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Mo Wonderboy

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ROH Beating the Odds

There's gonna be some trouble ahead as far as getting a hold of the shows goes! However, I'll still try and get the matches that can ultimately make my ROH best of list. This is a cracker on paper actually. The Briscoes are in breakout singles matches while Homicide and Trent Acid get their ROH issue sorted.

Jimmy Rave vs. Colt Cabana ( ** )

Diablo Santiago vs. Slyk Wagner Brown ( * )

Dunn and Marcos vs. Izzy and Dixie vs. The SAT vs. The Backseat Boys - Scramble Match ( ***1/2 )

Matt Stryker vs. John Walters ( ***1/4 )

Special K vs. The Carnage Crew ( ** )

Mark Briscoe vs. BJ Whitmer ( ***1/2 )

Trent Acid vs. Homicide - Fight Without Honor ( **** )

Chris Sabin vs. Jay Briscoe vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe ( **** )

CM Punk vs. Raven - Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match ( ** )

Jimmy Rave vs. Colt Cabana

This is part of the Field of Honor but I don't think this is significant enough to mention. Right, we're off. Cabana said he's gonna take it seriously but it certainly doesn't look that way. Cabana goes to the arm as the fans tell him that he sucks. Cabana with an Arm Drag and then another and he locks in the Arm Bar. Cabana then with the Arm Ringer and Rave with a reversal and he takes down Cabana and gets an Arm Bar of his own. Against the ropes and Cabana with the right hands. Rave goes back to the Arm Bar though. We cut to a very long thing with The Backseat Boys and Homicide. Right, back to the match and Cabana with the Snapmare and then a nice rolling pin gets a two count and then Rave with a good Sunset Flip. Arm Drag and an Arm Bar from Rave. Headlock from Rave and then they collide in the middle of the ring and that doesn't really end in any sort of advantage for anyone. Rave hits the ropes but gets sweeped down. Rave is sent hard into the corner and then a Snapmare and a shot to the back and then he stretches the arms. Knee in the back now with the submission locked in. Rave now fights out and hits the ropes. Back Body Drop from Cabana. Two count comes from that. Cabana then mocks the audience when they shout "TWO" at the nearfalls. Rave into the ropes and then he comes back with chops. Cabana then just clubs down Rave. Back Elbow misses and Rave comes back with more chops. Doctor Bomb from Cabana gets a two count. Rave into the ropes and then Cabana with a Bearhug. Rave hits the ropes and he runs back into the Bearhug. Another escape from Rave and then he lands an Enziguri. Right hand from Rave and then a nice Reverse DDT into the Leg Drop. Cabana then heads for the top rope. Corkscrew Senton misses. RUNNING KNEE TO THE HEAD FROM RAVE !!! Backslide from Rave gets a two count. DDT from Rave to counter a Powerbomb gets a two count. Springboard from Cabana, gets caught but he rolls through. BACK DROP BACKBREAKER FROM CABANA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! He's been working on the back consistantly here. Forearms to the back from Cabana. TILT-A-WHIRL CROSSFACE FROM RAVE !!! COLT 45 FROM CABANA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

It was alright I suppose. Cabana looked very impressive while Jimmy Rave just didn't come across as very good at all. Cabana has more character in his pinky than Rave showed here. **

Diablo Santiago vs. Slyk Wagner Brown

You have to be fucking kidding me. Brown takes Oman down with a Spear right away and then demands a handshake from Diablo. Diablo then clubs away at Brown and then unleashes with stomps and then when Brown gets up, rights and lefts. Brown to the top rope and a nice Missile Dropkick. Military Press into a Standing Moonsault from Brown and Diablo gets the hell out of there. Brown fakes a dive and Diablo moves and then gets caught with a Baseball Slide and then back into the ring they go and a kick and a Swinging Fisherman gets a two count for Diablo. Forearms to the back from Diablo and then a Superkick and that gets a two count. Backbreaker from Diablo and then a Bridging Fallaway Slam from Diablo and that gets a two count as well. Diablo then heads for the top rope and misses a Flying Headbutt but the audience seem to already have been lost here. Oh wait, they're into it. April Hunter doing a good job on the floor. Chops from Brown now. Brown gets over Diablo and then lands a Standing Seated Senton and that gets a two count. Revelations from Brown and that gets a two count as well. Leg Hook T-Bone Suplex from Diablo and that gets a two count. Brown drops behind. POP UP POWERBOMB FROM BROWN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was a bit too two sided for me. Why on earth would they have Diablo be THAT competitive when they are trying to build Brown up? The ROH fans already knew at this point that Diablo was a squashee. *

