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Mo Wonderboy

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There's strong rumours going around that Cena was badly injured at a houseshow in a match against Wade Barrett, where he suffered an apparent leg injury.

Sucks for the guy, also it's bad news for the fans as i was looking forward to a Punk v Cena feud. sad.gif

You were looking forward to Cena easily beating Punk in every matchup they had? They've already destroyed the Nexus by having Cena easily beat them all at ease anytime he wants. Not great that he will be destroying Punk now. Nexus have been shown time and time again to be absolutely no threat at all and very easily beatable.

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I think they should've had Barrett lead them to the ring, Punk's music hits and he shakes Barrett's hand after Barrett has given the "new management" speech. Can't see them changing Barrett to a face, whatever happens, he's gonna lose face(/status) anyway.

Well if they won't turn him face then Idon't really see much point in having him on RAW. I woiuld keep him heel and move him to SmackDown.

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I've now looked at the candidates for the 2010 MOTY. One match from the last two that I had to cover from TNA ended up getting a good position as I knew it would.

Strangely, EVERYTHING from ****1/2 - ***** has made the top 20. I suspected that the honourable mentions would come from the ****1/2, so instead, we have a top 20 solo! Starting from the bottom, we have...

#20 - Roderick Strong vs. Davey Richards - PWG Titannica

Their weakest effort of the two big ones in 2010 but still very good. Could have done without the goofy nonsense that dragged it down a couple of pegs, but this match COULD have been better than their Final Battle effort if they had toned down the nonsense. This match was still magnificent though. Hard hitting and hot stuff.

#19 - Ricochet and CIMA vs. Masato Yoshino and Naruki Doi - Dragon Gate USA: Untouchable 2010

This was intended as a showcase for Ricochet and what better way to showcase him than with some of the very best that Dragon Gate has to offer? And showcase he did, flying all around the ring like a nutter while the veterans held it all together to make for a spectacular match.

#18 - The Kings of Wrestling vs. Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin - ROH Glory By Honor IX

The Kings of Wrestling had quite the year in 2010 facing all comers and one of the best matches came against what appeared to be a re-energised Shelton Benjamin and the always constant Charlie Haas. No surprise still that the Kings were the highlight of the match with their terrific attitudes and innovation. The action was amazing.

#17 - Beer Money Inc. vs. Motor City Machine Guns - TNA Victory Road 2010

Might even have been rated higher had it not been for the ridiculous Dusty finish which took the shine off of what was supposed to be an amazing moment for the Guns, this started what many feel was the best wrestling fued of 2010. I'll need to cover the ladder match and 2/3 Falls Match at some point. The latter has been called a real 2010 MOTYC by some. This was amazing though.

#16 - Davey Richards vs. Tyler Black - ROH Death Before Dishonor VIII

Many people called this the best match on 2010 and one of the best matches ever. Stupidly over-rated. The match is an amazing match, hence why I am including it on here. The crowd are seemingly dead against Tyler Black for the most part, and Davey Richards brings an intensity not seen before. He just can't do it though.

#15 - Kenny Omega vs. Davey Richards - ROH The Epic Encounter III

The match starts with a Tope Con Hilo that sends Davey Richards into the third row and then they basically have a 25 minute final stretch. If you added a good first 10-15 minutes to this, it's a potential classic in the making, but what they do have is a match which is entertaining as hell.

#14 - John Cena vs. Batista, Last Man Standing - WWE Extreme Rules 2010

After showing what sort of shite they were capable of a month later, we can be happy that they produced THIS gem a month before. John Cena seems to have these sorts of matches down to a tee, and always brings the big performances for the big matches. High drama and big spots all around here. Well timed and everything you could ask for from these two guys.

#13 - The Young Bucks vs. The Cutler Brothers vs. El Generico and Paul London, Guerrilla Warfare Match - PWG Seven

This was messy at times, but good god did it set out what was intended. This is certainly the most flat out insane match on this list. The stuff they were doing without botching the moves was just out of this world and some of the bumps these guys were willing to take? Nasty. And thanks to The Young Bucks, the crowd heat was off the charts for it as well. An absolute joy of a match.

