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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I think I will go. Last one I went to was better than any WWE house show I've been to in Glasgow. Main event was Jeff Jarrett and AJ vs Angle and Scott Steiner (MEM was going strong at the time). Samoa Joe faced Doug Williams as well. This was before Doug Williams was even on TV i think.

I ordered 2 tickets last month of Seetickets.com and from what I remember from the Harlem Globetrotters show, I think we have pretty good seats near the entrance ramp and the ring itself. There are still a few tickets going I reckon and it will be a good atmosphere! Anyone in my row doing the "rob van dam........the whoel f'in show!" during RVD's entrancev will be piledrived into next week.

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I was thinking a 6 man tag AJ and Beer Money vs Pope and Guns

That would be phenomenal.

Anyone in my row doing the "rob van dam........the whoel f'in show!" during RVD's entrancev will be piledrived into next week.

Guess what I'm going to be doing now you've said that :P

Other absentees I've noticed:


Doug Williams

Matt Morgan

Velvet Sky :(

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Free shipping as well biggrin.gif

Just to comment as well, I think Austin's a bigger draw than Hogan, hence why they've never wrestled. Hogan probably fears that they'd cheer Austin more, regardless of whether he was face or heel.

According to the Hero of the Day Austin has refused to work with Hogan.

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That would be phenomenal.

Guess what I'm going to be doing now you've said that tongue.gif

Other absentees I've noticed:


Doug Williams

Matt Morgan

Velvet Sky sad.gif

Not to fussed about Williams and Morgan. Angle I never expected to go in the first place so I'm ok with that, plus he is pretty beat up just now. Tbh if I was basing my assumption on a WWE house show I would have expected a main event match of the Pope vs Robert Roode or something like that but with those names, I'm sure the card will be excellent.

Free shipping as well biggrin.gif

Just to comment as well, I think Austin's a bigger draw than Hogan, hence why they've never wrestled. Hogan probably fears that they'd cheer Austin more, regardless of whether he was face or heel.

Could Hogan have guaranteed that the crowd would have cheered for him vs the Rock at Mania? I don't think it's that at all whether Hogan was heel or face.

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He jobbed to the Rock at mania, why would he not do the same with Stone Cold?

Contrary to what Dixie Carter says, Austin was to the 90s what Hogan was to the 80s. Really it'd be 80s vs 90s. Austin is a step above The Rock in terms of popularity.

I also thought that it was Hogan who refused to face Austin.

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Neither man wants to job to the other. Hell, Austin said he wouldn't job to Hogan in public. I think there must be a real dislike between the two of them.

Pointless arguing about it anyways as Austin said he won't wrestle for a PG WWE.

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Contrary to what Dixie Carter says, Austin was to the 90s what Hogan was to the 80s. Really it'd be 80s vs 90s. Austin is a step above The Rock in terms of popularity.

I also thought that it was Hogan who refused to face Austin.

Not at that time he wasn't. Austins sales were dropping and he was an upper midcarder in 02. The Rock was still holding World Titles at this point and was genereally more motivated than Austin.

Nope, Hogan was going to job to Austin at WM and Austin still said no.

Neither man wants to job to the other. Hell, Austin said he wouldn't job to Hogan in public. I think there must be a real dislike between the two of them.

Pointless arguing about it anyways as Austin said he won't wrestle for a PG WWE.

Yeah definately, you could see the tension at the Hall of Fame ceremony. When Austin takes a joke at Hogan, Hogan face doesn't move even when Austin turns round and makes eye contact.

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Dragom Gate USA : Bushido Code of the Warrior iPPV

The night before the big PPV, this was shown live on the internet.

