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Mo Wonderboy

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The only person to benefit from this Cole-Lawler feud, in my opinion, is Josh Mathews. I think he's been very good.

How the f**k does Michael Cole not benefit from this fued?! The guy is more over than he's ever been!

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Done that quiz and got 92. Severely disappointed with myself as I should have got a lot more.

I forgot the Big Show amongst other such obvious ones as Albert (I got Test) and any of the Holly's and I never even got Animal or Hawk. :(

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I spent about an hour or so, procrastinating, doing WWE/F related quizzes on Sporcle last night. Loads like name all the holders of WWE, Heavyweight, IC, US, European, Hardcore belts and others.

It was pretty good but I'm ashamed at some of the ones I missed.

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R-Truth's delivery on the mic is amazing. He makes even the worst material sound pure amazing. His "hospital food" comment last week was atrocious, but HE made it funny. Then you had this week's generic promo which dazzled thanks to his weird "I know this sounds stupid, but I'm revelling in it" style of delivery.

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They should have turned R-Truth heel a long tme ago. His character was so dull it was worth trying him out as a heel this time last year. They've given him a chance and he's been superb. The way he has been playing the character who doesn't want to do what he has been doing but can't control it is awesome.

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PWG DDT4 2011

So the annual PWG tag team tournament gets going in style, as some of the best tag teams in indy wrestling go into battle! I've already mentioned the teams that managed to stand out in this tournament. It's time to see WHY the stood out, and can Willie Mack manage to impress again?

The Young Bucks vs. Brandon Gatson and Willie Mack ( ***1/2 )

The RockNES Monsters vs. The American Wolves ( ***3/4 )

The Kings of Wrestling vs. The Cutler Brothers ( ***1/4 )

The Briscoes vs. Akira Tozawa and Kevin Steen ( *** )

The Young Bucks vs. The American Wolves ( ****1/4 )

The Kings of Wrestling vs. Akira Tozawa and Kevin Steen ( ****1/4 )

Brian Cage-Taylor vs. Ryan Taylor vs. Peter Avalon vs. Candice LeRae vs. Joey Ryan, Gauntlet Match ( **1/2 )

The Young Bucks vs. Kevin Steen and Akira Tozawa ( ****1/4 )

Match 1

DDT4 Quarter Final Match

The Young Bucks vs. Willie Mack and Brandon Gatson

Matt Jackson makes a great job of having us believe. GATSON OPENS WITH A FUCKING MENTAL PLANCHA !!! WHOA !!! Mack now has Nick in the ring. Mack wants a handshake. Mack then sweeps down Nick and sends Matt to the apron. Nick works on Mack when Matt gets knocked off the apron. Lovely Dropkick from Mack and then in comes Gatson. Slingshot Elbow/Sidewalk Slam from the makeshifts for the two count. Jawbreaker and Nick teams out. Thesz Press and right hands from Gatson and the same again and he is a man on a mission. Matt rakes the eyes of Gatson. Mack with a Running Knee strike and he gets a two count when he has blind tagged in. He takes a kick in the leg, but then lands an Enziguri and that gets a two count. Into the corner and and a Running Back Elbow from Mack and in comes Gatson. Right hand from Gatson and then into the ropes. Gatson to the apron. Nick tries to sweep Gatson and eventually does. DROPKICK THROUGH THE ROPES FROM MATT !!! Nick now with right hands on the floor and he sends Matt back into the ring. Kicks to the chest from Matt and into the corner and in comes Nick. Gatson gets dropped on his face and then he stomps the shoulder. Gatson now comes back in the match with right hands. Into the corner and then Matt comes into the ring. We now have the arm ringers and drops on the arm. Nick clubs on Gatson and then lands a Dropkick. Matt with the Hardy taunt and then he drops an elbow on the shoulder. Nick: "Oh yeah!". Matt back in and he slaps around Gatson. That isn't the best idea. Gatson comes back with right hands, but back into the corner and Matt with shoulder charges in the corner. Slingshot Stomp from Nick to the gut of Gatson. Knee to the gut and then Gatson eats a back elbow. Springboard Cross Body from Matt. SLINGSHOT X-FACTOR ... EATS A LOW BLOW !!! Gatson is SO close to the hot tag and Matt comes in and lands the Back Drop Suplex. Nick asks why Mack didn't make the tag. Kick to the face from Gatson and then a Sleeper Hold from Nick. Gatson sends Nick into the ropes. STO from Gatson and now he's back into the match again. Matt comes into the ring. STUNNER FROM GATSON AND HE TAGS OUT !!! Mack is going mental with the big moves. The fans are right behind Willie Mack. High Knee to Matt. MACK GOES MENTAL IN THE CORNERS WITH CLOTHESLINES AND AVALANCHES !!! The last one misses. CARTWHEEL BACK RAKE ... stopped by Gatson. THE CARTWHEEL BACK RAKE FROM GATSON !!! Nick is now sent to the floor and they have. SPACE FLYING TIGER DROP FROM GATSON !!! Samoan Drop from Mack. STANDING MOONSAULT FROM MACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Spin Kick from Matt and then to the face. VICTORY ROLL FROM MATT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Gatson now in. ROCK BOTTOM/NECKBREAKER FROM THE FACES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Gatson now tagged into the match and into the ropes. Kick to the head from Nick. SPEAR FROM MATT !!! THE KNEES COME UP ON RISKY BUSINESS !!! HART ATTACK BLOCKBUSTER FROM THE FACES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... NICK SAVES !!! Backbreaker from Mack.SUPERKICK FROM MATT CATCHES GATSON !!! SUPERKICK TO MACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : The Young Bucks