#12 - Dolph Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan - WWE Bragging Rights

A highlight on an otherwise bleh PPV, this was the match that WWE thought was just as good as HBK/Taker... umm no, but it was amazing anyways. Without Ziggler's chinlockery to drag things down a few notches, who knows? Most of the way, Dolph kept up with Daniel Bryan going like his life depended on it. Certainly one worth going out of your way to see.

#11 - Roderick Strong vs. Davey Richards - ROH Final Battle 2010

THIS is more like it from ROH. Only problem was that there was a point it could have ended and it would have definately challenged for MOTY, and instead they went for another five minutes which knocked the sails out of it. They went out and told a good story. Davey Richards was surprisingly playing the underdog, but he did is brilliantly, Roderick Strong no matter what he did, couldn't beat him. Of course, he wound up taking the match, but Strong had to make him pass out to the Strong Hold.

#10 - Team 3D vs. Motor City Machine Guns - TNA Turning Point 2010

It's a damn shame that Team 3D didn't call it a day after this, their best ever straight tag team match. I never thought I'd see the day that Brother Ray would play the role of Ricky Morton, and play it so brilliantly, slowly but surely dragging everyone who was watching onto the side of Team 3D. It made for an emotional and exciting match.

#9 - The Kings of Wrestling vs. Motor City Machine Guns - ROH Supercard of Honor V

You have to give the Guns credit here. That's the third time they have made this list against three different tag teams. And two of them, they were stopped being higher by crappy booking. This one being the second as the bookers were scared to give Motor City Machine Guns the win in a non-title match and instead had The Briscoes run down and give it the cheap ending. The flow of this match was exceptional though.

#8 - Red Lightning vs. BT Gunn - ICW Dazed and Confused

Probably the best match ever to happen on Scottish soil. Just unbelievable drama from start to finish. Main eventing a show that seen all sorts of wee storylines running through it, this one seen them all come to a head. Red Lightning and BT Gunn were providing a fun main event untill the heels came into play and when that happened, you seen overbooking at it's finest. Topped off by the return of the "retired" Darkside. Amazing.

#7 - Shingo Takagi vs. BxB Hulk - Dragon Gate 11/07/2010

I'll admit, I thought this one wasn't gonna be this good. BxB Hulk is someone I've never rated as a singles wrestler but he brought a new level here, bringing back sides of the dark Hulk. Shingo is as brutal as ever here though. As above, this is drama at it's highest. Nobody wanted to see Hulk lose his hair, and down the stretch it got more and more inevitable, which made his final hope spot unreal. I can't remember being THAT excited watching a match on my PC screen!

#6 - Kevin Steen vs. El Generico, Fight Without Honor - ROH Final Battle

This is here more for the sickness and storytelling more than anything else. I found myself drifting in and out of excitement for it, but that can't be down to the match which was brilliantly put together, but it was obviously lacking something or it would be sitting higher in the list. An amazing climax to both the match and the fued in this one too, as El Generico repeats the chair shot that started it all with one filled with pure hate.

#5 - The Nexus vs. Team WWE, Elimination Match - WWE Summerslam 2010

Give the ending sequence a bit more time and this is #2 match of the year. But the ending with Cena finishing two guys in a minute after being DDTed on the concrete is unforgivable. The Nexus really came off looking good here though. Well, some of them did. Heath Slater and Skip Sheffield looked great. Justin Gabriel didn't look TOO bad from his late elimination. You had the problems with Team WWE, and you had Daniel Bryan being booked to look like a megastar. What's not to love?

#4 - Mr. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle - TNA Lockdown 2010

Mr. Anderson might not be the best wrestler in the world, but he can carry a story in there, and with someone as good as Angle in there, this was never going to fail. Kurt Angle wound up laying on a horrible beating and he just didn't want to stop.

#3 - The Royal Rumble Match - WWE Royal Rumble 2010

One thing I always look for in the Rumble match is no dead spots. I always want something of interest and this match had it, from the HBK story, to CM Punk's preaching, to the return of Edge, this match had it all.