Ricochet vs. Arik Cannon vs. Johnny Gargano vs. Chuck Taylor ( ***3/4 )

Rich Swann vs. Homicide ( **1/2 )

Austin Aries vs. Masato Yoshino ( *** )

Jon Moxley vs. Jimmy Jacobs, I Quit Match ( **** )

The Osirian Portal vs. Brodie Lee and Akebono ( DUD )

YAMATO and Akira Tozawa vs. Genki Horiguchi and CIMA ( *** )

BxB Hulk © vs. Shingo Takagi - DGUSA Open the Dream Gate Championship ( ***3/4 )

Ricochet vs. Arik Cannon vs. Johnny Gargano vs. Chuck Taylor

Gargano into the ropes and he charges Chuck down. Dropkick from Chuck and Gargano heads out. Ricochet with the Springboard Rana and then the Deja Vu. Spinning Hee Kick from Chuck to someone. Chuck misses a charge as does Gargano. Spear misses. LIONSAULT FROM CHUCK ... MISSES !!! Arik runs into a Spear. SUICIDE DIVE ONTO CANNON !!! This is a bit too mental. Gargano with a Superkick. Over the railing go Cannon and Gargano. SUPER ARM DRAG !!! SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE RAILING FROM CHUCK TO CANNON AND GARGANO !!! CORKSCREW MOONSAULT OFF THE TOP FROM RICOCHET OVER THE RAILING !!! Back into the ring and a Springboard Rana on Chuck. Gargano stops Ricochet. LAWN DART FROM GARGANO !!! LARIAT FROM CANNON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and Cannon and Ricochet do battle. ALABAMA SLAM ... COUNTERED INTO THE CANADIAN DESTROYER !!! YAKUZA KICK !!! POWERBOMB INTO THE JACKNIFE PIN FROM CHUCK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Back Drop on Chuck and now all four men go down. Gargano to the floor. BRAINBUSTER ON TAYLOR !!! Enziguri. STANDING SHOOTING STAR FROM RICOCHET !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! LIONSAULT HITS A DROPKICK FROM GARGANO !!! HURTS DON' IT FROM GARGANO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Chuck onto the apron. DOOMSDAY DROPKICK ... REVERSE RANA !!! GLIMMERING WARLOCK FROM CANNON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BRAINBUSTER ... countered. DOUBLE KNEES FROM RICOCHET !!! BACKFLIP DROPKICK !!! DOUBLE MOONSAULT ... Gargano stops him. TOTAL ANARCHY ON THE FLOOR ON GARGANO !!! SPIDER GERMAN FROM CANNON DROPS RICOCHET ON HIS HEAD !!! THE HEAD DROP FROM CHUCK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a superb spotfest from these four guys. Again, Chuck Taylor shows that he can do the mental four way style better than most US guys. Chuck Taylor really does have a lot of tools in his arsenal. ***3/4

Rich Swann vs. Homicide

Homicide is an old indie darling so being able to deliver on the big stage should be nothing new for him. Homicide is doing some dancing around and then Rich goes behind and takes him down. Arm Drag from Homicide and then he goes to the Wristlock. Homicide then picks up Rich and has him against the ropes. Homicide isn't happy with the unclean break. Lockup and a Headlock from Rich. Rich into the ropes and he gets charged down. He misses an elbow and Rich gets a School Boy for a two count and then a Backslide gets the same. He gets another School Boy. Homicide misses a Clothesline and then Rich goes under and lands a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Homicide with a big right hand. More of the same from Homicide and then he chokes with the boot. Facewash misses and Rich with a kick. Snapmare and a kick to the back gets a two count for Rich. Rich rips the bandana off, but Homicide with more right hands. Rich gets onto the apron and then lands a Springboard Cross Body for a two count. Spinning Back Elbow from Homicide gets the advantage back. Homicide then rakes the eyes. Homicide then with a rake to the back of Rich. Homicide then tangos Rich. Chop to the back from Homicide and Rich gets back to his feet and tries a fightback, which fails. T-Bone Suplex is blocked by Rich. Homicide eventually lands the T-Bone Suplex and that gets a two count. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Homicide gets another two count. Homicide has Rich tied up pretty badly here. Neckbreaker from Homicide and that gets another two count. Homicide then with some mocking kicks to the head. Rich comes back and grabs the ear and then lands a few chops. Homicide with a low kick and Homicide says it was the thigh. TORNADO DDT ... countered. Rich to the second buckle. Lovely Dropkick. TILT-A-WHIRL FACE BUSTER !!! DOUBLE STOMP TO THE HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Standing Back Moonsault gets a two count for Rich as he completely blew that there. Rich then heads for the top rope. Rich misses a big dive. RUNNING ACE CRUSHER FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! The fans are getting right behind Rich Swann here. The shirt comes off and Homicide is looking FAT. THE GRINGO KILLER ... avoided. ACE CRUSHER ... avoided. HURRICANE KICK FROM RICH !!! SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT ... HITS THE KNEES !!! BRUTAL LARIAT FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

