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Mo Wonderboy

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I'm the expert on this.

Liam Thomson is a genuine world class talent. Lionheart is godly. James Scott is amazing, and Red Lightning is by far the best ever Scottish wrestler on the mic.

Thats a shame about Jim Brown eh?

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Thats a shame about Jim Brown eh?

The only shame there is that nobody had the chance to kick f**k out of him.

Stuff from WWE PPV in 2003

I'll cover half of the year of stuff that I want to see again and think is going to be pretty good.

Kurt Angle © vs. Chris Benoit - WWE Championship - WWE Royal Rumble 2003 ( ***** )

Royal Rumble Match - WWE Royal Rumble 2003 ( **** )

Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin and Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit and Brock Lesnar - WWE No Way Out 2003 ( ** )

Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels - WWE Wrestlemania XIX ( **** )

Mr. McMahon vs. Hulk Hogan, Street Fight - WWE Wrestlemania XIX ( **3/4 )

The Rock vs. Steve Austin - WWE Wrestlemania XIX ( ***1/2 )

Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar - WWE Championship - WWE Wrestlemania XIX ( **** )

Team Angle © vs. Los Guerreros - WWE Tag Team Championships - WWE Backlash 2003 ( ***3/4 )

Team Angle © vs. Eddie Guerrero and Tajiri, Ladder Match - WWE Judgment Day 2003 ( ***1/2 )

Chris Jericho vs. Goldberg - WWE Bad Blood 2003 ( ***1/2 )

Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels - WWE Bad Blood 2003 ( **1/2 )

Triple H © vs. Kevin Nash, Hell in a Cell Match - World Heavyweight Championship - WWE Bad Blood 2003 ( *** )

Kurt Angle © vs. Chris Benoit - WWE Championship - WWE Royal Rumble 2003

This match is lauded as an absolute classic by many. Team Angle get themselves involved and the referees appear to be papping them out of the arena. The bell now rings and this thing gets underway. Headlock from Benoit and then he's sent into the ropes and he charges down Angle and goes for the Sharpshooter and Angle heads for the floor now. Angle is wearing a knee brace and Cole thinks it's a fake injury. Headlock from Benoit and then into the ropes and Angle misses a Hiptoss and takes a Dropkick and then Benoit with a right hand. Sleeper Hold from Angle and Benoit takes him down. Dragon Screw from Benoit and then he goes for the Sharpshooter again, but Angle manages to find the bottom rope before he can lock it in properly. Kick to the gut and then Benoit gets sent into the ringpost. Forearm from Angle and this seems to be the game changer for the champ and then he beats on the back of Angle. Suplex from Angle and he floats over and gets a two count. Into the corner they go and Angle with a big chop. Why do guys do that with Benoit? It never works! Benoit then comes back with chops of his own. Angle adds some other assorted strikes in the corner. Angle runs into a boot and a Northern Lariat from Benoit and then a knee to the gut and that gets a two count. Angle gets into the corner and Benoit with some more chopping to the champion. Angle into the corner and then Benoit with more chops and he is really punishing Angle here. Kick from Angle and then he drops Benoit over the top rope by the gut. Angle has his throat snapped down across the top rope and then Benoit onto the apron. Angle and Benoit do battle. DDT ON THE APRON FROM BENOIT !!! That is vicious right there. Into the ring and that gets a two count for the challenger. Benoit now heads for the top rope. THE FLYING HEADBUTT FROM BENOIT ... MISSES !!! Back to the feet they now go. THE ANGLE SLAM ... stopped. BENOIT TO THE SHARPSHOOTER ON ANGLE !!! Angle finds the bottom rope. That is going to do a lot of damage to the champion. Back Drop Suplex from Benoit and that gets a two count. Belly 2 Belly Suplex with a LOT of momentum from Angle. To the floor they now go and I wonder what they can do out there that they can't do in the ring. Benoit gets dropped on the barrier and then Angle goes to work with stomps after breaking the count and then he sends Benoit back into the ring. Short Arm Clothesline and that gets a two count for Angle. Snapmare from Angle and then he goes to the Chinlock with the added Body Scissors. Benoit is looking for a leg and manages to get out of the hold. Benoit is fighting his way back to his feet. Benoit with the Arm Drag escape and then he runs into the Belly 2 Belly Suplex and Angle is proud of himself. Back Drop Suplex from Angle and that gets a two count for the champ and he goes back to the move that he had complete with the Body Scissors. Benoit into the ropes and both men collide in the middle of the ring. Benoit now comes back with the right hands and then the big chops and a Back Elbow from Benoit and then he knocks down Angle some more. Back Body Drop from Benoit. THE ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES !!! Angle then breaks. ANGLE WITH THE ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES !!! BENOIT WITH THE RELEASE !!! Benoit looks down at Angle and then heads for the top rope with an added snot rocket. ANGLE WITH THE POP UP BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX ON BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! ANGLE SLAM ... Benoit drops behind. CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM BENOIT AND HE HAS IT LOCKED !!! ANGLE FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! The audience are raging. THE ANKLE LOCK FROM BENOIT !!! KURT ANGLE WITH THE ANGLE LOCK OF HIS OWN !!! BENOIT COUNTERS TO THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE OF HIS OWN !!! ANGLE ROLLS THROUGH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! BENOIT GOES BACK TO THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE !!! ANGLE ROLLS THROUGH AND LANDS THE ANGLE SLAM ON BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! The straps are coming down now from Angle. ANGLE LOCK !!! Angle gets rolled into the buckles. VICTORY ROLL FROM BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM BOTH BENOIT AND ANGLE !!! BENOIT DROPS ANGLE RIGHT ON HIS FUCKING FOREHEAD AND THE FANS ARE GOING ABSOLUTELY MENTAL !!! Benoit looks down at his victim and then heads for the top rope. THE FLYING HEADBUTT THREE QUARTERS OF THE WAY ACROSS THE RING !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE ... stopped. REVERSE POWERBOMB INTO THE TOP BUCKLE !!! THE ANGLE SLAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUUTTTTT !!! THE FANS ARE GOING FUCKING MENTAL !!! THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE AND THE ARENA IS RUMBLING !!! ANGLE ROLLS THROUGH TO THE ANGLE LOCK !!! HE KEEPS THE MOVE ON THROUGH EVERY ATTEMPT AND ADDS THE GRAPEVINE !!! BENOIT TAPS !!!

Yeah, that's fucking brilliant. The chinlockery takes some off of it, because they could have shaved the match down to 15 minutes and it'd have been a bonafide classic. Infact f**k it. This is well good enough to be considered as one of the all time greats because these two guys go out there and pull out all of the stops. Well and truly worthy of the praise it has recieved. *****

