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Mo Wonderboy

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Fell asleep AGAIN during Bound For Glory last night. Whilst that means I've seen the Guns match and Velvet Sky's arse three times, I've yet to see the main event or Lethal Lockdown.

What are people's thoughts on what comes next for Fourtune? They have a squad of good young talent there who have all been made in TNA, yet they have come out of a 3 month (or so) feud with a bunch of older guys defeated. With a new heel faction in place at the top as well with Hogan/Bischoff/Hardy etc, I can't really see what they are going to do with Fourtune. Beer Money can't feud with the Guns again so soon after their last load of matches, Doug Williams has lost his rematch with Jay Lethal who has moved onto a new feud anyway, Kazarian hasn't really done anything on his own in months, Morgan is best as Ric Flair's muscle but jobbed to Kendrick a couple of weeks ago, and AJ seems to be carrying the TV title for no apparent reason. I hope they don't split them up as I love their work.

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Fell asleep AGAIN during Bound For Glory last night. Whilst that means I've seen the Guns match and Velvet Sky's arse three times, I've yet to see the main event or Lethal Lockdown.

What are people's thoughts on what comes next for Fourtune? They have a squad of good young talent there who have all been made in TNA, yet they have come out of a 3 month (or so) feud with a bunch of older guys defeated. With a new heel faction in place at the top as well with Hogan/Bischoff/Hardy etc, I can't really see what they are going to do with Fourtune. Beer Money can't feud with the Guns again so soon after their last load of matches, Doug Williams has lost his rematch with Jay Lethal who has moved onto a new feud anyway, Kazarian hasn't really done anything on his own in months, Morgan is best as Ric Flair's muscle but jobbed to Kendrick a couple of weeks ago, and AJ seems to be carrying the TV title for no apparent reason. I hope they don't split them up as I love their work.

Watch this week's impact & you'll find out

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Leaving for Irvine in an hour for Maximum Impact. Getting to see Prince Devitt is going to be amazing as he truly is one of the best in the world at the moment. Just a shame that it has to be "M-Dogg 20" Matt Cross he faces, but you can't have it all.

A true UK dream match in the King of Cruisers and a four way TLC Match in the main event means this COULD be a card of the year in the UK, but it'd have to beat off some serious competition from ICW.

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Have been away on holiday for the past week so I've just watched last week's impact, bound for glory and straight into this week's impact. My thoughts?

The Flair/Foley last man standing match was good.

MCMG/Gen Me match was fantastic. Eric Yound is being wasted. Kevin Nash looked proper pissed at Joe. Fourtune's promo before the great before the match. Lethal Lockdown was alright. I saw the body on top of the cage and laughed and joked that it looked like a dead body. Lot of blood which was nice. Didn't see the Hardy heel turn coming but it was more shock than exitement. An Angle heel turn woulda been better. Also would've preferred this to have happened(if not at all isn't an option) at the PPV prior to Lockdown so it would've only lasted a month. Don't see the point in having pretty much half the roster on one big super group.

Mickie James should be a decent addition to TNA. Taz getting involved with Double J was hilarious. Bischoff calling Testmaucher all sorts, even if it was all bleeped, was also funny. Anderson coming in was great. Gutted myself when they just kept announcing the members of the handicap match against the Pope.Jersey Shore being part of tna is just stupid. RVD's moonsault off the apron and Anderson's reversal of the rolling thunder into the Samoan drop postition were both really good. Hardy is getting some major heat though.

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That heel group in TNA is far too big IMO. And why would Flair want to give up any power to anyone else? AJ Styles shouldn't be a background character either.

That has just given me an idea. Fourtune should double cross them. AJ and Hardy for the title. Maybe after Angle and RVD get a shot of trying to beat Hardy. Then give AJ the title.

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That has just given me an idea. Fourtune should double cross them. AJ and Hardy for the title. Maybe after Angle and RVD get a shot of trying to beat Hardy. Then give AJ the title.

Sounds good to me. What was the logic in putting the TV title on him?

