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Mo Wonderboy

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Yup, the company only cares about Cena and Orton and everyone else is made to look like shit.

That PPV has to be one of the worst i've ever seen.

It's the worst PPV I have ever seen.

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The fact that the opener and Punk/Rey were good means that it's better than the many PPVs that didn't even have THAT much.

John Cena was always going to win that match. I wasn't even aware that people questioned this, so I'm surprised at the reaction that this is getting. He was facing R-Truth for f**k sake who, while entertaining, isn't a main event player. Of course, neither is anyone else and I think the problem comes down to this...

Yup, the company only cares about Cena and Orton and everyone else is made to look like shit.

... and that's where the problem lies. It means that there is no real main eventers because Orton and Cena have gone through everyone. Unless Triple H or The Undertaker comes back, what do we have? Maybe John Morrison at a push, but the injury stopped the momentum that he had built, but I reckon he's seen as their new Hardy figure so they might well push him seriously at some point soon.

WWE is at a pretty low ebb at the moment. Shit PPV buyrates for the last show and this one is bound to be the same. It's times like this that I'm grateful that the US indy scene is thriving at the moment and Dragon Gate have hit their strongest spell yet.

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It's the worst PPV I have ever seen.

You didn't watch 2000 WCW did you?

IMO in the terms of WWE PPVs it was just another show. I decided to go to sleep after Punk/Rey and watch it today. Punk/Rey, Orton/Christian and Ziggy/Kofi were all good matches, and Wade/Zeik was stronger than I expected, with no clearly fucked up shit. Overall though, until they give us variety, we'll just keep sitting down watching the shows sour faced.

Whats scary is that the Miz got more offense in his match than he did his entire title reign, yet still does the clean job to Reilly, who's now getting the push! Don't get me wrong, I actually like Reilly as a face, he shows fire that most faces in the WWE don't, however it's a heel at the top that the company needs, not another face. Cena has no one to play off of, and no one to take over from him if he were to get injured (aside from Orton who's on SD).

Elevate The Miz to the top again, working with Orton for the title on SD, switch Christian and Miz, give Christian the push on Raw to legitimately challenge Cena, using all his 17 years experience. Give Reilly an angle with Del Rrrrrrrrrrio, have them work every house show, TV and PPV together to get the green from them together, and there is you secondary feud on Raw, alongside Punk/Rey. Fantasy stuff, yet it puts them company on the right tracks.

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I'm surprised so many people are outraged that Cena won. Didn't you see it coming a mile off? It was R-Truth for f**k sake,there was absolutely no danger Cena was ever going to loose.

Miz had to put Riley over.Otherweise both would have looked shite. If Miz won with so much offence then how did he get his arse kicked 3 weeks ina row? Also Riley would have looked like an utter pussy.

I'm glad Punk got the win. Hopefully once R-Truth moves away from the main event then Punk goes into (yes, I know, yet another) feud with Cena.

Now that Barrett has lost the IC title, anyone else think he could be Ortons next challenger?

It's boring watching Orton and Cena dominate, although Cenas matches are entertaining generally (minus the superman come backs). I never thought I'd say it but get HHH back in the main event!!!! At least it's change....sort of.

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Whats scary is that the Miz got more offense in his match than he did his entire title reign, yet still does the clean job to Reilly, who's now getting the push! Don't get me wrong, I actually like Reilly as a face, he shows fire that most faces in the WWE don't, however it's a heel at the top that the company needs, not another face. Cena has no one to play off of, and no one to take over from him if he were to get injured (aside from Orton who's on SD).

If Riley gets over with tfans for a prolonged period, then we already know he can work very well as a heel, so turning him eventually shouldn't be a problem.

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Now that Barrett has lost the IC title, anyone else think he could be Ortons next challenger

Nope. I'd say it's fairly obvious that Christian/Orton isn't over, given the unfair way Orton won, meaning Christian won't let it lie. I can see them adding Sheamus for good measure. They clearly want him in the main events.

I'm glad Punk got the win. Hopefully once R-Truth moves away from the main event then Punk goes into (yes, I know, yet another) feud with Cena.

I can see the honest thing Punk was referring to as him just walking out and saying "bu-byes", thus ending the speculation.

