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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Del Rio is getting lost in mid-card feuds, shame.

He's getting held over until Cena / Truth is done in time for Del Rio to face Cena at SummerSlam.

Edited to add:

It seems Luke got a shoulder injury which caused him to lose size on his chest (evidently) and ultimately cost him TE. Even with that, I still give him the win over that lanky c**t who walks with a cock up his arse and moves like a robot. Luke has everything except muscle definition and some experience, pity the WWE voted for one of the two people they entered in to the thing huh?

Edited by Deestruction
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Yas at the TE winner.

R-Truth could become a Santino-esque joke guy before too long with crap like that.

Del Rio is in the mid card because it's exactly where he belongs

Edited by garymcc1874
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yas at the TE winner.r truth could become a santino-esque joke guy before too long with crap like that.del rio is in the mid card because it's exactly where he belongs

I couldn't take post seriously after the first sentence. Who in their right mind thinks the robot was the deserved winner of TE?!

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Watched some raw for the first time in ages there and what a car crash. The crowd were dead and the bits were horrendous. As said before not even Austin could get a pop.

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If you ignore the highlights of Impact on it, Explosion is easily far superior to it.

Impact thoughts (I only saw the second hour);

No idea why Abyss is running around saying he wants to destroy the X Division when Hogan and Bischoff have already done so.

Another person taken away in an amublance. Yawn.

The end with Hogan and Bischoff in the ring was mindless, boring crap. No one cares.

How awful must it be to wrestle in the Impact Zone? It's so lifeless. Most of the crowd probably don't give a shit, and if they did, any enthusiasm is being thrashed out of them by the awful product on offer.

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ROH Bitter Friends, Stiffer Enemies

This show is named after the main event between Low Ki and Dan Maff but there are bigger and better matches on this card.

Prince Nana vs. Homicide ( * )

Dunn and Marcos vs. John Walters and Tony Mamaluke ( N/A )

BJ Whitmer vs. Matt Stryker ( ***3/4 )

The Carnage Crew vs. Izzy and Dixie vs. The SAT vs. The Backseat Boys - Scramble Match ( ***1/2 )

Becky Bayless vs. Alexis Laree ( -** )

Christopher Daniels vs. Xavier - #1 Contender's Trophy Match ( ***1/2 )

Slyk Wagner Brown vs. Deranged vs. Hydro vs. Jonny Storm ( **1/2 )

CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe ( ***3/4 )

Homicide vs. Steve Corino - Fight Without Honor ( ****1/2 )

Dan Maff vs. Low Ki ( ** )

Prince Nana vs. Homicide

Nana wants a handshake. The referee isn't sure about this. Homicide decides he'll take this match. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Nana and then into the corner. Avalanche and then the Samoan Wrecking Ball from Nana and he's working on Homicide in a big way. Body Slam and then a Senton Splash from Nana. Chops from Nana now and Homicide battles back into the match and then he sends Nana to the floor. TOPE CON HILO FROM HOMICIDE !!! Back into the ring they go and then Homicide with the chops. Back to the feet they go. Dropkick to the knee from Homicide. STF FROM HOMICIDE ... that gets blocked. Sidewalk Slam from Nana and then he heads to the middle rope. SECOND ROPE SENTON ... MISSES !!! STF FROM HOMICIDE !!! NANA TAPS !!!

I love how Nana is always looking to prove himself and he winds up getting his arse handed to him. A good squash as it put over the STF and also showed that Homicide can take a lot of punishment. *

Dunn and Marcos vs. John Walters and Tony Mamaluke

This is the second showcase for this tag team. Arm Drag from Walters and then he kips up and Dunn with the Hammerlock and Walters goes back to that and then a Snapmare and Seated Abdominal Stretch. We clip to Mamaluke getting a two count. Clipping on an ROH DVD? GORY BOMB FROM DUNN !!! Head Scissor takedown from Marcos and then an Enziguri and Walters comes into the ring. Kick combo from Dunn and Marcos and the fans like that. ELECTRIC CHAIR/LUNGBLOWER FROM THE PURISTS !!! BACK DROP DRIVER ON DUNN !!! LEG NELSON/LEG GRAPEVINE COMBO !!! TAP OUT !!!

