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Mo Wonderboy

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I'm guessing Morrison lost his title match. Could give weight to the rumours I read.


Yeah, he missed his starship pain off the turnbuckle and went through the table on the floor. Miz picked him up and skull-crushing finale-ed him.

Edited by forehead7
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Orton said "Nice guys finish last", then Matthews repeated it and Cole said it at the end. Everytime I expected some sort of follow up line. I was also saying "thank god I'm an asshole"

I thought u meant they were taking the pan out of Anderson not ripping him off.

Discussion topic: what is the biggest spot in the history of professional wrestling?

I'll go with Shane McMahon's "Leap of Faith" at Backlash 2001 of the top of the titantron.

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I thought u meant they were taking the pan out of Anderson not ripping him off.

Discussion topic: what is the biggest spot in the history of professional wrestling?

I'll go with Shane McMahon's "Leap of Faith" at Backlash 2001 of the top of the titantron.

I always remember the Hardy off the big ladder onto Bubba Ray on the table and he hit his tailbone off the concrete.

Also Rhino, Spike and Matt(?) falling off a ladder in the ring onto tables on the mat.

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The biggest spot is unquestionably the Shane McMahon jump. Of course, it's not even CLOSE to being the best. The mystique of that spot was already ruined at Summerslam the previous year.

The Mankind coming off the cell spot remains the ultimate great spot. No matter how many times you look at it, from no matter how many angles, it's brutal.

Points to Jeff Hardy for the Impact Zone jump during a four way Monsters Ball.

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LOL @ Kozlov going over the top ropes laugh.gif


I had to rewind that moment and watch it again many a time. I love how rubbish his first attempt is, he then tries to go over on his own a 2nd time and that's even worse then before he is knocked over the ropes he's already half way over before being touched laugh.gif , what a shocking wrestler that man is.

Edited by M0rtonfc
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Discussion topic: what is the biggest spot in the history of professional wrestling?

I'll go with Shane McMahon's "Leap of Faith" at Backlash 2001 of the top of the titantron.

Either that, Makind going off the top of the Cell through the announce table, or Rikishi getting chokeslammed off the top of the Cell.

Shane O'Mac's jump was particularly special for me because he blessed himself before he did it, the slight pause hammered home how mental a moment it was. I was a huge Shane McMahon mark, the guy was a psycho and seemed to be willing to anything. His promos on "the Big Slow" (which way did he go etc) were top notch too.

Mankind's obviously insane but JR's commentary helps make it.

Rikishi getting chokeslammed off the cage was particularly impressive because of the size of him, it made for a great visual.

Mickie James going off the top of the cage onto Tara a few weeks back wasn't in the same league obviously but I marked for it as I'd never seen anything like it in women's wrestling.

Edited by Marshmallo
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Although on the subject of Rikishi, the Splash off of the top of the cage onto Val Venis is madness. I'm amazed Val took it.

I posted that video on here a wee while ago, crazy. Rikishi was brilliant, I don't think anyone could dislike the guy.

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Didn't he actually crash through tables, but caught one wrong and that's what caused him to deflect towards the ropes?

The Danbury Fall

On March 12, 2000, New Jack (legitimately) suffered brain damage and was temporarily blinded in his right eye, when he and his opponent, Vic Grimes, fell off a balcony,[1] missed the tables that were supposed to absorb the force of their fall and landed on the concrete floor (with Grimes landing on New Jack's head) at Living Dangerously 2000. In a rematch between the two in Xtreme Pro Wrestling (XPW), New Jack threw Grimes from a scaffold, with Grimes plummeting around 40 feet into the ring. The stunt did not work out as planned, as Grimes only landed on one of the twelve tables that were intended to break his fall and ended up dislocating his ankle on the ring rope. In the 2005 documentary Forever Hardcore, New Jack claimed that he had intentionally thrown Grimes too hard in the hopes that he would hit the ring post and for Grimes to be injured or killed, but under further evaluation Grimes can be seen noticeably pushing off the scaffold with his foot which is one of the main factors leading to the botch. Also in the interview, he said that the Living Dangerously accident was his own fault for prematurely pulling Grimes down from the scaffold. Jack has said that Grimes had been going around telling the locker room that he hurt New Jack, until Jack replied by saying "I hurt me."

I thought it was Vic Grimes but it sounded too much like Ving Rhames( the actor that played Marcellus Wallace).

Although this sounds like something New Jack would do, because he's crazy, he could just be bullshitting.

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Smackdown Spoiler

Aparently Barrett has been drafted to Smackdown, he showed up at the tapings and attacked the Big Show.

Genesis Spoiler

Jarrett vs Angle in an MMA Exhibition Match, when was this announced, not a big enough build up if this is a legit match, not even seen Angle for about three/four weeks, might just be "Kurt Angle" then some midget will come out

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Although on the subject of Rikishi, the Splash off of the top of the cage onto Val Venis is madness. I'm amazed Val took it.

Aye, that's up there for me. Just awesome.

More Smackdown Spoilers

Edge beats Kane to retain the World Title

Ziggler drops the IC Title to Kofi, then wins the #1 contender spot for the World Title

Del Rio beats Mysterio in a 2/3 falls match biggrin.gif

Ziggler the new #1 contender? Will be interesting to see how well that goes.

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Aye, that's up there for me. Just awesome.

Ziggler the new #1 contender? Will be interesting to see how well that goes.

Looks like he'll be the random midcarder put in a World Title Match at the Royal Rumble that we thought Morrison would be

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Looks like he'll be the random midcarder put in a World Title Match at the Royal Rumble that we thought Morrison would be

As long as it's Edge that's the champ. Could see a good match between them. Although we won't get one since it was in the last PPV but a ladder match between them would be pretty good, imo.

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Response to the SD spoilers and what folk have said about them:

Dolph Ziggler is absolute class, he's brilliant in the ring and his mic work is coming along a treat. He looked like a star in the mini Cena feud and with the utter dross on SD he should be main eventing.

Don't see any need to have him drop the US title to Kofi Kingston the now though, Kingston has tried and failed on so many occasions recently. It stinks of this being made up very quickly. Not been following SD enough recently to tell you any other midcard faces they could've chucked it on, suppose Kaval would've done.

The SD chamber looks like being Edge-Ziggler-Barrett-Big Show-Kane-Del Rio then? Unless Taker's back that is

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