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however it's a heel at the top that the company needs, not another face. Cena has no one to play off of, and no one to take over from him if he were to get injured (aside from Orton who's on SD).

huh.gif WWE have loads of heels that could be challenging. Christian, Miz, Del Rio, Punk and Sheamus. Even Rhodes could be added in as a potential push.

They lack faces, you have Cena, Orton and Mysterio. The former two have been over saturated with titles, and Mysterio looks ridiculous with the title, IMO.

I also heard that the WWE title match for Summerslam has been penciled in as:

Del Rio vs Cena

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WWE have loads of heels that could be challenging. Christian, Miz, Del Rio, Punk and Sheamus. Even Rhodes could be added in as a potential push.

The Miz is damaged goods thanks solely to the I Quit Match.

CM Punk has been shifted back into the midcard, but he probably IS the only one with the all around game to make people care about such a match. Sheamus is another possible as he's the last heel to look good against both Cena AND Orton, even if he wound up losing out. Alberto Del Rio, they APPEAR to be taking seriously, and they've had him look very strong in his current fued.

I do like that they had R-Truth throw away his own chances against Cena, and you could go as far as to say his loss was unclean, so they do still have the option of using him as a main eventer I reckon, but with JoMo coming back soon, it's probably gonna be Truth/JoMo.

Cody Rhodes hasn't done enough yet I reckon. He should have strolled through the fued with Rey Mysterio. He's not beyond repair. Have him steamroll over Daniel Bryan in a fued and give him some momentum.

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huh.gif WWE have loads of heels that could be challenging. Christian, Miz, Del Rio, Punk and Sheamus. Even Rhodes could be added in as a potential push.

They lack faces, you have Cena, Orton and Mysterio. The former two have been over saturated with titles, and Mysterio looks ridiculous with the title, IMO.

I also heard that the WWE title match for Summerslam has been penciled in as:

Del Rio vs Cena

In general, they have heels, not at the top end though. They have Christian (who still gets pops) and R-Truth (who is a decent promo, thats it.) They need a heel who can get genuine heat and can work, and will stay there for a long time. Punk fits the criteria, however he's looking for a leave it seems, and this leaves them completely FUCKED. They now have 1 worker who can carry Cena IMO in Christian, however if he were to face Cena on Raw, I fear he'd get a large pop. Face wise, they have Cena, Orton, Mysterio, Morrison and some would argue Show, enough for 2 shows.

Edit - Dom - having Cody over Danielson is a waste, he's going over someone who's nothing more than another geek now. They'd need to push him, THEN push Cody over him to make it worthwhile IMO.

Edited by Deestruction
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Edit - Dom - having Cody over Danielson is a waste, he's going over someone who's nothing more than another geek now. They'd need to push him, THEN push Cody over him to make it worthwhile IMO.

He needs SOMETHING though, and he's come off the Rey program so Bryan makes sense. It's a momentum builder.

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ROH Empire State Showdown

This is one of the very few "b shows" that ROH did back in 2003 so I can't say that I'm looking forward to it too much.

Dan Maff vs. BJ Whitmer ( *** )

The Outcast Killaz vs. Fast Eddie and Don Juan vs. Dunn and Marcos vs. Jimmy Jacobs and Alex Shelley - Scramble Match ( **** )

John Walters vs. Christopher Daniels ( **** )

Special K © vs. The Carnage Crew - ROH Tag Team Championships ( ** )

Xavier vs. Chris Sabin ( **1/4 )

CM Punk vs. Steve Corino ( ***1/2 )

Jimmy Rave vs. Colt Cabana vs. Justin Credible vs. John Walters ( ** )

Homicide vs. Samoa Joe - Fight Without Honor ( ***3/4 )