Match Rating : ***1/2

Match Comments : One mistake was all it took for the inexperienced to lose. Everyone looked awesome though. The Young Bucks left a SHITLOAD in the tank for the later rounds. There was some nice countering of the old offense from the babyfaces as well. Good opener.

Match 2

DDT4 Quarter Finals

The RockNES Monsters vs. The American Wolves

Great to see the Wolves teaming in PWG. I really do wanna see Eddie Edwards more in PWG. The guy is absolutely amazing. Yuma and Richards is gonna get this one going. Kick to the leg from Richards and Yuma gets the hell out of there. Goodtime goes out to see how his partner is. They lock hands and then Richards with the Hammerlock and the Snapmare and then the Chinlock and Richards then with the Dragon Sleeper and then he turns that to a Stump Puller and then he pushes the head down and that's vicious. He turns that into a pinfall for a two count. Richards charges down Yuma and then hits the ropes and then a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors. In comes Eddie and he takes a Rana and gets sent to the floor. Yuma fakes a dive. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM GOODTIME !!! Goodtime picks up a chair but doesn't use it. I don't really get that. Into the ring now with Richards and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Yuma. Against the ropes and we have a Spin Kick on the break. Dropkick from Yuma gets a two count and then he gets a Chinlock of his own. Richards with the big back elbow and then an Arm Drag and Arm Bar from Yuma and Goodtime is in the ring for the first time in the match. Double Team Leg Drops from the Monsters and that gets a two count. Arm Ringer and then a Northern Lights Suplex gets a two count. Front Facelock from Goodtime and against the ropes they go. Big chop from Eddie and then a kick to the head. More big chops from Eddie and then he tags out and Richards found that one sore. :lol: Richards gets fired up and then kicks the chest. Another big kick to the chest and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Eddie back into the ring. Double Back Elbow from the Wolves and then they knock Yuma off of the apron. Knee to the back from Eddie. Another chop from Eddie and there is some major punishment given out here. Back Drop Suplex from Richards and that gets a two count. Jawbreaker from Goodtime and then he tags out and in comes Yuma. Butt Bump from Yuma and a Slingshot Dropkick from Goodtime in the corner and that gets a two count. Suplex out of nowhere from Richards. Kick to the back from Richards and then he just stands on the face of Yuma. Body Slam from Richards and then he heads for the top rope. Yuma gets a shot in there and he sets Richards on top. Richards crotches Yuma and Eddie knocks him into the tree of woe. DOUBLE DROPKICKS TO THE FACE OF YUMA FROM THE WOLVES !!! Yuma on the knees. Knee Drop from Eddie and that gets a two count. Richards now with the Half Crab. LION TAMER FROM RICHARDS !!! EDDIE ADDS A CHINLOCK !!! They let go and that gets a two count and then back in comes Eddie. Eddie with another chop to the chest. Another one sends down Yuma and that gets a two count. Yuma is taking all that Eddie has to throw at him. Yuma drops behind and gets the O'Connor Roll but Richards comes in and kicks him in the chest. Just because he can. Snap Suplex from Richards and that gets a two count. Yuma is coming back into the match now. Kick to the face from Richards and that gets a two count for him. Eddie now back into the ring. Yuma hits the ropes. SUPERKICK FROM EDDIE !!! Spin Kick from Richards. THEY KICK EACH OTHER !!! Yuma has an opening, but Eddie knocks down Goodtime in the corner. Enziguri catches Eddie. Goodtime tagged in and he sends Richards to the floor. Goodtime hits the ropes and lands Back Elbows and a Dropkick. Chest buster into a Backbreaker from Goodtime and that gets a two count. Double Stomp to the back from Goodtime. SLINGSHOT DOUBLE DROPKICK FROM GOODTIME !!! GOODTIME WITH THE FALCON ARROW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Chops from Eddie now. Kick from Eddie. Goodtime. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER SENDS YUMA ONTO EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... RICHARDS SAVES !!! Richards is sent to the floor and then Eddie into the corner. Eddie comes back into the match. SUPERKICK ON YUMA !!! Dragon Screw from Eddie to Goodtime and Richards is going mental on the apron. He gets in and runs into a boot. RICHARDS ROLLS THROUGH TO THE ANKLE LOCK ON GOODTIME !!! VICTORY ROLL FROM GOODTIME !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Running Forearm in the corner. High Knee. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Goodtime is put on the top rope and then Richards goes up there with him. Roundhouse catches Goodtime up there too. Goodtime sends Eddie to the floor. Richards mises a charge. ENZIGURI !!! CODEBREAKER FROM YUMA !!! GOODTIME WITH THE FROG SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Goodtime's ankle was buggered going into that pinfall there. Goodtime and Richards are doing battle in the ring now. Kicks to the face from both men. Enziguri from Goodtime. Goodtime sent into the kick in the face. Eddie heads for the top rope. DOUBLE STOMP TO THE HEAD ... MISSES !!! SUPERKICK TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD !!! ALARM CLOCK FROM THE WOLVES !!! SUPERKICK/GERMAN SUPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUUTTTTTTTTT !!! POWERBOMB/LUNGBLOWER FROM THE WOLVES !!! THE ACHILLES HOLD FROM EDDIE EDWARDS !!! GOODTIME TAPS !!!