A bit botchy at times, but overall this was a good way to get Homicide into the fold. Homicide really brought the big moves and hard hitting here. Rich Swann was allowed some offense in, but he blew it at times. Not good enough from him, but Homicide looked like fun. **1/2

Austin Aries vs. Masato Yoshino

Yoshino counters a Headlock and gets an Arm Drag. Aries with the Head Scissor Takedown and then an escape from Yoshino. We have a break and another lockup and a Headlock from Aries. Yoshino into the ropes and Aries has to do some adjusting and then gets an Arm Drag. Yoshino with an Arm Drag of his own. Aries to the floor. Both men almost collide in the middle of the ring and then put on the brakes. That was a cracking wee sequence there. They then lock hands and Aries gets the advantage from that. Yoshino then rolls back and then turns the advantage around on Aries. Kick to the the arm and then a Dropkick from Yoshino. Arm Ringer from Yoshino and then he locks in another submission. Yoshino tries for Rings of Saturn now. Yoshino then rolls Aries onto his back, and then locks the arm of Aries in some sort of scissor hold. Aries gets into the bottom rope to break that. Some nice stuff going on right now. Kicks to the stomach from Yoshino and then he stands on the shoulder and it appears he has a focal point. Yoshino rolls through and locks in another submission. The referee wants the hold broken as Aries reaches the bottom rope. Yoshino makes the charge and ends up on the apron. Neckbreaker over the middle rope from Aries and then he sends Yoshino to the floor. Aries to the top rope and he comes down on Yoshino with the Double Axe Handle. Back into the ring they go and Aries clubs a shot across the back and then lands a Slingshot Double Axe Handle across the back of the head and that gets a two count. Body Slam from Aries and then a big Elbow Drop and that gets a two count. Knees into the back of Yoshino and then the Running European Uppercut from Aries to the back and that gets a two count. Yoshino is trying to make a comeback and then Aries locks in the Stump Puller to put a stop to that. Aries turns that into a pin and Yoshino kicks out. Yoshino is now making a comeback, but Aries trades chops. Dropkick to the knee from Aries and then he locks in the Figure Eight. Yoshino finds the bottom rope. Kick to the leg from Aries and then more of the same. Aries charges into a boot. Aries sends Yoshino into the ropes. SLING BLADE FROM YOSHINO !!! Yoshino into the corner and he gets over Aries and lands a Dropkick. Aries backs into the corner and Yoshino charges and ends up on the apron again. Aries tried the Baseball Slide Dropkick and misses. FROM JUNGLE FROM YOSHINO !!! Aries escapes and both men are down. Knee Breaker and then the Back Drop Suplex, but Yoshino blocks and gets a two count. Both men now exchange strikes again. Gorilla Press Spinning Slam. LAST CHANCERY !!! Knee Strikes as Yoshino battles to his feet. BRAINBUSTER ... avoided. Yoshino sets Aries on the top rope. Superplex is blocked by Aries. SUNSET BOMB ON YOSHINO ... blocked and Yoshino with kicks. TOP ROPE DROPKICK IN THE CORNER FROM YOSHINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! That was very very cool there. Yoshino back to the top rope but Aries stops him again. Yoshino pushes Aries into the middle of the ring and Aries stops him again. TOP ROPE RANA FROM ARIES !!! IED ... hits the boots. INVERTED TORBELLINO !!! SOL NACIENTE ... COUNTERED TO A SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE LAST CHANCERY !!! Yoshino with a flurry. LIGHTNING SPIRAL FROM YOSHINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Yoshino misses a Dropkick. SHIN BREAKER BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM ARIES !!! IED !!! BRAINBUSTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! 450 SPLASH ... MISSES !!! TORBELLINO FROM YOSHINO !!! SOL NACIENTE !!! ARIES GIVES IT UP !!!