Dan Maff vs. BJ Whitmer

Danger gets involved and then Maff attacks from behind. Whitmer then lands some chops and Maff comes back with chops of his own. Whitmer looks for an Exploder Suplex and then Maff blocks, so Whitmer goes back to the chops and then the forearms. Maff with a chop and then a shot to the knee. To the floor the match goes and Whitmer gets sent into the railing. ROH like their railing shots every since they had they got those new ones. Whitmer gets launched into the railing again. Whitmer then gets run into another railing. Okay guys, we get the point, you like using the railing. Maff does the "get out of the way" with the crowd and then he sends Whitmer into the ring. I suppose they hadn't seen the previous show on DVD yet. Maff gets sent to the floor. SUICIDE DIVE FROM WHITMER !!! Whitmer then slaps away at Maff and then sends him into the railing. Forearms from Whitmer now and then a slap to the face. Maff gets sent into the railing. EXPLODER SUPLEX ON THE FLOOR !!! The fans like that. Kudos to both guys for putting everything into the match so far. Back into the ring and they get a two count. Maff into the corner and the High Knee and then another Exploder Suplex from Whitmer and that gets a two count. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM MAFF !!! Roaring Forearm blocked. BUCKLE BOMB FROM MAFF !!! CANNONBALL FROM MAFF !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Whitmer avoids the Half Nelson Suplex. HALF NELSON SUPLEX FROM MAFF !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! ANOTHER HALF NELSON SUPLEX FROM MAFF !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BURNING HAMMER FROM MAFF ... avoided. Superkick from Whitmer. WRIST CLUTCH EXPLODER FROM WHITMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

There is no need for that much railing stuff in a match. The effort is here in spades as they went out to try and put over the FoH as a tournament worth winning. ***

The Outcast Killaz vs. Fast Eddie and Don Juan vs. Dunn and Marcos vs. Jimmy Jacobs and Alex Shelley - Scramble Match

Thank god the Jacobs/Shelley team is in there. Then again, I always say that and the match always turns out to be decent anyways. Eddie and Shelley are the guys that start the match and Shelley is wearing furry boots with "HUSS" on the back of his trunks. Shelley has the better of a Test of Strength and that gets a two. Arm Drags from both men now and then both men collide. In come Marcos and Diablo. MARCOS WITH THE RANA INTO THE CORNER !!! Diablo now has Marcos. LARIAT FROM DIABLO !!! In come Don and Dunn. Dunn into the ropes and he charges down Don. Arm Drags from Dunn and then Don into the corner. Running Dropkick to the face from Don and then in comes Oman and Jacobs. Satellite Head Scissors from Jacobs. Both men exchange strikes and then he misses a big Side Kick. Forearms from both men and now Oman wants a test of strength. Shelley adds a helping hand. Diablo adds his weight to this good fun. Lockup on the shoulders and an Arm Ringer on the shoulders. School Boys bring them down and that was fucking brilliant. Swinging Neckbreaker from Don. TOMBSTONE FROM EDDIE TO MARCOS !!! In come Shelley and Jacobs with big boots. Russian Legsweep/Neckbreaker combo from the IWA side and then in comes Dunn and Marcos. Swinging DDT from Jacobs. Cradle Suplex from Shelley. In comes Oman now. BRAINBUSTER FROM SHELLEY !!! ELEVATED BULLDOG FROM JACOBS !!! MUSCULAR BOMB FROM OMAN TO EDDIE !!! Lots going on in this one here and now four men to the top rope. Everyone is caught and now everyone in the ring. SUPER RANAS IN ALL FOUR CORNERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! CRADLE TIGER SUPLEX/DROPKICK COMBO FROM THE KILLAZ !!! Russian Legsweep/Yakuza Kick combo from the Killaz. SWINGING DDT FROM MARCOS AND A GORY BOMB BY DUNN !!! THE ASSISTED SENTON FROM THE EXPRESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! BACKBREAKER/SENTON COMBO FROM THE IWA TEAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SHELLEY IS SENT CRASHING TO THE FLOOR !!! Eddie and Don up. MOONSAULT FALLAWAY SLAM WITH A NECKBREAKER FROM TWA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... OMAN SAVES !!! Eddie onto the top rope. MOONSAULT PRESS ONTO A MASS OF BODIES ON THE FLOOR FROM FAST EDDIE !!! STEREO VICTORY ROLLS FROM DUNN AND MARCOS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SITOUT CUT THROAT DRIVER FROM DUNN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Okay, that was splendid. The crowd were on their feet and rightly so as all eight men impressed the hell out of me. Shelley and Jacobs were especially mental but nothing taken away from the other guys. ****