Match Winners : The American Wolves

Match Rating : ***3/4

Match Comments : That was a long match for the first round. The Monsters looked amazing considering that they were huge underdogs. Johnny Yuma in particular came across looking like a million bucks.

Match 3

DDT4 Quarter Final

The Kings of Wrestling vs. The Cutler Brothers

How loaded is this tournament? It's filled to the brim with really good - great tag teams. I love the Kings. I quite like the Cutlers. They can be quite over choreographed at times but they are still fun to watch. Claudio is gonna get this one going to Dustin. Brandon is the other one for the uninitiated. Lockup and they have a clean break from that. Lockup again and a Headlock from Dustin and he gets sent into the ropes and they collide in the middle of the ring. Claudio then does some taunting. We have an exchange of strikes. Flying Shoulder Tackle from Dustin, but then Claudio lands a Clothesline and Dustin gets into the corner. Hero with a nice takedown and then he goes to the legs of Brandon, who tries to force his way towards his corner. Brandon takes down Hero and then a Front Facelock. Hero goes to the arm of Brandon and then Brandon bridges and gets to his feet. The fans are getting a bit restless and then Brandon ducks a chop. Lockup and a Headlock from Brandon and Hero fights out and tries for a Back Drop Suplex. Headlock from Brandon and we seem to be seeing a Headlock match. Flying Forearm from Brandon and then he gets chopped. Hero looks like he's had enough. Hero hits the ropes and runs into a Dropkick and then Dustin into the ring. Rolling Double Shoulder Tackle gets a two count for the Cutlers and then right hands from Dustin in the corner. Running Back Elbow from Brandon and then a right hand and then a running shoulder strike and that gets a two count. Back in the ring comes Dustin. RUNNING T-GIMMICK INTO THE CORNER FROM THE CUTLERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Headlock from Hero and then into the ropes goes Dustin, and he runs right into the European Uppercut from Claudio. That gets a two count. Gorilla Press Slam from Claudio and the fans appreciate that show of strength. That gets a two count. Back into the ring comes Hero and he unleashes a BRUTAL kick to the arm and that gets a two count. Hammerlock Backbreaker from Hero and that gets a two count. Kick to the arm from Claudio and then a knee to the side. Arm Bar from Claudio and Dustin comes back into the match, but runs into a Powerslam and a beauty from Claudio. Clothesline from Claudio. European Uppercut from Claudio. ROARING ELBOW TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD FROM HERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Another big chop from Hero and they're getting angry but now Dustin is coming back into the match. Knee to the head from Hero and then he picks up the limp body of Dustin. Suplex from Hero and he floats over and gets a two count from that. Into the boot of Claudio goes Dustin. Deadlift Gutwrench Suplex from Claudio and that gets a two count as Brandon comes in and breaks the count. There seems to be an issue developing between Brandon and Claudio. Arm Bar from Claudio. Dustin is trying to find his way into the corner. Wheelbarrow Bulldog from Dustin and he's trying to find his way to the corner. Dustin tags out and a shot from Brandon. Brandon is in the ring with lots of nice stuff. The Leaping Leg Drop from Brandon. Hero sends Brandon into the corner. Hero runs into a boot and then gets sent into Claudio. LEAPFROG LEG DROP OVER HERO ONTO CLAUDIO !!! ACE CRUSHER ON HERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Hero with right hands and he hits the ropes and gets dragged to the apron. SLINGSHOT LEG DROP FROM BRANDON !!! SIX SECOND ABS FROM THE CUTLERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... CLAUDIO SAVES !!! Claudio is sent to the floor and Dustin is back in. ELBOW STRIKES FROM HERO !!! Claudio finds his way back onto the apron. Claudio pulls down the knee pads. Running European and then the Jumping Knee gets a two count. Dustin hits the ropes. CHOKESLAM FROM CLAUDIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Dustin into the ropes and he hits the breaks and lifts a boot. RUNNING KNEE FROM BRANDON AND A SUICIDE DIVE ONTO HERO !!! DOI 555 ON CLAUDIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Forearm from Dustin and he hits the ropes. FLAPJACK EUROPEAN UPPERCUT FROM CLAUDIO !!! Brandon and Hero are brawling. THE BIG SWING FROM CLAUDIO !!! Hero is now back. THE BIG SWING/DROPKICK COMBO FROM THE KINGS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUTTTTTT !!! The fans can't believe that one. Hero and Claudio warm up. DOUBLE ROARING BIG BOOT FROM THE KINGS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winners : The Kings of Wrestling