Dunn and Marcos vs. Izzy and Dixie vs. The SAT vs. The Backseat Boys - Scramble Match

The SAT decide not to have anything to allow us to identify them. Oh right, it looks like Jose is wearing a t-shirt, but I don't imagine that lasts long. He's wearing white wristbands though. We have some reversals between him and Kash. KASHMERE WITH THE SPEAR INTO THE RAILING !!! Dunn and Marcos with some stuff and we have Arm Drags from Dixie and then a Dropkick and Dunn heads for the floor. Dunn sweeps Dixie and then sends him to the floor. Joel in the ring and he sends Izzy into the ropes and winds up on the apron. TARANTULA COUNTERED TO AN ALABAMA SLAM !!! SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT FROM JOEL !!! Chops from Joel and then a big slap to the face. Wheelbarrow into a Head Scissor Takedown. SLINGSHOT RANA SENDS JOEL TO THE FLOOR !!! Acid and Marcos in the ring now. Arm Drag and then a sweep from Marcos and then again and he eats a Dropkick. Roaring Elbow from Acid. YAKUZA KICK ... COUNTERED !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Sunset Flip from Acid and Marcos rolls through and we have more of the same. Neckbreaker on Acid and then in comes Dixie with right hands. BACKBREAKER/ELBOW DROP FROM DUNN AND MARCOS !!! Izzy with the Double Moonsault Dropkick. Marcos into the ropes. Double DDT from Special K and then Joel comes into the ring with Jose. THE WASHING MACHINE ON IZZY !!! Jose back in the ring. THE DREAM SEQUENCE FROM THE BACKSEATS !!! In comes Marcos and Izzy now. Marcos onto the apron and then a forearm. Head Scissors sends Izzy into the buckles. BUTTERFLY BUSTER FROM IZZY !!! In comes Jose. NORTHERN LIGHTS BRAINBUSTER FROM JOSE !!! BRUTAL SUPERKICK FROM DUNN !!! GORY BOMB ON JOEL !!! Dixie with a Neckbreaker. KASHMERE WITH A CRADLE BREAKER ON THE APRON ON DIXIE !!! SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OFF THE TOP FROM KASHMERE TO EVERYONE !!! Izzy stops a move and so does Joel. ONE MAN SPANISH FLY FROM JOEL BRINGS IZZY DOWN ON EVERYONE !!! The Backseat Boys in the ring. T-GIMMICK ON DUNN !!! In comes Joel. MAXIMO EXPLOSION ON MARCOS !!! YAKUZA KICK ON JOEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Insane action here which is always the best thing about such a match. A couple of the spots were just beyond insane and I don't ask for much more than constant action and fun from these matches. ***1/2