John Walters vs. Christopher Daniels

Daniels is a major favourite here and he seems to be playing to that quite a bit. I wonder if they adjust the match to go along with the way things are going here, or if Daniels can turn the crowd against him. No handshake from Daniels, and Walters has a "yeah, I guess so" look from that. Lockup and Walters with a nice takeover and he gets in the face of Daniels. Allison Danger isn't happy with the arrogance of Walters. "Kick his ass Chris!". Arm Drag again from Walters and then another one. Daniels gets to the floor as Walters seems to be getting in the head of Daniels here. Lockup and Daniels with the Headlock and then Walters with the escape and Daniels with the Hammerlock and then the Headlock and Walters goes back to the Hammerlock. Headlock from Daniels. Wristlock from Walters and then an Arm Bar. Daniels with a shot at escaping, but Walters keeps the Hammerlock. Daniels gets into the ropes to break the hold. Lockup and Daniels sweeps down Walters, but winds up back in the Hammerlock. Daniels goes to the Side Headlock and then he takes down Walters with a shoulder charge and that gets a two count and then Daniels with the Headlock and it looks like he's finally getting back into this match. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock and then we have some reversals. Walters with an Arm Drag and a Dropkick and Daniels gets into the corner where Walters lands forearms. Daniels gets over Walters but takes a forearm to the back of the head. Daniels unloads on Walters and shouts at the audience. LEG STUNNER FROM WALTERS !!! Dropkick to the knee from Walters. Walters then drops elbows on the leg of Daniels. Kicks to the back from Daniels. Walters then grabs the head of Daniels. Walters then pins down Daniels by the hands. Daniels finds the bottom rope but gets dragged back in and Walters now tries for the Figure Four Leglock, but Daniels fights and makes sure that doesn't happen. Muta Lock from Walters and Daniels finds the bottom rope. Daniels comes back with right hands and chops, but Walters wrestles rings around Daniels and then gets the legs and locks in the Indian Deathlock. Walters turns it over to stop Daniels from getting nearfalls. Nice. Danger gets involved and Walters goes to the floor and he chases her around the ring. He finally catches up with her. Baseball Slide misses and Walters seen that coming. Walters then drops the leg of Daniels on the apron and back into the ring. Danger throws Walters off of the top rope. Into the corner they go and Daniels with the shoulder tackles to the back and then a Snapmare out of the corner and then a kick to the back. Knee Drop to the back from Daniels. What move does this build up to? When he works the ribs, you see him land something like an Angel's Wings which is fair enough. Backbreaker from Daniels. Gutwrench Suplex and that gets a two count Daniels. Camel Clutch with the knee in the back from Daniels. Walters comes back into the match. Daniels clubs on the back and then the knee gives out on a Suplex and Walters gets a two count. Dropkick misses from Walters and Daniels with the Boston Crab. Walters is finding his way to the ropes but Daniels drags him back into the middle of the ring and Walters moves in again. Modified Bow and Arrow Hold from Daniels. Walters into the railing. Walters then gets charged back first into the railing and back into the ring they go. Daniels is still hurt while he sends Walters hard into the corner. Back Body Drop from Daniels and then a Dropkick to the back and that gets a two count. Delayed Vertical Suplex from Daniels after 20 seconds. ARABIAN PRESS TO THE BACK AND THEN A CROSSFACE !!! That is a cracking wee combo of moves there. Walters finds the bottom rope. BLUE THUNDER DRIVER FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Walters avoids the Suplex. LUNGBLOWER FROM WALTERS !!! SPEAR FROM WALTERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! BRUTAL BACKBREAKER FROM DANIELS AND WALTERS ON HIS HEAD !!! RUNNING STO FROM DANIELS !!! THE BEST MOONSAULT EVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Daniels into the corner and Walters runs into an elbow. SPRINGBOARD SUNSET BOMB FROM WALTERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! HURRICANE DDT FROM WALTERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Did he ever win with that move in ROH? I certainly don't think so. We now have an exchange of pinfalls. Daniels into the ropes and we have an exchange. ANGEL'S WINGS FROM DANIELS !!! LAST RITES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I think it lacked in the final stretch somewhat, but this was a cracking wee match. The psychology was spot on apart from Daniels' work on the back never really going anywhere. We seen why Walters went for the knee as it made Daniels struggle with his offense now and again. ****

