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Mo Wonderboy

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As good as the Briscoes are, they should have brought back Haas and Benjamin or never let them go, either way I thought they were a great tag team.

Get them both. The tag division is so dire that any ACTUAL tag teams will do rather than random pairing being thrown together (Santino and Kozlov, McGillicutty and Otunga etc). Imagine a division with the Usos, the KOW, Briscos, WGTT. They should have hung onto Smith and kept the Hart Dynasty. Then wait for an oppertune tine to snatch Beer Money.

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Get them both. The tag division is so dire that any ACTUAL tag teams will do rather than random pairing being thrown together (Santino and Kozlov, McGillicutty and Otunga etc). Imagine a division with the Usos, the KOW, Briscos, WGTT. They should have hung onto Smith and kept the Hart Dynasty. Then wait for an oppertune tine to snatch Beer Money.

I don't think they'll get Beer Money. TNA will push Roode and make him World Champ.

They'd have to settle for AMW.

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The last 20 minutes of Raw was great this week. Kofi and Miz had a cracking match too.

I would love for HHH and Cena to form a heel team and screw Punk on Sunday but can't see it. There will be some sort of shenanigoats with HHH no doubt.

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The Briscoes would have to have all of their shitty tendencies trained out of them, and that would take a long time. Then again, they're thinking of putting Chris Hero on TV right away, so I don't think that concerns them much.

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The Briscoes would have to have all of their shitty tendencies trained out of them, and that would take a long time. Then again, they're thinking of putting Chris Hero on TV right away, so I don't think that concerns them much.

#1 dont give them the stick!!!! :o

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#1 dont give them the stick!!!!

Aye, I'll just ignore the fact that they are spot monkeys that bust out finishers like they are transitional moves and use "WE HIT HARD" as evertthing else. They won't get away with that in WWE.

Thankfully they have turned heel so as every single one of their matches doesn't go Hot Start - Slow and boring as f**k middle - Big final stretch.

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They might do a Cara vs. Cara fued. Although according to some live reports, the audience didn't know the difference. Did the commentators say anything about it?

The crowd really didn't sound like they knew it wasn't Cara at all - which was pretty funny as it was blatantly obvious!

The commentators made a few comments about "Sin Cara" looking like he had put on a bit of weight and muscle, and him having a few problems with his mask. That's about it.

Tyson Kidd is being under-used as well!

Edited by garymcc1874
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I saw a phot of the "new" Sin Cara and he looked exactly like the "original" ie. size, build.

Was he still in Booker T's "Fav 5".

Really? I thought he looked a lot more built and a bit bigger. It was obvious it wasn't Cara though with the execution of the moves, but as soon as I seen him come out I was thinking to myself that something wasn't right.

Booker T had him back in his Fav 5 come the end of the match, before Cole told him there's about 28 people on the list already.

Another couple of points from SD:

Aksana? Why? Pointless.

D Bryan tapping out to Del Rio was a bit of a strange finish I thought, given Bryan's main attributes and the fact he's gonna be fighting for the title at WM (unless Barrett wins his MITB from him or something).

Sheamus is getting some reactions!

Does Jinder Mahal actually wrestle?

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Am I the only one who found the "new" Sin Cara far less boring than the old one?

It's quite strange actually, as the guy who was Sin Cara has wrestled in FCW for a while, and apparently speaks perfect English. Whereas the real Sin Cara who doesn't understand a word was thrown straight in.

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It's quite strange actually, as the guy who was Sin Cara has wrestled in FCW for a while, and apparently speaks perfect English. Whereas the real Sin Cara who doesn't understand a word was thrown straight in.

Not really, Sin Cara was a major star in Mexico (which is one of WWE's biggest markets at the minute) who's signing was huge news for WWE, whereas the 'new guy' under the mask wasn't, so you could have given him exactly the same fan-far and build-up as Sin Cara got but the character never would have been able to do anywhere near as well from a business point of view as Sin Cara has.

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