I feel weird rating this because it MUST have been shite if they editted it. We seen a couple of minutes of decent stuff though. N/A

BJ Whitmer vs. Matt Stryker

Winner of this goes into the Field of Honor. Lockup and into the corner and we have an aggressive but a clean break out of there. Drop Toe Hold and then Matt goes to the Hammerlock and he's over the back of Whitmer. Arm Ringer from Matt. Whitmer with some flipping about and then he takes Matt over and gets a Wristlock. Matt to the feet and then he does what Whitmer did and then he takes down Whitmer and we have pinfall attempts from both men and then Arm Drags and a stalemate. We now have a handshake. Duelling chants and Matt goes to the Arm Ringer and he takes him down. Against the ropes and Whitmer with a cheap shot and then a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Forearm from Matt and then Whitmer hits the ropes and runs into the Dropkick from Matt and that gets a two count and this is even stevens so far between them. Whitmer goes behind and then Matt fights out and has to do so a second time. Hiptoss over the top avoided and both men wind up on the floor. Into the railing goes Whitmer. He always goes into the railings like his life depends on it. This happens a second time. Into another railing and then a Dragon Screw on the floor. Into the ring they go now and Matt goes to the leg which has a brace on it btw. The commentators haven't picked up on the brace btw. Whitmer reaches the ropes and Matt goes to a Shin Breaker and then a huge Dragon Screw. STRYKER LOCK !!! Whitmer finds the bottom rope very early. ANKLE LOCK FROM STRYKER !!! Whitmer sends Matt to the floor with his reversal. NECKBREAKER ON THE FLOOR FROM WHITMER !!! Snapmare from Whitmer and then a series of kicks to the back. GUILLOTINE CHOKE WITH THE BODY SCISSORS FROM WHITMER !!! Whitmer releases and gets a two count. Why in the name of shit? Neckbreaker from Whitmer and that gets a two count. Forearm from Whitmer and then a Snap Suplex gets a two count. Chinlock with a knee in the back from Whitmer. Matt fights back and hits the ropes but runs right into the Back Elbow of Whitmer for a two count. Chops in the corner from Whitmer and then he sets Matt on the top. SUNSET BOMB FROM MATT STRYKER !!! Whitmer and Matt now unleash the chops on each other. Neckbreaker over the knee from Matt. YAKUZA KICK FROM STRYKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! European Uppercut. EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM WHITMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Forearm from Whitmer and then more of the same. HEAD AND ARM SUPLEX FROM STRYKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! HUGE forearms from Stryker. BRAINBUSTER FROM WHITMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! In the corner and Matt runs into an elbow and Matt stops him up there. SUPER DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM STRYKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOUUTTT !!! Matt to the apron and then he heads back to the top rope and Whitmer crotches him up there. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM WHITMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! They go back to the forearms. Kicks now from both guys. THE EXPLODER 98 ... blocked. BOTH MEN LAND THE ROARING ELBOWS !!! TIME LIMIT EXPIRES !!!

This match made the Field of Honor seem like a really big deal as both guys digged VERY deep to get into it. It's rare to see such a two sided wrestling match. ***3/4

The Carnage Crew vs. Izzy and Dixie vs. The SAT vs. The Backseat Boys - Scramble Match

