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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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TNA results:

Angelina Love and Winter beat Tara and Madison, to become Tag Champs(Velvet Sky was beaten up by Sarita and couldn't participate, Winter came down midway through)

Kazarian beat Gen Me and Robbie E(four way) to become number one contender for the X-division.

Doug Williams and AJ drew 1-1 in the Ironman match, rematch set for Genesis. AJ's out of Fortune if he doesn't win the TV title

MCMG, RVD and Morgan beat Hardy, Beer Money and Abyss.

Seems AJ is gonna go face.

Forgot to mention last week how good it is that they "put" the "world title" on Eric Young, means that they can bring it back after Immortal's done and get rid of that horrible purple one.

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I don't think you meet the "utter shit" requirement needed to be a wrestling booker these days.

I'm not sure whether that's an insult or a compliment but hey tongue.gif

Hardy's been decent for TNA, Hogan/Bischoff have not, they(H/B) do nothing for me. Bischoff can be decent at times, just when he's a complete c**t but I can't stand Hogan. Flair has been good for them though.

Bischoff is the producer of Reaction and is an on screen character. He doesn't do any booking or than pitch a few ideas here and there. I think some people don't realise this and with the money TNA are pulling in just now with Reaction, I think it was a pretty good idea and full credit must go to Bischoff for that. Hogan however, was interested for the first couple of months, now he seems to be distancing himself from something he as failed in.

Would love to see him in TNA, not sure if he'd want to.

He was in TNA as part of Triple X with The Fallen Angel and Elix Skipper.

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I hope Kaval doesn't end up in TNA, I don't really rate him.

Hogan was only ever interested in the big fat payslip IMO.

He was in a couple of matches which makes me think he wanted to help the product, I mean he didn't have to do that, but when he quickly realised we wasn't as big a draw as he once was, I think that's when he started to become more uninterested.

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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I thought TNA punted him and that was why he slagged them off subtley on NXT (his rap where he said "I'm the only reason for some Total Nonstop Action or some such bollocks). I am most likely wrong though.

Raw was class this week I thought, the opening five minutes or so were cringeworthy but the rest was great. The Cena-Lawler-Ziggler stuff was awesome, Cena reminded me of the Rock in that segment. Morrison is out of place as a main eventer I feel, the crowd were dead for him whilst Orton is still over as rover.

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He originally used Low Ki. When he made his return to TNA in a Lockdown match with Shitopher Daniels, he went by the name of Senshi.

He still used the Low Ki name in PWG at the time. He hasn't wrestled for ROH in about five years I think, although I could be wrong about that part.

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Match of the Year possibles for 2010

So we move onto TNA. There's plenty of potential candidates for the MOTY in the TNA section. As with WWE, I'd already done proper PBP reviews for the last show's candidates, so we move onto shows between Sacrifice and Turning Point. If anyone feels I've missed anything, let me know and I'll give 'em a bash or explain why I'm not giving them a bash.

Originally my plan was to do ALL of the matches, but that's a lot of stuff so I'm splitting them up.

Beer Money Inc. vs. Team 3D vs. Motor City Machine Guns - TNA Sacrifice 2010 ( ***1/4 )

Douglas Williams vs. Kazarian - TNA Sacrifice 2010 ( ***1/2 )

Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy - TNA Sacrifice 2010 ( ** )

AJ Styles vs. Rob Van Dam - TNA Sacrifice 2010 ( ***1/4 )

Kazarian vs. Kurt Angle - TNA Slammiversary VIII ( ***1/2 )

Douglas Williams vs. Brian Kendrick - TNA Slammiversary VIII ( **3/4 )

AJ Styles vs. Jay Lethal - TNA Slammiversary VIII ( ***1/2 )

Beer Money Inc. vs. The Enigmatic Assholes - TNA Slammiversary VIII ( ***1/4 )

Beer Money Inc. vs. Team 3D vs. Motor City Machine Guns - TNA Sacrifice 2010

Plenty of good talent in this match means it's probably going to be pretty good. I don't imagine it'll be anything more than a good spotfest, but with the amount of talent in the match, who knows? At least I'm going to enjoy what's coming. Shelley and Roode are getting the match going for us. Lockup and Roode goes behind. Snapmare and a Chinlock from Roode and Shelley escapes and goes to the Hammerlock. Headlock from Roode. Roode sent into the ropes and he charges down Shelley. Shelley goes behind and we have more reversals. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors and then a Wheelbarrow Bulldog from Shelley and that gets a two count. Chops from Shelley and then he hits the ropes and runs into the Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker and that gets a two count. In comes Storm now. Chop to the face from Storm and then he knocks Sabin off of the apron. Storm into the ropes and then he avoids a kick. He walks into a kick to the gut. DREAM SEQUENCE FROM THE GUNS TO ROODE !!! Roode then heads for the apron. Back in comes Storm and Shelley works on the arm. In comes Sabin and they do the AWA Special on the arm. Storm with a poke to the eye and then he hits the ropes and lands a High Knee. Ray into the ring now. Arm Ringer from Ray and then he kicks Sabin in the face. Sabin then with some flipping about and he goes to the arm. Kick to the stomach and then to the side. Ray sweeps Sabin and then misses an Elbow Drop. Big Boot from Ray. Sidewalk Slam/Leg Drop combo gets a two count for Team 3D. Sabin charges Ray off of the apron and lands a Dropkick. PESCADO FROM SABIN TO RAY ... MISSES !!! Back into the ring where Devon is waiting and he sends Sabin into the corner. Devon then stands on Sabin in the corner and lands a Body Slam. Into the ropes and he lands a Leg Drop and that gets a two count. Ray now comes into the ring and he chops the chest of Sabin and then kicks him in the face. Roode tries to get involved and Ray fends him off and then lands another Body Slam on Sabin. SECOND ROPE SENTON SPLASH ... MISSES !!! In comes Shelley and he works over Ray. Devon comes in and has some of the same. Spin Kick on Ray. Shelley to the top rope. Dropkick sends Shelley into Team 3D. They then knock Beer Money off of the apron. Ray takes out his own partner. Forearms from the Guns and then elbows. SUICIDE DIVE FROM SABIN TO STORM THROUGH THE LEGS OF SHELLEY !!! Neck Snap over the top rope and Shelley heads for the top rope. FROG SPLASH ... MISSES !!! LARIAT FROM ROODE TO SHELLEY !!! We now have Beer Money back in control of the match. Chops from Roode in the corner. Backbreaker from Roode and then in comes Storm. Looks like we're going extended formula. Double Suplex from Beer Money. The Guns get angry. Shelley on the second buckle. Hanging Neckbreaker from Storm and that gets a two count. In comes Roode. Shelley to the ropes. Elbow Drop and Knee Drop from Beer Money and that gets another two count. Chinlock from Roode. Shelley makes a comeback and then he runs into a Back Elbow and that gets a two count. In comes Storm now. Right hands from Storm. Chinlock this time from Storm. Shelley fights out and then Storm with a battle. Avalanche misses in the corner. Kick to the back of the head from Shelley but Beer Money stop him. TAG MADE !!! Sabin with the big Forearms on Roode. Leaping Rana off of the second buckle. SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA TO THE FLOOR ONTO STORM !!! Back in. SPRINGBOARD SWINGING DDT FROM SABIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Devon comes in and so does Shelley and we have a lot of action going on. Shelley sent to the floor and then Sabin to the ramp and then the floor. Bionic Elbow on Storm. DUDLEY DEVICE ON ROODE !!! Sabin comes in with the Springboard Cross Body and that gets a two count. Sabin sent to the floor. 3D ON ROODE ... stopped. Storm spits beer in the face of Devon. Spinebuster on Ray. DOUBLE KICKS IN THE CORNER FROM GUNS !!! NECKBREAKER/FROG SPLASH COMBO FROM THE GUNS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was exactly what I thought it was going to be. A good spotfest. They kept the action flowing, they didn't both anything. The exchanges between the Guns and Team 3D were actually really good and I suppose it was a sign of things to come. ***1/4

