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Mo Wonderboy

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The Warriors highly anticipated "Karma Collects" video part 1:


Edit: BTW if you go to his channel the other 7 parts are there. It's about an hour long.

Some of the stuff he talks about is pretty close to the bone.....including talk about Hogans kids, how he used Savages death to get his name out there and he would let all the boys in the locker room pump his wife.:lol:

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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The worst one I've ever seen was at a show I was at:

Deary me :lol:

On the contrary, I actually think that's quite a skilled blade job, blading on impact must be significantly harder than dropping to the deck then doing it? Plus realistically if someone was going to sell a chair shot their hand would shoot up to their head anyway?

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It's no wonder CM Punk is unhappy, it's been happening for years, but yet more evidence in the 'From the Vault' on Smackdown where even as World Heavyweight Champion he loses clean to John Morrison...can you imagine Cena or Orton doing that job?

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It's no wonder CM Punk is unhappy, it's been happening for years, but yet more evidence in the 'From the Vault' on Smackdown where even as World Heavyweight Champion he loses clean to John Morrison...can you imagine Cena or Orton doing that job?

When Smackdown had CM Punk, Morrison, Jericho, Mysterio, Edge, and Hardy, it was a show worth watching.

Now the show is made up of mid-carders and jobbers.

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Some of the stuff spouted in here is cringeworthy.

Bully Ray going under the ring to blade is a tactic which has been used for decades now, and it's the most fool proof one possible.

Corinos blading there wasn't too bad IMO. He took the shot with protection, and while taking the assbump blades. Quite impressive actually when you think it over!

All the moaning of X going over Y is silly too. Just this week alone you had Cena doing close to the cleanest job you'll ever see from him, and rightly so. IF you don't agree with his gimmick and character, don't watch it. If you want realistic characters, go watch ROH, PWG or NJPW, if you want sports entertainment, keep watching Raw and SD.

To think, I class the UKFF as smarky!

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Corinos blading there wasn't too bad IMO. He took the shot with protection, and while taking the assbump blades. Quite impressive actually when you think it over!

Naw its not :lol:

All the moaning of X going over Y is silly too. Just this week alone you had Cena doing close to the cleanest job you'll ever see from him, and rightly so. IF you don't agree with his gimmick and character, don't watch it. If you want realistic characters, go watch ROH, PWG or NJPW, if you want sports entertainment, keep watching Raw and SD.

To think, I class the UKFF as smarky!

UKFF is full of arseholes, who think everything theyt ype is 100% correct and the whole should agree with them. I presume your on UKFF?

Aaaaanyway just watched a show on Sky Sports showing all the best RAW moments from 2010. You forget just how incredible the Nexus debut was. Superb stuff, which of course they went on and royally fucked up.

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Some of the stuff spouted in here is cringeworthy.

Bully Ray going under the ring to blade is a tactic which has been used for decades now, and it's the most fool proof one possible.

All the moaning of X going over Y is silly too. Just this week alone you had Cena doing close to the cleanest job you'll ever see from him, and rightly so. IF you don't agree with his gimmick and character, don't watch it. If you want realistic characters, go watch ROH, PWG or NJPW, if you want sports entertainment, keep watching Raw and SD.

To think, I class the UKFF as smarky!

So just cause it's been used for ages that makes it ok? Don't talk shite. It's just so obvious what he's doing. He didn't move his legs at all, so it's acting like he's out cold but he moves back 30 seconds later and is up. Even if he'd come out with a kendo stick and hit AJ it would've made it better.

You make it sound like we're complaining about a single time, it's every fucking week. During Punk's feuds with Orton and Cena, we was continually made to look weak. I think he probably won two or three matches, neither at the PPV and one was on Orton's last night on Raw as he was getting drafted to SD.

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Naw its not :lol:

UKFF is full of arseholes, who think everything theyt ype is 100% correct and the whole should agree with them. I presume your on UKFF?

Aaaaanyway just watched a show on Sky Sports showing all the best RAW moments from 2010. You forget just how incredible the Nexus debut was. Superb stuff, which of course they went on and royally fucked up.

Ever tried going from a standing position, to a sitting position, while making an incision on your head that isn't too deep?

I do sense the irony in your second paragraph also though. I used to post on the UKFF, when it meant something in 02-06, sporadically since I was trained however.

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Bully Ray going under the ring to blade is a tactic which has been used for decades now, and it's the most fool proof one possible.