Special K © vs. The Carnage Crew - ROH Tag Team Championships

I take it that this is the point where we see the quality of the show take a bit of a dramatic drop then! The Crew don't waste any time getting this one going. Hydro gets sent into the railing and then Vito comes in and lands a Snapmare and then he lands a series of Crossface Forearms on Dixie. Vito then gets sent into the railing and then a Drop Toe Hold sends Dixie face first into the railing and then Vito throws a chair about. Dixie is busted open as well and there is going to be major trouble here. Vito with the Clothesline on Dixie. Jawbreaker out of desperation from Dixie and then Izzy comes in and gets launched to the floor. LOC WITH THE CANNONBALL OFF OF THE APRON !!! Izzy is then taken into the ringpost and then dumped on the railing. KNEE STRIKE SENDS THE HEAD OF IZZY INTO THE RAILING !!! Back into the ring they go now and it's Loc and Izzy in there. Right hand from Loc and then he grounds Izzy and does more of the same. Vito now into the ring with a two count. Vito then goes to the eyes of Izzy. Chop from Vito and Hydro on the floor is getting behind Izzy who is in trouble. Dropkick from Vito and Izzy is busted open. Special K are being punished in a big way here. THE CARNAGE PLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Loc into the ropes and Lit with a sweep and Angel Dust. Vito goes over to Special K and this one is turning into a bit of a mess. Izzy with the choke. Nice Double DDT from Special K gets a two count. Right hand from Dixie. Elbow Drops from Dixie. Izzy then comes back into the ring and he kicks the chest and Loc goes against the ropes. STANDING SLICED BREAD #2 FROM IZZY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and back in comes Dixie. Special K put the boots to Loc on the floor. Loc then sent into the railing. Back into the ring and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Dixie lands some chops but now Loc back into the match. LOC WITH THE BACK DROP DRIVER ON DIXIE !!! Vito now tagged in and he unleashes the Back Body Drops. Fisherman Buster from Vito to Izzy. NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX INTO THE BUCKLES FROM VITO !!! Izzy into the ring and he attacks Vito. LAWN DART SENDS IZZY INTO DIXIE !!! CRUCIFIX NECKBREAKER FROM THE CARNAGE CREW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BACK DROP DRIVER ON DIXIE !!! Double Moonsault Kick from Izzy gets a two count. Loc runs into the elbow. DDT INTO THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE FROM LOC !!! Izzy gets caught and now Loc has the advantage. VITO WITH THE SOMERSAULT PLANCHA !!! LIT WITH A TAG TITLE BELT TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Izzy now back into the ring. DDT from Vito now. Sunset Bomb from Izzy and that's it.

This is messy stuff from these two teams yet again. It's almost as if the more guys are in the match, the better it gets with these guys. I did appreciate The Carnage Crew really putting in the punishment though. **

Xavier vs. Chris Sabin

The Field of Honor was an absolute waste of Chris Sabin as a regular in ROH. Instead of having him steal the show while he was there, they have him in 10 minute midcard matches. Xavier goes for the Kiss Your X Goodbye, but Sabin gets away from that. Sabin goes to the Wristlock and then Xavier with the reversal and he takes Sabin down to the Side Headlock. Hammerlock from Sabin and then he takes down Xavier. Arm Bar from Sabin. Xavier gets to his feet and then they exchange forearms. Sabin with the Dropkick and then forearms. Xavier into the ropes and he gets to the floor. Sabin goes out and unloads with chops and then back into the ring they go and Sabin with a shoulder to the gut and then a Slingshot Rana. Forearms from Sabin. Shot to the eye from Xavier and then a big chop. Lariat from Sabin and that gets a two count. Xavier over the top rope and he skins the cat, but Sabin sends him to the floor with a Dropkick. CORKSCREW PESCADO FROM SABIN !!! Springboard Dropkick from Sabin and that gets a two count. Sabin now with forearms and he gets dropped face first coming out of the corner. Sabin into the corner and then the IED. Xavier now with a Fisherman Suplex and that gets a two count. Right hands from Xavier and then some knees to the head. Swinging Knee to the head and that gets a two count and he now goes to the Head Scissors. Sabin now finds his way into the bottom rope. Sabin now comes back with right hands. STRAIGHT JACKET GERMAN FROM SABIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Xavier with a Spin Kick and that gets a two count. Right hand to the face from Xavier and then more of the same. Leaping shot to the back from Xavier. Reverse Full Nelson Drop from Xavier and that gets a two count. Xavier then goes to the Mexican Surfboard. He then adds a Dragon Sleeper to that. Knee to the head from Xavier. Sabin avoids a Powerbomb and lands a Dropkick. Sabin now with a chop and then more of the same. Xavier into the ropes and the Back Body Drop from Sabin and then Xavier with the knee and then an Enziguri from Sabin and Xavier winds up on the floor. Sabin now heads for the apron and Xavier is out there too. Both men now battling on the top rope. Xavier is then crotched on the top rope. High Knee from Sabin. BRAINBUSTER FROM SABIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Knee to the gut from Xavier. Crucifix from Sabin and that gets a two count. Knee to the head from Xavier. COBRA CLUTCH SUPLEX AND THEN THE BRIDGING COBRA CLUTCH AND SABIN TAPS !!!