Douglas Williams vs. Kazarian - TNA Sacrifice 2010

Lockup and they go into the corner. We have a clean break. Lockup and Williams goes behind and then goes to the Cravat. Headlock from Williams and then he does some schooling and goes to the Side Headlock, but Kaz goes to the Head Scissors. Williams goes and rolls around and then he escapes. Williams thinks Kaz used some cheap shots to get out. Kaz now goes behind and then Williams with the Drop Toe Hold and back to the Headlock and Kaz rolls through to the Hammerlock. Some nice stuff going on here. Into the corner they go and Williams gets a cheap shot in and then the Cravat. Snapmare and then Williams charges Kaz down for a two count. Kaz with shots to the stomach and then Williams escapes. Arm Drag and the Arm Bar from Kaz. Knee Drop to the arm from Kaz. Hammerlock and then a wonderful takedown from Kaz and then he goes back to the Arm Bar. Taz thinks this is a bad idea, trading holds with Williams. I don't think it looks that way hot shot. Kaz still has the arm of Williams, but Williams goes behind and now stretches the arms. Awesome. Kaz now goes behind and has the legs crossed and Williams into the bottom rope. How awesome was that? They lockup and Kaz goes to the arm and Williams walks onto the apron. Kaz with a kick and then a Neck Snap over the top rope. Kaz onto the apron and a Slingshot Cradle gets a two count for Kaz and then he gets the Arm Drag and Arm Bar. Kaz has the shoulders of Williams down. Williams bridges up and Kaz can't get him back down. Williams powers back up and then bridges Kaz down. Kaz powers up and then Williams with the Japanese Strangle Hold. Williams then adds the knees to the back, but Kaz with the backwards roll and has the move on Williams. This is brilliant! Williams once again uses the ropes. Kick to the face from Kaz as he looks to increase the pace. Williams gets under Kaz and pushes him face first into the ramp from the top rope and the fans don't like that. "USA" chant breaks out from the audience. Neckbreaker over the middle rope from Williams and then he says he's going to win the gold. Front Facelock and then Williams takes Kaz to the apron and slams his chest into the ring apron and then forearms from Williams. Back into the ring he goes and Williams locks in the Front Facelock. Running Dropkick sends Williams to the floor. PESCADO FROM KAZ !!! Back into the ring and a Springboard Dropkick from Kaz. The fans get behind the challenger. Clothesline misses from Williams. Swinging Neckbreaker and that gets a two count for Kaz. Forearm from Kaz and then Williams gets over Kaz. CHAOS THEORY ... COUNTERED TO THE VICTORY ROLL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Backslide gets a two count for Kaz. Kaz to the apron and a shoulder. SLINGSHOT DDT FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! European Uppercuts from Williams and then a Short Arm Clothesline. High Knee in the corner from Williams and then he decides not to head for the top rope. Right hands from Kaz. Springboard Back Elbow from Kaz. JIG N TONIC ... countered. BRUTAL BUCKLE BOMB INTO THE BOTTOM BUCKLE FROM WILLIAMS !!! That gets a well earned "Holy Shit" chant. BRAINBUSTER OVER THE KNEE FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! CHAOS THRORY ... blocked. THE NOVACAINE FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Both men with counters and Kaz gets the better of that. Williams now set on the top rope. CHAOS THEORY CONNECTS FOR WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was really good there. The wrestling exchanges that took up most of the first half of the match were exceptional. The second half of the match couldn't really match it. Don't get me wrong, it was fine and there was nothing really wrong with it, but it lacked the real involvement. ***1/2

Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy - TNA Sacrifice 2010

Lockup and into the corner they go. Knee to the stomach and right hands from Anderson. Kicks to the stomach from Anderson and then he kicks the gut of Hardy. Hardy takes down Anderson and then he lands some right hands. Right hands to the ribs from Hardy and it gets turned around. Hardy misses a shot and winds up on the floor. Anderson rolls to the floor. Hardy then gets charged into the apron. Anderson misses an Elbow Drop. Hardy lands a Clothesline in the corner and then he lands another. Right hands in the corner from Hardy. Swinging Dropkick is blocked as Anderson raises a boot. Anderson now with stomps to the gut. That gets a two count as Anderson works on the midsection of Hardy. Right hands to the gut and then kicks to the gut. Hardy comes back with a right hand to the gut. Anderson is angered enough by that to just unleash a load of right hands to the face of Hardy. Anderson now has Hardy in the Abdominal Stretch. Hardy manages to escape from the move and hits the ropes but runs right into a knee in the gut and that gets a two count. Anderson heads for the second buckle and then lands an Elbow Drop and that gets a two count. Knees to the back from Anderson now. Anderson then with right hands to the back and that gets a two count. Hardy tries to get into the corner and then Anderson drags him back into the middle of the ring and locks in another Abdominal Stretch. Hardy escapes, but Anderson then crotches Hardy on the top rope. Anderson hits the ropes and gets hit with the Back Body Drop onto the ramp. Hardy goes under the ring now and gets a chair. He sets it in the seated position and then charges. POETRY IN MOTION SENDS ANDERSON BACK INTO THE RING !!! That gets a two count. Anderson and Hardy are now exchanging right hands. Anderson into the ropes and Hardy starts to land the Clotheslines. Sleeper Drop from Hardy and that gets a two count. Anderson into the corner and Hardy lands a Clothesline and then a Bulldog and that gets a two count. Rolling Samoan Drop gets a two count from Anderson after he escapes from a Suplex. MIC CHECK ... blocked. MIC CHECK FROM ANDERSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... HARDY GRABS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! The fans get behind Hardy here. Spin Kick to the chest and then a Sitdown Front Suplex and Hardy now heads for the top rope. Anderson is getting up and Hardy gets down and decides to stomp Anderson. TWIST OF FATE FROM HARDY !!! Anderson now stops him though and lands some right hands. SUPER ROLLING SAMOAN DROP ... blocked. Hardy brings Anderson down on his face. SWANTON BOMB FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was an absolute mess in the second half of the match. Botchy as f**k, and Jeff Hardy in particular looked as if he didn't want to be there. **