Indeed. I can't see why people prefer blading right in front of their eyes to that sort of blading. You can always tell when it's happening, so why complain when they go under the ring to do it?

Just this week alone you had Cena doing close to the cleanest job you'll ever see from him, and rightly so. IF you don't agree with his gimmick and character, don't watch it.

That last sentence is just a right power of pish. I don't like that Cena goes over in the end every single time, but the matches continue to be good so I'm going to continue to watch them and if I don't like the result, then I'll say so as well.

Naw its not

I'd be inclined to agree. If he can't do the blade job that way then don't fucking do it in an attempt to be "smart". Do what anyone else would do.

UKFF is full of arseholes, who think everything theyt ype is 100% correct and the whole should agree with them.

Sort of like the P&B football sections then.

Right, before I get on with the next ROH review, I found it rather hard finding the Glory By Honor II show. Thankfully, it wasn't very good anyways by all accounts apart from one match which was the ROH title match between defending champion Samoa Joe and his biggest challenge yet, Christopher Daniels. The match wound up coming in at a super ****1/4 rating.

ROH Tradition Continues

I remember loving this show and looking at the card, I can see why. There's all sorts of fun to be had here.

Prince Nana vs. Samoa Joe ( N/A )

Dunn and Marcos vs. Danny Doring and Josh Daniels vs. Slyk Wagner Brown and Sonjay Dutt vs. Slugger and Grim Reefer - Scramble Match ( **1/2 )

Matt Stryker vs. Chris Sabin ( **1/4 )

Colt Cabana vs. BJ Whitmer ( ** )

The Backseat Boys © vs. Special K - ROH Tag Team Championships ( *** )

CM Punk vs. AJ Styles ( ****1/2 )

Jimmy Rave vs. Dan Maff ( **3/4 )

Justin Credible vs. Raven ( * )

John Walters vs. Mark Briscoe vs. Xavier vs. Homicide ( ****1/2 )

Samoa Joe © vs. Jay Briscoe - ROH World Heavyweight Championship ( **** )

Prince Nana vs. Samoa Joe

I suppose you have to give Prince Nana some sort of credit for having balls, don't you? Joe goes to work on Nana right off the bat. Nana goes to work with chops and those are hard ones. Avalanche. SAMOAN WRECKING BALL FROM NANA !!! I love that move. Belly 2 Belly Suplex. THE CHOKE !!! DONE !!!

This was your basic Nana opening squash. N/A

Dunn and Marcos vs. Danny Doring and Josh Daniels vs. Slyk Wagner Brown and Sonjay Dutt vs. Slugger and Grim Reefer - Scramble Match

There isn't half a lot of shite in this one. Doring and Marcos to start this off and Marcos goes behind. Doring with the takedown and a Front Facelock. Wristlock from Doring and then he goes behind with the Hammerlock and the Headlock. CM Punk goes onto commentary. Headlock from Doring. Marcos with a Modified Rana and then an Enziguri. Clothesline from Doring. In come Daniels and Dunn and Dunn with the Hammerlock. Daniels with the takedown and a two count. Headlock from Daniels. Daniels into the ropes and he charges down Dunn. Daniels with a chop and then into the ropes and he tries a Suplex. Victory Roll gets a two count for Dunn and then some chops. Back Elbow from Daniels and then in come Dutt and Grim. Lockup and then a Headlock from Dutt. Dutt hits the ropes and then reversals from both men and then a Snapmare and Grim lands on his feet and the same with Dutt. Head Scissor Takedown from Grim. Dutt sweeps down and then some cracking reversals leads to Dutt with the Dropkick and the fans liked that. Grim chops Dutt and then vice versa. Slugger is then tagged into the match and in comes Brown with right hands. Brown now with chops. Slugger just charges down Brown and then Brown comes back with forearms. Dropkicks from Brown and he hits the ropes and runs into the Clotheslines. Slugger beats on Brown in the corner. Brown with a Dropkick off the top and then in comes Dunn. Marcos is in too. ASSISTED SLICED BREAD #2 ON SLUGGER !!! In comes Doring and Daniels. GORY BOMB SENDS DANIELS ONTO DORING !!! Niiiice. Grim into the ring and he lands a Body Slam. WALKING SWANTON FROM REEFER !!! ONE ! TWO ! DUTT SAVES !!! Running Knee from Dutt. BRUTAL ACE CRUSHER FROM DUTT !!! PHOENIX SPLASH FROM DUTT !!! DRAGON SUPLEX FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... BROWN SAVES !!! Brown over Daniels now. MILITARY PRESS INTO THE STANDING MOONSAULT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE BAREBACK FROM DORING TO BROWN !!! Some mental shit is about to come about. Slugger is in the ring with Dunn. FROG SPLASH FROM REEFER !!! BODY BAG FROM SLUGGER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match actually had some legs in it. Guys like Reefer and Dutt had a lot more in their arsenal than they showed in this. The shit wasn't in the ring for long which was a good thing and we wound up getting a good spotfest. **1/2