Royal Rumble Match - WWE Royal Rumble 2003

I'll be honest. I can't remember a fucking thing about this match, so I have no idea what to expect from it. HBK and Jericho are going to get this one going for us. Niiice. Jericho gets in a low blow thanks to the distraction of Christian. Jericho then knocks down HBK and then some more right hands and he's going to work on the legend. He then heads for the floor and he grabs a chair and goes into the ring. CHAIR TO THE HEAD FROM JERICHO !!! A referee then jumps into the ring. HBK is now busted open thanks to that. So much blood in WWE back then. The countdown is on and we have Chris Nowinski. He decides he doesn't want to go into the ring. Jericho does some dancing around and lands a big right hand. Chris even puts his jacket back on. More right hands from Jericho and then he tries and succeeds in eliminating him from the match early and Jericho now wants Chris in the ring. The countdown is back on. Already? Rey Mysterio is the next man in the match. Springboard Dropkick from Rey and then a Head Scissor Takedown. Rey into the ropes. X-Factor from Rey, but then Jericho with a Clothesline and Chris is trying to pick his spot to come into the ring. Knee to the gut from Jericho and then a Gorilla Press and Rey avoids that and runs into a boot. Rey to the top rope and then he hangs onto the ringpost. Springboard Dropkick from Rey and then Chris comes into the ring now. Jericho and Chris lay a beating and then Edge is the next man in the match. Edge with the Double Clothesline. SPEAR ON JERICHO !!! SPEAR ON CHRIS !!! REY WITH THE LEAPING RANA !!! Chris is out of the ring again while Jericho is sent through the ropes and to the floor and now Rey and Edge go at it. Back Elbow from Edge. SPEAR ... MISSES !!! 619 ... MISSES !!! Edge is nearly out of the match. Rey on the apron. WEST COAST POP ... EDGE COUNTERS TO THE SITDOWN POWERBOMB ON REY !!! Christian is now the next man in the ring at #6 and he hugs Edge. EDGE WITH THE SPEAR ON CHRISTIAN !!! Rey on the shoulders of Edge and Chris nearly takes them both out. EDGE LANDS ON THE FACE OF CHRIS !!! f**k SAKE !!! That's nasty shit. Rey goes to Chris and a kick to the gut. BRONCO BUSTER FROM REY !!! Edge has Christian in another corner. #7 in the match is Chavo Guerrero and that is met with apathy. He goes for Rey and drops him. Rey onto his feet and he has Chavo. 619 !!! SPRINGBOARD SEATED SENTON !!! 619 ON CHRISTIAN !!! Chris is dumped over the top rope by Rey and then the masked hero comes back into the ring, only to be eliminated by Jericho. Choke with the boot from Chavo and he gets dumped down and then Jericho lays in some boots and we have #8 who happens to be Tajiri. Some people are going to get kicked. Spin Kick to the face on Jericho and then he unloads on Christian with a Spin Kick too. Chavo with a Back Drop Suplex on Tajiri. Nasty submission from Tajiri and he's laying on a beating. Christian tries to dump Tajiri over the top rope. The count to the #9 is now on. It's Bill Demott who is over for some reason. DeMott lays on a beating on everyone now. Avalanche on Chavo. I can dig that. He then beats on Vitamin C while Jericho then attacks from behind. In the mean time, Edge and Tajiri are allowed to have their battle in peace untill DeMott decides to get involved in that too. DeMott chokes Edge on the top rope. We now have a #10 heading for the ring. Tommy Dreamer is that man and he has plunder.

Shot to the head of Demott and then he brings in a kendo stick. Kendo stick shots galore and this is quite the beating being banded about. STICK SHOT TO THE FACE OF JERICHO !!! KENDO STICK SHOTS TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD AND OUT GOES DEMOTT !!! CONCHAIRTO ON DREAMER !!! That takes him down. Dreamer gets dumped out of the ring and that didn't last long there. Double Handspring Back Elbow from Tajiri on a couple of the heels. Jericho with forearms on Tajiri and then he gets caught. THE TARANTULA FROM TAJIRI !!! Jericho sends Tajiri over the top and in comes #11 and that's D2. Erm... okay then. D is laying a beating on everyone but he just gets dumped over the top rope. Was there even a point in that. Edge blocks a Sunset Flip and then Chavo holds on. SPEAR SENDS CHAVO TO THE FLOOR !!! Jericho then skins the cat. HE ELIMINATES BOTH EDGE AND CHRISTIAN !!! Jericho is busted open and he looks angry at something. Anyways, #12 is Rob Van Dam. That should provide a good challenge for Jericho who is the longest guy in the match. Right hands from RVD and then some kicks. Spin Kick misses but the Superkick doesn't miss. Right hands in the corner and then kicks from RVD. Jericho runs into the elbow and then a Springboard Kick and a Spinning Leg Drop. ROLLING THUNDER FROM RVD !!! Rake to the eyes from Jericho and then he goes to the chops. RVD into the ropes and then he catches Jericho. Jericho holds on. #13 is Matt Hardy who apparently strongly dislikes mustard. Right hands from RVD. SIDE EFFECT ON RVD !!! He then looks at Jericho and thinks they should beat on RVD. Jericho slaps RVD and then lands a Dropkick and Matt then lays in the stomps. Kicks in the corner from them now. Jericho misses a charge and then RVD comes back. Front Crane Kick on Matt. Bulldog from Jericho puts a stop to that. LIONSAULT FROM JERICHO ... MISSES !!! Spin Kick sends down Jericho. FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH !!! Matt runs over and then dumps RVD, but that was a slack attempt. #14 is then Eddie Guerrero. Eddie beats on the back of RVD. Eddie into the corner and RVD goes for the Monkey Flip and succeeds but in slow motion. RVD then tries to take Eddie out but Matt makes the save. FROG SPLASH FRM EDDIE RIGHT ON THE FACE !!! TWIST OF FATE FROM MATT TO EDDIE !!! And now we have #15 who is Jeff Hardy who hits the ropes with a fire and Matt tries to beg off. Kicks to the gut from Matt and then Jeff into the ropes and he takes down. Sitdown Jawbreaker on Matt and then the low Leg Drop and then Matt avoids the elimination and then Moore helps Matt stay in the match. TWIST OF FATE ON MATT !!! He then heads for the top rope. Moore then comes into the ring and lays on Matt. SWANTON BOMB ONTO MOORE WHO WAS ON MATT !!! Dropkick from Eddie to Jeff. #16 is Rosie and he beats on RVD. RVD into the corner and Rosie runs into a boot and misses a charge. RVD with the Shoulder Charges. Spin Kick to the face from Rosie. Matt is almost gone but he holds on yet again. #17 is Test. That comes after the Back Drop Suplex from Eddie on Matt. Test charges and lands a few Clotheslines. Tilt-a-Whirl Sidewalk Slam on Eddie. MELTDOWN ON MATT !!! Jericho manages to hold onto the match yet again in the ring. The #18 man in the match is John Cena and he's well in the midst of his heel phase. The difference between this Cena, the one that became popular, and the one that wee see now is absolutely incredible. RVD has heard enough of that crap and brings him into the ring and NOBODY likes this guy and he takes a beating. #19 in the match and Charlie Haas comes down. He goes to Matt with right hands and then tries to get him out. Cena then beats on Eddie. Jeff and RVD are trying to get Jericho out of the match and they give up and lay some forearms on each other. WHISPER IN THE WIND ... RVD SENDS JEFF TO THE FLOOR !!! RVD looks happy with that. Eddie with a Rana off the top on Jericho. #20 is Rikishi.