Match Rating : ***1/4

Match Comments : Not as good as the first two matches, but this was the first one that felt like a proper first round match with both teams giving not much. The Kings of Wrestling were dominant for much of it, and you never felt that The Cutlers were anything other than underdogs.

Match 4

DDT4 Quarter Final Match

The Briscoes vs. Akira Tozawa and Kevin Steen

Jay and Akira get us going and the Dragon Gate star is loved by the PWG. Akira is getting in the face of Jay. Jay goes behind and Akira takes him down with the Drop Toe Hold and then gets a Headlock. Arm Ringer and some screaming from Akira. Jay takes him down and goes to the Front Facelock. Arm Ringer from Jay. Akira then goes to the Headlock and they collide in the middle of the ring. They collide a second time. BIG BOOT FROM AKIRA !!! Back elbow from Jay. Dropkick to the knee and then the face from Akira. Jay backs into the corner and we now have Steen in the ring much to the delight of the PWG fans. This team is VERY popular. Knee to the gut and then Steen works over the back and then lands some chops. Steen shouts and then bites the nose of Jay. Jay into the ropes and he ducks a Clothesline. Big kick from Mark coming into the ring. "Crazy" Mark Briscoe lands a headbutt and then some right hands. There is actually a huge history between Steen and The Briscoes. Kick to the face of Akira and then to Steen in the corner and then Mark with the Gamengiri gets a two count. Head first into the corner goes Steen. BIG BIEL ... Steen bites the ears to get away from that. DOUBLE SITTING ROCK BOTTOM FROM THE BRISCOES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Camel Clutch from Mark and then a Crossface Forearm. Steen into the ropes and he comes back into the match and drops Mark on Jay and in comes Akira who goes mental on Jay and the fans love this. Akira now screaming and then he tells the fans "Shut the f**k up!". That's fucking fantastic. :lol: Body Slam and a Senton Splash from Akira and then he stomps on Jay. Chinlock from Akira. HUGE Spinebuster from Jay gets him back into the match in a hurry. The fans are getting behind Akira again. Steen and Mark now into the ring and chops from Mark. Mark gets over Steen and lands the Spinning Heel Kick. RUNNING DROPKICK TO THE FACE !!! EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM MARK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Mark onto the apron and he clocks Steen. Springboard Dropkick from Mark but Akira is now back in the ring. Screaming forearms from both men now. They then just scream at each other and their partners come in and demand some sense. JAY AND STEEN WIPE EACH OTHER OUT !!! SUPERKICK FROM MARK !!! THE LARIAT FROM JAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Chops from The Briscoes. Steen with the blind tag. Big Boot. POWERBOMB FROM STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SHINING WIZARD FROM AKIRA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... MARK SAVES !!! Mark and Steen now going at it. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM JAY !!! THE CORKSCREW SENTON FROM MARK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Jay sent into Mark. DOOMSDAY WIZARD FROM THE CONNECTION !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winners : Akira Tozawa and Kevin Steen

Match Rating : ***

Match Comments : How much fun is that?! Akira Tozawa is such an amazing addition to the PWG roster. I have no idea who's idea it was to make him a regular with PWG but I wanna kiss 'em all over. As for the match itself, it basically revolved around both teams beating the shit out of each other. Good times.