AJ Styles vs. Rob Van Dam - TNA Sacrifice 2010

The bell rings and this thing is going to get going. This is considered something of a dream match. They stall for a long time at the start of the match. When I say a long time, I mean these guys spend a couple of minutes just standing about. RVD then avoids a lockup to go and do some posing. Oh f**k off. It's like 1999 ECW all over again. RVD and Styles then have some words for each other. Is wrestling going to break out. Spin Kick from RVD misses and the fans applaud. Easily pleased this lot. Lockup and into the corner they go and Styles gets in his face. RVD isn't happy about that. "AJ Sucks" chant breaks out from the fans. They then do some talking again. Styles and RVD miss right hands and then RVD lands a Clothesline to send Styles over the top rope. Styles drags RVD to the outside and lands some chops. RVD then with some chopping. Right hands from Styles and then both men try and smack the other's head into the ramp. RVD succeeds. MOONSAULT PRESS OFF OF THE RAMP FROM RVD !!! Back into the ring and the audience are appreciative of that. Styles comes in and misses a move. RVD goes for Rolling Thunder and Ric Flair grabs a leg. RVD shouts at him, and then Ric Flair gets angry. The referee sends Ric Flair away. Earl Hebner then gets in the face of Styles, but then AJ lands a Clothesline on RVD and then gets back into the ring. Ric Flair is on commentary. Styles knocks RVD off of the apron. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE FROM STYLES !!! Back into the ring and Styles with a stomp, while Ric Flair is going mental on commentary. Body Slam from Styles and then he hits the ropes and lands a Knee Drop. That gets a two count. RVD jumps to his feet and lands a Spin Kick right to the face. RVD with right hands in the corner. Styles charges into a forearm, but then sends RVD off of the top rope and face first into the ramp. Back into the ring and then Styles gets a two count. Camel Clutch from Styles. RVD reaches the bottom rope. Styles comes with the chops, and then RVD comes back. Forearms from Styles. RVD with more right hands. Styles into the corner and then RVD runs into a boot. Tornado DDT from Styles and that gets a two count. Snapmare and then a kick to the back from Styles and then another kick. Styles then taunts the crowd who are giving AJ Styles a mixed reaction. Styles then chokes RVD over the middle rope. RVD then comes back, but Styles then with right hands. Dropkick catches RVD right on the jaw. That gets a two count. Chinlock from Styles and then RVD fights his way out. Styles with another right hand. RVD misses a roundhouse but then lands the Side Kick off of the middle buckle and that might get the control back. RVD now with right hands and then he lands Clotheslines and then the Superkick. RVD misses the Spin Kick in the corner and Styles with chops. Rolling Monkey Flip and a beauty from RVD. FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH FROM STYLES ... MISSES !!! Styles then gets onto the apron. Springboard Forearm from Styles and that gets a two count. Side Rollup gets a two count for Styles. Jawbreaker from RVD and then they switch Waistlocks. PELE KICK FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! RVD battles to his feet in the corner and Styles charges and misses. Northern Lights Suplex and that gets a two count. Small Package from Styles gets a two count. Manhattan Drop from RVD and then he crotches Styles on the top rope and he lands a right hand. Side Kick off of the top rope to the hanging Styles. ROLLING THUNDER ... HITS THE KNEES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! TORTURE RACK FROM STYLES INTO THE RACK BOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! RVD kicks Styles into the corner. Styles with the Flying Forearm in the corner and that gets a two count. Kicks to the head from RVD. STYLES CLASH FROM STYLES ... countered and Styles rolls through and we now have a pinfall exchange. Double Clothesline and down go both men. Forearms from RVD and then Styles. Enziguri misses and RVD gets a sweep. Figure Four countered. Kick to the face from RVD and then he lands a right hand. Styles onto the apron and he comes in. QUEDABRA DDT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Styles to the apron. SUPERMAN 450 SPLASH ... MISSES !!! Ric Flair has seen enough and he is heading for the ringside area. Jay Lethal stops Ric Flair getting involved in the match. Low blow from Lethal. Lethal then sends down Flair with a chop. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM LETHAL TO FLAIR !!! RVD goes to the top rope in the actual match and Styles stops him up there. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM STYLES ... countered to the Neck Snap. FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That wasn't a bad match by any means. The stalling at the start was laughable and once again, it shows the absolute worst side of RVD. He brought his A-game to the match though. They just didn't click, but they gave it a right good shot. ***1/4

Kazarian vs. Kurt Angle - TNA Slammiversary VIII

This was at the start of Kurt Angle's battle against the rankings to try and get a title shot in the future. Kurt Angle is over in a BIG way. Lockup and Angle with the Headlock Takedown and Side Headlock. Angle into the ropes and he charges down Kaz. Arm Drags from Kaz and then he gets in the face of Angle. Angle won't allow himself to be phased by the mind games of Kaz though. Angle goes back to the arm with the Arm Ringer and then Kaz with a flip and an escape and he goes to the Hammerlock, but Angle counters and sweeps down Kaz. Kaz kips up and then gets the Headlock. Kaz into the ropes and then Angle charges him into the corner. Angle charges and misses. Kaz with the Springboard Dropkick. Angle then goes behind. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES !!! That came out of nowhere. Kaz with the low kick and down goes Angle. The referee was about to DQ Kaz and Angle wants the match to keep going. Kaz goes into the corner and clubs away at Angle. The referee is very impatient though. Kaz throws Angle to the floor. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP FROM KAZ !!! Kaz now heads to the floor to get Angle. Back into the ring they go. Springboard Leg Drop gets a two count for Kaz and then he locks in the Facelock. Angle fights his way out and then lands a big right hand. Kaz into the ropes and he runs into a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker. Angle into the corner and then Kaz lands a big Clothesline and the fans get behind Angle. Kaz then chokes Angle with the boot. Kick to the back from Kaz and then he goes back to the Front Facelock. Angle battles back to his feet and then fights his way out of the move. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX LANDS KAZ ON HIS FACE !!! Now both men battle up and then we have the right hand exchange. Kaz then charges and meets Clotheslines. Back Body Drop from Angle and now he's going! Kaz into the corner and Angle charges into a boot. Kaz charges into the Belly 2 Belly Suplex and that gets a two count. ANGLE SLAM ... countered into the Swinging Neckbreaker and that gets a two count. Kaz charges. POWERBOMB INTO THE ANGLE LOCK !!! Kaz rolls out. Dropkick from Kaz and that gets a two count. Kaz is now heading for the top rope. ANGLE WITH THE POP UP BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Angle is waiting behind Kaz. ANGLE SLAM ... Kaz counters ... ANGLE ROLLS BACK THROUGH TO THE ANGLE LOCK ... Kaz kicks his way out. Kaz to the apron. SLINGSHOT DDT FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kaz goes for the Brain Damage but Angle escapes. SNAP GERMAN SUPLEX FROM ANGLE !!! THE ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES !!! The straps go down. THE ANGLE LOCK ... countered to the Arm Drag. KAZ LANDS THE BRAIN DAMAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Angle now with right hands. Kaz with a big Clothesline. He heads for the top rope. Springboard ... INTO THE ANGLE SLAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Angle to the top rope. MOONSAULT ... stopped. INTO A POWERBOMB AND KAZ USES THE ROPES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BRAIN DAMAGE ... ANGLE ROLLS THROUGH TO THE ANGLE LOCK !!! HE ADDS THE GRAPEVINE AND KAZ TAPS !!!