JR informs us that Rikishi has been in eight of these matches. Superkick on Haas and then on Matt and then on Cena. Rosie walks over to him and it's a battle of the fat boys. Moore comes into the ring and that doesn't end well for him. Rikishi throws his weight into them and now we have a possible. Rosie with the Clothesline on Rikishi puts a stop to that partnership. Cena with kicks to the gut and then some clubbing blows and in comes #21 who happens to be Jamal. Jamal with the Superkick and then he wants Rikishi on his feet. Rikishi with a Superkick on Jamal and then the Butt Bump in the corner. STINK FACE FROM RIKISHI !!! Jamal and Rikishi continue their war in the corner where Jamal has the advantage with blatant choking and then Rosie comes over. #22 is Kane. JR has decided that business has just picked up and he now gets into the ring and lays out pretty much everyone. Big Boot on Test and a Sidewalk Slam on Jericho. Rico is brought into the ring with a Chokeslam and then Rosie is there to defend his manager's pride, but that only leads to him getting papped out. DOUBLE CHOKESLAM ON MATTITUDE !!! Jericho somehow manages to stay in the match yet again and #23 is Shelton Benjamin. AWA SPECIAL ON CENA !!! Right hands on Matt. Eddie jumps on the back of Rikishi. Cena and Jamal are going at it and that is a precurser to the great fued the two would have when Jamal became Umaga. In comes #24 now and that happens to be Booker T. Kane grabs him. AXE KICK ON KANE !!! Flapjack from Booker. THE SPINAROONIE FROM BOOKER !!! Eddie then gets dumped over the top rope. Rikishi gets involved and then gets knocked down by Booker who has momentum coming out of his arse at the moment. Jericho with right hands on Shelton and then RVD is on the apron. Hard to keep up with this stuff and we now have #25 in the match. A-Train is the man to come out at this point. BALDO BOMB ON CENA !!! Love that move. ARGENTINE BACKBREAKER !!! BALDO BOMB ON RVD !!! Superkick from Rikishi puts an end to all of that and then he tries to get Jericho out of the match. Right hands from Rikishi to Jericho but the heel gets back in the ring and drops a clubbing blow. HBK hits the ring and lands some right hands on Jericho and the heels all try and get rid of him. Clothesline from Jericho but the Test catches Jericho and sends him out of the match which was the idea. PESCADO FROM HBK !!! He then unloads with right hands on Jericho. #26 is the next man and it's beginning to pick up here. Maven now heads for the ring and you have to imagine that he's in trouble. He goes to work on Kane and is that the best idea he's ever had? I guess not as Kane goes mental on the poor kid. Body Splash from Train to haas. Rikishi beats on Shelton in the corner. #27 in the match is Goldust. Goldust comes to the ring with the most homo-erotic run he can dream up. Powerslam from Goldust to Haas and then he has Maven ready. THE SHATTERED DREAMS ON MAVEN !!! I told ya it would be a bad night for that poor guy. Shelton gets involved and Goldust is dumped out by Team Angle and Booker unloads a right hand on Shelton and Team Angle seem to be doing pretty well for themselves at the moment. Team Angle now try and get Booker out of the match and they then succeed. #28 is the next man in the match and it's going to be Batista and he's going to unleash some hell on people. Running Elbow Strike on Cena ala Misawa. Some more of the same for other guys in the match and then he goes to work on RVD. Test with right hands on Batista. FULL NELSON SLAM ON BATISTA !!! Batista holds onto the top rope. BIG BOOT ... MISSES AND TEST IS OUT !!! Spinebuster on Rikishi from Batista and then he goes to Shelton. Spear on Shelton and then he eliminates Rikishi with ease. Brock Lesnar is now the #29 man in the match. He goes to work on pretty much everyone. Team Angle now beat on Lesnar and Kane is close to going out as well. Team Angle get eliminated by Lesnar and then Matt goes after Lesnar. F-5 SENDS MATT OUT OF THE RING AND HE'S OUT OF THE MATCH !!! That sent the crowd pretty mental right there and gets the infamous "Holy Shit!" chant and rightly so. BICYCLE KICK FROM TRAIN TO BATISTA !!! The action is picking up here and now we have the #30 man who is an easy prediction... The Undertaker.

Taker into the ring and he lays a beating on everyone in the ring. Cena is taken out of the match as is Jamal. Maven tries to take him out. CHOKESLAM ON MAVEN !!! The threat of Maven is eliminated. THE BALDO BOMB ON TAKER !!! CHOKESLAM FROM KANE TO LESNAR !!! That was a beast of a move right there. Spin Kick on Train and that was nice. RVD with a Spin Kick on Batista and this thing is a mess now. Train is stopped from doing a Powebomb and then RVD and Kane take him out of the match. KANE SENDS RVD OUT WITH THE GORILLA PRESS SLAM !!! Kane says that it's all fair. Clotheslines from Batista and Kane and they both go down. Brock and Taker are now on their feet and ready to get it on but then the others get up as we're down to the final four. Clothesline from Taker out of the corner. Kicks in the corner from Kane to Lesnar. Spinebuster from Batista to Taker. Lesnar looks to fight his way out of the corner. F-5 ON KANE !!! Lesnar and Taker now going at it. Taker manages to stop himself getting eliminated. THE F-5 ON TAKER ... avoided. THE TOMBSTONE ON LESNAR !!! BATISTA IS OUT !!! The Undertaker, Kane and Lesnar are now in the ring. Taker thinks he and Kane should go after Lesnar. KANE GETS PAPPED OUT OF THE MATCH !!! Batista comes into the ring. CHAIR TO THE HEAD FROM THE TAKER !!! BROCK ELIMINATES TAKER AND WINS !!!

The action is steady and well paced which is nice. You can only ask so much from such a match. It can get disjointed and the pace can go mental but they did well to keep things on track as long as they did. ****

Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin and Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit and Brock Lesnar - WWE No Way Out 2003

Team Angle look cool as hell coming to the ring together. They don't look quite so cool with Paul Heyman in the background though. Why is he needed anywhere near this battle? Shelton and Benoit start and they wind up in the corner and we have a clean break. Arm Ringer from Shelton and then Benoit takes him down and looks for the Headlock and gets it. Benoit charges down Shelton and then lands some chops. Shelton is then sent hard into the buckles and Benoit with the right hands and forearms. Shelton then clubs on the back and in comes Haas and he beats on the back of Benoit. Haas into the corner and the Back Body Drop. Into the corner and in comes Lesnar and the fans like that and he lays stomps into Haas and then Shoulder Charges in the corner from Brock. He has his eyes on Angle. Suplex from Brock and then he clubs on the back. Hiptoss across the ring from Brock and now he wants some of Angle. Angle then gets off of the apron and the fans boo. Haas then attacks and he gets sent into the ropes. Gorilla Press Slam from Lesnar to both members of Team Angle and then Angle avoids a right hand and heads back to the floor. Knees to the gut in the corner from Lesnar. Lesnar runs into a kick and then Angle with some choking from the apron. Lesnar tries to bring Angle in. SUPERKICK FROM SHELTON !!! This gives Haas the chance and now Angle into the ring and he stomps on Brock. He then goes to the Chinlock. Brock charges Angle into the corner but then he gets grounded and Brock is in a bit of trouble. Benoit urges Brock to get to the ropes. Cole tells us that Brock's face is turning red, which is blatantly not true. Lesnar then rams the head of Angle into the top buckle to break the move. Shelton and Benoit tagged into the match and he works on everyone. Back Body Drop from Benoit and then he Suplexes Haas on Shelton. GERMAN SUPLEXES ON SHELTON !!! Benoit then heads for the top rope. Haas then holds onto the boot. ANGLE WITH THE POP UP BELLY 2 BELLY !!! Lesnar gets onto the apron and then gets sent to the floor. Shelton now works on the arm of Benoit. Stomps to the gut from Haas. Haas runs into the boot and then lands the Belly 2 Belly Suplex on Benoit and in comes Angle. Stomps to the back and the stomach from Angle and then he continues this beating. Snapmare and now a Front Facelock from Angle. Benoit battles to his feet and then he lands some chops and hits the ropes. School Boy gets a two count and then a Small Package as Benoit looks to get a sneaky cover. Chop from Benoit and then a Release German Suplex from Angle and he has some words for Lesnar. In comes Haas now. Body Slam from Haas and then he knocks Lesnar off of the apron and then Shelton into the ring. THE AWA SPECIAL ON BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Benoit with chops on Shelton again. Shelton takes down Benoit who tries to find his way to the corner. Shelton keeps a grip of the leg and Benoit is crawling. Enziguri misses from Benoit but he manages to tag out. Lesnar works on Haas and then Shelton comes in and takes the Belly 2 Belly Suplex. Belly 2 Belly Suplex on Angle and then he unloads and then Angle comes in from behind. F-5 ON ANGLE ... Shelton comes in and makes the save. Benoit tags in. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX !!! ANGLE COMES IN WITH THE ANGLE LOCK !!! COUNTERED TO THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE !!! COUNTERED TO THE ANGLE LOCK !!! COUNTERED TO THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE !!! Team Angle come into the ring and that gets the move broken. CRIPPLER CROSSFACE ON HAAS !!! Shelton breaks it and Lesnar comes into the ring. F-5 !!! HAAS TAPS !!!