See what I mean about a waste? He jobs clean on a match which doesn't even come close to being a show stealer. No wonder we didn't see so much of him in 2004. He was probably sick of it. **1/4

CM Punk vs. Steve Corino

These two guys were playing best of buds at the time of this match, and neither man was happy that the match was made. Both guys mock each other pre-match. Punk kicks Corino in the ass to open the match. :lol: Arm Drag from Punk and he gets in the face of Corino. The fans chant "We Want Wrestling" and then Corino and Punk just stop. School Boy and that gets a two count for Punk. So far, it'd appear CM Punk is the guy in control. Wristlock and then Punk goes to the Headlock and then pushes him off before doing some jumping jacks. They then lock hands and into the corner they go. Punk then drives his foot into the face of Corino and gets in his face. Punk goes for the kick and Corino stops him. Punk tries for the kick again and then Corino takes him down and then locks in the Abdominal Stretch and lets him go. He's just schooling Punk at the moment. They go face to face now. Forearms from both men now. Chops from both men now. Corino with a Running Forearm and that sends Punk to the floor. Baseball Slide misses and then both guys unload with forearms on the floor. Punk sent into the railing. Punk sent into another railing. Punk comes back but Corino with a kick to the gut and then back into the ring they go. They now criss cross and Corino with the Powerslam and that gets a two count. Right hands from Corino and then into the corner and Corino rubs his forearm into the face of Punk. Clothesline in the corner from Corino. High Knee from Punk and then he goes for the Welcome 2 Chicago but Corino blocks it and gets a Backslide and that gets a two count, but he then runs into a Dropkick and that gets a two for Punk. Chop from Punk and then he lands some more of the same. Headbutt from Punk. Corino into the corner and a Clothesline from Punk and then a Snapmare and a kick to the back of the head and that gets a two count. Kicks to the gut from Punk and then he picks Corino up and lands a Body Slam and then an Elbow Drop and that gets a two count. Right hands from Corino and then a High Knee misses from Punk. Corino has a German Suplex blocked. High Knee in the corner from Punk and then a big Facewash in the corner. More of the same from Punk. Welcome 2 Chicago from Punk and that gets a two count. Knee in the back from Punk and then he stretches the arms. The fans are into the action so far, which is cool considering that we're seeing a heel vs heel match. Punk yanks Corino down by the hair and then he stands on the face and then mocks the audience but gets caught with a School Boy for a two count. Jabs from Punk in the corner now. Sunset Flip from Corino and that gets a two count. Low blow from Punk right in front of the referee. Punk now with a Delayed Vertical Suplex on Corino. That's a bit of a shot at Daniels with the one that he did earlier and then Punk with mocking kicks and a mock cover for a two count. Corino tries a fight back and then gets a Delayed Vertical Suplex of his own for a two count. Right hand from Corino. Punk explodes out of the corner with a Clothesline and that gets a two count. Backbreaker from Punk and that gets a two count. Crossface Forearms and a headbutt from Punk as he now lays big shots on him. Choke with the boot in the corner from Punk. Russian Legsweep from Punk and that gets a two count. Corino then gets sent to the floor. Back into the ring they now go as Punk mocks the fans some more. Right hands from Punk. Punk now shouts in the face and lands a big right hand. Corino now comes back with right hands and then Punk slaps the ear and Corino is fucked. Punk wants to go on the attack. The referee decides to count down Corino. Corino back to his feet and then he heads for the top rope. FROG SPLASH FROM PUNK ... MISSES !!! Corino comes back with chops and then a big Dropkick. DDT FROM CORINO !!! RUNNING STO !!! Corino is calling his moves. COLBYKAZE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Punk is now set on the top rope. SUPERPLEX FROM CORINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB FROM CORINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kick from Punk. HE RUNS INTO THE LARIAT FROM CORINO !!! ONE ! KICKOUT !!! OLD SCHOOL EXPULSION ... countered. SHINING WIZARD FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! BARE KNEE SHINING WIZARD ... CORINO WITH THE SUPERKICK FROM CORINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DEVIL LOCK DDT FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Chinlock from Punk. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM CORINO !!! THE BELL RINGS !!!

