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Mo Wonderboy

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What was wrong with it? Seriously, what specifically was wrong with it?

It had Michael Cole in it. garymc doesn't actually watch Michael Cole segments. He usually just starts turning red in anger like he tends to do from time to time.

Richards and Edwards :lol: :lol: :lol:

Eddie Edwards isn't a bad bet. He was the ROH champ for a while plus he's had a fantastic 12 months match wise. So in a kayfabe+ability list, he has a decent chance, and plus has competed for Pro Wrestling NOAH and done well and got a title shot which led to being one of the best matches of 2011.

Is this the list where they just seem to slot in Japanese guys and Indy wrestlers in at random once you get outwith the top 50-75? It was a good laugh last year as well.

All of these lists do the exact same thing.

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I think PWI still uses kayfabe for the 500, therefore Miz, Edge and Cena would make perfect sense in the top three. R-Truth, Cara and Kingston in the top 10 would be a nonsense though, kayfabe or not.

I used to love getting the kayfabe magazines when I was wee, especially the old WWF magazine where they would interview the likes of Goldust and Gangrel completely in character! :lol:

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I've just gave the main event from RAW another look, and as much as I disagree with brining Punk back too soon, it was brilliant. The look on Cenas face as the music hit, looking around the arena and then the crowd go nuts and Punk is standing at the top of the ramp and saluting the fans. Then when the pair are in the ring raising the titles, the crowd get even crazier. I know some people said the crowd were a bit dead for it but were the f**k. Then Cenas reaction as Punk raises his title and he just walks off. It was almost like Cena realised he is not going to be considered a legit champ and allowed Punk his moment.

SummerSlam surely now has to be Punk vs Cena.....Title vs Title. I read that SummerSlam plans were completely changed on Monday afternoon. The plan was to leave Punk off TV for another week, have Cena win the title and Del Rio cashes in, setting up a SummerSlam match, but many feared that would completely end the Punk angle so it was re-written.

I also read that Triple H has demanded an old-school style if writing and booking. Building up feuds for a while and planning stories and title runs months in advance rather than stting up feuds in two episodes of RAW and deciding on champions as split second decisions. So I'd expect alot more effort and for stories to be given time to build before insanse pay-off mathces.

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Since it's inception I've been a fan of the brand split, but after hearing an interview with CM Punk I think i've changed my mind. With a unified World title, IC, US, Tag team & women's title you would actually have less titles than during the Attitude era. It might refocus the storylines and add something to the tag division. I was just wondering what other people's thoughts were of the split at the minute?

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I also read that Triple H has demanded an old-school style if writing and booking. Building up feuds for a while and planning stories and title runs months in advance rather than stting up feuds in two episodes of RAW and deciding on champions as split second decisions. So I'd expect alot more effort and for stories to be given time to build before insanse pay-off mathces.

If there's any truth in this then hopefully we'll get some proper feuds over the Intercontinental and US championships again rather than just sticking the belt on someone for the hell of it.

As for Raw, I thought the main event was pish but I can't stand Mysterio or Cena on any level so it's no surprise I thought so. They've brought Punk back far too soon but it's still possible for it to carry on being brilliant.

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I know some people said the crowd were a bit dead for it but were the f**k.

They were FAR from hot when he first came out, but I think that had a lot to do with them not knowing what was going on. When he raised the belt, they got it. I reckon if he had his normal music, the place would have popped more.

PWG have had their 8th anniversary show titled Eight, and STILL haven't brought out the All Star Weekend yet. :(

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Really starting to think that this could all be the start of a Cena turn. Punk is pretty much a babyface, even though he's sort of playing heel. He's the biggest star in all of wrestling right now. Everyone is sick of Cena and his boring same old pish. The fans are still booing him. Sure, he still gets cheers, but opposite Punk he's hated. There's nothing more Cena can do as a babyface just now.

I think it'll build until Mania where he finally turns heel and brutalises The Rock for a win, ala Austin at Mania 17. He can use pretty much the same reasoning as Hogan did at Bash At The Beach, as he's the modern day Hogan and the situation is very similar.

Many people have said that WWE don't want to turn Cena heel as they won't have anyone to replace him in the merchandise stakes. They've just created someone in Punk to do just that. Simply witness the clamour for his new t-shirt (which is pretty ace).

Also since Punk is claiming to be the 'best in the world', if he beats Cena at Summerslam, I'd love to see him then turn up on Smackdown and try and get the heavyweight title and unify the belts, thus proving that he is indeed the best in the world. Would work well in storyline terms, even if he didn't unify the belts but kept them both. He could be forced to fight for both on the same night or something, and would also be at the mercy of MITB briefcase holders, so could lose the title in a way that wouldn't damage the charcter.

Edited by DA Baracus
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They were FAR from hot when he first came out, but I think that had a lot to do with them not knowing what was going on. When he raised the belt, they got it. I reckon if he had his normal music, the place would have popped more.

