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Mo Wonderboy

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Does anyone think someone will come back tomorrow night at Summerslam.

If anyone is going to return, it will probably be during the Christian v Orton match, since it's no holds barred.

The obvious candidates would either be Jericho or Batista to screw over Orton, however i think Miz and R-Truth will instead take Orton out.

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watched hardcore justice last night and was completely disappointed. I really thought Angle and Sting would put on a decent match but it failed to deliver at all. Which is a shame as Impact has been getting better and better but ruined by the past 2 PPVs which have not lived to my expectations. I still say they should push AJ further up the card as World Champ, he's brilliant and better than most guys on the roster.

I don't think they'll push Roode to be World Champion, they seem to have kept Beer Money together. If they want to push him, they'd surely split them up turning one of them heel?

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I don't think they'll push Roode to be World Champion, they seem to have kept Beer Money together. If they want to push him, they'd surely split them up turning one of them heel?


Of course one of them will turn heel, it's iMPACT wrestling!

Different name, same shitty product, as the wrestlers turns heel or face every few weeks, with the majority of the turns not even making any sense.

It's no surprise that no-one takes the company seriously.

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So true. 8)

It's probably been asked before but who is the best wrestler of alll time. We're not just talking technical ability, we're talking who has made the biggest impact on wrestling. I'd say flair but it has to be between Flair, Hogan and Austin IMO.

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ICW tonight!!! :D

Another night of blood, booze, flat out crazy wrestling and a flat out crazy atmosphere!

Off topic and perhaps a bit stalkerish, but were you wearing a Drew McIntyre t-shirt at Cappielow yesterday? Seen the guy in a few wrestling t-shirts in the Cowshed so was just wondering.

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watched hardcore justice last night and was completely disappointed. I really thought Angle and Sting would put on a decent match but it failed to deliver at all. Which is a shame as Impact has been getting better and better but ruined by the past 2 PPVs which have not lived to my expectations. I still say they should push AJ further up the card as World Champ, he's brilliant and better than most guys on the roster.

I don't think they'll push Roode to be World Champion, they seem to have kept Beer Money together. If they want to push him, they'd surely split them up turning one of them heel?

They seem to be pushing Bobby for BFG, I can still see it happening.

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What's with Vince McMahon's hairdo these days? Was it not something like 3-4 year ago he got shaved bald? He just looks like a sad old man with that haircut, whereas he looked genuinely like a powerful man with his old classy do. Get it sorted WWE.

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I don't think they'll push Roode to be World Champion, they seem to have kept Beer Money together. If they want to push him, they'd surely split them up turning one of them heel?

They should've broken them up by now, and had a two month-ish long feud with it ending at Bound For Glory.

Although TNA really do f**k themselves with the constant turns, they sometimes need to do it. I mean, they had put all their eggs in Jeff Hardy when they turned him and look how that ended. No need to turn Anderson for the month, he's not good enough to be the top heel in the company, IMO. I don't mind them turning Angle, if they'd done that a few months ago then it'd have been good, hell if they'd turned him in that three way match instead of Hardy then it'd have been good.

Immortal needed someone credible. Although I've been impressed with Bully Ray recently, he's not the finished article, and they keep writing him pussying out(I know it's supposed to be the bully not wanting to take the hard jobs) but it just makes him look weak. The less said about Scott Steiner the better.

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It's probably been asked before but who is the best wrestler of alll time. We're not just talking technical ability, we're talking who has made the biggest impact on wrestling. I'd say flair but it has to be between Flair, Hogan and Austin IMO.

I think the best of all time is Ric Flair, without doubt. Shawn Michaels is probably second.

The biggest star in wrestling history is Hulk Hogan. The next two are the Rock and Austin. Beyond that I'd say it's Cena, Flair, Michaels and the Undertaker.

The less said about Scott Steiner the better.

Scott Steiner's the boy.

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If cena wins tonight. They have runied this storyline. Viewing figures will drop again

It depends on how they do it. My ideal scenario would be HHH screwing Punk with Cena turning heel as a corporate champion.

Is anyone actually buying this tonight? Essentially you'd be paying for one match which was done to perfection last month on a Sky Sports PPV.

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