That match was pretty damn boring if I'm being honest. It felt like a below par Smackdown main event from the time. **

Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels - WWE Wrestlemania XIX

This was seen as a bit of a dream match between these two guys. I wonder if people realised exactly what was to come between them a few years down the line. Jericho is none too impressed with the antics of HBK for the entrance. The fans are right behind HBK here. Lockup and they break. Lockup and a Headlock from HBK and then he takes Jericho down and we have a quick counter and stand. Lockup and a takedown from Jericho and HBK gets out of that quickly and then just lays on the top rope. Headlock from HBK and then he goes to the Hammerlock and then Jericho with the counter to a Hammerlock. HBK fights out and gets a Hiptoss but then gets kicked away. Both men kick each other away. Lockup and a Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from HBK. Jericho tries to get a pin from that and fails. Jericho fights out and then hits the ropes and knocks down HBK. Slap from Jericho and then HBK drops him with a right hand and then dumps him to the floor. Jericho avoids a move but then eats the Baseball Slide and HBK heads out to deal with him. Back into the ring and HBK heads for the top rope. Cross Body off the top and Jericho rolls through and gets the two count. HBK into the ropes and the Spinning Heel Kick from Jericho. Jericho stands over HBK and lands some right hands. Chops in the corner from Jericho and then HBK into the opposite corner and Jericho just opts to choke HBK. HBK into the corner and the Bulldog from Jericho is blocked as he gets thrown crotch first into the middle buckle. HBK then takes down Jericho and locks in the Figure Four Leglock. Knee Breaker when Jericho escapes and then he goes for another one, but Jericho kicks him into the ringpost. Forearms from Jericho and then HBK into the ropes and he skins the cat and takes Jericho to the floor. PESCADO FROM HBK !!! Jericho and HBK are now battling their way up the aisle and the referee is out there trying to get them into the ring. THE WALLS OF JERICHO ON THE FLOOR !!! He keeps the move locked in and then gets back into the ring at the nine count and leaves HBK out there. Jericho then rams the back of HBK into the ringpost. Jericho then back into the ring and obviously his tactics are not popular with the audience. HBK onto the apron and Jericho sends him back to the floor with a Springboard Dropkick and then back into the ring they go. Back Drop Suplex from Jericho and then he shouts in the face of HBK and slaps him. Hanging Vertical Suplex from Jericho and that gets a two count for the cocky and arrogant Jericho. Chinlock with a knee in the back from Jericho and then he goes to the hair. Backbreaker from Jericho and then the cocky cover gets a two for him and then another Chinlock with the knee in the back from Jericho. HBK fights to his feet and gets back into the match. HBK WITH A BIG DDT TO GET BACK IN THE MATCH !!! Right hands from HBK now and Jericho into the ropes and a Flying Forearm and then the kip up and he does the HBK pose. HBK then kips up and lands some right hands on Jericho. Flying Forearm and the kip up and the Manhattan Drop and the Clothesline from HBK. Back Body Drop from HBK. Jericho sends him into the corner and runs into the boot. HBK to the top rope. MOONSAULT PRESS FROM HBK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! HBK into the ropes and he gets a Sunset Flip and now we have an exchange of two counts between the two men. THE WALLS OF JERICHO ... countered. Both men with counters now. Northern Lights Suplex from Jericho and that continues the pinfalls. Clothesline from Jericho and he looks down at his opponent. Bulldog from Jericho. THE LIONSAULT FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Jericho now with more chops. Kick to the face from HBK. RANA FROM HBK ... COUNTERED TO THE WALLS OF JERICHO !!! HBK REACHES THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Jericho is raging about that. SMALL PACKAGE FROM HBK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Double Underhook Backbreaker from Jericho and then he heads for the top rope. Flying Back Elbow off the top rope from Jericho and then he begins to tune up the band. THE SWEET CHIN MUSIC FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Forearms from Jericho and then a shoulder block. Springboard Cross Body and then HBK unleashes some right hands. HBK THEN GOES TO THE WALLS OF JERICHO ... he stopes that. Catapult into the ringpost and a School Boy and that gets a two count. BACK DROP SUPLEX OFF THE TOP FROM JERICHO ... HBK TURNS IT AROUND IN MID AIR !!! HBK heads for the top rope and Jericho uses the ref to crotch. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM JERICHO ... HBK drops Jericho on his forehead in the middle of the ring. THE FLYING ELBOW DROP OFF THE TOP !!! THE SWEET CHIN MUSIC ... JERICHO DUCKS AND LOCKS IN THE SWEET CHIN MUSIC !!! HBK FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Jericho says that he tapped out and gets told he didn't. JERICHO RUNS RIGHT INTO THE SWEET CHIN MUSIC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands in the corner from Jericho. HBK hard into the corner now. HBK behind. THE ROLLUP FROM HBK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The match was a bit flat between the two men. I don't think the audience helped, only really popping for the big spots and not into the match itself an awful lot. It was a very well put together match although it also seemed a bit TOO well put together. It means that they still provide a very good match but not to the standards that you expect. ****

Mr. McMahon vs. Hulk Hogan, Street Fight - WWE Wrestlemania XIX

Vince wants to kill Hulkamania and there is some atmosphere in the stadium for this one. McMahon slaps Hogan and gets taken down and Hogan unloads some rights and lefts on Vince. Hogan then throws his bandana on Vince and then lands some right hands. Clothesline from Hogan and then he mounts and punches. Vince into the corner and Hogan unloads with right hands and then stomps on the chest of Vince. Elbow to the face from Vince and then he comes out of the corner with a Clothesline and then a kick to the gut of Hogan. He then charges Vince into the corner and lands some shoulder charges. Knees to the gut then from Vince. Back Elbows and then he chokes Hogan in the corner and lands some more of them elbows. Vince then with rights and lefts and he's looking cocky. He then clubs down Hogan and goes to the arm of Hogan. Some normal wrestling from Vince here? Who'da thunk it? Hammerlock from Vince and then Hogan manages to elbow his way out of the move, so Vince goes to the ringpost and slams Hogan's arm into it. Test of Strength in the ring now and the fans are getting behind Hogan here. McMahon puts a stop to the comeback with a kick to the gut. Hogan then powers back into the match and Vince doesn't want any part of that, so once again he kicks down Hogan. Hogan is trying to come back into the match yet again. Surely the fans are sick of all of these false dawns? Kick to the gut and then Vince sends Hogan to the floor and it's about time they did something a bit different in this match. Hogan slammed into the barrier and then he clubs away at Hogan's back. He then runs the shoulder into the ringpost. Vince then mocks Hogan and the fans boo him. Vince now has a steel chair and he has a plan for Hogan. Big chair shot misses and Hogan comes back with right hands and then sends him into the ringpost and he picks up the steel chair. BRUTAL CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD FROM HOGAN !!! Vince is now busted open and Hogan then goes to work on the cut with right hands and the fans are loving this. Into the ring and Hogan is now going with the right hands to the head. Vince winds up on the floor and then Hogan heads to the floor and grabs another steel chair. Chair down across the back and the fans are loving this yet again. SPANISH COMMENTATOR GETS BRAINED WITH THE STEEL CHAIR WHEN VINCE DUCKS !!! Vince comes back with the low blow as the Spanish commentator manages to be busted open. BRUTAL CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD OF HOGAN !!! Hogan was never one to take bad chair shots, but this one looked better. Vince then brings a ladder out from under the ring and that gets them going even more than they were before. Hogan gets his head slammed into the English announce table and then into the barrier. Hogan is busted open from that chair shot btw, and another wee tidbit, he does a surprisingly good blade job. Vince puts the ladder between the two announce tables and then gets the Spanish announce table ready. THE MONITOR TO THE HEAD OF HOGAN !!! Vince then climbs the ladder with Hogan on the table. LEG DROP OFF OF THE LADDER THROUGH THE TABLE !!! Both men are down for quite a while here. Into the ring and that gets a two count for Vince and I didn't buy into that one bit. Vince comes up from under the ring with a pipe and that is an absolutely spectacular shot. HOGAN WITH THE LOW BLOW STOPS VINCE GETTING THE PIPE SHOT !!! Roddy Piper comes into the ring and sends the place into an absolute frenzy. Piper is spitting on and kicking both men and then he picks up the pipe and if you know your WWE history, what comes next was never going to be a big shock to you. PIPE TO THE HEAD FROM PIPER TO HOGAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Vince is crawling around wondering what the hell it takes to end the match. The referee tries to stop Vince using the pipe. The referee gets sent out of the ring. Sylvian Grenier comes out. PIPE SHOT FROM MCMAHON TO HOGAN !!! THE LEG DROP FROM VINCE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTT !!! HOGAN IS HULKING UP !!! Vince knows this all too well and decides to start throwing the right hands and we know that this doesn't work. "YOU!!!" :lol: Even Cole and Tazz struggle to not laugh at that one. Grenier goes out of the ring and McMahon is left in there with him. BIG BOOT FROM HOGAN !!! THE LEG DROP FROM HOGAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEE !!!