There is lots to like about this match. The mind games at the start was a real treat, and both men continued them at times. Steve Corino calling all of his moves before doing them was kinda nice as well. ***1/2

Jimmy Rave vs. Colt Cabana vs. Justin Credible vs. John Walters

Double duty for Walters. He said in his next match that he'd win. Rave and Walters are going to get this match going. Lockup and Walters with the go behind and then Walters is taken down and stood back up. Hiptoss and a kick away. Both guys with counters and Arm Drags. Dragon Screw from Rave and a chop and a Belly 2 Belly Suplex and then Cabana tags himself in and gets a Headlock. Cabana charges down Walters and then hits the ropes and runs into the Back Elbow. Counters from both men now and Walters now with the Headlock. Credible tags himself in to face Cabana and then jabs and a right hand. Credible kicks down Cabana and then chokes him with the boot. Credible is then crotched on the ringpost. Cabana then right hands in the corner. Credible comes back with right hands of his own and then a Dropkick misses and Cabana tags out. Rave back into the ring with right hands. Suplex from Credible and then he rolls through and lands some more. Credible wants to tag Colt Cabana in and he does a runner. Why does Credible not just deal with the match. Jawbreaker from Credible and then Cabana drags him to the floor. Rave then gets sent into the apron. Walters takes out Rave with a Baseball Slide and now we have Credible and Cabana in the ring but now Rave and Walters get involved. TILT-A-WHIRL CROSSFACE FROM RAVE !!! Walters adds a submission of his own. Rave and Walters chop the shit out of each other. Cross Bodys and they collide in the middle of the ring. Knee to the gut from Rave and then a Running Knee but Walters into the ring and Cabana with a Cross Body. SUPERKICK FROM CREDIBLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! STO Backbreaker and a Bridging Back Drop Suplex gets a two count. Cabana with a Full Nelson and then Cabana winds up across the ring. Cabana to the floor. THAT'S INCREDIBLE ON RAVE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SAVED !!! Walters now with the Sharpshooter on Credible and it's done.

This was a comedown match before the main event. It was decent enough and had good action but nobody went and gave their all. **