Right, we're gonna get this going with Kash and Dixie. Right hands from Dixie. Bulldog from Kash and then a Clothesline. Big Boot and Dixie to the floor and in comes Joel and Vito. Rana from Joel. Right hands from both men. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors from Jose. Sorry, got it wrong. The good thing is that it won't happen again. Jose runs into a Powerslam. Chops from Vito and then Jose with a Hiptoss and then both men exchange some moves. We have the worst stalemate ever to end that and in comes Acid and Loc. Headlock from Acid and then into the ropes. Kicks and a Roaring Elbow from Acid. Knees in the corner/ YAKUZA KICK ... MISSES !!! BACK DROP DRIVER FROM LOC !!! In comes Joel and Izzy. Running Rana from Izzy and a series of kicks. Crazy pace between the two guys and a couple of pins. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM JOEL MAXIMO TO IZZY !!! Kicks to the gut from Loc and he hits the ropes. SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT/NECKBREAKER COMBO FROM THE SAT !!! Izzy and Dixie run into the ring. Double DDT from Special K and then the Backseats come in. SPEAR FROM KASHMERE !!! THE DREAM SEQUENCE !!! Vito comes in with Dropkicks and they have Kashmere. THE CARNAGE PLEX ON KASHMERE !!! Forearms to The Carnage Crew and then in comes Joel. Jose is in there too. Rana on Joel. Springboard and the SAT catch Izzy. THE WASHING MACHINE FROM THE SAT !!! In comes Loc and he sends Joel to the floor. SHELLSHOCK FROM LOC !!! YAKUZA KICK FROM ACID TO LOC !!! Vito and Acid now going at it. NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX INTO THE CORNER FROM VITO !!! Kashmere in the ring now and a Bulldog on Vito. MOONSAULT KICK FROM IZZY TO KASHMERE !!! The SAT into the ring now. THE SPANISH FLY ... Dixie stops that. Tornado DDT blocked. Swinging Neckbreaker from Loc. THE SPIKE PILEDRIVER OFF OF THE SECOND BUCKLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SPECIAL K COME IN AND BREAK IT !!! The SAT come in and help out The Crew. SUICIDE DIVE FROM JOSE MAXIMO !!! ASAI MOONSAULT ONTO SPECIAL K FROM JOEL MAXIMO !!! ACID WITH A TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX ONTO THE FLOOR ONTO EVERYONE !!! CRADLE BREAKER FROM KASHMERE !!! SCHOOL BOY FROM DIXIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match just felt absolutely crazy. The ending with everyone getting involved was a bit weird, but it got Special K over as the idiots of the piece so fair enough. Carnage of a scramble now. ***1/2

Becky Bayless vs. Alexis Laree

Special K come into the ring and give Laree a beating. The referee turns around and Becky gives Laree pretty weak forearms. Becky does some dancing and this isn't going to bode well for her. Laree fights back. Kick to the face and then Laree takes Becky down. Kick to the face and the fans are booing this. Another woman on the apron now and we have Special K surrounding Laree but this time it doesn't work. This is just a whole load of shit. Reverse DDT and it's over.

