lands a Big Boot and down goes Misawa. Lariat gets a two count for Jumbo. That's never going to get the job done this early. Body Slam again from Jumbo and Misawa tries a fight back, but Jumbo goes for the Back Drop Driver, but Misawa counters for a two count. Misawa then sends Jumbo to the floor. Misawa fakes a dive and lands a Dropkick off of the apron sending Jumbo into the railing. Elbow sends Jumbo over the railing. Misawa catches Jumbo with elbow strikes when he gets to the apron sending him back to the floor. RUNNING PESCADO FROM MISAWA !!! Jumbo back onto the apron and then the referee backs Misawa up. Lockup and a Headlock from Misawa and then he lands elbow strikes to the head. Elbow to the back of the head. More elbows and knees and then Misawa with the Front Facelock to take Jumbo down. There is someone at the commentating table with a hilarious voice. Anyways, back to the match and Jumbo is stretching at the arms of Misawa. Misawa manages to counter and get the same hold on Jumbo and he takes him down to one knee. Jumbo then tries to escape the move the same way and succeeds but Misawa just turns it right around and then gets big Jumbo down to one knee. Misawa then escapes the next reversal with a Mule Kick. Lockup and Misawa now goes to the arm and works the Hammerlock. Jumbo takes the easy route out by just walking over to the ropes and Misawa isn't happy with that and just slaps Jumbo in the face. Lockup and against the ropes and Misawa slaps him again and Jumbo is getting pretty angry with this. Lockup and Jumbo with a knee to the stomach and an elbow to the back of the head and then he lands the Jumping Knee. Abdominal Stretch from Jumbo. Misawa counters and gets an Abdominal Stretch of his own and once again Jumbo walks over to the ropes and then sends Misawa to the floor with a Hiptoss. Misawa gets whipped into the railing and then goes over and sends him back into the ring. Butterfly Suplex gets a two count for Jumbo and then he locks in a Chinlock. Flapjack from Jumbo when Misawa escapes from that and then Jumbo stomps on Misawa. Misawa into the ropes and he avoids a Flapjack with a Dropkick. Body Slam from Misawa and then he heads for the top rope and lands a Dropkick from there and that gets a two count. Misawa with a Running Back Elbow in the corner and then a Gutwrench Suplex. Spin Kick from Misawa and then a Body Slam and he heads for the top rope. FROG SPLASH FROM MISAWA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! STUN GUN FROM JUMBO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Looks like this match might be heading into it's final stretch. This early ? PILEDRIVER FROM JUMBO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! LOU THESZ PRESS FROM JUMBO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Knee Drop to the back of the head from Jumbo. Dropkick from Jumbo and that gets a two count. Big Boot again from Jumbo gets a two count. Jumbo heads for the middle buckle and then knees Misawa in the face. Jumbo is looking for a Butterfly Lock here or something similar. Body Slam instead and then he heads for the top rope. Misawa gets to his feet and stops him up there. Jumbo sends him back down into the middle of the ring. JUMPING KNEE OFF THE TOP ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Jumbo is getting pretty angry with things. Misawa manages to stop a Powerbomb. POWERBOMB FROM JUMBO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Jumbo looks STUNNED. He even hits himself a couple of times to try and get over what just happened. MISAWA WITH THE BACKSLIDE ON JUMBO OUT OF NOWHERE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Elbow Strike from Misawa and down goes Jumbo. Jumbo sent to the floor and Misawa heads for the top rope. PLANCHA OFF OF THE TOP ROPE FROM MISAWA ONTO JUMBO !!! Back into the ring and kicks from Misawa. Elbow from Jumbo. O'CONNOR ROLL WITH THE BRIDGE FROM MISAWA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Spin Kick and down goes Jumbo and then Misawa heads for the top rope. FROG SPLASH FROM MISAWA ... HITS THE KNEES !!! ONE ! TW ... KICKOUT ?!?!?! Jumbo once again just can't believe what is going on here. Body Slam from Jumbo and then he locks in the Boston Crab. Misawa finds his way to the bottom rope. LARIAT FROM JUMBO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! LARIAT AGAIN FROM JUMBO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Lariat in the corner and Jumbo must be wondering what it takes. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM JUMBO !!! That hurt Jumbo though and this gives Misawa a new opening. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM MISAWA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! TIGER DRIVER FROM MISAWA ... Jumbo blocks though with a Back Body Drop. Jumping Knee from Jumbo. SPRINGBOARD ELBOW STRIKE FROM MISAWA ... MISSES !!! JUMPING KNEE FROM JUMBO ... HITS NOTHING BUT ROPES !!! MISAWA WITH THE ROLLUP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!! MISAWA WINS !!!

