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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Not sure how badly hurt Ziggler is but Barret looked fucked - swore quite a bit (think dolph landed on his arm and it snapped or somthing) + you then saw the ref do the X sign for a stretcher and it didnt look like a work. Pretty shit time injur yourself..

Cena's promo was good, I personally enjoy a 1/2 shoot promo and will be looking forward to many more on the mania build up as Cena will have alot ammo on this particual matter.

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Cena was hilarious in the opening bit with Eve. "I'm disease-free and I'd like to keep it that way." :lol:

Sheamus-Henry. Meh.

Otunga beating Zeke. Lol. I can see Otunga getting a bit of a push towards Mania actually with him going over several SmackDown superstars chosen T-Lo.

Divas tag. Pish.

Kofi/Truth tag match was boring.

I love Daniel Bryan when he just keeps screaming "yess" :D

Cena's 2nd promo. Good intensity, yes, but nothing we haven't heard before.

Battle Royal I thought would've came down to Santino-Y2J and went on for a good 5 mins with them. Obvious winner. Show-Rhodes feud leading to a WM match? Barrett was obviously hurt when you heard him screaming 'FCK!' several times. Looked like Ziggler landed on his face and shoulder.

I didn't really care about seeing HHH-Taker again ... now I'm looking forward to it probably more than Rock/Cena!!! :D

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So we've established that for Mania so far we have:-

John Cena vs. The Rock

The Undertaker vs. Triple H - Hell in a Cell

CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho - WWE title

Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus - WH title

Looks pretty pleasing to me. Seeing HiaC at Mania in such a big stadium will be epic IMO, the atmosphere will be great. I think most of us still expect the WHC match to have Orton thrown in as well.

And I hope they have a MitB ladder match but I doubt it. Also, does anyone know what "celebrity" will be showing up for a match or whatever like Snookie last year? :rolleyes:

Edited by Paulo Sergio
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Hell in a Cell could be epic. Although they really need to go back to the smaller cell that produced so many classics in the late 90's/early 2000's, even if it is just as a one-off. A little bit of blood wouldn't go amiss either, although that would be very unlikely.

Sun Life stadium doesn't have a roof, so it will be interesting to see how the cell will be set up. There will have to be a massive structure built over the ring to hold the cell, as well as the big screens and provide enough cover if it rains. WWE are the masters of live event production, so I imagine there won't be too many issues.

I thought Cena's promo on the Rock was fantastic. If Cena continues to cut promos like that one, I might even support him over The Rock. :ph34r: However, his promo at the start of Raw showed the worst of him, I realise it was meant to cement Eve's heel turn, but it just felt like he was bullying a defenceless woman who is an emotional wreck. It's amazing how quickly Be a Star is forgotten when it suits them.

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So we've established that for Mania so far we have:-

John Cena vs. The Rock

The Undertaker vs. Triple H - Hell in a Cell

CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho - WWE title

Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus - WH title

Looks pretty pleasing to me. Seeing HiaC at Mania in such a big stadium will be epic IMO, the atmosphere will be great. I think most of us still expect the WHC match to have Orton thrown in as well.

And I hope they have a MitB ladder match but I doubt it. Also, does anyone know what "celebrity" will be showing up for a match or whatever like Snookie last year? :rolleyes:

The rumour is that there's no MITB PPV this year so they probably will put that in.

The celebrity that I've heard is

Shaq vs Big Show

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Mayweather vs Show at WM 24 was an amazing match considering the limitations of both competitors so

Shaq vs Show

could be very entertaining as well. It also could end up being a big pile of horse shit like Vince vs Bret or Lawler vs Cole.

Does anyone know if there are plans for Foley at Wrestlemania? I would like to see him vs someone like Ziggler, Barrett or Rhodes. Or maybe Foley could be the man to stand up for Teddy Long against Laurinaitis' crew?

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Is Eve getting telt the quickest heel commeupance ever?

Johnny and Teddy are both dreadful, although Mr Excitement is definitely the more preferable of the two, but I'd love to see Foley get the gig, someone with some actual charisma and that doesn't constantly forget his lines.

What kind of cretins shout 'what?' while the Undertaker is speaking? Total fucking morons. Phenomenal (pardon the word play pun) stuff from those two though, Hell in a Cell could be amazing but the build to it certainly will be.

Looking forward to both Sheamus v Bryan and Punk v Jericho as well, either match could quite comfortably 'steal the show'.

Cena's promo was excellent, more of the same intensity from now on please.

I never, ever want to see Aksana in a wrestling ring ever again.

Edited by J_Stewart
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Was under the impression Rhodes vs Goldust was in the works, Goldust has stated a few times on various thingys he wants to go out to Rhodes at Mania so 5-6weeks build for that is fine (not too short not too long).

Anyone else thinking Edge might pop up for somthing to do with Mania?

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