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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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see this truth miz thing to end tonights show that was brilliant!! i don't think it was scripted though, cause it says on wwe.com that they were released the day after triple h fired them

My pal just sent me that on MSN, he REALLY doesn't get it...

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My pal just sent me that on MSN, he REALLY doesn't get it...

:lol: Brilliant. I love when people can't quite work out wrestling.

Gems from people I know include:

"I know WWE's fake, but TNA's real isn't it?"

"I know it's not real, but the champion will be the best fighter, won't he?"

I had made a comment about Paul Heyman having a brilliant wrestling mind but being a poor businessman, reply was, "Yeah, I know what you mean. Theodore Long did a much better job when he was in charge of ECW"

"I would really have liked Vince to have gone through with his plan to fire Cena, it would have been very interesting to see him in TNA" - this was my manager at work, he reads PWTorch but still seems to have issues with kayfabe

I haven't seen last night's show but it sounds like it was a good one. I watched the ending with Awesome Truth on Youtube, I thought it was fantastic. The two of them looked the bollocks and HHH looked great as well.

Is anyone else really enjoying Impact just now btw? Roode and Styles had a cracking match on Impact this week and they are really pushing new talent which is good to see. The Hogan-Sting stuff is fantastic, I don't care what other folk say I am loving it.

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New talent? If you're talking about Roode and AJ they're veterans of the company. Roode, as it was mentioned about 56 times on Impact, has been in the business 13 years and he's being made to look a complete rookie with everyone giving him advice etc. Would have made sense if they done that with Crimson.

It's still utterly annoying when they put these stupid little clips of the wrestlers talking about BFG and their careers etc. They put up Roode's one against last night and he mentioned Generation Me as being up and coming :lol: it's only been a MONTH or so since they left!!!

Feel physically sick now that Shannon Moore is back on the screen, he's such a stupid little **** and not a great wrestler either.

However, Sting remains to be superb in his "Joker" character and Bully Ray's clips are hilarious. More ranting from Steiner would be more than welcome though :lol:

I woke up about 20 minutes ago and I'm still in a horrible mood however. I had a dream where Hogan f*cked me over because I refused to listen to his p*sh before a battle royal then Bishoff acted like am absolute pr*ck towards me and I ended up demanding that I be released from my contract and lost an argument over creative on my character before almost being battered by Vader (!!!) on the way out!

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