Unlike the last match I had a go at, the fans were WAY into this match. They were eating every single moment of the match, as they always do at Wrestlemania with the Hulkster. The match wasn't very good obviously but what it lacked in quality it made up for in drama. That shot with Vince coming up from under the ring with a pipe is an all time classic. **3/4

The Rock vs. Steve Austin - WWE Wrestlemania XIX

This would be the third one on one meeting between the two men at Wrestlemania, with Austin sitting at 2-0 in the fued so The Rock felt that he NEEDED to win the match. Austin goes back to the classic music naturally. The bell rings and Austin takes his jacket off and then lands the right hands to get us going. Stunner is avoided and The Rock heads for the floor and then heads up the aisle and Austin goes out and deals with that pretty quickly. Back towards the ring they go and the face of Rock gets slammed into the steps and then some chops from Austin and then around the ring they go and Rock is dropped on the barrier and then Rock gets knocked onto the announce table. Into the ring they're about to go but then Austin decides to drop Rock on another barrier and then send him into the ringsteps. Back into the ring and then Austin unloads with the stomps and then he rakes at the face of Rock. Back Drop Suplex from Austin and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Austin then whips to the other side and he continues this untill Rock counters one time, but Austin explodes out of the corner with a Clothesline. Austin then chokes Rock over the middle rope and then he does this a second time. Rock then goes to the chop block to get back into the match and Austin heads for the floor. To the floor and Rock with another Chop Block and then he slams the face of Austin into the Smackdown table and then smacks the knee into the table. They then brawl around the ringside area and back into the ring they go with Rock kicking away at the knee of Austin. Rock then smacks the leg into the canvas. Right hand from Rock and then he sends the leg into the post. Back into the ring now and Rock picks up Austin and misses a right hand and eats some from the Rattlesnake. Kick to the face from Rock and then he kicks the knee and lets the fans know what he just did and the fans hate this. He then slams the leg of Austin into the canvas. THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM THE ROCK !!! Austin finds the bottom rope and the fans aren't into the match as much as they would have been probably two years previous. The Rock puts on Austin's jacket and then he grabs a bottle of water. Austin with right hands on Rock and then both men collide in the middle of the ring with Clotheslines. Both men drag each other to their feet and then Austin blocks a right hand and lands some of his own. Thesz Press from Austin and then the punches. The elbow drop from Austin and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Austin unloads with stomps and the fans chant "WHAT?" with them. Rock hits the ropes and he comes off and kips up and he still has the jacket on and the fans are hating this at the moment. THE ROCK BOTTOM FROM AUSTIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! STONE COLD STUNNER FROM AUSTIN ... COUNTERED TO THE STUNNER FROM THE ROCK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands now from Rock. He then unloads with them. KICK TO THE STUNNER FROM AUSTIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Low blow from Rock out of nowhere. Rock wants the applause of the audience and that annoys them a fair bit. THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW FROM THE ROCK ... MISSES !!! THE STUNNER ... stopped. SPINEBUSTER FROM THE ROCK !!! THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE ROCK BOTTOM ON AUSTIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTT !!! ROCK BOTTOM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTT !!! ROCK BOTTOM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The match lacked the intensity and heat between the two that the previous matches had and you can't help that both guys might have left something in the tank and that is a major disappointment given the size of the stage they are on. By the numbers at times and disappointing, but it's STILL Austin vs. Rock so you're still getting something good. ***1/2

Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar - WWE Championship - WWE Wrestlemania XIX

They go face to face as they get ready to face off for the big prize of the night. Into the corner and then into another corner and we have a clean break out of there. Lesnar has taped ribs in this one. Lockup and Angle goes behind and then he locks in a Front Facelock. Lesnar with the Fireman's Carry and then he goes to the Arm Bar on Angle. Angle with a Fireman's Carry and the Arm Bar on Brock. Brock with a Headlock Takedown and Angle reverses that and we have a stalemate at the end of that. Lesnar goes behind and then a Waistlock Takedown and then Angle takes him down and Lesnar gets a Head Scissors. Side Headlock from Angle and this time he keeps his head in a spot where Lesnar can't get at it. Angle into the ropes and he gets charged down to the canvas. Angle grabs the leg and then takes down Lesnar and we have a reversal and Brock with the takedown and an elbow, but then Lesnar with the Arm Drag and the Arm Bar on Angle. Knee to the gut from Angle and that puts Brock into the pain that Angle has been looking for. Back Elbow from Brock and then he drives some shoulders into the gut. Lesnar runs into an elbow but then he lands the Powerslam on Angle and that gets a two count. Kicks and stomps in the corner from Brock and then he goes behind. Release German Suplex but Brock is on his feet and he knocks down Angle with the Clothesline and then lands some more knees. Angle heads for the floor and the fans don't appreciate that. Lesnar then follows him around the ring and ends up taking a series of stomps. Forearms from Angle and then a Gorilla Press Slam from Lesnar. Angle into the corner and Lesnar runs into the boot to the injured ribs. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX SENDS LESNAR CRASHING INTO THE TOP BUCKLE !!! I totally forgot about that spot! Crazy move right there. Angle then rams the back of Lesnar into the barrier and then draps the neck over the apron and drops some elbows. Back into the ring they now go. Back Drop Suplex from Angle and that gets a two count. Forearms and right hands now from Angle. Kicks to the gut and then Angle with the Suplex and that gets a two count. Angle then locks in what Tazz calls a Freestyle Bow and Arrow Hold. I am going to give him the benefit of doubt on that one. Lesnar rolls onto his stomach and then Angle goes to the Camel Clutch and Tazz is wondering what's going on here. Lesnar charges Angle into the top buckle on one side of the ring and then the other and he finally manages to get out of the move. Kicks to the stomach from Lesnar and then he beats. I'm being forced to do a bit of editting here thanks to the guy doing the video completely fucking it up and we have some minor clipping. No big. It doesn't do any real damage to the story of the match meaning no ratings effect. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Angle and then a Running Knee to the back from Angle and then he does that a second time and sends Lesnar to the floor. Into the ring they now go and Angle wants him up but he runs right into the Spinebuster from Brock. Angle now with right hands against the ropes and Brock with knees. Flying Forearm from Brock and then he charges Angle into the corner and then lands a series of shoulders again. Brock charges into an elbow, but then Angle charges into the Belly 2 Belly Suplex. Another one of those and that gets a two count. Angle goes behind. THE ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM ANGLE !!! F-5 FROM LESNAR ... COUNTERED TO THE ANGLE LOCK !!! Seemed a bit weird that Lesnar would suddenly be back in the match anyways. What gives? Lesnar tries to kick his way out of the move but just winds up in the Half Crab of Angle and that is basically the confirmation that Brock won't tap. Angle charges and gets dumped over the top rope. Into the ring and Brock works on the back. BRUTAL RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! THE STRAPS COME DOWN !!! ANGLE SLAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Angle wants Brock on his feet right now. ANGLE SLAM ... LESNAR WITH A LOVELY SPIDER HOLD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE F-5 FROM LESNAR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE ANGLE LOCK YET AGAIN !!! HE ADDS THE GRAPEVINE !!! Lesnar boots Angle away. ANGLE WITH A SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ...KICKOUT !!! LESNAR WITH THE F-5 ON ANGLE AGAIN !!! Lesnar heads up and botches the SSP and gets a two count. F-5 ends it.

