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Mo Wonderboy

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Did anyone see the video from a couple of years back of the Macho Man in a gym speaking hilarious bollocks? He was saying stuff about kicking HHH's ass and so on. It was tremense. Can't find it though.

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I would find it amazing if he was at the Rumble, according to rumours he cant even stand fully upright and his back is in a chronic state. So taking part in the rumble would be a no no imo.

I find it positive that after years of "non-existance" in WWE that Vince is finally, slowly but surely mentioning him and allowing his resemblence in games/figures.

Im a huge Savage fan, watching that video and hearing "funky like a moneky" was superb :D

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Did anyone see the video from a couple of years back of the Macho Man in a gym speaking hilarious bollocks? He was saying stuff about kicking HHH's ass and so on. It was tremense. Can't find it though.

It was on his official site. He knows the rumours going around and was merely playing up to them for attention imo

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Batista is certainly shit.

Do people honestly rate the likes of Hogan, Savage and Warrior? They are the Cena, Batista's of their era.

Neither of those three were good in the ring all they had was mic skills and a good gimmick.

I loved Savage and Hogan back in the day. Hated Warrior though. Thought he was a flash in the pan tosser, and was raging (read; gutted - I was young then!) when he beat Hogan for the title at Mania. Savage was great in the ring and had a great character. Hogan was limited in the ring but used what he had well, and of course the whole Hulkamania phenomenon was ace. Can't stand Hogan now though. On the rare occasions I catch Impact I turn off whenever he's on. Or Bischoff for that matter. Wankers both.

Anyway, the Warrior was a c**t. And of course you are quite right with the Cena and Batista comparisons. Cena is basically a modern day Hogan, with the company being built around him and with him featuring in all the main angles. Batista was quite like Warrior in terms of character and position in the company to Cena, but a lot better.

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Hulk Hogan is the ultimate proof that you didn't always need MOVEZ~~~ and selling to be good. Hogan could get a crowd involved with the movement of an eye. Such was how good he was. He'll never be remembered as a classic technician, but he never had to be. Randy Savage is in the same boat actually. He always mapped out his matches incredibly carefully and they turned out well as a result. He had classics almost every year at Wrestlemania, so I don't see how he can be dismissed.

Warrior was carryable. See the Rude and Savage matches to see that.

Hogan is easily the most under-rated in ring performer that I can remember. He had a formula to his matches and if he stuck to it, his matches were never any less than enjoyable. They also allowed for some real crackers as well. He seemed to save his best for the MSG though.

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Hogan is easily the most under-rated in ring performer that I can remember. He had a formula to his matches and if he stuck to it, his matches were never any less than enjoyable. They also allowed for some real crackers as well. He seemed to save his best for the MSG though.

He draws you in and gets the crowd involved and was involved in my favourite match ever with the Rock but a lot of his matches are absolute stinkers. Was watching his famous match with Goldberg recently and, whilst it the crowd were mental and it was a historic occasion, it was a horrendous match. And that comes from someone who generally doesn't too much of a shit about the in-ring stuff.

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Observation - Dolph Ziggler is the least credible challanger for the Word Title since Hardcore Holly at Royal Rumble 04. And even thats comparable.

Hogan - I've got 2 of his DVDs and tbh it took me several sittings just to get through them. Every match on them was identical. Can't dispute his success though (obviously).

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I like him as a worker but he has been booked terribly in the run up. Been getting a battering off Kofi Kingston every week and lost clean to him (twice) on the night he became no.1 contender. Edge also ripped the piss out him like he was a Santino esque comedy wrestler. The clean loss to Orton on Monday although expected didn't help either.

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I loved Savage and Hogan back in the day. Hated Warrior though. Thought he was a flash in the pan tosser, and was raging (read; gutted - I was young then!) when he beat Hogan for the title at Mania. Savage was great in the ring and had a great character.

Never rated Warrior or Savage personally, liked Hogan when I was younger but when you grow up and start to appreciate real technical wrestlers like Flair, Perfect, Bret, Angle, Eddie etc you start to see how poor and limited Hogan was in the ring.