Shite. -**

Christopher Daniels vs. Xavier - #1 Contender's Trophy Match

Xavier has a go at Daniels, basically confirming that he is a c**t. So this is going to be heel vs. heel. The fans seem to be behind Daniels though. Xavier throws down Daniels. Lockup and Daniels throws down Xavier a second time. Daniels showing his superiority early here. Lockup and Xavier goes behind and then Daniels with the reversal and then Xavier goes to the Arm Ringer and then the Hammerlock. Xavier rolls through and then he goes to the Cross Armbreaker but Daniels finds the ropes before the move can be applied. Xavier is looking class here btw. Lockup and Daniels with the Waistlock Takedown and then there is a reversal and Xavier finds the Front Facelock. Daniels with an Arm Ringer. Xavier with a Judo Takedown and then a Crucifix but that gets countered to the Crippler Crossface and Xavier finds the ropes. Daniels then has words with a fan at ringside before going back to the Headlock. Daniels holds onto the Headlock when Xavier tries to send him to the ropes and then Xavier tries to roll out and that doesn't work either. Daniels charges down Xavier and gets a two count and then goes back to the Side Headlock. Xavier rolls through to the Hammerlock and then he drops knees on the arm. Daniels with a Snapmare, but Xavier rolls through with it and keeps it. Some nice stuff so far. Daniels pulls himself up and then gets a Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock. Head Scissors from Xavier and then he adds some leverage before going to the Arm Bar. Daniels sends Xavier to the ropes and gets charged down. Right hand from Xavier. Daniels takes down Xavier and then a big right hand of his own. It's getting heated. Two guys going all out for the #1 Contender's spot? Who'da thunk it? They push each other and then circle each other. Both men then with right hands and Xavier with the takedown and both guys are brawling on the ground. Daniels gets under Xavier and then lands a Spear and then a Front Suplex over the top rope. Daniels seems to be going to the ribs now and he lands a Knee Drop to the gut. Knees to the gut from Daniels. Snapmare from Daniels and then an Elbow Drop to the gut and that gets a two count for Daniels. More of the same from Daniels and then he mocks the cheers before going with the two count. Daniels to the apron and then he gets draped over the top rope. Daniels then gets sent head first into the railing. Baseball Slide. LEAPING ARABIAN PRESS FROM XAVIER TO THE FLOOR ONTO DANIELS !!! Back into the ring they go now and Xavier with stomps to the back of the head and he lands elbow strikes. Xavier hits the ropes and then drops a shot on the head of Daniels. Dropkick to the back of the head and then he takes Daniels and goes to some version of the Maple Leaf Crab before going to chops. Knees to the gut now from Xavier and then to the head. Swinging Knee Strike to the head from Xavier and then a Snapmare and a Neck Twist. Daniels battles back to the feet but Xavier drops another shot. Back Body Drop from Daniels and then back to the Elbow Drop to the gut. Running Dropkick to the ribs from Daniels. Gutbuster from Daniels and that gets a two count. Russian Legsweep into an awkward move from Xavier and then the IED. Xavier then hits the ropes and runs into the knee in the gut. Knee Drop to the gut and then into the corner and Shoulder Charges and then a hard Irish Whip sends Xavier front first into the corner and then another Gutbuster. Abdominal Stretch from Daniels. Xavier battles out and lands a Reverse DDT. That is a right quality reversal there. Go 2 Sleep from Xavier and then an Enziguri and that gets a two count. Bareback and another Spear from Daniels. Daniels is feeling it and goes to the jabs and gets a Back Body Drop and then a Dropkick. Downward Spiral from Daniels and that gets a two count. Daniels sets Xavier on the top rope and lands a palm strike. CROSS ARM ICONOCLASM ... countered. Now Daniels is the one. SUPER SHORT ARM LARIAT FROM XAVIER !!! That is a cracking move. Cobra Clutch Drop from Xavier and that gets a two count. Daniels with Shoulder Tackles to the gut. Standing Rock Bottom from Daniels. BEST MOONSAULT EVER ... MISSES !!! Xavier is now on the top rope. 450 SPLASH FROM XAVIER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! X-BREAKER ... countered for a two count. Both men with counters and pinfalls for two counts. ANGEL'S WINGS ... countered to a Jacknife Pin and then both men take each other down with a Clothesline. Xavier tries to get the feet on the ropes and misses. Daniels grabs the tights and gets the three.

Very methodical stuff for the most part. It was certainly well plotted stuff. The pace took away from the match a wee bit. I loved the ending with Daniels basically out-cheating his Prophecy partner. ***1/2

Slyk Wagner Brown vs. Deranged vs. Hydro vs. Jonny Storm

Looks like we're starting Deranged and Hydro here. Special K try the fingerpoke of doom and that doesn't work for them. Brown with forearms to Hydro and then Brown into the ropes and he sends both members of Special K to the floor. Storm is gonna fly and Brown suckers him into a Clothesline for a two count. Storm looks annoyed at himself for that. Lockup and Brown goes to the Arm Ringer. Storm with nice wrestling to escape and he goes to the Hammerlock. Brown with the Headlock. He keeps it on when Storm fights back. We have reversals between the two men and that ends in a stalemate. Headlock from Storm and then into the ropes. Deranged comes in with a Springboard Dropkick. Right hands from Deranged and then Brown hits the breaks. Deranged into the ropes and then a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors. Moonsault Press is caught. DDT from Deranged and that gets a two count. Right hands and chops from Deranged and then he is sent to the ropes and we have a Standing Moonsault for the two count. Into the corner and in comes Storm with a Headlock and then he lands some nice wee kicks and a Discus Lariat and the fans like that. Storm into the ropes and again, but he runs into the Spinning Heel Kick from Deranged. Into the corner and in comes Hydro. Storm into the corner and the knees from Hydro. Deranged with a High Knee. Backbreaker/Double Stomp combo from Special K gets a two count for Hydro. Snap Suplex gets a two count for Hydro. Storm tags out and in comes Brown with some Clotheslines. Hydro runs into the boots and then a Head Scissors over the top rope and then Deranged adds something and then Storm with the Boston Crab and ROH did that exact same spot the week before. Storm goes for the dive but Brown catches him. Deranged with the Hurricane Kick and Hydro has Brown and sends him over the top. STORM WITH A MENTAL DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD SOMERSAULT PLANCHA TO THE FLOOR !!! Deranged looks like he wants a piece of that action. SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT TO THE FLOOR FROM DERANGED !!! Brown has a look at the action. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP FROM BROWN !!! In the ring and Hydro with a Clothesline on Brown gets a two count. Hydro with a Falling Headbutt from the second buckle for a two count. Deranged now back into the ring. Deranged hits the ropes. RANA FROM DERANGED ON HYDRO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! CODE RED FROM DERANGED !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Storm in the ring. WONDERWHIRL FROM STORM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Wheelbarrow DDT from Storm and that gets a two count. Brown now into the ring. Brown runs into the boot of Storm. CRUCIFIX X-FACTOR FROM BROWN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Storm into the corner and Brown onto the apron. Brown to the top rope and he gets caught up there. DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD RANA ... COUNTERED INTO THE SUPER REVELATIONS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM BROWN ... MISSES !!! REVERSE RANA FROM DERANGED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