It seemed like a very deliberately paced match rather than a match where both guys weren't sure. I guess it had something to do with the placing on the card rather than issues between the two. It was still a very fun match between them. ***

After the match, Rich Swann turns heel on Austin Aries. The fans chant "You Got Swanned" and Aries gives 'em a look that says "yup, I guess so".

Jon Moxley vs. Jimmy Jacobs, I Quit Match

Jacobs hits the ring like a house on fire and unleashes hold hell on him. Jacobs has a strap and he starts whipping away at the back of Moxley. Jacobs then chokes Moxley with the strap and whips him again. Moxley gets away and then gets sent to the floor. JACOBS SUICIDE DIVE ... into the forearm of Moxley. Moxley then lands a Clothesline and he now has a spike. Moxley misses the spike shot and some jabs and right hands from Jacobs. Knees from Moxley. Moxley charges and Dropkicks the chest of Jacobs. Body Slam and then a Cloverleaf from Moxley. Jacobs reaches the bottom rope and both men now on the apron. Right hand from Jacobs. SPEAR ON THE APRON FROM JACOBS !!! Jacobs then chokes Moxley on the railing. Both men exchanging forearms and now Moxley is sat on a chair, and Jacobs lands some more right hands. RUNNING POWERBOMB INTO THE RAILING FROM MOXLEY !!! Back into the ring they head and Moxley has the spike again. SPIKE TO THE HEAD FROM MOXLEY !!! REPEATED SPIKE SHOTS TO THE HEAD !!! He then rakes the head of Jacobs with the spike. The blood is dripping pretty badly here. Right hands from Moxley. Moxley then chokes Jacobs over the middle rope. Jacobs comes back with right hands and Moxley runs into a Backslide ... INTO THE FUJIWARA ARMBAR !!! Headbutts from Moxley and Jacobs is coming back into this match. RUNNING SPIKE SHOT FROM JACOBS !!! Jacobs now comes back with big right hands. Jacobs then comes back with right hands. SPEAR ... misses. Running Forearm from Moxley. SPEAR FROM JACOBS !!! END TIME FROM JACOBS !!! DOUBLE CHICKENWING FROM MOXLEY !!! CROSSFACE CHICKENWING SUBMISSION FROM MOXLEY !!! Knee to the head and slaps and right hands from Moxley. Jacobs spits in the face of Moxley. Moxley now ties the hands of Jacobs behind the back. Moxley now has a steel chair. Jacobs with a Dropkick. END TIME WITH THE HANDS TIED BEHIND THE BACK !!! SPIKES TO THE HEAD FROM MOXLEY !!! Jacobs fights away and now he has the chair. RUNNING CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD OF MOXLEY !!! CHAIR TO THE HEAD AGAIN !!! SPIKE TO THE BALLS AND MOXLEY QUITS !!!