Matt Stryker vs. Chris Sabin

I remember this being quite a botchfest. Lockup and a Waistlock from Sabin and Matt escapes and tries to find an arm, and Sabin takes him down. Matt is looking for something but Stryker is determined. Drop Toe Hold from Sabin and he still has the control in this match. Matt manages to find something of a Headlock as he tries to make Sabin break and he eventually does. Lockup and we have a break as that was a wee bit aggressive. Lockup and Matt goes to the Wristlock. Sabin flips around a bit and then goes to the Wristlock and then Matt goes back to it and kicks Sabin away. Sabin with the Wristlock again and Matt with one of his own. Sabin with a nice Head Scissor Takedown and we have a stalemate. They now lock hands and Sabin and Matt exchange kicks. Sabin into a Victory Roll and that gets a two count. Both men now with pins and we have a stalemate again. Lockup and then into the corner they go. Matt then lands some chops and then Sabin with Arm Drags and a kick. Forearms from Sabin and then an Enziguri and we're now breaking down and that gets a two count. Snapmare from Sabin and a kick to the back gets a two count. Knee Drop from Sabin and that is a two count. Knees to the head from Sabin and then into the apron and Stryker misses a charge. MATT BOTCHES A POWERSLAM AND DROPS SABIN ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! European Uppercut from Matt and that gets a two count and then he stretches the arms with a knee in the back. Back Drop Suplex from Matt and that gets a two count. Punk: "Baltimore fans certainly know a lot about the clap." :lol: Powerbomb from Matt is botched and that gets a two count. Dropkick catches Matt in the face. Sabin onto the apron and he lands a right on Matt. Springboard Spinning Heel Kick from Sabin and that gets a two count. CRADLE SHOCK ... blocked. Neckbreaker from Matt and that gets a two count. Sabin and Matt now exchange chops. SPRINGBOARD SWINGING DDT FROM SABIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Sabin heads for the top. POP UP SUPLEX OFF THE TOP FROM STRYKER !!! Sabin blocks a kick and catches him. VICTORY ROLL FROM SABIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! BIG BOOT FROM STRYKER !!! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM STRYKER ... Sabin fights ... INTO THE CRUCIFIX ... ROLLED INTO THE DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM STRYKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Not as botchy as I can remember and this was good fun. Some cracking exchanges and the finish is included in that. There WAS a couple of botches, but it was mainly just a standard Field of Honor match. **1/4

Colt Cabana vs. BJ Whitmer

I suppose that this was something of a pre-cursor to the fued that they would have the year later. Lockup and into the corner they go and then a high five from Cabana. Into the corner from these two guys and then Whitmer goes to the Test of Strength. Whitmer sucked Cabana right into that one. Wristlock from Whitmer. Cabana goes to the Wristlock. Cabana does some back and foreward and then Whitmer with another Wristlock and then Cabana with one of his own again. Forearm from Cabana and he has had enough of the goofy stuff and he goes to the chops. Whitmer drops behind and then lands a Dropkick for a two count. Hammerlock from Whitmer. Cabana is looking for an escape and then lands an elbow. Headlock from Cabana and then a Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock. Cabana then floors Whitmer and then trips over him and he is NOT happy. Cabana then breaks the count. Lockup and Cabana with a kick and then a right hand. Back Elbow from Whitmer and that gets a two count. Snap Suplex from Whitmer and then he rolls through to a Northern Lights Suplex and that gets a two count. Forearms and chops from Whitmer. Whitmer then goes to the chops now. Cabana gets under Whitmer and hits the ropes and lands a Running Knee Lift and then the Fist Drop. Cabana with the Double Knees in the corner and that gets a two count. Cabana then he lands a back elbow on Whitmer. Tornado Snap Suplex is blocked but Cabana eventually lands the Suplex portion of the move and that gets a two count. Butt Bump from Cabana and that gets a two count. THE CLAW FROM CABANA !!! Gabe is acting like a fucking imbecile by saying the move is doing no damage. Cabana runs into the boot. BELLY 2 BELLY INTO THE ROPES FROM WHITMER !!! Whitmer tries for some pins on Cabana. Forearm from Whitmer and then more of the same. Back Elbow from Whitmer and then a High Knee. EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM WHITMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! COLT 45 FROM CABANA ... countered. BRUTAL SUPLEX DROPS WHITMER ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! JAPANESE ROLLUP FROM CABANA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Yet more of the usual standard Field of Honor stuff. **