Matt Stryker vs. John Walters

There's some potential for some right good action in this match as both guys were good in the early "pure" matches that ROH loved so much. Walters goes for the leg and then they lockup and Walters goes behind. Stryker then with the Arm Ringer and Walters goes to the Hammerlock and then Overhead Wristlock. Takedown and then Walters with the Head Scissors and Matt escapes and tries for the Side Headlock and Walters gets away from that. Both men are cautious not to overdo things early in the match. Matt battles back to his feet and brings down Walters. Matt tries to take down Walters and can't and then a Monkey Flip from Walters and then he takes down Matt and works on the arm. Arm Bar from Matt and then a takedown from Walters and he gets a two count from that and winds up with the Arm Bar out of that. Matt hits the breaks and then has Matt stretched on the ropes and he falls to the floor. Matt uses a chance to take a breather on the floor. Lockup and Matt with a Hammerlock and then both guys with reversals leads to Matt getting a European Uppercut and then a Back Elbow for two counts and then he goes to the Front Facelock. Arm Ringer from Walters and then Matt sweeps him down as does Walters and we have more reversals and a two count and a stalemate. Walters and Matt with reversals and then the Wristlock from Walters and then he kicks the arm. Walters gets under Matt and then a Dragon Screw from Stryker and then he goes to the mat. STRYKER LOCK FROM MATT !!! Walters finds his way to the bottom rope eventually and back into the ring. Matt works on the legs and he has them tied up. Spinning Toe Hold from Matt. STF from Matt and Walters finds the bottom rope. Shin Breaker from Matt and then he gets a two count from that. Walters tries to hit the ropes but he collapses and Matt tries to steal the win but gets a two count. Leg Grapevine from Matt. Walters finds the bottom rope and Matt goes to the European Uppercut and then a Snapmare for the two count. Matt works on the leg again. Walters with a nice escape and then a Dropkick to the knee from Matt gets a two count. Shin Breaker again is avoided. WALTERS HITS THE LUNGBLOWER !!! He did damage to his own leg with that, but it was a desperation move and it gives him an opening. Forearms from both men now. Chop from Matt and then a kick from Walters. HURRICANE DDT FROM WALTERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Matt into the ropes and he gets behind Walters. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM STRYKER !!! Walters manages to block a third. Walters finds the bottom rope before Stryker can find the Stryker Lock. Dragon Screw is blocked and Walters with a Cradle gets a two count. CHOKESLAM BACKBREAKER OVER THE BAD KNEE FROM WALTERS !!! He's channeling Roderick Strong with the use of Backbreakers here. MATT WITH THE SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Neckbreaker gets a two count for Walters. Both men with reversals again. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM STRYKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! POWERBOMB ... THE LEG GIVES OUT !!! MATT PINS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Nothing wrong with the action from these two guys again. The selling from John Walters was great and he even did his own damage to the leg which was harked to in the end as well. Good stuff. ***1/4

Special K vs. The Carnage Crew

Hydro and Loc now doing battle in the ring and Loc goes to the arm, but Hydro with a reversal and Loc with one of his own to the Arm Bar. Loc into the ropes and he charges down Hydro and then a Dropkick from Loc. Loc chops down Hydro and then the same again. Kick to the gut and then Hydro avoids a kick. Hydro runs into a boot and then a nice Tornado Bulldog from Loc and he tags out and in comes Angel Dust and Credible. Lockup and a Headlock from Dust and then Credible fights out and sends Dust to the ropes and gets charged down. Chops from Dust and then Credible heads for the floor and kisses Becky Bayless. Suplex from Credible and then more of the same. He's Suplexing Angeldust all over the place here. The fans like that. In comes Vito and then another Suplex and Vito picks up Dust. Double Back Body Drop from the Crew. Deranged is now in the ring with Vito. This isn't going to end well for the guy, but he seems quite confident for now. Deranged has some epic hair going on. Deranged backs away from Vito and the Crew member isn't happy with that. Deranged with a poke to the eye and then some right hands. Deranged then chokes Vito over the middle rope. Deranged gets over Vito but runs right into the right hand of Vito. Crossface Forearms from Vito. Jabs now from Vito and then a quality Dropkick. Special K all head for the floor to have words with each other. Deranged yells at Slugger. Slugger takes off the shades and he decides to get into the ring. Loc with chops and then a low blow. Slugger then grabs Loc. INVERTED CHOKESLAM FROM SLUGGER !!! Dust is now in the ring and he gets a two count from that. Special K then works on Loc. Elbows to the back of the head from Dust and then into the corner and a High Knee from Dust and then a Springboard Diamond Dust. Loc into the ropes and a Back Elbow from Hydro and then he lands a Suplex and rolls through and then sends Loc into the corner and lands some European Uppercuts. Running European Uppercut from Lethal but then Loc stops a move. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM HYDRO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Deranged then chokes Loc. Back to the feet they go and a Snapmare and then Chinlock from Deranged. Moonsault Press gets a two count for Deranged and then he brings in Dust. Dust then works on Loc. JIG N TONIC DROPS ANGEL DUST RIGHT ON HIS FUCKING HEAD !!! Stick that in yer pipe and smoke it! In comes Credible and Deranged. Hydro gets dumped and then so does Deranged. Angel Dust now in there and Credible with the big chop and then the Slingshot Powerbomb gets a two count. Special K get ran into each other and then all get hit with big moves from The Carnage Crew. CRUCIFIX/NECKBREAKER FROM THE CARNAGE CREW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SLUGGER MAKES THE SAVE !!! Special K hit Slugger with the Double Dropkick by mistake. SUPERKICK FROM CREDIBLE TO SLUGGER !!! HURRICANE KICK FROM DERANGED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... NO !!! Vito comes into the ring. THE CARNAGE PLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... HYDRO SAVES !!! There's all sorts going on now. Hydro gets a two count. ANGEL DUST WITH A MOONSAULT PRESS TO THE FLOOR !!! Deranged and Credible now in the ring. SUPER TOMBSTONE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