#2 - World-1 vs. Warriors - Dragon Gate USA: Mercury Rising

DG:USA has it's first six man tag on PPV and it doesn't disappoint. What this match has that the big one in ROH didn't was Gamma, who brings a new dimension to a match like this with his cheating and antics. The match DID have everything that the first match did as well, with the Yoshino/Dragon Kid exchanges being amazing. A great six man tag.

#1 - The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels - WWE Wrestlemania XXVI

While the first Mania match between them was great, it lacked a real story through it. What it DID have was two guys putting the perfect match together. This time they bettered it with some actual psychology all the way through the match. Shawn Michaels going after the knee right from the word go, and after that, every single move that The Undertaker tried or hit was a big bomb. The Undertaker was too much though and by the time that Jumping Tombstone came, you knew it was over for him. Match of 2010, possible match of the century.

Edited by DomDom
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Kaval requested his release from WWE after being frustrated over his position with the company. WWE creative was told to job him out after winning NXT but were then told to build him up for a few weeks for the pay-per-view title match against Dolph Ziggler, which he lost.

Creative was then told to start jobbing Kaval back out again. The story is that after he lost to Drew McIntyre on the December 21st SmackDown, he asked officials if he had any heat and was told no. Kaval then asked if they had any future plans for him and was told they had no plans or ideas for him. He then asked for his release and was granted

Is it just me or does Vinnie Mac need to hire new creative? Every single time they hit out with "we've got no plans/ideas" pish....that's your fucking job for god sake.

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I don't understand why they had him win NXT if they knew ( and they must have ) this was going to happen. Makes NXT worthless.

Spot on, they could've had Riley win it and then that would be more momentum behind The Miz and A-Ri.

If the Awesome Kong thing is true then that's hilarious, because she just got arrested for driving with a license that was either suspended or banned laugh.gif

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Kaval requested his release from WWE after being frustrated over his position with the company. WWE creative was told to job him out after winning NXT but were then told to build him up for a few weeks for the pay-per-view title match against Dolph Ziggler, which he lost.

Creative was then told to start jobbing Kaval back out again. The story is that after he lost to Drew McIntyre on the December 21st SmackDown, he asked officials if he had any heat and was told no. Kaval then asked if they had any future plans for him and was told they had no plans or ideas for him. He then asked for his release and was granted

Is it just me or does Vinnie Mac need to hire new creative? Every single time they hit out with "we've got no plans/ideas" pish....that's your fucking job for god sake.

Why throw money at someone you don't plan on using? IMO Kaval doesn't have the charisma to be useful in the WWE so I can see why they didn't have much planned for him.

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Why throw money at someone you don't plan on using? IMO Kaval doesn't have the charisma to be useful in the WWE so I can see why they didn't have much planned for him.

He's still good enough that he could've(should've IMO) been used, Daniel Bryan has no charisma but he's the US champ.

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They gave him a IC title shot. Why?

"I'm sorry we have nothing for you. We'll push you for a few weeks, give a shot at a title, then nothing."

It just amazes me that they get away woth this excuse everytime. What exactly are they being paid for if "they have nothing for him"? A creative team that aren't creative?blink.gif

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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They gave him a IC title shot. Why?

"I'm sorry we have nothing for you. We'll push you for a few weeks, give a shot at a title, then nothing."

It just amazes me that they get away woth this excuse everytime. What exactly are they being paid for if "they have nothing for him"? A creative team that aren't creative?blink.gif

because you get a title shot for winning NXT

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As DomDom has already said, Daniel Bryan has a fair bit of charisma. He's also much better in the ring than Kaval.

He isn't "much" better. Also, going by main eventers, WWE doesn't care too much about wrestling ability.

It didn't help Kaval that he originally came into the company as LayCool's gay (other) best friend.

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WWE know how good Daniel Bryan is. They have taken AGES to push the indy darlings before. Daniel Bryan is an exception that got thrown into PPV main events, given an important title and made to take top stars to the limit. He is probably the best in the world right now.

Kaval was at his best probably around 2002-2003, and then forgot that storytelling and psychology was important, and focused on just kicking and stomping. For as great as he's been, Kaval wasn't even the best wrestler on Smackdown, nevermind on Daniel Bryan's level.

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