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Mo Wonderboy

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Cena winning again. Shock. facepalm.png

If they go through with Del Rio v Cena and then do the standard Punk was screwed so he now feuds with Kevin Nash/Triple H storyline then... facepalm.png

But surely they will make it a triple-threat or fatal-four-way.

Or have something like Del Rio, Cena, CM Punk, with The Miz and R-Truth as well seeing as they were complaining. With perhaps Nash as special enforcer or something?

I really hope they don't make a pigs ear of what could have been an alright storyline. I guess the next two weeks will tell us that.

Edited by Aurora Borealis
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I don't see any reason at all for having the title on Alberto Del Rio a day longer nevermind a month, so the sooner Cena gets the title off of him the better. Then maybe we can see a new promo from him. Maybe one about how he was robbed, and it's his destiny to win the title back or something like that? I don't see any reason for having anyone else in the match either. There's three matches that are easy to set...

Cena vs. ADR

Nash vs. Punk

Kofi/Bourne vs. Miz/Truth

Then when you have Rey and JoMo come back, they can be in the tag division temporarily as well to fued with Miz and Truth. Come to think of it, the tag division has some serious potential.

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The crowd were nuked for the Punk/HHH/Nash and then when HHH and Nash went up the ramp, the roof was coming off. This fued has some serious legs on it.

John Cena completely burying ADR while putting over CM Punk was as clear an indication as any of where CM Punk is in the minds of WWE at the moment, and it also encourages me because ADR has cut the same promo for about a year, and I think it's starting to grate. So he can f**k off, but leave behind his ring announcer.

ADR vs. JoMo WAS a belter though. Bourne/Kofi seems like a good tag team to try and kickstart the tag division which WWE are clearly working on. I reckon the All Night Express would be a good tag team for WWE to sign for the record. Kenny King has previous in Tough Enough and has a great look and Titus has bags of charisma. King also wrestles in a sort of quasi-WWE style so he'd fit right in right away. I'm sure there's plenty of other guys that WWE could just throw together in the meantime, and you now have good challengers in The Miz and R-Truth who gave us a fun promo last night.

Johnny Ace has become a brilliant on-screen character and the higher ups must be wondering why they haven't put him on TV before now.

Aren't the WWE talking to The Kings Of Wrestling too? They should just raid the ROH tag division as that's where all the best tag teams are. Oh and yoink the Motor City Machine Guns. And The Young Bucks.

The WWE have a large roster so I'm sure they could throw some guys together as good tag teams. It would be better than just letting them rot away on Superstars before the inevitable release. They should never have split up the Hart Dynasty, who I thought were decent as a tag team. Individually they're awful. They can wrestle but they have less personality than a bit of wet flannel.

Oh aye, meant to ask, did that thing at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen with Colt Cabana go ahead? If so, did any of you go? I was going to go but as luck would have it, I was away in Newcastle at my mate's stag do.

Edited by DA Baracus
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Aren't the WWE talking to The Kings Of Wrestling too? They should just raid the ROH tag division as that's where all the best tag teams are. Oh and yoink the Motor City Machine Guns. And The Young Bucks.

The Young Bucks have managed to piss off a number of people backstage with their attitudes so my guess is that they are not going to be in WWE anytime soon. MCMG would be a great option.

The Kings of Wrestling have signed with WWE and are expected to go right onto TV.

The WWE have a large roster so I'm sure they could throw some guys together as good tag teams. It would be better than just letting them rot away on Superstars before the inevitable release. They should never have split up the Hart Dynasty, who I thought were decent as a tag team. Individually they're awful. They can wrestle but they have less personality than a bit of wet flannel.

DH Smith really was absolutely horrific. Tyson Kidd is showing himself to be better than many people thought I reckon. He has some real potential in him. I think it was DH Smith dragging him down that made people wonder. He was awesome before that tag team was formed as well.

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What absolute losers are giving my posts on this thread the dreaded "vote down" as if it's some sort of special power? :lol:

Some people need to get a grip. :lol:

It's probably something to do with you being an absolute tool. Just a hunch.

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I'm actually with Aurora on this. It all seems completely pointless to me. As does giving the greenies as well. Lets just discuss opinions and such and nevermind giving with a greenie or clicking red furiously. If you like a post, say as such. If you don't, do likewise.