What a mess this match was. Just madness, but not in the good way. There comes a point where it becomes too much. **

Mark Briscoe vs. BJ Whitmer

Lockup and Whitmer goes to the arm now. Mark rolls through and he then goes to the arm as well. Whitmer does some flipping about and then he takes Mark over and has the Wristlock. Hammerlock from Whitmer and then to the Headlock and the fans seem to be behind Mark Briscoe here. Whitmer with the Overhead Wristlock and then Mark with the Hammerlock again and then a Headlock. Mark gets charged down and Whitmer runs into a Hiptoss and then into the corner. The commentators give away the ending by calling this a "tune up" match. Lockup and a Waistlock Takedown from Whitmer and then Mark goes behind and gets a takedown of his own. Whitmer finds his way into the bottom rope. Whitmer with a big elbow and then forearms and chops in the corner. Springboard Cross Body gets a two count for Mark. He then lands a Suplex and floats over for the two count. Gutwrench Suplex and a Knee Drop from Mark and that gets a two count. Mark then dropped gut first over the top rope and then Whitmer gets a two count. Gutbuster from Whitmer and then a Snapmare and that gets a two count. Whitmer then stretches the arms of Mark with the knee in the back. Knee to the side from Whitmer and then he dumps Mark to the floor. Mark catches him coming out with right hands and then he gets charged into the apron twice. Front Suplex drops Mark gut first on the railing. Back into the ring they go now and Whitmer with the Gutbuster and that gets a two count. Whitmer then gets the Abdominal Stretch. Hiptoss from Mark and he hits the ropes but he runs into a knee. More knees to the gut from Whitmer and that gets a two count. Seated Abdominal Stretch from Whitmer. WHITMER DUMPS BRISCOE OVER THE TOP ROPE WITH THE HIPTOSS !!! SUICIDE DIVE ... Mark cuts it off with a big kick and then he drags Whitmer to the floor. Suplex on the floor from Mark and then he heads into the ring and to the top rope. SHOOTING STAR PLANCHA OFF THE TOP FROM MARK !!! Whitmer is then sent into the railing. Whitmer is sent into the railing a second time. Briscoe is just launching Whitmer all over the place here. Back into the ring they now go. Springboard Dropkick from Mark and then he goes and gets a two count from that. CUT THROAT DRIVER ... countered. EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM MARK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Chop from Mark and then he goes over and lands a forearm. Whitmer into the corner and a Clothesline from Mark. More chops in the corner after that and then he sends Whitmer into the corner and Mark onto the apron and he lands a forearm. Whitmer then goes up to get him. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM WHITMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! School Boy gets a two count for Mark. Dragon Suplex from Whitmer is blocked. DRAGON SUPLEX FROM WHITMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Mark Briscoe STILL selling the ribs. ANOTHER EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM MARK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Body Slam from Mark and then he heads to the top rope. MOONSAULT FROM MARK ... MISSES !!! EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM WHITMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Knee misses from Whitmer and then Mark sets Whitmer on the top rope. SUPER EXPLODER FROM MARK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Good stuff from these two guys. They billed Mark Briscoe as the underdog, but that only works when he is battling for his life in there, but this match was so two sided that I never bought Mark Briscoe as the underdog once. That's not the fault of the two guys in the ring. It's the fault of the spackers in the commentary. Good match. ***1/2