A bit of a mess here. Slyk Wagner Brown especially seemed to want to botch every big move he wanted to do. As for the Special K kids, they actually looked really impressive here and Jonny Storm busted out all sorts of good stuff. **1/2

CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe

This is a sort of prequel to the awesome fued that the two men would have a year later. This is non-title stuff though. Joe walks over to Punk and we have the handshake between the two men. Both men look cautious to get this one going. We finally have action as Joe goes behind and then a Hammerlock from Joe. Punk with one of his own but Joe's arm is injured and he gets into the ropes quickly. Punk with the takedown and then he goes to the arm right away, but Joe takes down Punk and then a big Camel Clutch with some real leverage and then Crossface Forearms from Joe. We go into the ropes again for the break. They now lock hands and I don't forsee Punk is going to win a test of strength here. He lands a Rana though and then picks Joe up and lands a big chop in the corner. Punk charges right into the S-T-Joe, but Punk turns around and takes down Joe and lands some right hands. Punk goes back to the arm but then a big Exploder Suplex from Joe. Joe now asks for the fans. SAMOA JOE WITH THE BOOTSCRAPES AND ... FACEWASH !!! CM Punk heads for the floor and Samoa Joe goes out there to deal with him. Chops on the floor from Joe. Punk is then dumped into the railing and Joe gets a chair and puts Punk on it. THE OLE KICK FROM JOE ... PUNK WITH THE DROP TOE HOLD INTO THE CHAIR !!! Punk then sits Punk on the chair and lands a big chop and then tries for something. OLE KICK FROM PUNK ... blocked and he is sat down. OLE KICK FROM SAMOA JOE !!! The fans want to see that one more time so he gets another chair. ANOTHER OLE KICK FROM SAMOA JOE !!! Joe with a big chop and then he gets another chair ready and he sits Punk on it. OLE KICK #3 ... Punk avoids and gets back into the ring. Punk then attacks Joe when he gets back into the ring. Punk hits the ropes. Double Knee Breaker and then he locks in the Leg Grapevine. Punk finds the bottom rope and then he is put in the Tree of Woe. YAKUZA KICK TO THE KNEE OF PUNK !!! Punk with the Divorce Court and then a Slingshot Senton to the arm but he's still hurt. Punk gets the arm and then the Leg Drop to the arm and that gets a two count. Joe blocks a Hiptoss and a Minoru Special from Punk and Joe finds the bottom rope very quickly. Joe now sets Punk on the top rope. THE PEPSI PLUNGE FROM PUNK ... blocked and Joe with a roundhouse kick to the knee. Dragon Screw sends Punk off the top and that gets a two count. Joe and Punk now club on each other and Punk seems to be out of it. Kicks to the chest from Joe and then he hits the ropes. Chop Block from Joe and now both men do battle on their knees. SHINING WIZARD FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Dragon Screw from Joe. BRUTAL HALF CRAB FROM JOE !!! PUNK TAPS !!!