The damp crowd didn't actually take away from this one as the two guys had a very solid wrestling match. The psychology of the whole thing was absolutely spot on and completely sucked me in. The botched ending takes a 1/4* away so suddenly we have a match which doesn't make the list. ****

Team Angle © vs. Los Guerreros - WWE Tag Team Championships - WWE Backlash 2003

In the tradition of the old WCW PPVs, WWE decide to put the best looking match on paper on right at the first hurdle, which is this bad boy right here. Haas is going to open the match for his team and it's Eddie for the challengers. Lockup and Eddie goes behind and Haas goes to the Arm Ringer. Eddie with the Drop Toe Hold and he goes to the Front Facelock and Haas goes over and we have a quick ending to all of that. Lockup and a Headlock Takedown from Eddie and the Side Headlock. Eddie into the ropes and he gets charged down and that gets a two count. Snapmare gets a two count as does a Small Package and Eddie is showing his experience over one half of the tag team championships. Chavo then comes into the match and the fans want to see more of Eddie. I feel for yas guys. Shelton now tags into the match. They then lockup and Chavo goes behind with the Waistlock and Shelton grabs the Arm Ringer and then Chavo takes down Shelton and then gets a two count. Chavo works on the arm and then tags in Eddie who continues the work and then lands some forearms and uppercuts for a two count. In comes Chavo now and he drops the double axe handle and then he works on the arm again and goes to the Cross Armbreaker. Chavo is sent into the knee in the back and then Shelton unloads with some stomps and then a Clothesline from Shelton. Eddie gets a knee in the back and then Chavo works over Shelton and in comes Eddie and we have the false tag. The fans quite like this and then Chavo chokes Shelton with the tag rope and once again, the fans love it. We then have another false tag and the fans tell the referee that he tagged in. Shelton is sent to the floor and Eddie heads to the floor and lands some right hands and chops and then back into the ring they go. Back Drop Suplex from Chavo and that gets a two count for the challengers and then Eddie tags into the match and lands the Slingshot Hilo and that gets a two count. Shot to the back from Eddie and then some more of the same. Back Drop Suplex from Eddie and Shelton gets into the corner and in comes Haas. Eddie into the ropes and a Back Body Drop from Haas and then he lands a bunch of shots. Snap Suplex from Shelton and that gets a two count as Team Angle are now using the same tactics as Los Guerreros used. Haas then sends Eddie into the apron and then back into the ring and Shelton is now going to a Camel Clutch but he opts for a cover instead and that gets a two count. THE AWA SPECIAL ON EDDIE !!! The fans really like that move and it gets a two count as Chavo comes in and saves the team. Haas lays the stomps in on Eddie and that gets a two count. Haas with the Chinlock. EDDIE ESCAPES WITH THE BACK DROP DRIVER !!! I love that move. Eddie is about to make the save and Haas with the takedown and Shelton now comes back into the ring and he has the Chinlock locked in. Jawbreaker from Eddie and he goes for the tag again and Shelton JUST stops him and drags him back into the corner again. Powerslam gets a two count for Shelton and then he goes to the Chinlock. Haas with a series of stomps on Eddie which Tazz calls in it's most technical of terms, "A bunch of stomps to the chest." Fair enough. Backbreaker and Haas stretches the back over the knee. Eddie tries to fight out and then gets the Head Scissor Takedown and he's now looking for the tag and makes the tag. Chavo is the house on fire and he lands some Dropkicks. Into the corner and Chavo unloads with rights and lefts and then Shelton hit by his own partner. Suplex from Chavo and that gets a two count. Shelton now into the ring. POWERBOMB FROM SHELTON !!! MISSILE DROPKICK FROM EDDIE TO SHELTON !!! THE THREE AMIGOS ON HAAS !!! CHAVO COVERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Shelton is knocked from the apron and then Chavo counters a Flapjack with a Dropkick. FROG SPLASH FROM EDDIE !!! CHAVO MAKES THE COVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SHELTON PULLS CHAVO OFF OF HAAS !!! Eddie is sent into the steps. SHELTON HOLDS THE FEET !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This is some quality formula tag team action again. There were times when Team Angle seemed to forget when a tag would be a good idea, and you know that the Guerreros would have made tags, but they were inexperienced so that can be expected from them. Other than that, this is a belting wee match which they would go on to better on TV in one of the all time great tag team matches. It's included on the tag team DVD. ***3/4