This was a fucking stunner of a match. One of the best examples of storytelling. Misawa was having his rookie year as a big player, and Jumbo clearly thought he'd have his way with him and decided to try and annoy Misawa and shake him up. The first part of the plan worked, but it annoyed Misawa to the point of making him even more determined. Jumbo Tsuruta got more and more astonished by Misawa's fighting spirit as the match went on, and you could see in his face that even HE didn't think he could put Misawa away. People in wrestling today could learn a lot about telling a story in the ring from this. *****

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam, Ladder Match - WWE RAW 27/05/2002

This is the blowoff to the fued that these two guys were having through the spring of 2002. Eddie Guerrero had been pretty dominant in the fued. Knee to the stomach and a right hand from Eddie. He flips over RVD and then both men with more reversals. Spinning Heel Kick from RVD sends Eddie out. PESCADE FROM RVD ... MISSES !!! RVD sends Eddie into the ringpost though and then face first into the apron and then he draps Eddie over the railing. Spinning Leg Drop from RVD sends Eddie off of the railing. RVD gets whipped face first into the ladder which is still standing on the floor. Snap Suplex on the floor from Eddie and now he gets the ladder and he drops it on RVD. Back into the ring and into the corner and Eddie with a series of right hands. Back Elbow from Eddie. Elbows to the back of the head of Eddie. Eddie then heads for the floor and drags RVD over to the ringpost and he slams RVD's leg into the ringpost. Eddie goes over and he grabs a chair. CHAIR TO THE KNEE OF RVD !!! Eddie now with stomps to the head. Kick to the stomach from RVD doesn't make any difference. Back Drop Suplex from Eddie nicely executed. Eddie beats down RVD in the corner. RVD lands his Monkey Flip. With an injured knee. BRUTAL POWERBOMB FROM EDDIE !!! Eddie gets another ladder but has it Dropkicked into his face. RVD WITH A MOONSAULT INTO THE LADDER AND EDDIE OFF OF THE APRON !!! Benoit has a ticket and is going to watch the rest of the match. Eddie brains RVD with the ladder. Eddie sends the ladder into the ring and climbs. RVD comes off the top rope with a Dropkick and down goes Eddie. Eddie on a ladder. CARTWHEEL TO THE MOONSAULT FROM RVD TO EDDIE ON THE LADDER !!! RVD with a Dropkick and then he sets the ladder up. RVD goes for the gold and Eddie now climbs the other side and there's a fight going down. EDDIE WITH A HUGE SUNSET BOMB OFF OF THE LADDER !!! Eddie always adds some major snap to that move which makes it amazing no matter how many times you see it. A fan comes in and stops Eddie climbing the ladder and gets kicked in the puss. Both men battle and Eddie gets the ladder. SLINGSHOT SENTON OVER THE LADDER FROM EDDIE !!! Eddie with chair shots to the back and then one to the knee as well. Don't worry RVD, you'll recover from that soon enough. RVD sends Eddie face first into the chair and then kicks him down with the leg that just got the chair shot. RUNNING DROPKICK WITH THE CHAIR FROM RVD !!! SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT FROM RVD ONTO THE LADDER AND EDDIE !!! RVD is now climbing the ladder and going for the gold. Eddie pulls down RVD. SUPLEX INTO THE STANDING LADDER FROM EDDIE !!! That is one insane move to take. Ladder set against the corner from Eddie and he lands some right hands. More right hands in the corner from Eddie. Eddie gets whipped into the ladder in the corner. Eddie sets RVD on the top rope. RVD misses the Rider Kick. MONKEY FLIP SENDS EDDIE INTO THE LADDER IN THE CORNER !!! ROLLING THUNDER WITH THE LADDER ON EDDIE FROM RVD !!! Superkick from RVD and then another. RVD now sets the ladde but Eddie Dropkicks the leg of RVD. VAN DAMINATOR FROM RVD !!! Eddie set in the ring and RVD climbs. SPLASH OFF OF THE LADDER ... BOTCHED !!! RVD sends Eddie off the top buckle and to the floor and then goes for the gold. RVD HAS THE BELT !!!