Just about the minimum you'd expect from a match between these two guys. CM Punk looked reasonably strong in defeat as he was injured going in, and Samoa Joe looked dominant for much of the match. Both guys wrestled smart and had a good match. ***3/4

Homicide vs. Steve Corino - Fight Without Honor

At the time, this was one of my favourite matches. Lockup and into the corner they go and Corino with a chop and now both men exchange strikes. Homicide gets the better of that. Kick misses from Homicide but he gets the Leg Grapevine. Corino then has the legs locked together. Into the corner and then Homicide with headbutts and right hands and those are some big headbutts. Homicide with chops and then Corino comes back with chops of his own. Poke to the eyes from Homicide. Right hand and then he chokes Corino in the corner. This is brutal so far from Homicide. Homicide then slaps Corino when he gets taunted. Corino isn't happy and he pushes Homicide. WHAT A BRUTAL SLAP FROM HOMICIDE !!! Corino heads for the floor and he seems to be really hurt from that. Corino is absolutely raging and he's heading for the back as the commentators big it up. Julius Smokes stops Corino walking away and then Homicide sends Corino into the railing. Right hands from Homicide. Back into the ring they go now and then into the corner. Running Forearm in the corner and the Running Knee in there too. He then rips at the face of Corino. Headbutt from Homicide. Then to the top rope. Falling Headbutt off the top from Homicide misses and Corino lands a Dropkick. That gets a two count. Homicide then gets dumped to the floor. Forearm from Corino and then a big boot. He then rips at the face of Homicide. Corino then gets sent into the ringpost and the railing and Homicide goes under the ring and he now has barbed wire that was under the ring. HOMICIDE RIPS AT THE ARM OF CORINO WITH THE BARBED WIRE !!! Eeewwww, that is horrible looking. MORE BARBED WIRE TO THE ARM FROM HOMICIDE !!! The camera gets a cracking view of that there and then a third time. FORK TO THE ARM OF CORINO AND THEN HE BITES THE ARM !!! Homicide now works over Corino and slams the arm into the railing. Back into the ring and a Lariat from Corino and that was out of desperation and his arm is a right sight to see. He then dumps Homicide to the floor and he looks at his arm and he doesn't look happy. Corino then spits on Julius Smokes who then brings out that world class evil smile of his. Homicide then gets sent face first into the railing and now Homicide is busted open. Corino then digs his fingers into the cut of Homicide and the fans are like "fuuuuuck!" when they see it. BARBED WIRE TO THE HEAD OF HOMICIDE !!! And we had already seen how legit that was earlier. Into the ring now and Homicide is bleeding big time. PILEDRIVER FROM CORINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Homicide finds his way to the floor and Corino is out there with him. PILEDRIVER THROUGH THE RINGSIDE TABLE FROM CORINO !!! Back into the ring now and the fans are getting behind Homicide. Into the corner and Corino works over Homicide. Chop and down goes Homicide. Big slap to the face from Corino and Homicide spits at him, so Corino slaps him again. Corino runs into the boot. THE TORNADO DDT FROM HOMICIDE !!! SHINING WIZARD FROM HOMICIDE !!! Corino to the floor. HOMICIDE WITH THE TOPE CON HILO ... HE MISSES AND HITS NOTHING BUT APRON !!! Back into the ring they go now. ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! The fans bought that there. THE COBRA CLUTCH WITH THE BODY SCISSORS FROM CORINO !!! HOMICIDE PUTS THE BOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Corino then slaps the back of the head of Homicide. THE COBRA CLUTCH AGAIN FROM CORINO !!! LOW BLOW FROM HOMICIDE !!! THE YAKUZA KICK FROM HOMICIDE !!! Homicide went to the top rope and Corino goes up there with him. Superplex from Corino and that gets a two count. Homicide in the corner and the Running Forearm from Corino and then he heads for the top rope. Corino blows snot on the fans but then Homicide comes back. SUPER ACE CRUSHER FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Julius Smokes screams on the floor. :lol: "AAAAHHHH!!!" THE BRAINBUSTER FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! KNEELING DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM CORINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! This is great. Smokes gets the fans going mental. Corino takes his elbow pad off. MICHINOKU DRIVER #2 FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! LARIAT FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Big forearm from Corino. THE STF FROM HOMICIDE !!! HE HOOKS THE ARM !!! LEGRANDE THROWS THE TOWEL IN AND THE REF RINGS THE BELL !!!

