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Mo Wonderboy

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To top it all off they have a piss main event with no imagination at all what a load of shite.

If anything there was too much imagination!

I'm still going with it was intentionally bad and he was told to mock the crowd.

Oh aye, definitely. A heel Jericho is the only way to go.

I would love to see TNA take the piss out of this huge let down by having a clean shaven / silly hairstyled Eric Young come out at random times during other peoples matches and stand about and milk the crowd for ages with a leather jacket with Christmas lights on it, they could call the new character "Ericho"

This has to happen.

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I would love to see TNA take the piss out of this huge let down by having a clean shaven / silly hairstyled Eric Young come out at random times during other peoples matches and stand about and milk the crowd for ages with a leather jacket with Christmas lights on it, they could call the new character "Ericho"

That's actually brilliant, can you write TNA from now on? It'd bound to be better.

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That was brilliant in a subtle way; he basically trolled the entire arena and evidently some people managed to catch on in the end.Definitely a Jericho heel, but hopefully not like last time around where personally I thought he was complete shit. Next week is going to be immense.

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The best explanation for the Jericho videos i've seen.

These videos are hyping a potential WM28 feud between CM Punk and Chris Jericho and here's why: In the video the little boy is representing Jericho and the little girl is representing Punk. Keep this in mind throughout my explanation. Notice, how the little boy continues to write in his notebook and the little girl keeps trying to look at what he is writing. Once the boy goes into the corner (Jericho's time off from WWE), The girl tries to do the work herself, but can't come up with anything. Keep in mind that she looked at the boy's notebook and this is implying that she has stolen the boy's work, which represents Jericho going to come back and claim that Punk is a fraud and has stolen his ideas and gimmick and what not. Also the ball in the video represents Jericho "dropping the ball" by leaving and Punk "taking the ball and running with it". The ball belonged to the boy and the girl took. At the end the girl, is standing in the spotlight and the boy is in the dark with his head down indicating that we have forgotten about Jericho and that Punk is the new guy we all know and love. This will lead to WM match with Punk and Jericho. Look within the video not what the kid is saying....
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The best explanation for the Jericho videos i've seen.

That does not make sense! That would mean Jericho was waiting on Punk telling him to return if punk was the girl!!

he was awaiting her telling him to come back and on the last day it said something along the lines of she has spoken

found a transcript of what im on about

"As he sat upon the mount, the question arose: when shall things be and what shall be the sign of my coming? He answered: when she tells us. She holds the mystery of my arrival, of my rebirth. For when I beckon her, I will return to reclaim what is mine, and things shall never be the same again.On the second day of 2012, it will be the end of the world as you know it."

Edited by hulkster
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So Jericho is back then, I really wish some people would take a chill pill over what happened the other night on RAW. I know he came out, looked drunk and never said a word but he basically came across as a bawbag without even opening his mouth, only Jericho could work that. This story will grow arms and legs, give it a chance people!.

Exactly what I said after RAW. We don't even know where they are going with this. If in a few weeks time it's still dire then I'll be willing to accept that they have fucked it up. In the mean time just watch and see what happens first before writing it off.

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I just watched it again too, it's not actually that bad, if anything it's been nicely planned out by WWE, keeps everyone still guessing and keeps everyone confused more than anything!.

Myself like every single other person will be tuned in next week and excited about what may happen.

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The concept is a cracker if you ask me. It went down pretty badly by the end, but there's no way they could have avoided that, and I'm pretty sure they seen that coming. I'll be watching RAW for the first time in a few weeks to see what happens next.

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