That was a brutal brawl. One thing I didn't like was when they had the referee pull Moxley off of Jacobs when he was spiking him with the hands tied behind the back. Why do that ? The match should have been stopped if that was needed. That's a minor gripe in a brutal brutal match. ****

The Osirian Portal vs. Brodie Lee and Akebono

There's a lot of size between Lee and Bono. The Portal are Amasis and Ophidian. Bono will start on the apron and it's going to be Lee and Ophidian to start the match. Neither man wants to start for the Portal. They both decide to go at him before Amasis heads out. Lee pushes down Ophidian. I'm gonna call him Dian for the good of my fingers. Chop from Lee and then they collide in the middle of the ring. Dian with the headstand and then Lee charges Dian into the corner. Leaping Rana from Dian. PESCADO ... caught and Lee just slams him back into the ring. BIG BOOT IN THE CORNER !!! Bono then tags himself into the match and this can't be a good thing for anyone. Amasis attacks from behind and uses his speed. That doesn't do much good. Amasis slaps Bono. Bono charges down Amasis. Dian is now tagged into the match. Bono with the Double Shoulder Tackle and down goes the Portal. Some wheelbarrow fun and now they have Bono in trouble with some hypnosis. Lee comes in and sends Dian over the top rope but he skins the cat. Big Clothesline from Bono to Lee. A lot of dancing from the Portal. Bono then gets the dancing going as well. The Portal are now unloading with some big shots, but they can't whip him. BIG BOOT TO BONO IN THE CORNER !!! Lee and Bono doing battle. Not that this does any good and it's over.

Shit, shit match. DUD

YAMATO and Akira Tozawa vs. Genki Horiguchi and CIMA

This is a quality looking tag team match right here. YAMATO goes to the arm and then continues the work. Genki with a quick reversal and then the Side Headlock, but YAMATO with the Head Scissors. Genki escapes and then gets the Arm Drag. Both men now with pins, and that gets a stalemate. CIMA now comes into the ring and he is followed by Akira. Akira is the youngest member of the DG roster apparently. Headlock from CIMA and he gets sent to the ropes and charged down. Kick from CIMA and then he hits the ropes. Arm Drag from Akira and then CIMA. CIMA into the ropes and he runs into a Dropkick and a knee to the head. Akira fakes a dive and then taunts CIMA. In comes Genki and he takes down Akira. Body Slam from Genki and then he goes to the leg and lands the Splash across the leg. He then locks in the submission on the leg of Akira. Akira reaches the bottom rope. Into the corner and in comes CIMA. Slingshot Senton and a Dropkick from CIMA. Akira with a series of kicks, so CIMA kicks him in the face. Slap to the back from CIMA. Akira now attempts a fightback and he chops CIMA. In comes YAMATO as the Kamikaze team choke CIMA and then YAMATO with kicks. YAMATO with a Cravat. Chinlock from YAMATO with a knee in the back of CIMA. YAMATO then with kicks and stomps as the fans get behind CIMA. Into the corner and CIMA rakes the eyes, and then in comes Genki. Genki and YAMATO now exchange chops and YAMATO grabs the hair and throws him into the corner. YAMATO still has the hair and now Akira heads to the top rope and drives an elbow to the hair. Akira then with kicks and stomps and YAMATO joins in the fun and the referee has had enough. Akira chokes Genki over the bottom rope. Body Slam and a Senton Splash from Akira gets a two count. Jawbreaker from Genki avoids a Chinlock, but Akira