Match 5

DDT4 Semi Final

The Young Bucks vs. The American Wolves

Matt spits in the face of Eddie. Nick and Richards are going to start the match. Lockup and then an Arm Ringer from Nick. Richards does some flipping about and gets an Arm Drag and an Arm Ringer and gets a two count. The Young Bucks do some taunting and the Wolves let it happen. Why? Shoulder Tackle from Richards and then he runs into an Arm Drag and then more taunting from the Bucks. Eddie is now in the ring with his partner. The ref has an "idiots" look on his face. The Wolves with kicks and the referee asks "why?". Matt and Nick taunt on the apron and then get kicked to the floor. STEREO SUICIDE DIVERS FROM THE AMERICAN WOLVES !!! Eddie: "American Wolves!". Back into the ring and Richards on the apron. Forearm/Kick combo. Back Drop X-Factor and then the Top Rope Dropkick from Richards gets a two count. Snap Suplex from Eddie and that gets a two count. Knee to the gut from Matt and then he clubs away on the back of Richards and then kicks the gut. Nick tries to go over and then eats a chop. HARD chop to Matt on the corner as well and both guys want nothing to do with Eddie. Richards now back into the ring and he locks in the Tequila Sunrise. Snapmare from Eddie and then he locks a submission on the leg and has a sort of Inverted Muta Lock. Matt comes in and flicks the balls. Nick is locked in the Tree of Woe. Flick to the balls from Richards in the Tree of Woe. Matt isn't a happy chappy. Into the corner and in comes Matt. Leg Drop from Matt gets a two count and some fans chant "Hogan sucks!" which is blatant lies. Snapmare and then a stomp to the chest from Matt. Matt then slaps Richards and sends him face first into the boots of Nick. Stomp to the back from Nick and then he works over the arm a little more. Kick to the gut and then he kicks down Richards in the corner and now the choke with the boot from Matt. Eddie is angry with what is going on. The fans are getting behind Richards and this causes a short fight back. Forearms from both men now. Nick comes in and Richards unloads on both men. SUPERKICK FROM NICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and a shot to the gut and then more rights and lefts in the corner from Matt. Combo in the corner and Matt. Richards comes back into the match but gets sent into the corner. BRUTAL KICK TO THE CHEST FROM RICHARDS !!! Release German misses from Matt and a kick from Eddie and now Eddie into the ring. BRUTAL TOP ROPE DROPKICK FROM EDDIE !!! He then unloads with chops on Matt. Kick to the knee. SHINING KICK FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Kick to the face from Matt. Enziguri from Eddie. High Knee. SUPERKICK FROM EDDIE !!! BELLY 2 BELLY SENDS NICK INTO MATT !!! TIGER SUPLEX FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Powerbomb is stopped by the Bucks. Richards sent to the floor. Rana on Matt. SUPERKICK ON NICK !!! ALARM CLOCK ... blocked. Enziguri from Richards. SUPERKICK/GERMAN SUPLEX FROM THE WOLVES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... NICK MAKES THE SAVE !!! RUNNING LIGER BOMB FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Baseball Slide from Richards and the Wolves are in the ring now. Matt runs into the boot. LEAPING CODEBREAKR FROM EDDIE !!! SLINGSHOT SPLASH TO THE FLOOR FROM NICK !!! TOMBSTONE FROM MATT JACKSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Richards and Matt are doing battle now. Handspring Roundhouse Kick. KICKS COMING FROM ALL OVER THE PLACE !!! RICHARDS HAS THE ANKLE LOCK !!! REVERSE RANA FROM MATT !!! LARIAT FROM RICHARDS !!! The fans are loving this action, as am I! Eddie now back into the ring and both men now land forearms. Forearms and then chops. EDDIE ROLLS THROUGH TO THE ACHILLES LOCK ... NICK WITH THE LOW BLOW !!! MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK FROM THE BUCKS ... MISSES !!! POP UP GERMAN SUPLEX FROM RICHARDS !!! POWERBOMB INTO THE LUNGBLOWER FROM THE WOLVES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... NICK MAKES THE SAVE !!! THE ACHILLES LOCK FROM EDDIE AND THE FANS ARE GOING ABSOLUTELY BATSHIT !!! SMALL PACKAGE FROM MATT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

Match Winners : The Young Bucks

Match Rating : ****1/4

Match Comments : That was a fucking fantastic match from these two teams. They had some right crackers in ROH with each other but that is the best one yet. The Young Bucks were amazing as the overconfident heels pissing the Wolves off, and they got out of there by the skin of their teeth because they knew that was the only way they were gonna get out.