The pacing of this match was WAAAAAY off at times. Big nearfalls and then it'd be like the middle of the match again. It appears that they didn't realise how far they were from the finish and it hurt the match badly. It's a shame because the first half of the match was exactly as you would expect from these two guys. ***1/2

Douglas Williams vs. Brian Kendrick - TNA Slammiversary VIII

They lockup and Williams goes into the ropes to avoid the wrath of Kendrick. They lock hands and Williams gets the advantage from there. Kendrick rolls and gets the advantage back as the fans call Williams a w****r. Williams then reaches the ropes when Kendrick goes to the submission. Kendrick sees that he has frustrated Williams and has a wee smile on his face. Waistlock Takedown and then the Front Facelock from Williams. Kendrick rolls through and gets some elbow strikes to the back of the head and then into the corner where the referee wants a break. Kendrick charges into a boot and then Williams locks in a leg submission and then Kendrick boots out and goes to a submission of his own, and then Williams kicks him to the floor. Kendrick now fights back and sends Williams into the railing. Kendrick misses a charge and then Williams with the Back Drop Suplex. Forearms from Williams and then he breaks the count. He then sends Kendrick back into the ring. Kick to the gut and then Williams with a Camel Clutch. Williams powers Kendrick up into a Samoan Drop and that gets a two count. Williams now with a Backbreaker and then he goes to the Bow and Arrow Hold. Kendrick manages to roll out and get a pin for a two count. Williams stomps and kicks at Kendrick against the ropes. Cravat from Williams. Kendrick battles out and then blocks a Suplex, but winds up getting dropped gut first over the top rope. Kendrick moves. SUICIDE DIVE FROM KENDRICK !!! Back in and Kendrick gets a Missile Dropkick for a two count. Running Forearm in the corner and then an Enziguri. SICK KICK FROM KENDRICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Another Sick Kick from Kendrick and that gets a two count. Low kick and then a Short Arm Clothesline from Williams. The referee has enough doubt not to DQ. Headbutts and European Uppercuts from Williams. We have nearfalls from both men. Gutwrench Suplexes. T-Bone Suplex and that gets a two count. CHAOS THEORY ... countered. Into the corner and Kendrick hits some right hands and forearms. Williams knocks Kendrick down into the middle of the ring. REVOLUTION DDT FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

There was nothing really wrong with this match. It just felt too much like an exhibition and completely devoid of any emotion and meaning. As a result I didn't like it very much. **3/4

AJ Styles vs. Jay Lethal - TNA Slammiversary VIII

AJ Styles has a point to prove to Ric Flair because he lost a match with Jay Lethal. He wants to do two things here. 1) Avenge the loss and 2) stick up for Ric Flair, who Jay Lethal did a magnificent impression of. Ric Flair didn't like the impression one bit. The Flair fans are out in force here. Lockup and then both men battle for position and wind up in the corner. Styles with a big chop in the corner. Lethal slaps Styles and AJ gets the hell out of there. He needs to shake the effects of that off. Styles gets back into the ring. Lockup again and Styles with the Headlock. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock, and Lethal goes to the Head Scissors. Styles rolls through to a Dragon Sleeper of sorts, and then gets the Headlock. Styles into the ropes and a Dropkick to the knee and now Lethal fights out of the corner and lands a big chop. Styles gets under Lethal and then lands a chop of his own. Styles into the corner and Lethal with the Monkey Flip. Hiptoss into the Dropkick from Lethal and that gets a one count. Snap Suplex from Lethal and that gets a one count as well. Styles comes back with right hands, but Lethal keeps control and goes back to the chops. Backbreaker from Lethal and that gets a two count. Lethal lands a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors and Styles heads for the floor. SUICIDE DIVE ... MISSES !!! Styles to the apron and Lethal sweeps down Styles. Flair is over helping his man and Lethal comes close to blows with him. Back into the ring and into the corner and Styles goes to the eyes of Lethal but misses a chop. More chopping from Lethal. Lethal tries to get over Styles and winds up getting crotched on the top rope and then Styles with a chop. Lethal with a BIG chop. PELE KICK TO LETHAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Body Slam from Styles and then he lands the Knee Drop and that's another two count for Styles. Shoulder Charges in the corner from Lethal and then more chopping. Headlock from Styles but Lethal just comes back with more chops and then a big right hand. LOVELY Dropkick from Lethal and that gets a two count. BRUTAL BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM STYLES !!! That's a game changer right there. Right hands from Styles. Lethal then gets sent to the floor and Styles gets in the face of the referee. Ric Flair chokes Lethal with his jacket. To the floor goes Styles and then he unloads with some more chopping. Back into the ring and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Styles. Lethal now fights out of the move again. Elbow to the back of the head from Styles. Lethal with the Handspring Back Elbow and he's back in the match. Front Facelock from Styles but Lethal gets out. Styles tries to ground him. Manhattan Drop from Lethal and then the Clotheslines. Right hand from Lethal. Lethal into the corner and Styles charges into a boot. Leaping Leg Lariat from Lethal and the fans are into this. MOONSAULT PRESS FROM LETHAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Styles into the corner and the IED from Lethal! LETHAL COMBINATION !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Lethal is now heading for the top rope. Springboard ... STYLES COUNTERS TO THE CRADLE BREAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Ric Flair wants to get involved and the referee argues with him. DISCUS LARIAT ... BACK DROP NECKBREAKER FROM LETHAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Poke to the eye from Styles. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM STYLES !!! Lethal finds the bottom rope. BRAINBUSTER FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Styles is getting frustrated with not being able to put him away. STYLES CLASH FROM STYLES ... COUNTERED TO THE DRAGON SUPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... STYLES FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Ric Flair got the boot on there. LETHAL WITH THE FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK !!! Ric Flair was on the apron and then the ref just turns away from him and keeps the eye on the submission. Styles finds the bottom rope. Backbreaker from Lethal and now he's going to the top rope. TOP ROPE FLYING ELBOW DROP ... MISSES !!! PELE KICK TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD !!! STYLES WITH THE SPIRAL TAP ... he can't climb. QUEDABRA DDT ... LETHAL TURNS INTO A PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The match was messy as f**k but it had bag loads of passion in it. Jay Lethal was particularly brilliant here. He used Ric Flair's moves effectively. The chops got major success and the Figure Four basically won the match for him in the end. Good stuff. Not great or anything. ***1/2