Hogan is easily the most under-rated in ring performer that I can remember. He had a formula to his matches and if he stuck to it, his matches were never any less than enjoyable. They also allowed for some real crackers as well. He seemed to save his best for the MSG though.

A formula, you mean having the near exact same routine every single week? Hogan was EXACTLY like the current Cena who only uses a small amount of moves, matches carried by their opponents until the usual superhero finish to the matches.

Hogan would get slated in this era if he was in his prime, the main difference was he was not on TV near as much as Cena is today, hence why Cena get's so much more stick. His matches would be god awful in the current climate.

For me Hogan is easily the most over-rated in ring performer I can ever remember.

He draws you in and gets the crowd involved and was involved in my favourite match ever with the Rock but a lot of his matches are absolute stinkers. Was watching his famous match with Goldberg recently and, whilst it the crowd were mental and it was a historic occasion, it was a horrendous match. And that comes from someone who generally doesn't too much of a shit about the in-ring stuff.

Does that mean you are a fan of Cena, who does the same?

I would prefer to see a top wrestling match like Ziggler vs Morrison that the crowd is not into than a Hogan vs HBK awful wrestling match that had a massive atmosphere. Each to their own I suppose.

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I would prefer to see a top wrestling match like Ziggler vs Morrison that the crowd is not into than a Hogan vs HBK awful wrestling match that had a massive atmosphere. Each to their own I suppose.

Interesting that you picked those two workers to produce a "top match".

I've not seen it(if it's been done) but Hogan and HBK would be good. Or rather could be good. You say Hogan and HBK like they're examples of terrible wrestlers. Hogan may well be but HBK isn't, not even close.

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Interesting that you picked those two workers to produce a "top match".

I've not seen it(if it's been done) but Hogan and HBK would be good. Or rather could be good. You say Hogan and HBK like they're examples of terrible wrestlers. Hogan may well be but HBK isn't, not even close.

Did you see the Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler match at Bragging Rights? Many people believe it was match of the year, but when it's HBK vs Taker at WM that wins hands down for the emotional part rather than technical wrestling match.

Ziggler has produced some excellent matches over the last couple of years and if he was given time he would be able to put on excellent matches with the likes of Edge, Christian and so on.

Hogan vs HBK occurred at Summerslam 2005 and was awful. There is a youtube video showing HBK over-selling the whole match.

My point was not that HBK is a poor wrestler it's the fact many fans get emotionally involved in big draw matches and will make it out to be amazing even if the wrestling on show is not top drawer. Prime example was HBK vs Undertaker this year, but I'm not even going to get started on the matches between those both.

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Hulk Hogan is the ultimate proof that you didn't always need MOVEZ~~~ and selling to be good. Hogan could get a crowd involved with the movement of an eye. Such was how good he was. He'll never be remembered as a classic technician, but he never had to be. Randy Savage is in the same boat actually. He always mapped out his matches incredibly carefully and they turned out well as a result. He had classics almost every year at Wrestlemania, so I don't see how he can be dismissed.

That's a slight exaggeration.

I would prefer to see a top wrestling match like Ziggler vs Morrison that the crowd is not into than a Hogan vs HBK awful wrestling match that had a massive atmosphere. Each to their own I suppose.

Aye ok!

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Did you see the Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler match at Bragging Rights? Many people believe it was match of the year, but when it's HBK vs Taker at WM that wins hands down for the emotional part rather than technical wrestling match.

Ziggler has produced some excellent matches over the last couple of years and if he was given time he would be able to put on excellent matches with the likes of Edge, Christian and so on.

Hogan vs HBK occurred at Summerslam 2005 and was awful. There is a youtube video showing HBK over-selling the whole match.

My point was not that HBK is a poor wrestler it's the fact many fans get emotionally involved in big draw matches and will make it out to be amazing even if the wrestling on show is not top drawer. Prime example was HBK vs Undertaker this year, but I'm not even going to get started on the matches between those both.

I told a lie, I have seen that Hogan HBK match, and if memory serves then it was a comical over selling, obviously wasn't a serious match.

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