Trent Acid vs. Homicide - Fight Without Honor

We have a minor sign of respect between the two men before the match gets started. Acid to the apron and then he gets a shot in and then Homicide charges and we have some reversals between the two men. Acid with the Headlock and then he gets sent to the apron and then he goes up and Homicide stops him. All sorts going on already and Acid gets sent into the railing. Homicide hits the ropes and then runs into the kick from Acid. TRENT ACID WITH THE REVERSE SUPLEX OVER THE TOP ROPE ON HOMICIDE !!! That's absolute madness right there and around the ring they go and Homicide gets sent into the railing. Acid then gets the railing ready and he wants the fans to move. ASAI MOONSAULT OVER THE RAILING ONTO HOMICIDE FROM ACID !!! This looks like it's going to be focused more on madness with actual wrestling than madness with weapons. Hopefully it works a wee bit better than the last match. Acid sent face first into the railing and then he's on the apron. HOMICIDE SENDS ACID OFF OF THE MIDDLE ROPE INTO THE RAILING !!! Acid is now sat on a chair. TOPE CON HILO FROM HOMICIDE TO ACID ON THE CHAIR !!! Back into the ring and he unloads with headbutts. RUNNING KNEE TO THE FACE FROM HOMICIDE !!! Kashmere tells Smokes to make his move. Acid's eye is busted. Acid into the ropes and he runs into the Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Homicide and that gets a two count. To the top rope they go and Acid sends down Homicide. MISSILE DROPKICK TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD FROM ACID !!! Knees in the corner. SPRINGBOARD SWINGING DDT FROM ACID !!! Snapmare from Homicide and then a T-Bone Suplex and that gets a two count. Homicide seems to want a Dragon Suplex and Acid with the low blow. Acid now brings a chair into the ring. BACKSEAT DRIVER ONTO THE CHAIR FROM ACID !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Acid is now heading for the top rope now and Homicide is up. Homicide stops him. Super Rana from Homicide. YAKUZA KICK FROM BOTH MEN NOW !!! YAKUZA KICK TO THE BACK AND THE FRONT OF THE HEAD !!! ONE ! KICKOUT !!! YAKUZA KICK FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! KICKOUT !!! YAKUZA KICK AND BOTH MEN GO DOWN !!! Right hands ducked from Acid. Dragon Screw from Homicide. HOMICIDE WITH THE STF !!! Acid reaches the bottom rope. Dropkick to the knee from Homicide. THE STF AGAIN FROM HOMICIDE !!! Brutal shot from Acid and then he heads for the top rope. Homicide is absolutely wasted at the moment. Homicide somehow manages to come back into this match. TOP ROPE ACE CRUSHER FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KASHMERE PULLS THE REFEREE OUT !!! Trent takes down Smokes on the floor. Homicide heads for the floor and goes after Kashmere. YAKUZA KICK FROM ACID !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTTT !!! Homicide gets a shot to the eye and is set on top. BACKSEAT DRIVER FROM ACID ... avoided. THE KUDO DRIVER FROM HOMICIDE !!! THE O'CONNOR ROLL FROM ACID !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! HOMICIDE WITH THE KUDO DRIVER FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

That was a MUCH better match than the one they had in Philly. This was just violent as f**k with both guys just hitting each other hard for 20 minutes, as opposed to just seeing how they could use weapons. ****

Chris Sabin vs. Jay Briscoe vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