Beer Money Inc. vs. The Enigmatic Assholes - TNA Slammiversary VIII

We open the match with Roode and Anderson. Anderson avoids a submission to get this going. Lockup and then Roode goes behind. Roode with the Drop Toe Hold and then Storm comes in and gets the Front Facelock. Anderson goes to the Hammerlock and then into the corner again and in comes Roode. Hardy now tags into the match. Lockup and a Headlock from Roode and then Hardy tries for a Suplex. Roode into the ropes and he charges down Hardy. In comes Storm. Manhattan Drop from Roode and a Russian Legsweep from Storm. Hardy clubs away at the back and then in comes Anderson. Double Back Elbow and then a Double Leg Drop on Roode for his troubles. Right hands from Anderson and then he gets charged into the corner and a big chop from Storm. Right hands from Anderson and then he runs into the ropes but Roode pulls the top rope down. Roode then charges Anderson into the ring apron and then to the cover and that gets a two count. Choke from Storm in the ring and then he tags in Roode. Wishbone Legsplit from Beer Money. Storm taunts the fans from the apron. Knee Drop from Roode gets a one count and then he stops Anderson making the tag. Storm tagged into the match and Storm lays a beating on Anderson. Storm charges and winds up on the apron where he lands the kick, but then runs into the Clothesline. Hardy gets behind his tag team partner. We have a hot tag and Hardy is the house on fire and he unloads. Sitdown Front Suplex on Roode gets a two count as Storm makes the save. Anderson comes in and gets sent to the floor and now Roode has control. CATAPULT DDT FROM BEER MONEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! THE LAST CALL FROM STORM ... blocked by Anderson. TWIST OF FATE FROM HARDY !!! THE SWANTON BOMB FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... STORM PULLS THE REFEREE OUT !!! The referee blames Anderson which is major stupidity and makes the referee look like a fud. Storm now makes the tag and lays in the right hands on Hardy. Clothesline in the corner from Hardy and then in comes Roode. WHEELBARROW CODEBREAKER FROM BEER MONEY !!! Anderson wants to get involved and the referee is going mental here. Reminds me of when Earl Hebner let out his life's frustrations on Triple H during the match with HBK. :lol: HANGING DDT FROM STORM !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Roode comes into the ring and then gets in the face of Anderson. He then lays in the stomps on Hardy. The Backbreaker and that gets a two count. Anderson comes in just to help that. Storm comes in and gets a two count. Double Suplex from Beer Money and we know what's coming next. BEER ... MONEY !!! In come Storm. Body Slam from Storm and then Roode and Anderson get into an arguement on the apron. Small Package from Hardy but the referee sees it too late. Clothesline from Storm and then in comes Roode and that gets a two count. Hardy battles to his feet and then lands some right hands on Storm. Roode runs into the boot. WHISPER IN THE WIND ... MISSES !!! Roode tells Hardy that Beer Money are too smart. TWIST OF FATE OUT OF NOWHERE FROM HARDY !!! In comes Anderson and he lands a series of shots. Roode comes in. Anderson continues to control. Rolling Samoan Drop gets a two count for Anderson. Hardy comes in. Swinging Dropkick from Hardy. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OFF OF THE BACK OF ANDERSON TO STORM !!! MIC CHECK FROM ANDERSON ... stopped. Spinebuster from Roode and that gets a two count. Spin Kick from Hardy. Last Call ducked. EYE OF THE STORM FROM STORM !!! Storm now has his hat on. Storm gets sent to the floor. MIC CHECK FROM ANDERSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I loved that ending there. They basically fooled the experienced tag team man with some quality tag teaming. Good stuff. The match was good extended formula stuff for the most part which means it's going to get a good rating. Just wasn't spectacular. ***1/4

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Match of the Year possibles for 2010

Selection two as far as TNA goes and this lot contains a match which I loved and a lot of people hated. There's also a couple of matches which I fully expect to break the 4* barrier required to get into my archive of ratings.

Douglas Williams vs. Brian Kendrick, Submissions vs. Ultimate X Match - TNA Victory Road 2010 ( *** )

Ric Flair vs. Jay Lethal - TNA Victory Road 2010 ( *** )

Beer Money Inc. vs. Motor City Machine Guns - TNA Victory Road 2010 ( ****1/4 )

Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer - TNA Hardcore Justice 2010 ( * )

Generation Me vs. Motor City Machine Guns - TNA No Surrender 2010 ( **** )

AJ Styles vs. Tommy Dreamer, I Quit Match - TNA No Surrender 2010 ( ***1/2 )

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy - TNA No Surrender 2010 ( ****1/4 )

Douglas Williams vs. Brian Kendrick, Submissions vs. Ultimate X Match - TNA Victory Road 2010

This screams out the usual overload of gimmicks on the surface, but with Williams' character at this point I thought it made perfect sense. Doug is going straight for the climb but decides he wants none of that. European Uppercut from Williams and then a Knee Lift. Cravat from Williams and then Kendrick Arm Drags out and then lands some right hands in the corner. Kick to the stomach from Williams and a European Uppercut. High Knee and then Snap Suplex and then he rolls through with the bridging Chinlock on Kendrick. Kendrick now fights out of the move and runs right into a knee. REVOLUTION DDT ... misses. Missile Dropkick off of the second buckle and then he goes for the Cobra Clutch. Williams rolls Kendrick off and then hits a Flying European Uppercut. Kendrick pulls himself to his feet. Snapmare and then the Head Scissors from Williams. Kendrick escapes and lands some Crossface Forearms, so Williams winds up dropping Kendrick backwards. Hangman Neckbreaker Submission from Williams gets escaped and a nice pair of kicks from Kendrick and then the Running Forearm. Cobra Clutch attempt again from Kendrick and he gets backed into the corner. Williams gets dumped over the top rope and to the floor. Kick to the head from Kendrick, but Williams perseveres and climbs. Williams with elbows. HANGING COBRA CLUTCH IN THE CORNER FROM KENDRICK !!! Kendrick then chokes with the boot. Kendrick climbs the ropes and now Kendrick looks like he's going to go for the gold. TOP ROPE BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM WILLIAMS !!! Kendrick rolls Williams over and locks in the Cobra Clutch. They go to the outside. Williams rolls off the ramp to break it. That was a rather nifty escape there actually. Kendrick is now climbing for the gold. Williams decides that he has to take the risk. KENDRICK FALLS OFF OF THE STEEL INTO THE TOP ROPE AND TO THE FLOOR !!! Williams decides to get right back down from there. Kendrick is out of it though and Williams is having trouble taking him out. Williams decides to get the climbing gloves and he's heading for the gold! Williams is now going across and Kendrick is now going up there with him. Body Scissors brings both men down. Williams locks in the Cobra Clutch and that's it.

The ending seemed a bit premature. This was a much better match though as it seemed like the two guys were really fighting for something. Williams put over his fear of heights and his ground game well, and Kendrick did a good job of keeping up. Good wee match. ***

Ric Flair vs. Jay Lethal - TNA Victory Road 2010

Flair actually looked to be in decent shape compared to how he looked for much of his WWE run. Lockup and a Headlock from Flair. Flair into the ropes and he charges down Lethal. Dropkick from Lethal and then he lands a chop. Back Body Drop from Lethal and then a Clothesline sends Flair over the top rope. Flair onto the apron and Lethal brings him in with the Suplex. Running Dropkick from Lethal and that gets a two count. Lethal heads for the top rope and the Missile Dropkick gets a two count. Poke to the eyes from Flair and the timing of that was brilliant. :lol: Flair then goes to work with the chops. More chops from Flair. He then lands a big right hand and into the corner they go. Lethal comes back with big chops of his own. Flair swings some punches and then falls to the canvas. Another thumb to the eye. :lol: He heads for the top rope. Lethal stops him. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM LETHAL !!! Lethal signals for the end and he heads for the top rope. MOONSAULT ... MISSES !!! Flair takes a wee bit of time to get his bearings and then goes for Lethal and stomps on him. He then stomps on the leg of Lethal and then kicks at the back and then stomps on the leg again as he really looks to soften the leg up for the Figure Four Leglock. The fans are into this one. Chop Block from Flair and then he stomps away at the leg. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM FLAIR !!! Flair is using the ropes and Earl Hebner is taking no shit from Flair. SCHOOL BOY FROM LETHAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! He then rips at the face of Lethal and drags him around the ring. Into the corner and Flair with a series of chops and right hands. More chops but Lethal now comes back with chops of his own. Lethal decides to go with the right hands. This has more success. Lethal into the ropes and he lands a Flying Forearm. Lethal with more chopping. Handspring Back Elbow from Lethal. Right hands from Lethal and then he lands some more chops. Lethal onto the apron and then he struts. Flair goes after him. Sunset Flip and then Lethal grabs onto the tights and we have the full moon. The fans like that. Sleeper Hold from Flair and then he gets charged in. Lethal now with the Springboard Cross Body. Vader Bomb to the knees from Lethal and now ... THE FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM LETHAL !!! FLAIR TAPS !!!