I hate RVD at times. I really do. Eddie lays a BRUTAL beatdown on the knee of RVD and then 2 seconds later, RVD lands a Monkey Flip and doesn't sell the knee at any point after that. Eddie Guerrero really did one of the great salvage jobs here, as Rob Van Dam did manage to show off some of his worst tendencies which was rare as he did pretty well in his WWE run. Eddie's execution was as slick as hell which made the match as good as it was, but why is this match rated so highly ? It's basically a collection of spots, and not very original ones at that. ***1/2

I think I'm going to enjoy this new project.

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Just finished watching Impact

The stuff at the start with Dixie was stupid, she should not be a TV character. Bischoff is obviously going to turn after getting her to sign something without her reading it.

Hogan's injury has obviously fucked their plans, the handicap match seems like a back-up plan.

Mickie James turning up was nice but throwing her in as the special ref in the fatal 4 way seems like an after-thought.

Foley and Flair was enjoyable despite it being an atrocious match. The spot with the Naitch going off the top to put Foley through the table was great. I think it might've been better if it had ended with a double count out though.

The battle royale was essentially a Royal Rumble. Once again it ran over to Reaction which pissed me off. Abyss was made to look too strong and there were other stupid moments. At one point Dreamer was working with Kazarian - they are meant to be part of two different warring factions. They also had some friction between Beer Money which was stupid, if they split them it will be a terrible decision.

BFG should be decent but this Impact didn't do a lot for me.

EDIT: Oh aye, "the Shore" is one of the worst things I've ever seen. They were getting "Go away" heat within seconds.

Edited by Marshmallo
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Just finished watching Impact

The stuff at the start with Dixie was stupid, she should not be a TV character. Bischoff is obviously going to turn after getting her to sign something without her reading it.

Hogan's injury has obviously fucked their plans, the handicap match seems like a back-up plan.

Mickie James turning up was nice but throwing her in as the special ref in the fatal 4 way seems like an after-thought.

Foley and Flair was enjoyable despite it being an atrocious match. The spot with the Naitch going off the top to put Foley through the table was great. I think it might've been better if it had ended with a double count out though.

The battle royale was essentially a Royal Rumble. Once again it ran over to Reaction which pissed me off. Abyss was made to look too strong and there were other stupid moments. At one point Dreamer was working with Kazarian - they are meant to be part of two different warring factions. They also had some friction between Beer Money which was stupid, if they split them it will be a terrible decision.

BFG should be decent but this Impact didn't do a lot for me.

EDIT: Oh aye, "the Shore" is one of the worst things I've ever seen. They were getting "Go away" heat within seconds.

I haven't seen this impact yet. Agreed that Dixie should never be a character. She is just awful, completely devoid of charisma and utterly wooden. Clearly it's being done to stroke her ego. And heels and faces have always teamed up in Rumbles or matches of that sort, even if only for a bit. Remember Austin and HHH when the Hurricane ran in the 2002 Rumble?

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Anyone remember this?, back when celebrities who appeared on RAW were actual celebrities.

Although whether you have rocking out with Nikki Sixx and Vince Neil or even have him riding around in a Harley, there is nothing you can do to make X-Pac look cool. That is a fact!