gets the advantage back quickly and tags in YAMATO who lands some right hands to the head of Genki. Snapmare and then YAMATO rakes the face of Genki and rips out the hair. Genki wants to make the tag, but YAMATO walks up behind him and back in comes Akira and both of Kamikaze lay a beating on Genki in the corner. Abdominal Stretch from Akira now. Genki escapes with a Hiptoss and now he reaches for the tag and YAMATO stops him. Running Rana and now CIMA into the ring. YAMATO misses a charge and a Clothesline/Bulldog combo from CIMA. Suplex/Indian Deathlock combo on them as well, and Genki adds an Elbow Drop for shits and giggles. Big chop in the corner from CIMA. The fans want to see one more of them. Another HUGE chop from CIMA. CIMA with the Front Fireman's Slam and then he has some weird submission locked in. Up gets Akira and CIMA lays in more chops. Double Dropkick from the Warriors. Genki clubs at the back of Akira and now Akira tries to make a comeback. Spin Kick from Akira, but he runs into the Back Elbow and then a Piledriver from Genki and now back into the corner where CIMA is ready to do some damage. DOUBLE STOMP TO THE GUT OF AKIRA ON THE FLOOR FROM CIMA !!! Back into the ring, Genki gets a two count from the cover. Akira into the ropes and a Back Body Drop from Genki. CIMA now back into the ring. Body Slam from CIMA. Another Body Slam. Akira blocks a Suplex and drops behind. Dropkick from Akira gets blocked and then he lands a cracking knee strike and now YAMATO wants the tag. YAMATO with chops and then he hits the ropes and CIMA sweeps YAMATO and gets back into the ring. SPEAR FROM YAMATO TO GENKI !!! Enziguri from YAMATO. Slaps from both men now. Roaring Elbow, but CIMA hits a Dropkick. YAMATO takes the knee out. ANKLE LOCK FROM YAMATO !!! CIMA reaches the bottom rope. The audience don't really seem into this one. YAMATO into the ropes and CIMA rolls through. Rolling Senton from CIMA after a pair of kicks. Akira into the match and CIMA runs into boots. Venus. ICONOCLASH FROM CIMA !!! Genki now into the match. Akira onto the apron and then he springs and kicks Genki. SPRINGBOARD HEADBUTTS ... MISS !!! Senton Splash from Akira gets a two count. T-Bone Suplex from YAMATO gets a two count. DOOMSDAY CROSS BODY FROM KAMIKAZE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... CIMA SAVES !!! The sound goes. LUNGBLOWER ON YAMATO !!! This is a nightmare to watch now. PERFECT DRIVER ... blocked. TORNADO REVERSE DDT !!! RUNNING BOOT !!! PERFECT DRIVER FROM CIMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BEACH BREAK ... misses. Spin Kick from Genki. SLEEPER CHOKE FROM YAMATO !!! GALLERIA ... Genki escapes. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM YAMATO TO GENKI !!! They exchange now. Kick to the head from YAMATO. BRAINBUSTER ... countered. BACKSLIDE FROM HEAVEN FROM GENKI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... AKIRA SAVES !!! METEORA FROM CIMA ... Akira stops him. BEACH BREAK ... Rana from Genki. Swinging STO from YAMATO. Superkick from CIMA. SCHWEIN ... countered. DOUBLE KNEES FROM AKIRA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... GENKI SAVES !!! RELEASE GERMAN FROM YAMATO !!! POWER GERMAN FROM AKIRA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SUICIDE DIVE ONTO CIMA !!! Genki and YAMATO still going at it here. BACKSLIDE FROM HEAVEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM YAMATO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! GALLERIA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