This is a special 4 way because Homicide pulled himself out of a match with Samoa Joe, leading to this one. Sabin and Jay open the match and Sabin goes to the arm and then gets the Wristlock. Jay goes to the Hammerlock and then Sabin rolls and goes to the Wristlock. Jay with the Arm Drag and then one from Sabin and then both men try for Dropkicks and we have a stalemate. In comes Styles to face Jay. Joe then tags himself into the match. Sabin then tags himself into the match as he wants a bit of Styles. He charges into an Arm Drag and then hits the ropes and lands a brilliant Arm Drag and Sabin tags out of the match and we now have Styles and Joe in the ring again. Kick to the leg from Styles. Kick to the leg from Joe. Joe gets the better of an exchange and then Styles tags out of the match and brings in Jay. Lockup and Joe with a takedown and then he kicks the back. Lockup and Joe with another takedown and a kick to the back. Jay goes behind and then Joe charges him down and runs into a Dropkick, but Joe with a massive elbow strike to put a stop to that. Into the corner they go and in comes Styles. Jay comes back with forearms again and then a Back Body Drop from Jay and then a Snap Powerslam gets a two count. Jay with big chops now. Rebound Dropkick from Styles and that gets a two count. Into the corner and in comes Sabin. Knees to the chest from Sabin and then Jay ducks a Clothesline and gets a School Boy and Styles comes in and now all four men in the ring. Everyone misses moves on the canvas and we have a stalemate between all four guys. Sabin and Jay in the ring and a knee to the gut and forearms from Sabin. Jay goes behind and lands a Sitdown Front Suplex and that gets a two count. In comes Styles now and he kicks the gut and then lands some chops and forearms. Snapmare from Styles and then a Knee Drop. Forearms from Styles and then Sabin into the ropes. Pump Handle Gutbuster from Styles and in comes Joe. Snapmare and then the kick, chop, Senton Splash combo and that gets a two count. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Joe on Sabin. Into the corner they go and Joe with a big chop and then in comes Jay and he does more of the same. Snapmare and then a Chinlock from Jay. Sabin with elbows to the gut and then some chops and Jay into the ropes. He runs into the Revolution Backbreaker from Sabin and in comes Joe who locks in the Boston Crab and then gets the Samoan Crab and Styles comes in and breaks to make sure that doesn't win the match for him. Backbreaker off of the shoulder gets a two count for Joe. More chops from Joe and European Uppercuts. Head first into the corner and then in comes Styles and he gets a Snapmare and a kick to the back. Muta Lock from Styles. Sabin comes in and breaks the hold. Jay hits the ropes and runs into the Back Elbow from Styles and then in comes Joe. Double Back Elbow from Styles and Joe and then Joe lands a Knee Drop and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Joe has Jay in the corner. BOOTSCRAPES ... THE FACEWASH FROM SAMOA JOE !!! Some of the fans want to see it again and Samoa Joe decides to give them it. Styles then cuts off a third by coming in and that counts as a tag. BRAINBUSTER FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and Sabin then tags himself in and then he goes to the legs of Jay. Butterfly Hold with the legs locked from Sabin and then he lets that go and that gets a two count. Japanese Stranglehold with a knee in the back from Sabin. That gets a two count. BRUTAL SWINGING NECKBREAKER FROM SABIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! That is some sick shit right there. Jay then comes back with forearms. Enziguri from Sabin and now he picks Jay up. Suplex from Sabin and he heads for the top rope. FLYING HEADBUTT ... MISSES !!! Styles then sends Sabin to the floor. Joe and Styles with forearms on each other and a roundhouse kick from Joe. Joe heads for the floor and he puts Styles on the chair. OLE KICK FROM SAMOA JOE !!! OLE KICK #2 ... SABIN COMES OUT OF NOWHERE WITH A SPEAR INTO THE RAILING !!! Styles then with a Superkick on the floor on Sabin. Styles and Joe now going at it and Sabin joins in. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE FROM JAY BRISCOE !!! Back into the ring they go now and it's Jay and Joe in there. Jay with a chop and then Joe into the corner. YAKUZA KICK FROM JAY BRISCOE IN THE CORNER !!! S-T-JOE DROPS JAY ON HIS HEAD !!! POWERBOMB FROM JOE !!! INTO THE STF !!! Styles now attacks from behind and lands some forearms. Joe blocks a Monkey Flip. QUEDABRA DDT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Forearms from Styles and then Sabin comes into the ring. Reversals from both men. CRADLE SHOCK FROM SABIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SPLASH MOUNTAIN FROM JAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... JOE MAKES THE SAVE !!! JAY DRILLER ... Joe blocks. ROLLING CRADLE FROM JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... STYLES MAKES THE SAVE !!! DISCUS LARIAT FROM STYLES !!! Styles botches the Superman 450 Splash and that is the first botch to take away from the match. Sabin and Styles come into the ring. STYLES WITH THE STYLES CLASH ON SABIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... JOE SAVES !!! BRUTAL LARIAT ON SABIN !!! YAKUZA KICK ON SAMOA JOE !!! YAKUZA KICK ON AJ STYLES !!! LOW BLOW FROM SABIN !!! SMALL PACKAGE FROM SABIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... STYLES MAKES THE SAVE !!! JOE AND STYLES KNOCK EACH OTHER OUT !!! JAY DRILLER ON SABIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This is how Mark Briscoe should have been booked. Jay Briscoe took a monumental amount of punishment from these guys and went into survival mode at one point. There was one bad botch which really took away from the match but on the whole this was fun! ****