Match 6

DDT4 Semi Finals

The Kings of Wrestling vs. Kevin Steen and Akira Tozawa

Akira is happy to get in the faces of the Kings and Steen backs his wee mate up. Kings have changed their gear. Steen and Akira haven't though. Steen and Akira call themselves "The Kings of Sexual Intercourse." Akira kisses Steen. Steen is going to open the match with Hero by the looks of things. Steen tries to sweep down Hero and Hero grabs the arm. Steen still has the leg though and then goes behind. Hero shoves down Steen and then kips up. Hero then locks the legs together and he has Steen in a wee bit of trouble. There's a tag and Claudio comes in and we have a Wishbone Legsplit. We then have the same again. Kick to the head and then more of the same from Hero. Boots from both men and Hero gets the better of that. Knee to the head from Hero and then in comes Claudio. Arm Ringers from Claudio. Steen then with the same and then into the corner and in comes Akira. Kicks to the gut and then he chokes Claudio with the boot and he adds some major leverage to that. Akira then clubs on the back and Claudio is not amused by that. Chops from Akira and these are doing more damage to Akira but then he unloads. Claudio then charges down Akira. Hero now comes back into the ring. These two guys had a pure amazing match at the Battle of Los Angeles. Akira spits in the face of Hero and takes a pure beating from Hero who is NOT a happy camper and then Hero spits in the face. Body Slam from Hero and then in comes Claudio with an Elbow Drop. Akira comes back into the match somehow. Claudio is now clubbing on the back of Akira. Akira hits the breaks and sends Claudio to the floor. SUICIDE DIVE ... CLAUDIO STOPS IT WITH THE EUROPEAN UPPERCUT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Hero tagged in and a Senton Splash. Akira in the corner and a Clothesline from Claudio. BICYCLE KICK FROM CLAUDIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Claudio with the Gorilla Press Slam sending Akira into the top buckle and then in comes Hero. RUNNING ELBOW STRIKE TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD FROM HERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Dragon Sleeper from Hero. Akira finds his way to the bottom rope. Claudio with the European Uppercuts and then a big Hiptoss and a European Uppercut gets a two count. Arm Bar from Claudio. Akira gets back into the match thanks to the fans and he goes for the Hiptoss but that doesn't work. European Uppercuts from Claudio and back in comes Hero. Running kick to the head from Hero and Steen shouts "This is your godzilla! Kill that piece of shit!" Hero does a Godzilla walk around the ring. Chop from Hero and Akira comes back with chops of his own. Right hands from Hero and Akira screams. He avoids a Back Drop Suplex. He can't hit the Back Drop Suplex. He keeps trying. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM AKIRA TOZAWA !!! Steen back into the ring with chops and then Claudio into the ropes. CODEBREAKER FROM STEEN !!! CANNONBALL INTO THE CORNER FROM STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Steen misses a charge. So does Claudio. SPRINGBOARD SWINGING DDT FROM STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! HERO SAVES !!! Akira comes in and that doesn't work. AKIRA WITH THE BIG BOOT !!! SUICIDE DIVE FROM AKIRA !!! HE LANDS ANOTHER ONE !!! CANNONBALL OFF OF THE APRON FROM AKIRA !!! I love Akira Tozawa. Right hands from both Claudio and Steen now. Both men work on each other. SUPERKICK FROM STEEN !!! LARIAT FROM CLAUDIO !!! Both men are down. Akira now into the ring and he is screaming. HIIIIIIIIIIGH ELEVATED EUROPEAN UPPERCUT FROM CLAUDIO !!! LIGER BOMB FROM HERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... STEEN SAVES !!! JUMPING PILEDRIVER FROM HERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Cravat Knees. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM AKIRA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOUUTT !!! Akira goes mental with rights and lefts. Kick to the back of the head. Kicks. GERMAN SUPLEX ... stopped. ROARING ELBOW !!! ON ... KICKOOOUUTTT !!! Knee from Hero. ROARING BIG BOOT FROM HERO !!! THE MOONSAULT FROM HERO ... MISSES !!! LA MAGISTRAL CRADLE FROM AKIRA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEE !!!

Match Winners : The Nightmare Violence Connection

Match Rating : ****1/4

Match Comments : f**k me sideways. Can you believe how good the action in the tournament has been in this tournament? This was yet another world class tag team match and the crowd was as hot as hell! Check out that pop at the end.

Match 7

Gauntlet Match

Brian Cage-Taylor vs. Ryan Taylor vs. Peter Avalon vs. Candice LeRae vs. Joey Ryan

So we have Cage and Ryan to get us going in this one. Ryan sweeps down Cage and then we have some reversals from both men, and we have a clean break from all of that action. Lockup and Ryan goes to the Overhead Wristlock and then we have a break from there. We have a handshake now and then Ryan with nice stuff and then a Headlock from Cage and he charges down Ryan, who sweeps down Cage onto his face. Lockup and a Headlock from Ryan and then he goes behind. Headlock from Ryan and then Cage tries for something and that doesn't work. Ryan then just throws off. Lovely pin from Ryan and that gets a two count. More nice pinfalls from these two guys now. Both men miss Dropkicks and then Ryan hits the ropes. Dropkick from Ryan and Cage heads for the floor. Kick misses from Ryan and then Cage misses a Suplex. Cage catches Ryan and lands a Revolution Backbreaker and that is a cracker. That gets a two count for Cage. They sort of botch a move and the fans are quite kind with that. Forearm to the back from Cage and then the same again. Cage with a forearm and then into the ropes and he kicks the chest. Ryan with a Backslide and that gets a two count. Big shot from Ryan and then he winds up on the apron. Knee to the head from Cage. SUPLEX OFF OF THE SECOND ROPE FROM CAGE !!! That is classy. That gets a two count for Cage. Knees to the back from Cage and then he stretches the arms of Ryan. Cage gets the head in between the shoulders and then an Overhead Kick from Ryan. Cage runs into a boot. Cage misses a charge and eats a boot. Springboard Dropkick to the arse from Ryan. MASSIVE SUICIDE DIVE FROM TAYLOR !!! Back into the ring and Ryan heads for the top rope. SWANTON BOMB FROM RYAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! HAMMERLOCK DDT FROM CAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Pump Handle is avoided. POWERBOMB BACKBREAKER FROM CAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Forearms from both men now. Knee to the head from Cage. Boots from both men now. SNAPMARE DRIVER FROM RYAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