The Backseat Boys © vs. Special K - ROH Tag Team Championships

Izzy and Dixie are the guys who are going to be representing the Special K lads. All four men in the ring to get us going. Acid works on Izzy and then the Backseats take down the challengers. Dixie knocks Acid to the floor. Izzy and Kash are now in the ring while Dixie gets sent into the railing. Roaring Elbow from Acid. AIRPLANE SPIN INTO THE NECKBREAKER FROM KASHMERE !!! Dixie comes in with a Dropkick. ORANGE CRUSH FROM ACID TO DIXIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Izzy now into the ring and this is already a mess! Kick to the gut and face and a Roaring Elbow from Acid. Izzy with a big move but then he gets knocked to the floor. Dixie into the ring. DIXIE SUPLEXED TO THE FLOOR !!! WHEELBARROW/LEG DROP COMBO ON THE FLOOR ON KASHMERE !!! Acid is now out there and that was one brutal move there. Acid is now up against both members of Special K. Izzy with a Springboard Dropkick and then in comes Dixie with a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Dixie then chokes Acid and then the same again. Dixie then chokes Acid over the bottom rope. Dixie with the takedown and then right hands in the corner. Back kick from Acid and then knees in the corner. REVERSE RANA DROPS ACID ON HIS HEAD FROM IZZY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Snap Suplex from Izzy and then a Leg Drop and that gets a two count. Kashmere looks like he's out of it, but he's on the apron and ready to make the tag. Camel Clutch from Dixie and then Acid into the ropes. Acid then with right hands to both men. Forearm from Dixie. YAKUZA KICK FROM ACID TO DIXIE !!! Tag brings in Kash. Bulldog on Izzy. Superkick catches Dixie coming off the buckles. The other Special K members come in and The Backseat Boys deal with them. THE DREAM SEQUENCE ON IZZY !!! T-GIMMICK ON DIXIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... THE REF DRAGGED TO THE FLOOR !!! IZZY USES THE TITLE BELT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOOUUUTTTT !!! SUPERMAN 450 SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a damn fun tag team match. All of the shenanigans makes sense when you consider who's in there, and it all worked brilliantly to make the fans DESPISE what just happened. ***