PWG have had their 8th anniversary show titled Eight, and STILL haven't brought out the All Star Weekend yet. :(

Definitely. You can see what they were trying to do what with Cult of Personality being his ROH theme, but the crowd would have got it instantly if it was This Fire Burns and popped like f**k. They also should have cut the music when Punk and Cena were lifting their belts so you could hear the reaction properly.

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Definitely. You can see what they were trying to do what with Cult of Personality being his ROH theme, but the crowd would have got it instantly if it was This Fire Burns and popped like f**k. They also should have cut the music when Punk and Cena were lifting their belts so you could hear the reaction properly.

Video here


lets you hear the reactions pretty well. The reactions for Punk holding the title up were Attitude-esque. And Cena's face drops comically for a second when he hears the fan reaction to Punk lifting the title!

Is the link working? My computer isn't showing it. Link's below if you can't get it from above


Edited by DA Baracus
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They were FAR from hot when he first came out, but I think that had a lot to do with them not knowing what was going on. When he raised the belt, they got it. I reckon if he had his normal music, the place would have popped more.

Yes, very few, if any, in the crowd would have had a clue that it was Punk. For your casual fan it must have been confusing...he comes and the crowd go fucking ape shit. I do agree that once Punk hit the ring the music should have been cut to let you hear the reaction. It would have sounded 10x louder. I also liked that as soon as the music hit, all commentary was cut, there was no need for any, the story told itself. It's amazing how little things like that can expalin the story, if I remember correctly, when Nexus debuted the commentary was cut and it just added so much to the feel of everything.

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Multiple sources believe Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero, who perform as The Kings of Wrestling for Ring of Honor, will conclude their obligations with the organization next month and join WWE immediately thereafter.

Though they are advertised for the August 13th Ring of Honor television taping in Chicago Ridge, Illinois, one source says it's possible they will debut for WWE—bypassing developmental—before the end of the month. There are also rumors that they could be involved in CM Punk's current storyline.

Hmmmmm! It could be a huge waste to have somebody else hang onto Punks coat tails, but again, only hints at the speculated link with ROH.


Monday's RAW featured Triple H's first night in charge as well as the surprise return of WWE title holder CM Punk.

According to Dave Meltzer in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, there were actually six different scripts written for RAW - one of which would have resulted in Triple H laying out CM Punk with a pedigree.

Although the obvious scenario would be for WWE to capitalize on CM Punk's recent popularity and push him to the moon, most of the scenarios presented for Monday's RAW were not to get Punk over, but to emphasize Triple H's new role as Vince McMahon's successor.

Prior to WWE settling on what we saw unfold on Monday night, the original plan for CM Punk's return was for him to get attacked and pedigreed by Triple H. Alberto Del Rio then would have come out, cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase against John Cena at SummerSlam.

While this would have certainly put Triple H over as a major heel and led to an eventual program with a babyface CM Punk cooler heads prevailed and the angle of Punk getting squashed on the night of his return was scrapped.

Deary me, all wrestling fans certainly doged a bullet with what would have been an utterly rediculous way to bring Punk back.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Multiple sources believe Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero, who perform as The Kings of Wrestling for Ring of Honor, will conclude their obligations with the organization next month and join WWE immediately thereafter.

Though they are advertised for the August 13th Ring of Honor television taping in Chicago Ridge, Illinois, one source says it's possible they will debut for WWE—bypassing developmental—before the end of the month. There are also rumors that they could be involved in CM Punk's current storyline.

Hmmmmm! It could be a huge waste to have somebody else hang onto Punks coat tails, but again, only hints at the speculated link with ROH.


Monday's RAW featured Triple H's first night in charge as well as the surprise return of WWE title holder CM Punk.

According to Dave Meltzer in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, there were actually six different scripts written for RAW - one of which would have resulted in Triple H laying out CM Punk with a pedigree.

Although the obvious scenario would be for WWE to capitalize on CM Punk's recent popularity and push him to the moon, most of the scenarios presented for Monday's RAW were not to get Punk over, but to emphasize Triple H's new role as Vince McMahon's successor.

Prior to WWE settling on what we saw unfold on Monday night, the original plan for CM Punk's return was for him to get attacked and pedigreed by Triple H. Alberto Del Rio then would have come out, cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase against John Cena at SummerSlam.

While this would have certainly put Triple H over as a major heel and led to an eventual program with a babyface CM Punk cooler heads prevailed and the angle of Punk getting squashed on the night of his return was scrapped.

Deary me, all wrestling fans certainly doged a bullet with what would have been an utterly rediculous way to bring Punk back.

Think I pointed out several times a few pages ago that HHH is still a p***k.

Thought it would have taken longer to be proved right.

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Think I pointed out several times a few pages ago that HHH is still a p***k.

Thought it would have taken longer to be proved right.

Ah. The old slagging HHH for no reason thing. I was wondering how long it would take for that to start up again.

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