"Pretty" Peter Avalon is the next man in and he unloads with a load of offense and he looks intense. Butterfly Suplex from Avalon and then that gets a two count and then a Chinlock from Avalon. Side Kick from Avalon and that gets a two count as well. Forearm from Avalon and then into the ropes and then onto the apron goes Ryan. ACE CRUSHER ON THE APRON FROM AVALON !!! AVALON WITH A MOONSAULT PRESS ONTO THE FLOOR !!! Back in and that gets a two count. Kicks from both men and obviously Ryan gets the better of that exchange. Arm Ringer Takedowns from Ryan and those bad boys are nasty. Swinging Arm Breaker and then he lands Avalon on his face. CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM AVALON !!! Avalon finds the bottom rope. Avalon finds his way out of the move. SWINGING FISHERMAN NECKBREAKER FROM AVALON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Enziguri from Avalon. LARIAT FROM RYAN !!! GO 2 SLEEP FROM RYAN !!! SNAPMARE DRIVER ... COUNTERED TO THE SCHOOL BOY WITH THE TRUNKS HOOKED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Candice LeRae is the next person in the match. SUPERKICK FROM RYAN TO AVALON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Joey Ryan wanted to face Candice LeRae. Hold on... surely even with it being a woman, he'd want to face Peter Avalon a bit more than Candice LeRae, no? Joey Ryan puts his title shot on the line here. Ryan gets down on all fours. Roll Up and thet gets a two count. Another roll up. Crucifix gets a two. Knee to the head from Ryan and the fans don't like that. Candice into the ropes. FROM JUNGLE FROM CANDICE !!! Ryan finds his way into the ropes. Ryan just piefaces Candice. Into the corner and Ryan rubs her face into the top buckle and then shoves her down into the middle of the ring. Camel Clutch from Ryan and then he just throws her down. He then rubs his hand in the face of Candice after rubbing it on his crotch. Candice then set on the top rope. Candice wtih a boot and then she jumps over Ryan and knocks him down with an elbow. THE HUMAN TORNADO KICKS !!! LOW BLOW FROM CANDICE !!! SUICIDE SWINGING DDT FROM CANDICE !!! Ryan manages to beat the count back in and the fans don't like that. Russian Legsweep from Candice and then she locks in an Octopus. Thumb to the eye from Ryan. BOOB PLEX FROM RYAN !!! Ryan heads for the top rope and gets crotched. SUPERPLEX FROM CANDICE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! BALL PLEX FROM CANDICE !!! LEAPING REVERSE RANA FROM CANDICE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! MOONSAULT ... MISSES !!! SUPERKICK FROM RYAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... HE PULLS HER UP !!! BODY LOCK KIMURA !!! CANDICE TAPS !!!

Match Winner : Joey Ryan

Match Rating : **1/2

Match Comments : I thought the final two was a bit much at times. The gauntlet was good fun though. Plenty of decent action with some of the PWG homegrowns.