You could FEEL the hate in this match right from the word go. Even the big table spot was done with suck "f**k you!" anger that it amazed, and it was nothing you have not seen about a million times before. The pure desperation at times from both guys was amazing. I can't believe just how well this has aged and Steve Corino has never had a match this good. ****1/2

Dan Maff vs. Low Ki

Maff gets his hands on Ki on the floor and then sends him face first into the ring apron. Forearm from Maff and he's laying on a big beating here. Maff now rakes the face of Ki on the floor. Into the ring they go now. Ki with a right hand to the gut. Maff puts a stop to that with a big chop and then he has him against the ropes. Ki with a big kick now. Maff now with more chopping though. Maff now bites the nose of Low Ki. Ki into the ropes and a Dropkick to the knee and he now goes with the Krush Combo. Maff blocks the final kick and Ki with Mongolian Chops and a Dropkick to the face. Into the corner and Ki with the chops again. Maff into the corner and Ki with a running shot and then he goes for something. Maff now has a Butterfly Lock in and Ki blocks a Suplex and goes to the Hammerlock and takes him down and gets a Cross Armbreaker but Maff rolls through and he has Ki pinned down. Maff then slaps Ki. Same from both men now. Ki gets the better of that then. Mongolian Chop. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM MAFF !!! Big kick from Ki and down goes Maff. Ki then gets something of an Octopus. MAFF REVERSES INTO THE HALF NELSON SUPLEX !!! Maff with a chop and the elbow to the back from Maff and then he sends Ki arm first into the corner. Shoulderbreaker from Maff. Elbow Drop from Maff and that gets a two. Senton Splash from Maff and he's really doing a number on Ki and that gets a two count. Maff then bites at the arm of Low Ki. Chops from Maff. He then chops the back and Low Ki seems to be a wee bit annoyed by that. Maff continues to work on the back. Another chop to the back and how long do we have to put up with this for? Kick to the head from Ki and then a second. Ki is on his feet and Maff now comes back with chops and Ki is trying to walk off the punishment. Kick to the head. SPRINGBOARD KICK TO THE HEAD FROM LOW KI !!! Maff ain't moving.

Dan Maff was horribly boring at times in this match. Spending two minutes of a match chopping the back is not my idea of good fun. The premature ending just makes me happy. **

A pretty good show, but it's clear that Homicide vs. Corino was the real main event, even if you take away the ending of the last match. Most of the matches ranged in the 3* range and there was one absolute ROH classic.

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Yes it was a joke :P Mason Ryan will be world champ within a year.

For about a day - then Cena will take it off him ;)

I made a point on here about jobbers a few weeks ago. Why can't we bring back proper jobbers the way we used to have? Imagine watching CM and Ray (for example) beating up jobbers for a month then going ahead at the PPV? Surely that would be better.

I couldn't agree more about the jobbers.

Now they try to fool us into thinking jobbers aren't jobbers at all by giving them entrance music, "personalities" etc.

I've been watching early 90's WWF and the jobbers are ace. It seems to have been the done thing to wear striped tights when you were jobbing in those days.

Edit; I just watched King Mable beat up 3 jobbers at once, marvelous.

Edited by Tam O'Banter
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Smackdown is fcuking terrible :( at least RAW is sometimes entertaining

Randy Orton is the only face now

After that you are looking at Bryan and Sin Cara for the next biggest faces

Oh an on the subject of SinCara - I think he is awful, boring, over-rated, the same moves over and over and I don't think he will ever win the world title and to be honest can't really see him main eventing ever (well for any sustained period)

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Smackdown is fcuking terrible :( at least RAW is sometimes entertaining

Randy Orton is the only face now

After that you are looking at Bryan and Sin Cara for the next biggest faces

Oh an on the subject of SinCara - I think he is awful, boring, over-rated, the same moves over and over and I don't think he will ever win the world title and to be honest can't really see him main eventing ever (well for any sustained period)

Agree with you about Sin Cara Gordon except for the fact that he probably will win a World Title and will Main Event, the fact that he is crap will make it even worse, he's a Mexican version of John Cena mad.gif

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