The match was good. Ric Flair was a lot more aggressive and angry than he usually is during a match. Almost unlike himself outside of the stupid comedy spot with the fall. ***

Beer Money Inc. vs. Motor City Machine Guns - TNA Victory Road 2010

I fully expect this match to break the 4* barrier. Storm and Shelley to get this going. Lockup and into the corner and Storm misses the cheap shot. Shelley with the forearms and then Storm into the ropes. Hiptoss from Shelley is blocked. Manhattan Drop and then the Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors gets a two count. Arm Ringer from Shelley. Discus forearm from Shelley, but he can't reach his corner. He does eventually and in comes Sabin. Big forearm and in comes Roode with big rights. Into the corner and then Sabin into the ropes and he hits the breaks. In comes Shelley. Climbing Dropkick sends Storm off of the apron and then Roode to the floor. Into the ring they go. Chop from Shelley. Kick to the face from Roode and then he gets the Drop Toe Hold, and then a Bulldog from Shelley gets a two count. Shelley goes to the arm again. AWA Special to the arm of Roode, and then Shelley does some running on the back of Roode. Sabin into the ring and he lands an elbow to the back of the head. Roode tags out when he gets the chance and in comes Storm. Double Back Elbow and then a Knee Drop/Senton Splash combo from the Guns gets a two count. Roode off of the apron again and then right hands from Storm and he charges. Kicked out of the corner and then Shelley gets crotched on the ringpost and that gives Beer Money ample oppertunity to do some real damage. In comes Storm and then a Snapmare and he locks in the Chinlock. Shelley makes the comeback, but in comes Roode and we have a Double Suplex right in front of Sabin and then ... BEER ... MONEY !!! Sabin doesn't like that. Into the corner they go and we have right hands from Roode and then whips into the corners and now a Gutbuster from Roode and that gets a two count. To the Waistlock goes Roode. Sabin now fighting out of the move and he gets sent into the corner. In comes Storm now. He lands some shots to the gut as well and then he goes to the Waistlock. Jawbreaker from Shelley and then Roode grabs him but Shelley manages to fight out of his situation. Storm then misses a big charge and the audience is getting behind Shelley. Drop Toe Hold from Shelley and then in comes Sabin and he hits the ropes and lands Flying Forearms. Beer Money sent into each other. ENZIGURI/DDT COMBO FROM SABIN !!! Storm to the floor. SABIN RUNS AND PUNTS THE HEAD OF STORM !!! Springboard Clothesline on Roode gets a two count. Shelley into the ring now. Roode into the corner. SHELLSHOCK INTO THE CORNER FROM SHELLEY !!! Storm takes Sabin off of the apron. STANDING SLICED BREAD #2 FROM SHELLEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... STORM SAVES !!! Stun Gun from Storm. In comes Sabin now. Right hands. Rana on Storm. Roode runs into the boots. Leaping Rana stopped. EYE OF THE STORM ON SABIN !!! CATAPULT INTO THE CODEBREAKER ON SHELLEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! The audience completely bought into that! Sabin stops a move. Double team kicks but then Storm lands a big Double Clothesline. Into the corner goes Sabin and Storm misses a charge. Kick to the back of the head. LOVELY SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA TO THE FLOOR FROM SABIN TO STORM !!! Kick to the face from Roode. Shelley and Roode now have an exchange. The live crowd are going mental for some stuff and we have the picture stalled. f**k!!! Back into the ring and we have it back. DOUBLE KICKS FROM THE GUNS !!! The ref gets beer in the face. THE NECKBREAKER SPLASH FROM THE GUNS !!! ANOTHER REF HITS THE RING !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Forearms in the corner from the Guns. The Back Elbow. SUICIDE DIVE ONTO STORM FROM SABIN !!! CROSS BODY ... ROODE ROLLS THROUGH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! The fans are WAY behind the Guns here. Right hands from both men now. Spinebuster blocked. DOUBLE SUPERKICK ON ROODE !!! TWO PINS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! That is such a shit ending. The match is going to keep going. Beer Money attack and they unload. Storm misses a big charge. SUPERKICK ON ROODE !!! LUNGBLOWER ON STORM !!! NECKBREAKER SPLASH COMBO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

If ever there was a tainted title win, this was it. This was supposed to be the big moment of the MCMG and TNA managed to cheapen it. There was no need for the double pin whatsoever. That takes 1/4* off of what was a terrific example of tag team wrestling. ****1/4

Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer - TNA Hardcore Justice 2010

And here it is. The match which I thought was brilliant. Turns out it's something of a marmite match. There are those that hated the match, while people loved the drama and got sucked in. I was in the latter. I'm a bit worried about how this match is going to come across with the PBP. "Thank You Tommy" chant breaks out from the TNA fans. Mick Foley is the special referee for this one. Foley says that he's going to let everything go. Low kick from Raven to open the match and then he throws Dreamer to the outside and then kicks Dreamer in the stomach and then sends him into the railing. Russian Legsweep into the railing and then Raven throws a chair into the ring. The action then moves in there. Raven then wedges the chair between the top and middle buckles. Raven gets sent through the chair and to the floor. Right hands from Dreamer. Dreamer drinks some beer and then spits it at Raven and then crowns him with the can. Dreamer sends a chair into the ring again and then he hits right hands and then bites the forehead of Raven. Dreamer sets two chairs in the seated position. Raven blocks a Suplex and then lands a Drop Toe Hold into the chairs. Raven then heads to the floor. Raven goes out and then hits Dreamer with the chair. Dreamer is busted open and then Beulah leaves with the kids. Right hands from Raven as he just unloads relentlessly. Raven tries to behead Dreamer and then sends him into the ringsteps. Dreamer is bleeding a gusher and then Raven does some taunting and then he chokes Dreamer with the boot and then drops knees on Dreamer. Raven now has the chair in the seated position again. Drop Toe Hold into the chair from Dreamer and then he heads to the floor and then he grabs a sign. Sign to the head from Dreamer and it turns out to be a road sign. Raven has been busted open. Snap Suplex onto the sign from Dreamer and then he heads under the ring and brings a ladder out. Ladder set horizontally on the bottom buckle and then Dreamer bites the head of Raven. Dreamer then sends Raven into the ladder face first. Ladder then set against the bottom rope and Raven gets set on the top rope. The ladder is then set on the middle buckle. DREAMER CROTCHED ON THE LADDER !!! RAVEN BRINGS DOWN DREAMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! DREAMER GETS THE DREAMER DRIVER !!! He doesn't make the cover right away though. Dreamer has Raven in the tree of woe and then stands on his balls. Dreamer lands the Dropkick with the sign. Dreamer then goes under the ring and gets a bit of barbed wire. THE CROSSFACE WITH THE BARBED WIRE FROM DREAMER !!! RAVEN IS SURVIVING HERE !!! The bWo hit the ring and help their master. Meanie with an Avalanche in the corner as the fans chant "You Fat f**k!" :lol: Meanie heads for the top rope. TOP ROPE SPLASH ... MISSES !!! DDT/NECKBREAKER COMBO ON THE BWO !!! EVENFLOW DDT FROM RAVEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Foley then beats down Raven in the corner. MANDIBLE CLAW ON RAVEN !!! Someone comes out but then Foley has the barbed wire. BARBED WIRE MANDIBLE CLAW !!! Foley then disappears with the guy. Raven now handcuffs Dreamer. Into the ring we go. Chair shots from Raven. Mick Foley isn't happy. Beulah heads for the ring. She tells Raven to stop. CHAIR TO THE HEAD OF DREAMER !!! Foley takes the chair, but eats a low blow from Raven and then he gets chaired. LOW BLOW FROM BEULAH !!! DREAMER DDT WITH THE CUFFS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Chair to the knee from Raven. EVENFLOW DDT FROM RAVEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Well yeah, turns out this match was kinda shit after all. Just a complete mess of a match really. It got to a point where I just wanted it to stop. *