Poor performance by Neil in particular but Road Dogg seemed quite into it. maybe he could have shown him a thing or two having recorded Jarrett's theme song .

Sixx is a god!
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Well, it's PBW Maximum Impact 2010 next week, which is one of the big shows on the Scottish calendar. It's actually getting to that time since ICW have their big show next month and then BCW have theirs in December. The card is ...

PBW Championship

Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match

Lionheart © vs. Michael Knight vs. Johnny Moss vs. BT Gunn

I can't help but feel that this is where BT Gunn gets his hands on yet another bit of Scottish gold. The match is gonna be an absolutely incredible match though. Moss brings major violence to a match even if it has normal rules. BT Gunn brings mental bumps while Lionheart brings even MORE mentality. I've only seen Knight in a couple of matches and he's seemed like a good wrestler. Should be a corker of a main event.

PBW Tag Team Championships

Liam Thompson and Noam Dar © vs. CJ Hunter and Johnny Star

Star and CJ had some of the best tag matches in Scotland this year, so it's only fitting that they should get a rematch at their tag gold on the biggest show in Scotland in 2010. Not sure that Noam and Liam are the finished article yet. They won the tag titles on their first night as a team. Their match at Breaking Limits wasn't bad, and the champs have had a couple of matches since to improve so this should be MUCH better as all four men are brilliant.

PBW King of Cruisers

El Ligero vs. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Marty Scurll vs. Chris Rampage vs. Mark Haskins vs. CJ Banks

You take Chris Rampage out and replace him with someone else and this is pretty much the dream UK match. Chris Rampage has a real chance at a breakout match here. In Haskins and Scurll, you have two guys who have wrestled for Dragon Gate. Ligero has been up and down the UK wowing everyone. Zack Sabre Jr. wrestles in the US and Germany. CJ Banks is considered the best by some too. Basically, this is madness.

Prince Devitt vs. "M-Dogg 20" Matt Cross

This is billed as an international dream match, but no, no match featuring Matt Cross is a dream match for me. PBW pulled a bit of a coup getting this match together though. Devitt being the IWGP Jr. Champ and Matt Cross being a former CZW and ROH regular. If they keep this to a 10 minute sprint then they COULD have a cracker, but Cross isn't good enough to go longer.

James Scott w/ Alex Arthur vs. Andy Wild w/ Charles Boddington

Aye, THAT Alex Arthur. Andy Wild was claiming that HE was the one who put out Darkside/James Scott. James Scott isn't happy. James Scott drops Wild on head. Irvine rejoices. It's Darkside, so it HAS to be fun. And yeah, it's THAT Alex Arthur.

Wolfgang vs. Chaos

Chaos is another one from Europe and he was impressive in GREENOCK~~~!!! when challenging for the tag team titles. Not much else can be said really as I don't know much about the guy. Wolfgang can be hit and miss at the moment so I suppose it depends what Wolfgang turns up.

Paul Tracey and Red Lightning vs. Sean South and The Highlander

So the Lightning/South fued continues after their slightly disappointing match in Largs. The other story here is with Highlander also being in the opposing team to Lightning and those two guys have had a long rivalry. Some might say TOO long. Paul Tracey's heel gimmick is funny as f**k. This should be the piss break match in all honesty as it could be a bit of a cluster.

Oh aye, and there's wrestling in Greenock Town Hall tomorrow night. f**k knows what the card is though.

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That will be me tonight if Fourtune lose to Dreamer and co.

Buzzing for Bound For Glory tonight. It better not be shite.


Lethal vs Williams

Eric Young and Orlando Jordan vs Ink Inc

Sting, Nash and Pope vs Jarrett & Joe

Women's 4 way - Tara

Guns vs Gen Me

Fourtune vs EV 2.0

RVD vs Abyss

Angle vs Anderson vs Hardy

Bischoff will turn heel. Unsure on whether Hogan will be stupid enough to discharge himself from hospital to do the same. Hopefully tonight is the last we see of EV2.0 with the exception of Rhyno and Sabu (maybe Foley too).

Edited by Marshmallo
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