Team Angle © vs. Eddie Guerrero and Tajiri, Ladder Match - WWE Judgment Day 2003

Admittedly, I'm a bit of a sucker for a ladder match and this one is right up my alley. The babyfaces have Kurt Angle's medals and he match gets going right away. Eddie sent into the ladder on the aisle. Tajiri with chops on Haas in the corner and a Spinning Heel Kick. BUZZSAW KICK ... Shelton comes in and breaks that and then Team Angle beat on Tajiri with Eddie on the aisle. Tajiri into the ropes and a Double Back Elbow from Team Angle. Eddie heads down the aisle and comes in but just takes some forearms from Shelton. Gorilla Press Slam into a Gutbuster from Team Angle and then they decide to go and get the ladder. Team Angle bring a ladder out from under the ring. Tajiri botches a dive. Eddie tries a dive and misses, but this time deliberately. Team Angle send the ladder into the ring and now they go for the gold. Handspring Back Elbows knocks the ladder down and then Eddie comes into the ring. Double Baseball Slide sends the ladder into the head of Shelton and then Eddie beats on Haas in the corner. Tajiri has the ladder aimed. DOUBLE DROPKICK TO SEND THE LADDER INTO THE BALLS OF HAAS !!! Eddie and Tajiri then bring another ladder into the ring and then Haas knocked onto the ladder. SLINGSHOT HILO ONTO HAAS BETWEEN THE TWO LADDERS !!! Tajiri says he's going to climb and then sets the ladder up and goes up. Shelton comes into the ring and brings him down onto his knees. Shelton then climbs and Eddie knocks him down with a Dropkick and then the ladder propped up against the top buckle. POWERSLAM INTO THE LADDER FROM SHELTON TO EDDIE !!! Into the ladder again and then a Body Slam from Shelton and he gets the ladder and has it set. Tajiri is laid on a ladder and then Shelton climbs another ladder. AWA SPECIAL FROM LADDER TO LADDER FROM TEAM ANGLE !!! The fans appreciate the madness of that one. Haas then climbs the ladder and the fans are booing. Eddie back into the ring. HAAS DUMPED OUT OF THE RING AND TO THE FLOOR !!! Eddie now has another ladder and he hits Shelton with it. Eddie then has the ladder wedged in between the top and middle buckles. Eddie gets sent into the ladder. Tajiri is back on the apron and he dropkicks the ladder into Team Angle one after the other. SUPERKICK FROM TAJIRI TO HAAS !!! THE ROUNDHOUSE KICK TO SHELTON !!! Ladder to the guts of both members of Team Angle. He then runs the ladder into both men and Shelton winds up on the floor and Haas attacks from behind. THE TARANTULA FROM TAJIRI TO HAAS !!! Shelton breaks that with the ladder. Team Angle beat on Eddie and then Haas is looking to do something here. Eddie with the Monkey Flip and he sends Shelton into Haas who has the ladder. Shelton then gets dumped over the top rope. Haas then gets dumped to the floor and Eddie seems to be going for something here. Haas and Shelton go on the attack and then Eddie kicks him down and there's a bit of a battle going on here. Shelton is sent down. FROG SPLASH OFF OF THE LADDER FROM EDDIE TO SHELTON !!! Haas is the man in control of things now and he begins the climb, but once again, Eddie is stirring. Haas and Eddie battle at the top. SUNSET BOMB FROM EDDIE OFF OF THE LADDER TO HAAS !!! Eddie is going for the gold now. Shelton is trying to stop Eddie. THE GREEN MIST FROM TAJIRI TO SHELTON !!! EDDIE AND TAJIRI WIN THE BELTS !!!

It's certainly spectacular at times. A bit botchy, mainly on the part of Tajiri who was unusually sloppy from start to finish. Team Angle were too inexperienced to do TOO much to help, but they held up their end as well as they could. ***1/2

Chris Jericho vs. Goldberg - WWE Bad Blood 2003

Goldberg always had a badass look, didn't he? Goldberg charges and Jericho gets away from him. Goldberg sends Jericho to the floor and then lands some knees to the gut and then into the ring they go. More knees and then Jericho into the ropes and he jumps into the arms of Goldberg. Front Slam from Goldberg and that was landed with some authority and that gets some boos. Into the corner and Goldberg and then a Hiptoss. Knees to the gut from Goldberg again and then he hits the breaks and then plays possum and manages to get some right hands in there. Gorilla Press and then he crotches Jericho from there and then kicks him to the floor. Great beating from the big man so far. Goldberg then drops Jericho over the barrier and then has his sights set. GOLDBERG TRIES TO SPEAR JERICHO AND GOES THROUGH THE BARRIER !!! Jericho wants to take advantage and the referee tells him to get back into the ring. Goldberg back into the ring. Missile Dropkick to the arm from Jericho and that gets a two count. Goldberg: "Jesus!" :lol: Stomps and kicks to the arm from Jericho and then he stretches the arm over the bottom rope and then he stomps on the back. Kicks from Jericho and then he hits the ropes and gets charged down. Goldberg is busted open. Single Arm DDT from Jericho and then he goes to the Fujiwara Armbar. Goldberg rolls through and Jericho opts to break and kick the arm. Jericho to the middle rope and he jumps right into the kick to the chest. Shoulder Block from Goldberg and then a Manhattan Drop and then a Superkick. SWINGING DDT FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Jericho into the corner and Goldberg runs into something, but then gets a judo takedown. Standing Dropkick from Jericho and that gets a mixed reaction. Bulldog from Jericho. LIONSAULT RIGHT TO THE HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! The commentators really pushing Jericho here. Bulldog from Jericho. Fireman's Carry from Goldberg out of nowhere but he falls right back to the canvas. THE SPEAR FROM GOLDBERG !!! THE JACKHAMMER ... stopped ... LOW BLOW FROM JERICHO !!! THE WALLS OF JERICHO !!! HE DRAGS GOLDBERG INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING !!! Goldberg turns it over and escapes and the fans aren't amused. THE SPEAR FROM GOLDBERG AGAIN !!! THE JACKHAMMER FROM GOLDBERG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Solid psychology to the match. Goldberg was unstoppable and Jericho could only get into the match when he was badly hurt. Goldberg's selling was good too which helped to have Jericho look good while Goldberg continued to look resourseful while hurt. The commentating job was superb too, really selling the job Jericho was doing. It would be easy to say Jericho did a carry job here, but Goldberg held his end up brilliantly. ***1/2

Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels - WWE Bad Blood 2003

Amazing to think that they would go on and have a match FIVE YEARS after this one. A lot of people at this point didn't know if Ric Flair had that long in him. Turned out that he did! The fans seem to be behind HBK for the most part. Flair does some strutting around. Lockup and a Headlock from Flair and then he pushes HBK away and does some more strutting around. Lockup and a Headlock from HBK and then he takes down Flair and walks over him and then slaps him down. "Whoo!" Ric Flair is not amused by that little exchange. Flair takes down HBK and then Flair reaches the ropes when HBK takes charge. Another slap from HBK. Flair charges into a Drop Toe Hold and then a Front Facelock from HBK. Flair into the ropes again and then he eats a right hand and then HBK sends him to the floor. PESCADO FROM HBK !!! Back into the ring they now go and Flair begs off like usual and then kicks in the gut. Into the corner and Flair lands HARD chops. HBK into the ropes and he charges down Flair and then locks in the Headlock. Into the corner they go again and then Flair with more chopping. HBK then comes back with some chops of his own and then he lands some right hands in the corner. Manhattan Drop is blocked and HBK with another right hand and then more in the corner and then Flair with the chop block and as they say, NOW we go to school. Stomp to the knee from Flair and then another Knee Drop right on the knee. Into the corner and Flair lands some chops and then kicks to the leg. Flair now working on that leg with some knees to the back of it and then he takes the leg and drops all of his weight over it. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM FLAIR !!! HBK finds the bottom rope after a long struggle. Flair chops HBK right down and then lands some more stomps to the knee. Enziguri from HBK and that gives him a wee bit of time to get back into the match. Flair with a right hand blocked and now HBK with right hands coming back into the match. Back Body Drop from HBK and then into the corner where HBK looks for some more. HBK runs right into the elbow of Flair and then Naitch heads for the top rope. Slam back into the middle of the ring from HBK. HBK then signals that the end is near. SWEET CHIN MUSIC ... blocked. FLAIR BLOCKS TO THE FIGURE FOUR ... COUNTERED TO THE SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM HBK !!! Flair with a thumb to the eye and that breaks the move right there. HBK avoids a Suplex and the referee is hurt. FLAIR HAS THE TIGHTS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! HBK then chops down Flair. Flair onto the apron and then he heads for the top rope and then he jumps right into a right hand. Superplex from HBK and then he heads for the floor and goes under the ring and pulls a table out. Flair gets a shot in there and then tries to Suplex HBK to the floor. Both men to the floor now and Flair is sent face first into the steps and then he's put on the table. RANDY ORTON RUNS IN AND EATS THE SWEET CHIN MUSIC !!! HBK WITH THE BIG SPLASH OFF OF THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE TABLE !!! Back into the ring they now go and that gets a two count. In the corner and Flair gets both HBK and the referee with the low blow. HBK comes back with chops now. Back Body Drop from HBK and then the Flying Forearm and kip up. Body Slam from HBK and then he heads for the top rope. THE FLYING ELBOW OFF THE TOP TO FLAIR !!! HBK is then ready for the music. BRUTAL CHAIR SHOT FROM ORTON AND THE REFEREE TURNS AROUND !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The match fell apart big time towards the end. It was gearing up quite nicely before that point but both guys looked absolutely knackered and just lost it. The table spot made no sense whatsoever. **1/2