Match 8

DDT4 Final

The Young Bucks vs. Kevin Steen and Akira Tozawa

They brawl on the floor. Matt gets a Back Body Drop onto a bunch of chair. Right hands from Matt and Steen to each other. Matt and Akira then get into the ring and we are underway. Chair to the back of Akira and the referee is letting this all go. BACK BODY DROP THROUGH CHEERS FROM STEEN TO NICK !!! Steen is on the apron now. FROG SPLASH OFF OF THE APRON FROM STEEN TO NICK !!! Steen then boots Matt. Chop against the ringpost from Steen and then Matt comes back with chair shots. Chair to the gut of Akira and then to the back of Akira. Kick to the face of Nick. Matt then gets sent into the ringpost. The referee is doing well to let this all go. POWERBOMB ON THE APRON FROM STEEN TO NICK !!! POWERBOMB ON THE APRON AGAIN !!! The fans on another side want a shot. Matt gets a chair shot in there to stop that happening. Steen rakes the eyes. POWERBOMB ON THE APRON FROM STEEN TO MATT !!! POWERBOMB ON ANOTHER APRON FROM STEEN !!! Back into the ring now. He then gets the fans fired up. Second Rope Leg Drop from Steen and that gets a two count. Chop from Steen on Matt in the corner. THE MOONSAULT FROM STEEN ... MISSES !!! NICK BRAINS AKIRA WITH THE CHAIR !!! Matt now stomps on the knee of Steen and works on it. Right hands from both men now. Stomp to the back of the head. Kick to the leg now from Matt and then more kicks to the leg. Steen bites the balls and then Matt kicks the leg again. BACK RAKE WITH THE ACTUAL RAKE FROM MATT JACKSON !!! AKIRA GOES MENTAL !!! Nick gets sent to the floor as does Matt. SUICIDE DIVE ... Nick sweeps down Akira and then brings him to the floor. DDT THROUGH THE CHAIR FROM THE YOUNG BUCKS TO AKIRA !!! Akira Tozawa has been taken out of the match by that and he is taken to the back. Nick beats on Steen in the corner. Into the corner and in comes Matt and he lands an elbow on the back of Steen. Kicks to the leg from Matt. Matt mocks the fact that Steen has no partner and then kicks him in the face. Nick to the top rope and the lands a Double Stomp on the leg. Kick to the leg from Steen but that doesn't get him very far. Nick onto the apron and then Matt knocked to the floor. BACK BODY DROP ON THE APRON ON STEEN !!! Nick then lands a chair shot to the knee and then sends him into the ringpost. Steen is now busted open. He's in all sorts of trouble but somehow he has life in him. Matt now stomps on the head of Steen and then lands a series of right hands on the cut. Stomps to the back from Nick and Steen comes back with right hands. Knee to the head from Nick but then Steen lands a HUGE chop, so Nick with the Dropkick to the knee and back into the ring comes Matt. SWANTON BOMB TO THE KNEE FROM NICK !!! That is very cool. Back into the ring comes Matt. Kicks to the leg from Matt now. THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM MATT JACKSON !!! Nick is holding the ropes and Steen spits in his face and then finds the ropes. Nick now tagged into the match and we have double teaming ready. AKIRA TOZAWA HITS THE RING AND SENDS NICK OUT !!! THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM KEVIN STEEN !!! Nick with right hands and Steen spits in his face. STEEN WANTS MORE !!! BIG KICK TO THE FACE !!! RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM AKIRA !!! STEEN STILL HAS THE SHARPSHOOTER !!! MATT FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Akira pulls Steen into the corner. Nick comes in. Slam from Akira. AKIRA WITH A GERMAN SUPLEX ONTO NICK !!! ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM AKIRA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... NICK MAKES THE SAVE !!! Nick into the corner and then a Yakuza Kick from Akira. STEEN HAS TWO MEN UP AND LANDS THE SAMOAN DROP ON BOTH MEN !!! PACKAGE PILEDRIVER/WIZARD FROM THE CONNECTION !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... NICK MAKES THE SAVE !!! NICK WITH THE SLINGSHOT PLANCHA ONTO AKIRA !!! THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM STEEN ... SUPERKICK FROM NICK !!! SUPERKICK FROM MATT !!! SUPERKICKS COMING FROM BOTH SIDES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUTTT !!! HOW DOES HE SURVIVE THAT ?!?!?! SUPERKICKS AGAIN FROM THE BUCKS AND STEEN POWERS BACK !!! DOUBLE SUPERKICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTTTT !!! AKIRA TOZAWA IS BACK IN HERE AND THE AUDIENCE IS GOING FUCKING BATSHIT !!! HE'S FUCKING SHIT UP !!! MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK FROM THE BUCKS TO BOTH MEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winners : The Young Bucks

Match Rating : ****1/4

Match Comments : Well that's an incredible ending to the tournament. Akira Tozawa coming back into the match was predictable but it was well timed and sent the fans into a frenzy. Kevin Steen puts on an unreal performance here though as the babyface in peril with more fight than the Young Bucks thought possible. Super match.

Another super show from the promotion that can seemingly do no wrong at the present. Incidentally, their upcoming weekend of shows, All Star Weekend has THESE cards which look ridiculously good.

Claudio Castagnoli © vs. Chris Hero - PWG Championship

The Young Bucks © vs. The RockNES Monsters - PWG Tag Team Championships

Low Ki vs. Alex Shelley

Akira Tozawa vs. Eddie Edwards (!!!)

Kenny King vs. Chuck Taylor

The Cutlers vs. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong

El Generico vs. Ricochet

Willie Mack vs. Kevin Steen

The Dynasty vs. The Fightin' Taylor Boys

Night Two...

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Low Ki

The Young Bucks vs. Roderick Strong and Austin Aries

Akira Tozawa and Kevin Steen vs. The RockNES Monsters

Willie Mack vs. Chris Hero

Eddie Edwards vs. El Generico

Ricochet vs. Chuck Taylor

The Cutlers vs. The Dynasty

More TBC

Sweet jesus.

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Was just about to post that link. It's the only one that saying it so it might be wrong.

He must be inducted next year if it's true.

TMZ are usually pretty accurate with their news. They broke the Michael Jackson death long before any of the "bona fide" news channels.

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Was just about to post that link. It's the only one that saying it so it might be wrong.

He must be inducted next year if it's true.

I hope thye dont induct him. They had no intention to when he was alive so why do it now he is dead?

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I hope thye dont induct him. They had no intention to when he was alive so why do it now he is dead?

Because he deserves to be in it. The only reason he hasn't been inducted yet is because of some allegations that probably aren't true, nothing wrestling related and him and Vince probably don't see eye to eye. Well now that isn't a problem, Vince needs to swallow his pride and give Randy the spot that he deserves.

I'm going out tonight but tomorrow and Sunday will be spent watching old PPVs and youtube clips of the great man at work.

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