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Mo Wonderboy

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I agree the competition at the top on SD is not great but I think Christian is an excellent heel great on the mike and can be great as the " cowardly weasel". His size does count against him. It does look like a mismatch with him v Sheamus or Orton. That is where him cheatin' comes in like Bobby Heenan back in the day.

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Re the end of the PG era; didn't the WWE recently sign new deals with some companies like Mattell, meaning the PG rating won't be going away anytime soon.

Nothing wrong with PG rating if the storylines and wrestling are good. Regarding a lack of blood, who cares?! Blood is far too overused in wrestling.

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Christian is only as credible as The Miz because of how badly The Miz has been booked. It's like the 2002 reign of Jericho as champ. He might have been champ, but he had ZERO credibility.

As for Christian? Yeah, you can throw the comparison to Triple H up the rear end, because he is NOWHERE near that level. He isn't even on the same level as the guy he just took the title from.

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i think Punk's appearance on wwe tv should be almsot entirely viral until the hit Chicago again, and he does the ringside seat thing.

Although, i like the idea of him ruining the title match.

I'd have Punk in the front row at Summerslam, with him "inadvertantly" shown on camera a couple of times with absolutely no mention of him from WWE on the PPV broadcast.

They shouldnt be turning Sheamus face, he'd be a great main event heel.

Did you hear the reaction he got at MITB? Keep him as a hard case as he is the now and turn him face and you've got a star there.

Nothing wrong with PG rating if the storylines and wrestling are good. Regarding a lack of blood, who cares?! Blood is far too overused in wrestling.

True. The last few weeks have shown that they can push the PG much more than have in the past ("JBL is poopy" stands out as a low point). Blood can be overused but sometimes it really adds a lot. The Nexus could really have done with bursting someone open last year.

Christian is just as credible as the Miz. Shuggie, do you believe him to be credible?

Is he f**k. Listen to how over Miz is in comparison to Christian. Miz cuts a better promo too and looks much more credible. Christian may be better in the ring but he looks a bit like the sort of underfed, mangy cat you'd see on holiday in comparison to the genuine main eventers.

Christian is only as credible as The Miz because of how badly The Miz has been booked. It's like the 2002 reign of Jericho as champ. He might have been champ, but he had ZERO credibility.

As for Christian? Yeah, you can throw the comparison to Triple H up the rear end, because he is NOWHERE near that level. He isn't even on the same level as the guy he just took the title from.

Christian is a midcarder, simple as that.

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Is he f**k. Listen to how over Miz is in comparison to Christian. Miz cuts a better promo too and looks much more credible. Christian may be better in the ring but he looks a bit like the sort of underfed, mangy cat you'd see on holiday in comparison to the genuine main eventers.

Miz does not look more credible than Christian, they are both small guys compared to your Cenas and HHHs.

Miz is only up there because he got a mammoth push when he won the MITB and took the title, sure his promos might be better than Christian's but he's not more credible than him.

Christian just doesn't get the big push that Miz has received.

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Miz is only up there because he got a mammoth push when he won the MITB and took the title, sure his promos might be better than Christian's but he's not more credible than him.

Christian is just average in just about every way. Okay on the mic, okay in the ring and a bit of charisma about him.

The Miz isn't as good as Christian in the ring, but has MUCH more character and mic skills and, most importantly, he carries himself like a superstar. Doesn't matter what it is that he's doing, he always comes out of the curtain as if he's in the main event. Do I think The Miz would make a more credible champion? If booked like Sheamus was and being made to look even CLOSE to equal to the stars, then yeah.

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Miz does not look more credible than Christian, they are both small guys compared to your Cenas and HHHs.

Miz has a lot more muscle mass on him than Christian does. Christian looks old and frail by comparison.

Miz is only up there because he got a mammoth push when he won the MITB and took the title,

And why do you think that is? It didn't happen by accident.

sure his promos might be better than Christian's but he's not more credible than him.

Why is Christian more credible? He isn't anywhere near as over as the Miz is.

Christian just doesn't get the big push that Miz has received.

Again, why do you think this is? Despite all of his shortcomings as a main eventer, Christian is a 2 time WHC. That's a pretty big push, especially since he only won the first title as a favour to the departing Edge.

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And why do you think that is? It didn't happen by accident.

Probably more due to his age rather than talent, and possibly the fact that Christian hasn't always been loyal to WWE/Vince

Again, why do you think this is? Despite all of his shortcomings as a main eventer, Christian is a 2 time WHC. That's a pretty big push, especially since he only won the first title as a favour to the departing Edge.

He's been the WHC, the secondary belt, for about 13 days all in all(both reigns combined) That's not a big push, anyway you look at it. Both times he's won it, he's had help in some form as well, while Miz has been booked poorly as Champion, Christian has been booked helluva lot worse.

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Miz's "a lot more muscle mass" is hardly massive(pardon the pun) is it? Maybe in the pecks but he's not exactly Ezekial Jackson

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He's been the WHC, the secondary belt, for about 13 days all in all(both reigns combined) That's not a big push, anyway you look at it. Both times he's won it, he's had help in some form as well

Of course he's had some help. He's a heel. Heels generally need help. It's what helps make him a heel.

while Miz has been booked poorly as Champion, Christian has been booked helluva lot worse.

Nonsense. The only reason I remembered he HAD help for his first win was because you mentioned it. What people remember is that Christian won the title and lost to Randy Orton. Christian has then gone on to look credible in every match he has had with Orton. Since he has won the title he's been kept in the title scene and then won it back.

The Miz has been destroyed by John Cena, had Lawler look competitive with him, and then after LOSING the belt, gone on to job to Alex Riley clean, yet the guy is still over as f**k. Why? Because the guy has "it".

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Probably more due to his age rather than talent, and possibly the fact that Christian hasn't always been loyal to WWE/Vince

Hulk Hogan came back from WCW at the age of 48 to wrestle the Rock at WM18 and had the title put on him that same year.

Austin walked out in 2002. He's still there.

Bob Backlund won the title when he was 45.

Vince does what's right for business regardless of any grudges he has and regardless of age.

He's been the WHC, the secondary belt, for about 13 days all in all(both reigns combined) That's not a big push, anyway you look at it. Both times he's won it, he's had help in some form as well, while Miz has been booked poorly as Champion, Christian has been booked helluva lot worse.

What would you want Christian (a heel) to be booked like? A Brock Lesnar style monster?

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Miz's "a lot more muscle mass" is hardly massive(pardon the pun) is it? Maybe in the pecks but he's not exactly Ezekial Jackson

The Miz has bigger arms than Christian as well. It might not be a significant difference but it is another advantage to add to the list that the Miz has over Christian.

The Miz has been destroyed by John Cena, had Lawler look competitive with him, and then after LOSING the belt, gone on to job to Alex Riley clean, yet the guy is still over as f**k. Why? Because the guy has "it".

Being over doesn't mean anything when you're comparing them to an internet darling :rolleyes:

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On the subject of people with muscle mass, Sheamus hasn't lost enough credibility yet that he can't be a good champ with a monster push.

He has ALL the tools, was a legit wrestler of the year contender last year and is when he HAS fueded with the big guns, he hasn't come off looking too bad.

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On the subject of people with muscle mass, Sheamus hasn't lost enough credibility yet that he can't be a good champ with a monster push.

He has ALL the tools, was a legit wrestler of the year contender last year and is when he HAS fueded with the big guns, he hasn't come off looking too bad.

They need to try and get him back onto Raw as a face IMO.

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