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Mo Wonderboy

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1324266439[/url]' post='5824923']

That was a cracking main event. Really surprised Cena didn't appear at all. Also what was the point building Kane up to then not have him appear on SD or the PPV ?

He's been switched over to the raw brand on the wwe website apparently (Kane)

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Yes but he was worried about a reversal, he wouldn't have tried to use the table at all!

You don't expect it but it's easy enough to plan for, by simply removing two monitors. It's not that difficult. If we're sticking with kayfabe then the wrestlers know that sometimes you'll get reversed.

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Why? It's just a bit of harmless fun. It's designed to get people talking.

Some of you lot are really snobby at times. Wrestling is supposed to be about having a laugh and getting caught up in the storylines. This is just another example. Is this any more laughable than someone suggesting possible scenarios for matches, of which there are plenty on here? No, I think suggesting what the videos could mean is just the same as proposing matches and stroylines. It's all about getting caught up in it. So why are so many acting like snobby know it alls?

No need to greet, i just found it amusing the same thing is happening that jericho mentioned in his book. Some of the things ppl are reading into it have been pretty out there.

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1324266749[/url]' post='5824926']

You don't expect it but it's easy enough to plan for, by simply removing two monitors. It's not that difficult. If we're sticking with kayfabe then the wrestlers know that sometimes you'll get reversed.

Yes but if there is a reversal and you are headed into a table, surely a monitor will be the least of your worries. That's like taking the lumps of peanuts out a peanut butter sandwich if you have a peanut allergy.

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So we've got ryder, bryan and punk as the champs and a ppv with no cena. Has some internet troll hacked the script or something? Or do you think this is just testing the waters for a cena heel turn?

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I think it's just a combination of them testing the waters with Cena, and realising that sometimes the internet are actually right.

If they do turn Cena, and handle it well, it could make for some great television. From a kayfabe standpoint, he has a lot of grievances to air, like asking why the fans booed him despite his obvious work ethic and love for the business, why him just acting like a good guy made him uncool etc., they could book it as him having finally snapped... it's pretty simple, but if handled correctly, it'll add a great deal to the 'Mania build-up.

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My sister could leather the pair of them, boooo

laugh.gif Just because they don't fit the traditional, big superstar. I'd much rather watch a Punk or Danielson match than a Cena or Orton match.

Yes but if there is a reversal and you are headed into a table, surely a monitor will be the least of your worries. That's like taking the lumps of peanuts out a peanut butter sandwich if you have a peanut allergy.

I'm gonna stop this conversation, this is moronic.

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Just got round to watching the PPV there. I haven't watched much WWE over the last 2-3 months but I thought that was great.

The opener was fantastic as you'd expect with Ziggler being involved, I hope they put him over in the Rumble as he really is the best thing going right now. His selling is a dream. Great moment for Ryder and well deserved, loved his old man and the Big O's reaction to it.

The tag match was also pretty good, Primo and Epico are decent if unspectacular workers. Air Boom are good champions and hopefully they can put together another couple of teams for them to feud with.

Orton and Barrett was good, loved the final spot with the RKO. I'd have had Barrett go over though as I'm really not sure where Orton goes from here.

Teddy Long was the most entertaining he's been in a number of years in the backstage segments, great stuff from him, especially with the Bellas.

HHH-Nash was brilliant, two of my all time favourites worked an enthralling, believable match with some nice spots and a good ending. Nash's fall through the table was a thing of beauty. He sold the leg attacks well. HHH is still one cool mother fucker.

Sheamus-Swagger was standard inoffensive filler. Sheamus is a cracking asset to the company, but as with Orton I'm unsure of what his next step will be.

Henry was apparently injured which excuses the pishness of that match. I don't buy Bryan as a main eventer at the moment but I am willing to give him a chance as he is a tremendous worker and is improving on the mic. Although part of me would laugh if he lost the belt tonight to see the reaction of the workrate perverts online.

Rhodes and Booker was fine, I guess they'll continue this fued with the assaults on Booker before the match which is fine with me.

I thought the main event was very, very good. The handcuffs brought something different and they were well used. The bump Ricardo took was insane, great visual and fair play to him for taking it. Punk came out of it looking like a star which can only be a good thing. I thought Del Rio looked better than Miz in this and it would be him I'd be pushing into a continued feud with Punk.

The lack of Cena was a good thing too. I don't think there is a better guy in this generation at working the crowd and drawing money but he really does overshadow the rest of the card and dominate a show when he's on it and his act is repetitive. I hope they continue to push others rather than putting all their eggs in the Cena basket.

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There not even big for a normal person though, when you have the rest of the roster filled by big machos it doesn't seem right.

I don't see the problem. They're such skilled wrestlers that they could beat anyone. Bryan is the "weaker" of the two but that's because he's been shat on since he won MITB. Maybe apart from the bigger guys like Show and Henry, probably Cena as well, he could slap on a number of submission holds and make anyone tap out. If they had him feud with people like Barrett, Orton, Christian then it's not unrealistic for him to beat them.

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I don't see the problem. They're such skilled wrestlers that they could beat


Ah right, because that matters.

Daniel Bryan doesn't have the character to make a title run count. For the life of me, I don't see why they've done this. So he can wrestle. So can Primo. But he's stuck in the midcard, and he's there for a reason.

Show was decent. HHH/Nash was rip roaring good fun, as was the main event. Zack Ryder showed me a lot in the opener. Rhodes/Booker was fucking dreadful. Everything else was just kinda "there".

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I would back pretty much everyone you mention there apart from Christian to leather Bryan or Punk in a fight, then you can include the other big machos like Kane and the Welsh boy and then the likes of the ginger Irish boy and various others.

A fight isn't necessarily determined by strength huh.gif If someone throws a punch then one of them could easily turn it into some sort of a submission and have them squealing like a bitch.

Ah right, because that matters.

Daniel Bryan doesn't have the character to make a title run count. For the life of me, I don't see why they've done this. So he can wrestle. So can Primo. But he's stuck in the midcard, and he's there for a reason.

Show was decent. HHH/Nash was rip roaring good fun, as was the main event. Zack Ryder showed me a lot in the opener. Rhodes/Booker was fucking dreadful. Everything else was just kinda "there".

I wasn't talking about the viability of him being champion, he said his sister could leather them.

FWIW, I don't really mind that his character is lacking. I guess it depends why you watch it, I'd take wrestling ability over character every time. It's why I'd rather see Bryan pushed than Ryder, I guess it just depends on what you're looking for.

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