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Mo Wonderboy

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Just watched Smackdown,

What a fucking joke, Christian only gets a five day title run? I actually felt embarrassed to watch that Main Event, Christian should never have lost the title this soon, if you're going to do that to the guy, you should have just given Del Rio the title, bloody hell.

I used to like Orton as a heel yet now he's just another Cena, he's the Superman of Smackdown and will now hog the spotlight for a whole year, whoopty doo the Viper strikes out of no-where, yaaaaaaaaaay!!! <_<

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They're all playing catch up ball to Marshmallo.

I won't be walking anywhere - I will be using either jet airplanes or long limousines.


Just like that.

Well played sir!

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Meant to say, watched some of the best 100 moments of Smackdown last night. The match where Cena drops the US title to Carlito shocked me. The reason it shocked me is because Cena looked like an actual wrestler! He was smooth in the ring and was actually able to execute his moves properly! And he had facial expressions that weren't laughablely ridiculous! And aside from one incident, he had sound psychology (e.g. didn't suddenly jump off the floor and sprint into the ring fully recovered to batter his opponents after being DDT'd on concrete moments earlier)! He's somehow gotten worse as a wrestler.

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Meant to say, watched some of the best 100 moments of Smackdown last night. The match where Cena drops the US title to Carlito shocked me. The reason it shocked me is because Cena looked like an actual wrestler! He was smooth in the ring and was actually able to execute his moves properly! And he had facial expressions that weren't laughablely ridiculous! And aside from one incident, he had sound psychology (e.g. didn't suddenly jump off the floor and sprint into the ring fully recovered to batter his opponents after being DDT'd on concrete moments earlier)! He's somehow gotten worse as a wrestler.

Aye I remember this Cena, was before he was booked as the number 1 man in the company. He wasjust a upper mid card Smackdown guy, although there were signs of him becoming Superman at the time. Like when Jesus stabbed him in a nightclub and he was back next week with a plaster on his ribs and not selling it at all :lol:

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Well thankfully you won't base your life on any Ultimate Warrior promos or you'd be stabbing yourself in the head with a fork.

All while the forces of the Gallaticas and the powers of the moon, run through your veins and the stars will fall upon your broken corpse.

Man, I love a Warrior promo.

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After watching SD it is clear that WWE are completely incapable of creating any credible faction for a period of time.

They created Nexus, who, upon debuting, looked incredible, but after a few short months John Cena had single handedly destroyed them. Then they Bring in Punk to create the New Nexus, who were then single handedly destroyed by Randy Orton while at the same time on SD the have The Corre who are destroyd by Big Show/Kane etc on a weekly basis befoe now finally signalling the end of the faction by the beat down of Jackson.

Just build up a good heel stable. A good main event heel, a good mid-card heel and good heel tag team and a heel manager, it's not rocket science.

Rgarding TNA, and after reading Impact spoilers:

At Tuesday’s TNA iMPACT! tapings from Orlando (set to air next Thursday, (5/2), Mick Foley was revealed to be the person from “the network” that has been keeping Hulk Hogan in line.

Foley came out and interrupted a promo by Immortal, informing them that TNA iMPACT! will now be known as “Impact Wrestling” – and the show will be “all about wrestling” – a clear jab at WWE, which has been distancing itself from everything “wrestling” in recent months. Later in the show, they actually re-shot the entire segment, with Mick Foley saying that the show is no longer “TNA” – but “Impact Wrestling”.

This led to some confusion as to whether it was the company name that was changing – or just the name of the television show.

In response to the confusion – Hulk Hogan tweeted the following on Wednesday, which appeared to indicate that the “TNA” name is no more:

“No TNA. only IMPACT. HH”

On Friday, TNA star Jeff Jarrett responded to fans asking him about whether it was TNA's company name that was changing to "Impact Wresling" - or just the iMPACT! television show. Jarrett responded:

"Impact...it's now Impact Wrestling."

Based on what we've been hearing in recent weeks, there has been serious talk of rebranding the entire company "Impact Wrestling" and phasing out the "TNA" letters in the coming months. However at this point, after a week of conflicting and confusing information, it apears just the television show is being renamed

Impact Wrestling is the most indy sounding name going today!!!


Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Meant to say, watched some of the best 100 moments of Smackdown last night. The match where Cena drops the US title to Carlito shocked me. The reason it shocked me is because Cena looked like an actual wrestler! He was smooth in the ring and was actually able to execute his moves properly! And he had facial expressions that weren't laughablely ridiculous! And aside from one incident, he had sound psychology (e.g. didn't suddenly jump off the floor and sprint into the ring fully recovered to batter his opponents after being DDT'd on concrete moments earlier)! He's somehow gotten worse as a wrestler.

John Cena got all sorts of praise when he first joined, and also before he went to WWE when he was with OVW. I don't think for many that his actual ability was ever in question. More what he has become in both character and execution. His selling is still top drawer untill he does his Superman act, and it's probably one of the things that has made him such a star. Nobody can draw sympathy like he can. He's also got VERY sound psychology. It is NOT his fault that he has been asked to make 30 second sqaush job comebacks. The guy knows what he's doing in there.

He hasn't gotten worse. He's been given a way of doing things. I have no doubt if he was asked to go back to the Prototype character, he could do so with ease.