Generation Me vs. Motor City Machine Guns - TNA No Surrender 2010

This should be some top drawer tag team action. We're going to open the match with Nick and Shelley. Lockup and Shelley takes him down. He goes to the Wristlock. Arm Ringer from Shelley and then Nick gets out of that. Nice reversal and then Shelley with the Hammerlock. Headlock from Shelley and then he takes down Nick and that gets a two count. Sweep and then both guys with reversals. Nick tags out and in comes Matt. Shelley with a nice wee escape and he takes down Matt and works on the leg. Front Facelock from Shelley and then in comes Sabin. Headlock from Sabin. He charges down Matt and gets a one count. Both men with kip ups and then a Dropkick attempt from both men and they're ready. In come Shelley and Nick. Shelley with a nice move to take down Nick and then gets a Side Headlock. Shelley into the ropes and he takes down Nick. Spinning Back Elbow from Nick and then a Springboard Arm Drag and then he goes to the Arm Bar. In comes Matt now. Springboard Moonsault onto the arm from Matt and then in comes Nick with a Double Stomp to the arm. Arm Breaker from Nick and then Shelley goes to the Sleeper Hold. The Jawbreaker from Shelley. DREAM SEQUENCE FROM THE GUNS TO NICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Sabin with an Elbow Drop and that gets a two count. Where's Shelley? There he is! Nick sent into the boot. Spinebuster from Shelley and then he locks in the Billy Goat's Curse! Matt then comes in and breaks the move. Into the ring comes Shelley. Sabin runs into a boot and now in comes Matt with a big Dropkick. LOVELY escape from a Clothesline. Wheelbarrow Bulldog from Matt and that gets a two count. Matt into the ring. Sabin runs into boots. FLIPPING ACE CRUSHER FROM MATT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! The fans say it's awesome. Not yet. Matt runs into a boot. In comes Shelley now. Missile Dropkick from Shelley and that gets a two count. Sleeper Hold from Shelley and then he kicks the back of the head. Nick gets onto the apron. NECKBREAKER ON THE APRON FROM NICK !!! Back into the ring with Shelley and Matt is trying to get the cover here. Into the corner again and in comes Nick. Shelley is blocking the Suplex attempt and then his neck is weak. That allows Nick to take control. Double Backflip to the Dropkick gets a two count for Matt. Snapmare and a Sleeper Hold from Matt. Shelley makes the comeback and hits the ropes but runs right into the Dropkick and in comes Nick again. That gets a two count. Full Nelson from Nick. Shelley escapes and then he gets the Arm Drag. He winds up in the wrong corner. Assisted Dropkick missed and then the tag comes. Sabin takes Nick off of the apron. Running Forearms from Sabin. Running Back Elbow and then he heads for the top rope. SPRINGBOARD SWINGING DDT FROM SABIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... NICK SAVES !!! Nick gets sent to the floor. Springboard Dropkick to Sabin on the apron. SUICIDE DIVE FROM SHELLEY TO NICK !!! Right hands from both Shelley and Matt here. Right hands from Sabin. Knee to the stomach from Sabin. SWINGING DDT ... blocked. Nick into the ring. ASSISTED SLICED BREAD #2 FROM THE BUCKS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... SAVE IS MADE !!! Hurricane Kick. Climbing Dropkick up the back of Matt from Nick. MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK ... reversed. SUPERKICKS AHOY !!! DOUBLE SUPERKICK TO THE FACE OF MATT !!! THE NECKBREAKER SPLASH COMBO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a good match! I think the matches between these two always seem a bit mapped out, but they always have a nice flow to them so they always end up sucking you in! ****

AJ Styles vs. Tommy Dreamer, I Quit Match - TNA No Surrender 2010

I'm really looking forward to watching this again. Styles misses a shot on the ramp and the match kicks off and they head for the ring. Dreamer gets onto the apron and Styles then gets his arm dropped over the top rope. Into the ring and the bell rings. Dreamer goes to the arm again. Dreamer into the ropes and Styles drops down and then takes down Dreamer when he tries for the Cloverleaf. Styles gets sent over the top rope and then Dreamer heads out there. Dreamer then stretches Styles around the ringpost. Styles doesn't quit. He actually tells Dreamer that he sucks. Styles now unloads with a series of chops, but Dreamer refuses to stay out of this and Styles lands a series of chops. Back into the ring they go. Styles misses an Elbow Drop and then Dreamer goes to the Full Nelson. Styles doesn't stay down though. He gets a kick to the head and then he lands a right hand. Styles now with a Fish Hook. Dreamer manages to battle to his feet and then into the corner they go. Dreamer into the corner and Styles misses a charge and hits the ringpost. Dreamer takes down Styles who heads for the floor in order to create some room. Running Clothesline off of the apron from Dreamer. They then head for the ramp. Suplex on the ramp from Styles. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK ... Dreamer takes a spotlight and lands a shot. CROSSFACE WITH THE CABLE OF THE SPOTLIGHT !!! Styles manages to escape and then sends Dreamer onto the apron. Big Clothesline against the apron and then Styles decides to expose some of the concrete that's under the mats. Styles Clash is blocked. Styles hits the ringpost. Shoulderbreaker from Dreamer. Back into the ring they go Arm Ringer from Dreamer and then he goes to the Arm Bar. Styles won't quit though. Chair on the arm of Styles. LEG DROP TO THE CHAIR ON THE ARM OF STYLES !!! That hurt Dreamer, but it did some big damage to Styles. Dreamer now stretches the arm of Styles on the chair, and Styles gets a thumb to the eye. Styles has a fork. Dreamer with the Single Arm DDT to stop Styles from doing it. THE CROSSFACE FROM DREAMER !!! Styles slides out of the ring to stop the move. Head first into the steps goes Styles. Styles crotches Dreamer on the railing and then he kicks the leg. Stomps to the leg from Styles. Right hands from Styles and then back into the ring they go. FIGURE FOOUR LEGLOCK ... stopped. Kick to the leg from Styles. He then takes Dreamer to the ringpost. RINGPOST FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM STYLES !!! Back into the ring and Styles drops the knee on the steel chair and then kicks the chair with the knee on it. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM STYLES !!! Dreamer turns it. Head onto the chair. DROPKICK TO THE CHAIR ... MISSES !!! CHAIR STRETCH WITH THE ANKLE OF STYLES !!! Dreamer decides to pick the fork up. PELE KICK OUT OF NOWHERE FROM STYLES !!! STYLES WITH THE SUICIDE DIVE ... RIGHT INTO THE KENDO STICK SHOT !!! Kendo Stick Suplex from Dreamer. CROSSFACE WITH THE KENDO STICK FROM DREAMER !!! THE KENDO STICK CRACKS UNDER THE PRESSURE !!! That was some sick stuff there! AJ Styles now has a fork. FORK TO THE EYE FROM STYLES !!! Dropkick from Styles. THE FORK IN THE EYE FROM STYLES !!! EEEEEWWWWW !!! THAT'S VILE !!! DREAMER QUITS !!!