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Sounds good to me. What was the logic in putting the TV title on him?

TNA have a habit of doing things which make no sense. Dixie Carter appearing on tv is another puzzler.

I said at the time, probably to my brother rather than on this, that Frankie Kazarian would've been a better choice for it. They also said it would be defended every week. I think he's maybe defended it once since Terry got his rematch. Maybe even not at all.

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TNA have a habit of doing things which make no sense. Dixie Carter appearing on tv is another puzzler.

I said at the time, probably to my brother rather than on this, that Frankie Kazarian would've been a better choice for it. They also said it would be defended every week. I think he's maybe defended it once since Terry got his rematch. Maybe even not at all.

I would've agreed re Dixie until last night, she was very good. Good shout on Kazarian also.

How good was Bischoff with the cigar on Impact? "Moi?" :lol:

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Dixie Carter is not, and indeed never will, even close to approaching mildly acceptable as a TV character. She is just an utter clown who appears to be 'playing' at wrestling. If was one of those sad b*****d TNA fans who chant all the cringeworthy pish and seem to care so much, I'd be furious at her for fucking up TNA so much.

Caught just a glimpse of Impact last night. Way to utterly ruin the Knockout's division further.

Also caught a glimpse of Superstars last night. Sadly. Having seen some of them, they look and feel like the shite that WWF was offering up in the late 80's, the kind of pish you'd see on Vintage. The atmosphere is just awful, or sometimes not even that good, and it really affects the match, as the guys are usually decent wrestlers.

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How is the Knockout's Division getting worse? Micke James coming in and kicking some ass is something I would definitely wanna see.

Also the video segment before the women's match at BFG was funny. I think it was targeted at LayCool :rolleyes:

Edited by forehead7
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This video was in my "Recommended for you" section when I went onto Youtube:


Some pretty nasty ones in there. Brock Lensar(?) on the RAW replay near the start. The Triple H and Mankind ones which are always shown in the "Don't Try This At Home" montages. Chris Benoit took a nasty side on hit. Obviously the ones that don't break are gonna be pretty sore. Even better when you have the Dropkick Murphy's playing instead of whatever they used.

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Do you even like wrestling?

I hate it. And I hate you.

I jest. I love wrestling! I just see how WWE is, and for years have been hoping for someone to challenge them and force them to 'push the envelope'. TNA should be that as it has the resources to do so, but instead has just fucked over all the young talent and is now going to focus the show on that massive hooring mustached Swampy Hogan, the bell end like Bischoff and human-pteradactyl hybrid Ric Flair. TNA is a laughable failure just now. It seems that they have read the book 'The Death Of WCW' and decided that instead of learning from WCW's mistakes, they'll emulate them. Genius.

And have I mentioned how shit Dixie Carter is as a TV character? Linds McMahon had 100 times more charisma than her, and for years I was convinced that she was a reanimated corpse or a tremendous robot.

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And have I mentioned how shit Dixie Carter is as a TV character? Linds McMahon had 100 times more charisma than her, and for years I was convinced that she was a reanimated corpse or a tremendous robot.

True. Linda was wooden at the best of times (though I still love her role in the McMahon's Wrestlemania X7 angle) but she's miles better than Dixie who just isn't cut out for TV - when will they realise?

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I hate it. And I hate you.

I jest. I love wrestling! I just see how WWE is, and for years have been hoping for someone to challenge them and force them to 'push the envelope'. TNA should be that as it has the resources to do so, but instead has just fucked over all the young talent and is now going to focus the show on that massive hooring mustached Swampy Hogan, the bell end like Bischoff and human-pteradactyl hybrid Ric Flair. TNA is a laughable failure just now. It seems that they have read the book 'The Death Of WCW' and decided that instead of learning from WCW's mistakes, they'll emulate them. Genius.

And have I mentioned how shit Dixie Carter is as a TV character? Linds McMahon had 100 times more charisma than her, and for years I was convinced that she was a reanimated corpse or a tremendous robot.

Flair is the most entertaining thing on either brand atm.

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