CM Punk vs. AJ Styles

Styles goes behind and we have some reversals between the two men to get going and then Styles with the Hammerlock. Punk takes down Styles and he has an arm and then Styles has an arm of his own and then rides Punk a wee bit and a Front Facelock. Half Nelson from Styles and then he mounts Punk. Against the ropes they go and we have a break from that. Punk seems to be bleeding a wee bit and they lock hands. Wristlock from Styles. Punk with the Monkey Flip but winds up in the Body Scissors. They lock hands and then Styles rams the head of Styles into the canvas. Punk then clubs on the back and then sends Styles back down. Shot to the gut from Styles and then Punk knocks him down. Styles now has the Bearhug down, but Punk remains brutal. They lock hands and then fall down. Kick to the leg from Styles and then into the ropes and then a Headlock from AJ. More kicks to the leg and a Headlock from Styles and then into the ropes. Another kick. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM PUNK !!! He's clearly had enough of the kicks from AJ! Elbow to the back of the head from Punk and then a kick to the face. Rebound Dropkick from Styles and the fans are impressed with that move there. Body Slam from Styles and then a Knee Drop and that gets a two count. Punk into the corner and then he kicks Styles away and lands a Drop Toe Hold and then a Dropkick to the face and that gets a two count. Punk doesn't hook the leg. Chops from Punk and then Styles into the ropes and he blocks a Suplex. STYLES GOES TO THE STYLES CLASH ... countered. Kick to the back of the head from Styles and Punk heads for the floor. MOONSAULT OFF OF THE APRON ... MISSES !!! Punk sends Styles into the railing. Styles sent into the railing a second time and then he pushes the face of Styles into the floor. Punk then asks the fans to move and then sends him back into the ring. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker from Punk and that gets a two count. Delayed Vertical Suplex from Punk and then a forearm to the back from Punk. More of the same from Punk and then he mocks Raven. Styles comes back. PELE KICK FROM STYLES !!! Reversals from both men now. Neckbreaker Drop from Punk and then the Regal Stretch from Punk. Styles with Headbutts but Punk with another stomp. Clothesline in the corner from Punk and then he lands a Russian Legsweep and that gets a two count. Styles into the corner. QUEDABRA DDT ... COUNTERED TO THE BACKBREAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! To the feet we go and Punk with a Front Slam. SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT FROM PUNK ... HITS THE KNEES !!! DISCUS LARIAT ... countered and Punk lands a shot but then Styles with the Kip Up Rana. Right hands from both Punk and Styles now. Suplex into the Neckbreaker is blocked by Punk and we have more reversals. THE HAMMERLOCK BACK DROP DRIVER FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Pump Handle is blocked. DEVIL LOCK DDT FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Punk now takes Styles up. THE PEPSI PLUNGE FROM PUNK ... COUNTERED TO THE SUNSET BOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DEVIL LOCK LARIAT ... blocked. DISCUS LARIAT FROM STYLES !!! Styles goes for the Styles Clash but it gets dropped and then they head for the top now. Tornado DDT is blocked. SHINING WIZARD ... COUNTERED TO THE STYLES CLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That is an absolutely fantastic match right there and every bit as good a match as you would expect from these two guys. You can see why these two were the guys picked to have the first fued for the pure title as they had all sorts of good counters and cracking exchanges. ****1/2

Jimmy Rave vs. Dan Maff

Kick to the gut and a shot to the back from Maff and then he lands some chops. Arm Drags from Rave and then he tries to take down Maff. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM MAFF !!! The match heads for the floor after that and Maff landsa chop on the back. Rave then gets ran head first into the railing. Rave still gets ran into the railing. Maff points to the ring and then runs Rave into another railing. Why is he playing to the crowd if he's supposed to be a heel? Maff then asks the crowd to scatter and they take their time. Maff then sends Rave back into the ring and mocks the audience. I suppose that's why he played to the crowd. Rave sends Maff to the floor and lands a huge Running Knee off of the apron. Back into the ring we go. Dan Maff seems to be injured and Jimmy Rave stands off. THE BURNING HAMMER FROM MAFF ... blocked. HUGE LARIAT FROM DANNY MAFF !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Big chop from Maff and then he shouts in the face and lands a chop and works on the back. Rave now with chops. THE CANNONBALL IN THE CORNER FROM MAFF !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! TILT-A-WHIRL CROSSFACE OUT OF NOWHERE FROM RAVE !!! THE BURNING HAMMER DROPS RAVE ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

While this is the usual "not great" wrestling from the Field of Honor, the amount of stuff they fit into the time they had was worth noting and it was good back and forth stuff. **3/4

Justin Credible vs. Raven

Ugh. We're not watching ECW here, are we? Because this looks like a shit main event from late 1999. Raven at this point has lost a hair vs hair match in TNA and has short hair. Lockup and into the corner they go and Raven lands a right hand and Credible wasn't happy with that. Raven heads for the floor and sends Credible into the railing and then into another railing. Credible then gets sent into the railing again. Jabs from Raven and then a big right hand. Credible into the ring and he's trying to beg off and then a Suplex from Raven and Credible heads for the floor. Lockup and into the corner and then kicks to the gut from Credible. Drop Toe Hold from Credible and that sends Raven to the floor. Raven sent into the railing. Credible then works over Raven on the floor and then back into the ring. Raven's got a bad knee. Credible heads to the middle buckle and then drops an elbow on Raven. Credible drops his knee on the knee and then he drops his weight down across the leg. To the floor and Credible rams the leg of Raven into the ringpost. Figure Four Leglock from Credible now. Raven now comes back with more right hands but then Credible floors him and then chokes him with the boot. Credible goes for Raven and winds up getting crotched on the ringpost. Jabs from Raven and a Discus Lariat and then he hits a Clothesline. Running Knee Lift from Raven. Bulldog from Raven and that gets a two count. SUPERKICK KNOCKS DOWN THE REF !!! Superkick from Raven and there's no ref to make the count, as if that was ever gonna work. Credible with a low blow and then he gets a chair. RAVEN EFFECT FROM RAVEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That wasn't very good at all. They couldn't even trust having a normal match without bringing weapons into the match. *