That was a good wee match. Not quite the exceptional match I thought it was originally. I don't think Dreamer has it in him to make the effort to make a match like this truly great. Certainly a good effort though. ***1/2

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy - TNA No Surrender 2010

This is a match which I'm VERY interested in giving a watch to, because at the time I thought it was absolutely magnificent. I think I had it pegged at around ****1/2 or something like that? In saying that, I had the previous match pegged at ****1/4 before. And THAT is why I'm doing these PBPs! Lockup and into the corner they go. We have a clean break between them. Lockup and Angle goes to the Front Facelock and then turns him over and gets a one count. Front Facelock again and Hardy finds the bottom rope. Lockup and a Headlock from Hardy and then he's sent to the ropes ... not quite, as he holds onto the Headlock. Hardy into the ropes and he charges down Angle. Headlock and against the ropes they go. Angle then with right hands. Hardy blocks a Suplex and then lands the Sitdown Front Suplex and then lands the Dropkick and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Hardy lands some right hands. Angle into the corner and Hardy runs into an elbow. POWERBOMB FROM ANGLE !!! That was pretty brutal! Angle then lands some right hands and then goes to the Chinlock. Hardy fights out and then runs into a Back Elbow. Waistlock now from Angle. Hardy is trying to claw his way out of the move and he eventually gets to his feet. Hardy with elbows and then Angle clubs him down. Hardy into the ropes and he lands the Running Forearm. Spin Kick from Hardy. Swinging Dropkick in the corner from Hardy after a minor f**k up. Hardy then with right hands. Angle charges into a boot, but then he lands the Belly 2 Belly Suplex and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Angle. Jawbreaker from Hardy to escape. THE TWIST OF FATE FROM HARDY !!! Hardy then heads for the top rope and it looks like he's gonna do something. ANGLE WITH THE POP UP BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! THE ANGLE SLAM ... countered. TWIST OF FATE AGAIN FROM JEFF !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Hardy heads for the top rope. SWANTON BOMB FROM HARDY ... MISSES !!! ANGLE SLAM FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Now see, this is one of the things I love about this match. I'll get to that when I'm doing the recap at the end. ANGLE LOCK ... Hardy kicks away. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Angle is now heading for the top rope. THE MOONSAULT FROM ANGLE ... MISSES !!! WHISPER IN THE WIND FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Angle heads for the floor and Jeff goes over to deal with him. TWIST OF FATE ON THE FLOOR FROM HARDY !!! He then heads for the top rope. SWANTON BOMB OFF OF THE TOP ROPE TO THE FLOOR CONNECTS !!! Both guys manage to beat the count back into the ring. Hardy and Angle are now exchanging the big shots. TWIST OF FATE ... COUNTERED TO A BRUTAL RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM ANGLE !!! Angle then heads for the top rope. FROG SPLASH FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Angle now picks up Hardy. Back Body Drop. TWIST OF FATE FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Leg Drop from Hardy and then he heads for the top rope. SWANTON BOMB FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Hardy then heads for the top rope again. SWANTON BOMB FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Jeff Hardy can't believe it. He then heads for the top rope again. SWANTON BOMB FROM HARDY ... HITS THE KNEES !!! ANGLE SLAM FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE ANGLE LOCK FROM ANGLE !!! Hardy rolls through and sends Angle to the floor. Big Flying Clothesline off of the apron from Hardy. Back into the ring. ANGLE GRABS THE FOOT AND LOCKS IN THE ANGLE LOCK !!! HARDY REACHES THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! ANGLE LOCK AGAIN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING !!! Hardy manages to kick Angle away. Big Clothesline from Angle and that gets a two count. ANGLE LOCK FROM ANGLE !!! THE GRAPEVINE IS ADDED !!! JEFF HARDY IS FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE !!! Tazz: "He said he was doing it for RVD. Well, he must love him!". :lol: The bell rings and we have a time limit draw. Eric Bischoff heads for the ring. There will be another five minutes on the clock. Kicks to the leg from Angle as he stomps on the ankle. TO THE ANGLE LOCK AGAIN FROM ANGLE !!! Hardy kicks Angle out of the ring. Swinging Dropkick to the floor and Hardy goes out and sends Angle into the ringsteps. Hardy to the top rope. Angle crotches Hardy on the top rope. Right hands from Angle. TOP ROPE ANGLE SLAM FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Angle charges ... JEFF CATCHES HIM AND SENDS HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! Double Clothesline and down go both guys. Angle charges and goes after Hardy again. European Uppercut from Angle and then he chokes Hardy with the boot. Right hands from Angle in the corner. Angle charges on the floor and winds up hitting the ringpost. Shots from Hardy and then he sends Angle face first into the steps and then he sends him in there again. He then does it again. Hardy then gets back into the ring. Eric Bischoff looks kinda worried about the prospect of another time limit lapse. Angle is now busted open and he gets back into the ring. Boston Crab from Hardy. ANGLE LOCK FROM ANGLE !!! HE ADDS THE GRAPEVINE AGAIN !!! THE TIME RUNS OUT AGAIN !!!

I don't think the match really needed the extra time. I don't mind the time limit draw considering that it was part of a tournament. Jeff Hardy was made to look like a machine here, as he survived everything that Angle had to throw. It really makes the title mean something when two guys go at it the way that these two guys did. Another thing was the way that they made the Twist of Fate and the Angle Slam into midmatch moves. These moves aren't really bought as nearfalls at the time of this match so it helped things along. It's an incredibly well built and well structured match, only ruined by the tacked on time at the end. ****1/4

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Merry Christmas, my gift to you?

(Not so recent) Knockout Christmas Photos:

My Link(you need to go to Special Editions, then Christmas 2010 because there's not a direct link, I think it's worth it though)

Is that Katie Lea Burchill? She looks magnificent. That blonde thing is hacket though.

.. and the rest are trashy and horribly average.

Edited by garymcc1874
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