An odd match here. The first two thirds of the match were brilliantly built. The sprint section just completely fell to shit. I guess that you shouldn't put guys in such a match when they clearly aren't ready for it. ***

BxB Hulk © vs. Shingo Takagi - DGUSA Open the Dream Gate Championship

Hulk charges and that didn't end too well. Hulk with arm drags but then both men miss moves. Dropkick from Hulk and then Shingo heads for the floor. Shingo takes his time getting back into the ring. Hulk chases and Shingo does a runner. Shingo drops Hulk across the railing and then whips him in. Shingo now has a chair and sits Hulk on it. Shingo charges and lands the running knee. Hulk makes a comeback with kicks and then he stretches the arm on the railing and kicks it. Into the ring and Hulk lands a series of kicks. Clothesline in the corner, but then Hulk with the running boot. He then chokes Shingo with his knee. Chop from Hulk and then he stretches the arm over the top rope. Kicks to the chest and arms. Kick to the arm from Hulk. Hulk now goes to the Fujiwara Armbar and then looks for the Cross Armbreaker. Shingo finds his way into the bottom rope. Cravat from Hulk. Knees to the head from Hulk. Snapmare and then the Running Dropkick and that gets a one count. Kimura from Hulk. Shingo finds his way into the bottom rope. Kicks to the arm from Hulk and then chops. Hulk jumps and gets caught but escapes a Suplex. IRISH CURSE FROM SHINGO !!! Double Stomp across the chest of Hulk as Shingo takes the advantage. Knees to the stomach and then a Gutbuster. BRUTAL from Shingo and then a Senton Splash. Choke with the boot from Shingo and then he picks up Hulk and lands a Piledriver. Knee Drop from Shingo and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Shingo. Shingo now with the Backbreaker and then he chokes Hulk with the boot. Shingo then walks on the stomach and lands a Double Stomp to the gut. Hulk gets shoved into the corner and then Shingo with a series of kicks. He then chokes Hulk over the middle rope. Hulk with a kick back but then he misses another. HANGING DDT FROM SHINGO !!! Shingo then with the Crab Walk Knee Drop across the back of the head. Shingo and Hulk now on the apron. EVO ON THE APRON FROM HULK !!! Baseball Slide sends Shingo over the railing. MOONSAULT PRESS OFF THE TOP FROM HULK ONTO SHINGO !!! Shingo back into the ring. Missile Dropkick from Hulk and now he gets ready to unleash. Sweep from Hulk. Standing Corkscrew Senton gets a one count. Shingo fights out of a move. MOUSE !!! ROCK BOTTOM !!! RUNNING SHOOTING STAR !!! ONE ! KICKOUT !!! Shingo runs into a boot. Springboard Spinning Heel Kick gets a two count for Hulk. Kick to the shoulder from Hulk. EVO ... avoided. SPEAR LANDS HULK ON HIS HEAD !!! Hulk avoids a Suplex. Knee Lift. SAITO SUPLEX FROM SHINGO !!! Shingo jaws with the fans. Back into the corner they go. BUCKLE BOMB !!! ALLEYOOP FROM SHINGO !!! PUMPING BOMBER FROM SHINGO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Shingo with slaps and then he goes into the other corner. PUMPING BOMBER FROM SHINGO IN THE CORNER !!! TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM SHINGO !!! HE ROLLS THROUGH TO THE EVO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! MADE IN JAPAN ... blocked. Spin Kick to the head. Hulk with an Axe Kick. Shingo and Hulk exchange shots. Flurry from Hulk. PUMPING BOMBER !!! FIRST FLASH !!! Stomps to the back from Hulk and now he lands some slaps. Headbutt from Shingo. MADE IN JAPAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Shingo can't believe that one. Slap from Shingo. SUPER DVD ... Hulk avoids it. Spinning Heel Kick. SUPER EVO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kicks to the head from Hulk. FIRST FLASH FROM HULK !!! PHOENIX SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! H THUNDER FROM HULK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Not quite the something special that the fans seemed to think it was at the end. Don't get me wrong, it was a thoroughly entertaining match and it was paced correctly, but the pace was far too deliberate for two guys who are so used to battling at super pace. ***3/4

Not a bad PPV but compared to other DGUSA PPVs this was sorely lacking in both content and atmosphere. Here's hoping for a much better effort from their next iPPV.

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Neither man wants to job to the other. Hell, Austin said he wouldn't job to Hogan in public. I think there must be a real dislike between the two of them.

Pointless arguing about it anyways as Austin said he won't wrestle for a PG WWE.

Austin's dislike stems right back to his ECW promos where he was shooting on Hogan on a regular basis for shooting him down in flames every time he tried to come up with an angle for his character at the time in WCW.

He seemed to have sort of made his peace with Bischoff over time, but not Hogan. Whether that's because in Hogan's case, it was talent holding back talent, I don't know.

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Lanny Poffo reported on his Poetryin Motion podcast Wednesday that WWE Hall of Famer Bobby "The Brain" Heenan has been in and out of a coma at a Tampa, Florida hospital and isn't doing good at all. Poffo added that Heenan wasn't aware of anything and has been unconscious. Our thoughts go out to Heenan and his family.


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