John Walters vs. Mark Briscoe vs. Xavier vs. Homicide

Homicide and Xavier get us going and a Waistlock from Homicide and then he rolls through but so does Xavier. Wristlock from Homicide and then Xavier rolls through and finds the leg of Homicide. Xavier then goes to the leg of Homicide and gets kicked off. Lockup and Xavier takes down Homicide and then walks over him and pie faces Walters. Into the corner and in comes Walters to try and get some of Xavier. Mark is now tagged into the match to face Walters. Lockup and Walters goes to the Wristlock and then Walters with some flipping about. Mark with an Arm Drag and an Arm Bar. Mark into the ropes and he goes behind. Walters kicked into the ropes and a Hiptoss from Mark. Walters then knocks Xavier off of the apron and he isn't happy with that. Walters charges down Mark and an Arm Drag but he misses a second and Walters gets an Oklahoma Roll for a two count. Walters rolls through to a Bow and Arrow Hold which is quickly countered and that gives us a two count. Homicide is now in the ring. Arm Drag from Mark and a Dropkick and Homicide heads for the floor. PESCADO FROM MARK BRISCOE !!! Julius Smokes isn't happy with that. Homicide is now in the ring and a Running Forearm from Homicide. TOP ROPE BUTTERFLY SUPLEX FROM HOMICIDE !!! In comes Xavier again. Mark now into the ring and the IED and then a Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Xavier and then he lands a Snapmare and a chop to the back. Into the corner and more chops. Mark gets over Xavier with a Sunset Flip for a two count. Xavier then gets dumped to the floor. Right hands now from Xavier and Mark into the ropes and he lands a Spinning Heel Kick. Exploder Suplex drops Xavier on his head for a two count. Drop Toe Hold and a Leg Lariat from Mark to Homicide and then in comes Walters. Kicks to the back from Homicide but he gets taken down. Forearms from Walters and he's on the apron and to the top and a Missile Dropkick gets a two count. Low blow from Homicide. T-Bone Suplex bridged and that gets a two count. Back Elbow from Mark and that gets a two count. Powerslam from Xavier and then he turns Mark around. Xavier comes in and gets taken down and he is tied up with Mark. CAMEL CLUTCH/CHINLOCK COMBO ON XAVIER AND MARK !!! HOMICIDE WITH A HUGE RUNNING DROPKICK TO BREAK !!! Walters is set on the top rope. Top Rope Rana from Homicide and in comes Xavier. Spinebuster from Xavier now. Mark comes back into the ring and this one is breaking down. Leg Grab Back Body Drop from Xavier and then into the corner and knees to the head. XAVIER GETS THROWN OVER THE RINGPOST !!! Back Drop Suplex from Homicide and then he sets Mark on the top rope. SUNSET BOMB/SUPERPLEX TOWER OF DOOM !!! Body Slam from Walters and then he comes off the top with the Leg Drop and that gets a two count. Forearms from Walters and Xavier. Chops from both men now. BACKPACK STUNNER FROM WALTERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... HOMICIDE WITH THE SAVE !!! Walters sent to the floor. HOMICIDE WITH THE TOPE CON HILO ONTO WALTERS !!! XAVIER WITH THE JUMPING ARABIAN PRESS TO THE FLOOR !!! Walters then tries for the dive and just gives Xavier the finger. Xavier to the top rope. Clothesline from Walters and in comes Homicide. HANGING DDT OFF OF THE TOP ROPE FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... MARK SAVES !!! Springboard Cross Body from Mark and then a kick to the back of the head. SUPERKICK FROM XAVIER TO MARK !!! Fisherman Suplex from Xavier gets a two count. HURRICANE DDT FROM WALTERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... HOMICIDE MAKES THE SAVE !!! Walters now gets set on the top rope and Homicide goes up there. Walters jumps over him. ACE CRUSHER FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! LUNGBLOWER FROM WALTERS !!! SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK FROM MARK !!! POWERBOMBS FROM XAVIER INTO THE ALLEYOOP INTO THE PILEDRIVER FROM XAVIER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Mark and Xavier now going at it. LIGER BOMB FROM MARK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SAVED !!! KUDO DRIVER FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... WALTERS MAKES THE SAVE !!! BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX INTO THE CORNER FROM WALTERS !!! SUPER HURRICANE DDT FROM WALTERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... XAVIER MAKES THE SAVE !!! X-BREAKER ... countered. KISS YOUR X GOODBYE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Give this a less awkward a first few minutes and this is a potential ROH classic. However, this is absolutely fantastic and a great example of what the four way means in ROH. ****1/2