Homicide vs. Samoa Joe - Fight Without Honor

Homicide just wants to show Samoa Joe that he can beat him, so this is non title stuff here. Lockup and a Headlock from Homicide and they collide in the middle of the ring. Tilt-a-Whirl Arm Drag from Homicide and then a Dropkick. Homicide runs into a forearm. Homicide grabs the foot and goes for the STF and Joe finds the ropes before anything can be locked in completely. They now exchange counters again and Joe lands a big knee and then he goes to the arm. Forearms from both men and then they exchange hard slaps. Thumb to the eye from Homicide. Into the corner and Homicide with some chops and right hands. Running Forearm in the corner and then the Knee to the face from Homicide. Julius Smokes is delighted with how things are going right now. Joe and Homicide now exchange slaps. Big kick in the corner from Homicide. Into the corner again and Homicide with big chops and then he chokes Joe. Running kick and then Joe into the corner and he blocks a Monkey Flip and lands some right hands. HOMICIDE LEAPS INTO THE S-T-JOE !!! ELBOW SUICIDA FROM SAMOA JOE !!! OLE KICK FROM JOE !!! Back into the ring. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM JOE INTO THE CROSSFACE !!! Homicide finds the bottom rope. Knees from Joe and he hits the ropes and gets dumped to the floor. TOPE CON HILO FROM HOMICIDE !!! I an enjoying this so far! Homicide then sends a chair into the ring and sends Joe into the railing. Homicide now has the chair. RUNNING TANAKA CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD FROM HOMICIDE !!! Back into the ring they go and that gets a two count. Homicide now wants a table to be brought into this. PILEDRIVER FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Smokes finally has the table and he sends it into the ring. but not before breaking the bloody thing. He sets the table propped in the corner as a compromise. Low blow from Homicide. SNAP POWERSLAM MISSES THE TABLE !!! That's just not nice. POWERBOMB SENDS HOMICIDE THROUGH THE TABLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! POWERBOMB FROM JOE INTO THE STF ... countered. RELEASE DRAGON SUPLEX FROM JOE !!! POWERBOMB INTO THE STF FROM SAMOA JOE !!! HOMICIDE FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Homicide pushed down into the ring. ACE CRUSHER TO THE LEAPING JOE !!! LARIATOOOO FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Homicide is winding up. LARIATOOOOO ... blocked. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Judo throw from Joe and then the flurry. High kick to the back of the head from Joe. Knee to the face from Joe. Homicide refuses to stay out of this one. Joe drags Homicide up and another flurry and forearms. Homicide with a flurry of his own. ISLAND DRIVER ... Dropkick to the knee from Homicide. YAKUZA KICK FROM HOMICIDE AND DOWN GOES JOE !!! THE STF FROM HOMICIDE !!! A NOOSE AROUND THE NECK OF JOE !!! JOE IS OUT !!!

That was a brutal ending to the match. What a cracking wee match though. Not pure main event style. It was more like a junior sprint with neither man slowing down. ***3/4

It felt like a b-show if ya know what I mean. It certainly wasn't a bad show. The guys involved busted ass and you get the impression that with a better card, it could have been better. Two 4* matches is nothing to scoff at though.

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He needs SOMETHING though, and he's come off the Rey program so Bryan makes sense. It's a momentum builder.

You're right, I'd think of giving him Sin Cara and have Averno cost Sin Cara a gimmick match, leading to SC/Averno and putting Cody over. I want Gabriel Vs Danielson personally.

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Quite an interesting interview with Heyman about what he'd have done with TNA:


If you like this, I recommend giving this a quick read, I actually cried a little inside after reading this at how fucking retarded Carter is.

You might have heard the new Paul Heyman interview from over the weekend where he revealed some of his plans if he went to TNA last summer, particularly with younger, new talent. I'll add something to that involving the man now known as Daniel Bryan in WWE. I was in the loop with Heyman about going to TNA. Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't about to give up Dragon Gate USA and EVOLVE, which are both very close to my heart, but I was going to figure out a way to possibly be involved with everything and even possibly tie in DGUSA and EVOLVE, but that's another subject for another time and was a long, long way from happening.

In the middle of all the TNA/Heyman talks, Bryan Danielson was fired by WWE last June. After Bryan called me, I immediately called Heyman and in just a little while Paul had a brilliant plan to make Bryan a star in TNA. It was a four parter:

1) Have Bryan debut a new submission and tap out EVERYONE in under a minute.

2) At the same time introduce a new, huge monster with a new high impact move and have him beat everyone quickly. I'm thinking Goldberg meets 911 here.

3) After 3-6 months, have Bryan and the monster collide and have Bryan tap him out in under a minute. This puts over the submission and Bryan like a million bucks. Have Bryan continue tapping people out. After a year or so, Bryan cuts a promo saying "I've tapped out everyone in this company..."

4) This all leads to Kurt Angle, after one year, coming out and confronting Bryan saying that he never tapped him out and that TNA is Angle's company. Bryan vs. Angle is on! Tell me that wouldn't sell some PPVs with that build up.I don't know if Bryan would have signed with TNA, but I do think there was a window in June/early July of last year where he probably would have if Heyman and I went there. Now the window on everyone is slammed shut. Just another "what could have been."

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what professional wrestling is supposed to be.

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