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I never knew you could be a tool from giving a pretty reasonable opinion. Oh, is it because of a few smileys? That really is a war crime. :rolleyes:


"Action failed: You have reached your quota of negative votes for the day."

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The Punk/Nash/HHH segments keep getting better and better, Coming out of SummerSlam I had a feeling they were going to tak it and turn it into shit.....but having Nash hang around has been a superb move. Obviously he can't wrestle at a high level, and a match with Punk will be shit, but the story line can still go in a few different driections and it is utterly gripping.

Putting Bourne with Kingston is a good move. They clearly have nothing decent for Kingston just now and there isn't really many who Bourne can do his thing with, so put them both together, I like it. I really like Evan Bourne. I really hope HHH does bring back the cruisers.....Bourne could be a star.

I missed the Miz/Truth segment...what did they say?

I have to say a Cena/Del Rio feud doesn't really make me wanna watch it. I mean Del Rio can wrestle, but his character has gone kinda boring. He just rehashes the same lines every week, and often repeats the same line several times in one promo....a poor mans JBL. I'm sure their matches will be decent enough, but the actual feud is all a bit meh.

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On smackdown sin cara botched his finish so bad they had to re-shoot it and then about half hour later decided to shoot the whole match again!

I've never rated Sin Cara since the start, always thought he was awful.

He does tend to make alot of mistakes in the ring and it's only a matter of time before they bin him. I give him a year max unless he bucks up his ideas.

He's just another Rey Mysterio..........

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Todd Grisham has left WWE to join ESPN.

No great loss there. IMO the entire commentary line-up needs a revamp. JR and King have long since overstayed their welcome, Cole is the most annoying man alive, Booker T is barely literate and Josh Matthews is inoffensive, but very bland. Smackdown is sometimes almost unbearable to watch due to the shite patter with the commentators, it's only a few years since JBL was doing his best to put over the likes of Gregory Helms and MVP, now all we have is Michael Cole being a p***k for 2 hours.

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I think, going by this weeks RAW, that Michael Cole has finally been told to cool it and just call the fecking matches.

It still wasn't great, but there was a big improvement this week on RAWs commentary.

The only way Smackdown is going to be sorted is if they get rid of Booker T, and continue to have Michael Cole cool it and stop being a p***k.

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"Action failed: You have reached your quota of negative votes for the day."

Ye sused it on me ya dick, didn't ye? :P

I missed the Miz/Truth segment...what did they say?

The jist of it was that their dislike for each other wasn't important anymore and there is the bigger picture of them being held back. That and more rapping.

I have to say a Cena/Del Rio feud doesn't really make me wanna watch it. I mean Del Rio can wrestle, but his character has gone kinda boring. He just rehashes the same lines every week, and often repeats the same line several times in one promo....a poor mans JBL. I'm sure their matches will be decent enough, but the actual feud is all a bit meh.

John Cena always brings his a-game to PPV and Alberto Del Rio has had a couple of cracking matches recently. I have high hopes for the match itself but you are absolutely right. The difference between JBL and Alberto Del Rio is that JBL's delivery was always top notch. Del Rio's is very forced.

Sin Cara or "Sin Cara" ?

Well he botched the finish, so what do you think?

No great loss there. IMO the entire commentary line-up needs a revamp. JR and King have long since overstayed their welcome, Cole is the most annoying man alive, Booker T is barely literate and Josh Matthews is inoffensive, but very bland. Smackdown is sometimes almost unbearable to watch due to the shite patter with the commentators, it's only a few years since JBL was doing his best to put over the likes of Gregory Helms and MVP, now all we have is Michael Cole being a p***k for 2 hours.

Michael Cole has never been more irritating, even as a shite babyface commentator, as he is now on Smackdown. He completely dominates things and makes things a little difficult to watch. I quite liked Todd Grisham actually and I think ESPN probably see that he is more than a capable presenter thanks to his time in WWE. Josh Matthews is a total natural behind the desk as well, and I think WWE need to keep him there for a number of years. Grisham was brilliant when he did ECW so I'm kinda disappointed he didn't spend more time behind the desk.

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