Samoa Joe © vs. Jay Briscoe - ROH World Heavyweight Championship

Lockup and he goes to the wristlock and Joe with one of his own and then he lands an elbow on the arm. Fireman's Carry from Joe and then an Arm Bar. Back to the wristlock and then Jay with some stuff and he gets a Headlock. Joe with the takedown and then a Front Facelock and we then have a stalemate. Joe with the go behind and he has Jay grounded. Joe with the Wristlock again and then he slaps down Jay and he seems to be toying with Jay a bit. Mark Briscoe is at ringside to support his brother. Joe takes down Jay and then kicks him in the back. Chop, kick and then Knee Drop from Joe and he seems to be the dominant wrestler here which comes as no shock. Backbreaker off of the shoulder from Joe. Kicks to the chest from Joe and then back to the arm and he locks in a nasty submission. Headbutt to the back from Joe and then a right hand. Chops now from Joe and a Snapmare and a kick to the back and now he goes to the Boston Crab and then turns it into the Samoan Crab. Jay finds the bottom rope after that. Joe with a Running Forearm and then he has Jay in the corner. BOOTSCRAPES FROM JOE !!! THE FACEWASH FROM JOE !!! Jay gets up and lands a pair of kicks and Joe to the floor. PLANCHA OFF THE TOP ROPE FROM JAY BRISCOE !!! Joe then gets sent into the railing. Joe then gets sent into the railing yet again. Forearms from Jay and then into the corner and he lands a series of chops. Dropkick from Jay. Snap Suplex from Jay and that gets a two count. Into the corner they go and Jay is hurting. Yakuza Kick in the corner from Jay and he wants to dish out some more. S-T-JOE !!! Jay heads for the floor and Samoa Joe isn't taking Jay Briscoe lightly anymore. Joe then sits Jay on the chair and gets the fans into things. THE OLE KICK FROM JAY !!! Jay put on another chair and he is gonna do the kick again. OLE KICK FROM JOE !!! Back into the ring they go now. POWERBOMB FROM JOE INTO THE STF !!! Jay finds the bottom rope again. Slaps from Joe. Jay now with slaps and he hits the ropes and then Joe with the Rolling Cradle and that gets a two count. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM JAY BRISCOE !!! FALCON ARROW FROM JAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! JAY DRILLER ... Joe has put the breaks on that. Double Arm DDT from Jay. TOP ROPE LEG DROP FROM BRISCOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM JAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE CHOKE FROM JOE ... JAY BITES HIS WAY OUT !!! DRAGON SUPLEX FROM SAMOA JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KAWADA KICKS !!! ISLAND DRIVER FROM JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! Jay is one hard fucker to put away here. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This is a good enough big guy vs. little guy battle. The fans were getting right into the match more and more as it went on, mainly thanks to the fire in the performance of Jay Briscoe. Samoa Joe did his part well enough too. ****

This is a cracking show when you get past the boredom. The Field of Honor means that there's so many midcard matches which just go two ways and don't provide much in the way of excitement, but you have THREE matches which are at 4* or over, two of them in particular are amazing. This show is worth picking up.

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Ever tried going from a standing position, to a sitting position, while making an incision on your head that isn't too deep?

It's not about that though is it? It's about trying to do it an a way that makes it seem realistic. Hidden, not doing it for your entire audience to see.

I do sense the irony in your second paragraph also though. I used to post on the UKFF, when it meant something in 02-06, sporadically since I was trained however.

As you say I do find UKFF far too smarky. I prefer posting in places like this, where it's just general wrestling chat/debate. I can't stand the smugness of posters over there. In comparisson I don't think this is half as bad.

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So just cause it's been used for ages that makes it ok? Don't talk shite. It's just so obvious what he's doing.

It's so obvious every time. Why does it being under the ring make a difference?

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Theres no excuse for a poor blade job, if you re being "cute" about it then it should look legit. Otherwise use psychology, a simple little movement or positioning yourself in a certain way where nobody can see. I haven't seen the one in question, but if hiding under the ring means nobody can see then I don't really see the problem. You see it quite a lot, but I'd rather see that than the Corino one I posted earlier.

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