CM Punk vs. Raven - Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match

Lockup and they go against the ropes. Colt Cabana is at ringside for this one. Raven clocks Punk with a trashcan shot to the head and then he gets the chain and he chokes Punk with it. Raven then tosses Punk across the ring with the chain and then chokes Punk with it some more. Punk is busted open already in this match. Raven now has the chair ready and then crotches Punk on it and that HAD to hurt. CM Punk is in absolute agony. Punk then gets launched into the wall of the cage. This then happens again and that looked like agony for CM Punk. Colt Cabana is giving his support. Punk then has his head raked into the cage. Raven then gets launched face first into the cage and now Raven is now busted open. They are clipping this match by the looks of things. Punk is now handcuffing Raven to the top rope and then he lands a series of right hands. Punk then works on Raven with the shovel and then grabs the trashcan and brains Raven with it. Punk with a running shot and even with the clipping I can't say that this is very exciting. Punk then just smashes the keys for the handcuffs into the head of Raven. Right hands from Punk. Trashcan over the head over and over again and kicks to the gut from Raven and then the trashcan to the head again from Punk. Raven comes back with headbutts now and he lands a big right hand and then more of the same. Knee Lift from Raven and then a second and surely Punk should stop just walking into this? Raven now has the key to the handcuffs. EVENFLOW DDT FROM RAVEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... CABANA THROWS A CHAIR AT THE REF !!! CABANA SMASHES THE DOOR INTO THE FACE OF RAVEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! RAVEN EFFECT FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Chair is set and a Drop Toe Hold misses. SABU CHAIR TOSS FROM RAVEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Raven now has the chair and he wants Punk on his feet. BRUTAL CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD OF PUNK AND THEN COLT CABANA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Raven now gets the table ready and he sets it near the corner. Punk then puts Raven on the chair and then heads for the top rope. Raven is on the way up to meet him though and both men are now going to do battle. RAVEN THROUGH THE TABLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Just end the fucking match. Superkick from Raven and then he lands jabs and a right hand. RAVEN EFFECT THROUGH THE TABLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Boring plodding brawl that was even clipped. I suppose there was lots of hate and heat but I want more. I want to be into the match and these guys just didn't succeed with that. The fans seemed desperate to like it as well, but the atmosphere was pretty flat. Not good enough. **

Just to break this down. Two matches at ****+ and three at ***+. If that isn't worth a look I don't know what is. There IS something for everyone, but the blood brawl might not be worth your time. The spotfests certainly ARE worth your time. Good show.

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Sting in his 50s, that's about the same age Hogan was in his last run as WWE Champion, they also had an even older Ric Flair as Tag Team and Intercontinental Champ in his return to the company.

And? I'll simply not watch stuff from then. I thought it was a discussion of what I'd rather watch at the moment. Hogan and Flair are in TNA. Not WWE or IC champ.

The very fact that people rate Kennedy shows how terrible both companies are. I simply can't take him seriously.

Recently various people told me that Orton and Kennedy reminded them of Austin. What a rediculous statement to make.

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Anderson and Orton are TNA's and WWE's (pish and obvious) attempts at creating a Stone Cold type character. Both have failed miserably. Anderson has been awful this year and has been delivering some of the worst promos I've heard in a long time. Austin was angry and amusing, Anderson is just whiny and irritating and garners no sympathy. TNA recently even had Anderson arriving at the Impact Zone in a monster truck!

Orton is just too boring to be an Austin type. He has the look and demeanour and finisher, but is just so dull.

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Lets go back to a promotion that gives a big two fingers to the people who don't think PG wrestling is good.

CHIKARA King of Trios 2011 Night Two

Right, I did night one of this but then just went and completely forgot to do the rest like the damn fool that I am. I will get back to doing ROH Tradition Continues at some point but 2011 gets the priority when I get the chance to give it said chance!

Archibald Peck vs. Colt Cabana

We start with some awesome comedy that involves Peck being a bit of a walloper. It should be noted that Archibald Peck is a very impressive character wrestler. Everything from his facial expressions to the way he executes and sells moves is very impressive. It does eventually break into a normal match, and that is the more boring part of things, because the comedy in this match is great fun. It's a good way to open a show, albeit a little long. **

Team Osaka Pro vs. Team FIST - King of Trios Qtr. Finals

This should be fantastic. The Osaka Pro team stole the show the previous year and Team FIST is just loaded with talent. While there's some shenanigans in this one, they do get rid of a lot of the nonsense and what is left is a mostly straight trios match, which is something that CHIKARA do so well. And this is BRILLIANT stuff from these six guys and nobody comes off looking anything less than great. If Kid vs. Generico is really better than this, it's a genuine 2011 MOTYC, because this is absolutely amazing and one of the top two matches of 2011 so far. ****3/4

Before the next match, Zack Sabre Jr. has a backstage promo and he says he's gonna eliminate everyone from the next match with an Arm Bar, and then win the match the following night with an Arm Bar and then rename the Rey de Voladores as King of the Arm Bar, before taking Los Ice Creams out for a good time. "Cheerio." ... excellent.

Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Pinkie Sanchez vs. Marshe Rockett vs. El Generico - Rey de Voladores

Generico's theme music makes me feel good every single time I hear it. Makes me want to jump around and sing. Good to see Sabre getting a good reception before he even applies a hold. Marshe lets loose the most vile chop you will EVER see in this one. This match made me realise how badly I want to see Sabre vs. Generico in singles action. Zack Sabre was impressive here, or at least, as much as he could be in what was a fairly messy encounter. The dodgy ref angle did add some drama to the final stretch though. **1/2

The Orisian Portal vs. Team Dragon Gate - King of Trios Qtr. Finals

Oh man. Dragon Gate are the undisputed masters of trios wrestling. They are facing an exciting and fun to watch trios team in the Portal. Turned out to be not as good as hoped. Some awkward moments between the six men and you could tell there wasn't much chemistry between them. It certainly wasn't for lack of trying though. A for effort the whole way. ***

Arik Cannon vs. Eddie Kingston

This should be hard hitting even if it's nothing else. I've always thought that he's a bit of a podgy Puro wrestler wannabe rather than a good US indy style wrestler. I've never been PURE hot on Kingston, but I appreciate that he has both charisma and intensity and can make it work for him. These two guys decide to forget about building a match and they just go all out and throw everything plus the kitchen sink at each other. That means that the match is a whole lot of fun, if a little messy. I can take that. **3/4

Team BDK vs. The Colony - King of Trios Qtr. Finals

This BDK team isn't very good. I can't believe they even reached the quarter finals. This match is, predictably, not that great really. The BDK team just bring nothing to the table while The Colony do their best to bring some fire to things. This match does feature one of the must-see wrestling moments of 2011 though as Green Ant lands the Body Slam on Turisas. All in all though, forget about this. *1/2

Frightmare vs. The Amazing Red vs. Obariyon vs. The 1-2-3 Kid - Rey de Voladores

It's amazing how popular Waltman is with this crowd. I guess that they appreciate pure talent no matter how long the guy has been in the game, or out of it as the case may be! The crowd seems to revolve around Waltman entirely which while it's understandable, doesn't really help the match much. All four men give their all though. Frightmare in particular looks pretty good. Once again that effort doesn't really equate to much of a good match. **1/2

Team Michinoku Pro vs. Manami Toyota, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw

Speaking of high flyers from about fifteen years ago, here is a team which features The Great Sasuke, Dick Togo and Jinsei Shinzaki. They should have gone for the dream match between Sasuke and Kid at some point in the weekend. I suppose this will do though. There is some real quality action to be had here. Obviously, the Japanese team don't quite have the pace for this shit, but what they lack in pace they make up for in pure experience and knowledge of the ring. It means while we don't have the breakneck excitement of earlier, we DO have some madness. Sasuke takes one monster of a chair bump in this one too. Really good match here. ****


It's got one match which you HAVE to see. A lot of the matches are a bit messy and makes things a bit of a chore to sit through, but the good matches are well worth going through it for.

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Decided to rewatch the last man standing match from Sunday night before I watched Impact. Just realised that when AJ was under the steps, Ray stood on them and the ref started a count. That can't be legal!

And the most obvious blade I've ever seen, Ray getting hit by the chain then falling and going under the ring to do it! laugh.gif

A great match though.

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Seriously, I know WWE is pish, but TNA and the way it's booked make WWE look like something they were producing in '97.

I think Ive picked you up wrong here but WWE was producing fantastic stuff in 1997. TNA is awful.

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I think Ive picked you up wrong here but WWE was producing fantastic stuff in 1997. TNA is awful.

The state of TNA and the way it has been booked makes WWE looks as good as it did back then, when in reality both are rotten.

laugh.gif Why wouldn't you just get Abyss to "blade" you with a bit of barbed wire there? Don't imagine it'd be that bad.

Some guys just don't trust others to do it. Although when you clock Corinos forehead he probably has no such fears, nearly as bad as Dusty Rhodes.

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