Triple H © vs. Kevin Nash, Hell in a Cell Match - World Heavyweight Championship - WWE Bad Blood 2003

I wasn't sure about covering this match but given the current storyline, I decided to go for it. Mick Foley is the guest referee for this bad boy. Triple H then uses a chance to kick Nash, but then runs into the Big Boot of Nash. HHH is then sent to the floor and Nash goes out there and then gets sent into the ring. HHH with right hands but then Nash just knocks him down with one. HHH to the apron and then Nash gets his throat dropped over the top rope. HHH then goes to the right hands on Nash. Nash pushes HHH into Foley. Foley decides to let that one slide and Nash lands some knees to the gut. Nash then sizes up HHH and elbows the face. Back Elbow from Nash and then HHH sent back over the top and to the floor. HHH with a kick to the gut and then he gets charged into the ringpost. HHH is then whipped into the wall of the cell. Right hands from Nash again. HHH is sent into the wall again and the fence almost gives way and then face first into the apron. Back Body Drop on the floor and that looks like a horrible landing. Back into the ring they now go and Nash goes into the ring. Elbow to the back of the head and then some right hands from Nash. HHH into the corner and then a Sidewalk Slam from Nash and that gets a two count. Elbow Drop from Nash and then another and that gets a two count. Nash heads for the floor and brings the chair into the ring. Chair to the gut from Nash and then a shot to the back. HHH heads for the floor again and Nash goes out to meet him. Nash throws the camera man out of the way and then charges HHH into the corner. HHH is then sent into the steps. Nash has the steps and tries to take HHH's head off and doesn't succeed and HHH comes back with right hands and then slams the head of Nash into the steps. Kick to the gut from Nash and then again. JACKNIFE ON THE FLOOR ... HHH uses the cage to come back into the match and he takes down Nash with right hands and goes under the ring and opens a toolbox. Nash now with right hands. WRENCH TO THE KNEE FROM HHH !!! HAMMER TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD FROM HHH !!! Foley has enough of HHH's intimidation and sends him down and then says he's going to call the match. Nash is busted open. HHH then with some right hands to Nash who falls back to the floor. HHH then rakes the face of Nash into the wall of the cell. Head into the steps and then HHH sends him head first into another wall and then rakes the face again. Foley asks Nash if he wants to pack it in and he doesn't. HHH then goes and gets a screwdriver and goes into the ring with it. Nash manages to block the shot. Kick to the gut from HHH. SCREWDRIVER INTO THE HEAD FROM HHH !!! HHH then heads under the ring and brings out barbie. BARBED WIRE 2x4 TO THE GUT FROM HHH !!! Nash comes back with right hands and knocks down HHH has barbie. BARBIE TO THE HEAD OF HHH !!! HHH is now busted open. BARBIE TO THE HEAD AGAIN FROM NASH !!! Nash then props barbie on the top buckle. Right hands now from Nash in another corner. Clotheslines in the corners from HHH. SNAKE EYES ONTO BARBIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Nash is then heading for the floor and he brings the steps back into the ring. HHH then heads for the floor. HE BREAKS A WOODEN BOX OVER THE HEAD OF NASH !!! HHH then brings the sledgehammer out from under the ring. Foley has decided that he won't be using it and he takes a right hand. HHH then gets drop toe hold onto the steps that Nash brought into the ring and the ref makes the cover and that gets a two count. Kick to the knee from HHH to stop Nash hitting him with the chair. CHAIR TO THE HEAD FROM HHH TO NASH AND THEN TO FOLEY !!! Foley is now busted open. Triple H is just one nasty b*****d here. FOLEY WITH MR. SOCKO TO HHH !!! Low blow from HHH. Nash hits Foley with the steps and then makes a cover on HHH but there's no referee. FOLEY GOES FLYING INTO THE CELL BACK OF THE HEAD FIRST !!! HHH IS CATAPULTED INTO BARBIE !!! THE JACKNIFE POWERBOMB FROM NASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTT !!! HHH is going for the sledgehammer and Nash picks him up. SLEDGEHAMMER TO THE HEAD FROM HHH !!! THE PEDIGREE FROM HHH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Triple H came across as a right b*****d in this match. He took his usual brutality in such a match to a new level as he looked to throw everything at Kevin Nash, and when Nash took control back, there was great moments of desperation from him too. Neither Nash or HHH were at their best, but they really put an effort on here. I wasn't a fan of the amount of involvement that Foley had. Good effort here. ***

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Not sure, I do believe it's the third time he's been caught so quite possibly. Certainly repeat offended won't be on his side.

FromLords of Pain:

Angle was previously arrested on March 25, 2011 in Grand Forks, North Dakota and charged with "being in control of a motor vehicle while intoxicated," after failing a field sobriety test. He later pled guilty to the charges and was on April 20 sentenced to one year of unsupervised probation, a chemical dependency evaluation, a $250 fine, $225 in court fees, and a ten day suspended jail sentence.

:lol: Cheerio Kurt, see ye in a few days.

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TMZ.com reports that Kurt Angle believes he's been framed in connection with his arrest Sunday morning on charges of driving under the influence.

Kurt Angle's attorney Frank Smith tells TMZ his client was asked to submit to a breathalyzer test and passed. "We understand Kurt will be entering a plea of not guilty in response to any infractions and/or offenses," he adds.

Sources close to the 2012 Olympic hopeful say the "cops are just trying to make an example of him."

TMZ notes that someone who is not legally drunk can still be arrested for driving under the influence if drugs or alcohol impair the driver's ability to navigate the road.

The TNA World Heavyweight Champion was arrested in Virginia and taken to Warren County Jail. He posted $2,000 bond and was released at 3:31 a.m.

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Anyone staying up for Raw? Is it going to be a mix of Raw and Smackdown wrestlers again or was that just a one off?

The brand 'divide' has been lifted and all superstars will be able to compete on Raw or Smackdown.

Any chance of a link and what time it starts and finishes? Only very rarely watch Raw since I don't have Sky Sports, but looking to get into the swing of things again.

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The brand 'divide' has been lifted and all superstars will be able to compete on Raw or Smackdown.

Any chance of a link and what time it starts and finishes? Only very rarely watch Raw since I don't have Sky Sports, but looking to get into the swing of things again.

2am to 4.15am, rough finish.

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The brand 'divide' has been lifted and all superstars will be able to compete on Raw or Smackdown.

Any chance of a link and what time it starts and finishes? Only very rarely watch Raw since I don't have Sky Sports, but looking to get into the swing of things again.

For wrestling streams, justin.tv is probably still just about the best streaming site around. The quality of the RAW stream I watch every week is superb. Link isn't available yet though, RAW starts at 2am our time.

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Still pushing far too many older wrestlers and pushing stupid angles involving them.

The four finalists in the BFG series include 3 TNA originals and a tag wrestler who has made himself a singles star in TNA. The title is on one of the best wrestlers of all time who is still a huge star and great asset (despite being a total fud). Crimson, Joe and Morgan are in top line feuds and all of them are pretty young and are names because of TNA. All you have in the way of old names is Hogan/Sting/Flair, which I am finding very entertaining, and all of whom are still huge names who will draw viewing figures and money for TNA.

I'll be staying up for Raw tonight, first time in ages I'll have done so.

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