I just think they're assholes for trying it because if Punk ends up having to leave, it means he has to start over, in terms of his brand. Why? Because he sold the product that he made big on his own to them and then communications broke down.

That'd actually make HIM the arsehole for selling. Once again I make the point that WWE are absolutely 100% in the right for wanting to own that name.

The only way I'd sell it, if I were Punk, would be that there'd be some clause wherein if I left the WWE I'd retain most of the rights to it after they parted ways.

The WWE would never go for that, because it'd defeat the purpose of getting ownership of the name in the first place. CM Punk would be laughed out of the office if he suggested that and rightly so.

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After watching SD it is clear that WWE are completely incapable of creating any credible faction for a period of time.

They created Nexus, who, upon debuting, looked incredible, but after a few short months John Cena had single handedly destroyed them. Then they Bring in Punk to create the New Nexus, who were then single handedly destroyed by Randy Orton while at the same time on SD the have The Corre who are destroyd by Big Show/Kane etc on a weekly basis befoe now finally signalling the end of the faction by the beat down of Jackson.

Just build up a good heel stable. A good main event heel, a good mid-card heel and good heel tag team and a heel manager, it's not rocket science.

Rgarding TNA, and after reading Impact spoilers:

At Tuesday’s TNA iMPACT! tapings from Orlando (set to air next Thursday, (5/2), Mick Foley was revealed to be the person from “the network” that has been keeping Hulk Hogan in line.

Foley came out and interrupted a promo by Immortal, informing them that TNA iMPACT! will now be known as “Impact Wrestling” – and the show will be “all about wrestling” – a clear jab at WWE, which has been distancing itself from everything “wrestling” in recent months. Later in the show, they actually re-shot the entire segment, with Mick Foley saying that the show is no longer “TNA” – but “Impact Wrestling”.

This led to some confusion as to whether it was the company name that was changing – or just the name of the television show.

In response to the confusion – Hulk Hogan tweeted the following on Wednesday, which appeared to indicate that the “TNA” name is no more:

“No TNA. only IMPACT. HH”

On Friday, TNA star Jeff Jarrett responded to fans asking him about whether it was TNA's company name that was changing to "Impact Wresling" - or just the iMPACT! television show. Jarrett responded:

"Impact...it's now Impact Wrestling."

Based on what we've been hearing in recent weeks, there has been serious talk of rebranding the entire company "Impact Wrestling" and phasing out the "TNA" letters in the coming months. However at this point, after a week of conflicting and confusing information, it apears just the television show is being renamed

Impact Wrestling is the most indy sounding name going today!!!


I bet this has absolutely nothing to do with WWE. Nothing at all. Not one bit.

Dear me TNA. You are just pishy copycat wanks. Utter fandans.

Then again, they've absolutely fucked the brand name with repeated pish.

John Cena got all sorts of praise when he first joined, and also before he went to WWE when he was with OVW. I don't think for many that his actual ability was ever in question. More what he has become in both character and execution. His selling is still top drawer untill he does his Superman act, and it's probably one of the things that has made him such a star. Nobody can draw sympathy like he can. He's also got VERY sound psychology. It is NOT his fault that he has been asked to make 30 second sqaush job comebacks. The guy knows what he's doing in there.

He hasn't gotten worse. He's been given a way of doing things. I have no doubt if he was asked to go back to the Prototype character, he could do so with ease.

Aye it is pretty much the company's fault for making play a ridiculous character. Still, his facials when he 'applies' the STFU?! Dear me. Although I think he has become sloppy because of the way he has to wrestle now. Back in the day he was doing more moves more regularly.

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Off topic but what Hell in the Cell match does everyone think was the best? Mines personally is Mankind-Undertaker followed closely by HHH-Jericho

Armageddon 2000,

Kurt Angle v The Rock v Stone Cold v Triple H v Undertaker v Rikishi

Not only is it my favourite Hell in a Cell, yet also my favourite match of all time.

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That's a good shout.

I'd have to go with Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker. It was one of the most satisfying matches in WWE history, as we got to see The Undertaker hand out 30 minutes of pure hell. It's basically an extended squash but it's a joy.

Special mention to both HHH/Cactus and HHH/Batista.

Although I think he has become sloppy because of the way he has to wrestle now.

I dunno. I think when you've been doing it for years it can become second nature, but he won't have forgotten this stuff altogether. Of course, you may well be right. Seven+ years is a long time to be doing this kind of thing and not have it rub off.

On a plus side, Christian vs. Randy Orton on Smackdown was very good. Not MOTYC good, but a good TV main event.

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Off topic but what Hell in the Cell match does everyone think was the best? Mines personally is Mankind-Undertaker followed closely by HHH-Jericho

HBK vs Taker is one of my favourite matchs of all time so thats kind of a given, apart from that it's either the Armageddon HIAC or HHH vs Cactus Jack

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Let him, I've got him in the deadpool ph34r.gif

Seriously though, i would be surprised if it lasted another 3 years.

It's not even aired here in Australia anymore, probably because no one was watching it in the end. I know friends of mine who have no interest in it anymore, since they took away the 6 sided ring & had Hogan/Bischoff come in, they stopped watching.

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