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Mo Wonderboy

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I was happy enough to see them change the X-Division into a cruiserweight division... for the few years prior, the division had basically ceased to exist and the title lost all meaning, so seeing it revived as Bischoff's attempt to replicate the cruiserweight division he had in WCW has been fine by me. It's nowhere near as good as the old X-Division when Joe, Daniels, AJ etc. were feuding for the title, but it's been enjoyable.

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I was happy enough to see them change the X-Division into a cruiserweight division... for the few years prior, the division had basically ceased to exist and the title lost all meaning, so seeing it revived as Bischoff's attempt to replicate the cruiserweight division he had in WCW has been fine by me. It's nowhere near as good as the old X-Division when Joe, Daniels, AJ etc. were feuding for the title, but it's been enjoyable.

It would be better if they didn't fire or not hire people like Lethal and Low Ki. Zema Ion is also shit, fucking atrocious.

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I liked Ion in that 4 way that got him hired, but yeah he's looked mediocre since, and I agree, with Low Ki in particular, you'd think that signing him is a complete no-brainer. They should have signed Tony Mamaluke too, he looked great at Hardcore Justice and would be good bump-fodder in multi-man matches.

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I liked Ion in that 4 way that got him hired, but yeah he's looked mediocre since, and I agree, with Low Ki in particular, you'd think that signing him is a complete no-brainer. They should have signed Tony Mamaluke too, he looked great at Hardcore Justice and would be good bump-fodder in multi-man matches.

Yeah, all 4 looked good and Aries was the best choice. But even Jack Evans looked like more of a talent than Ion, although I've heard that he's a complete dick and that's why only the likes of CZW will hire him. I've heard Low Ki is a bit of a dick as well, but he's had stints in TNA before, maybe it's just the current regime that don't like him.

I think they need to scrap the X-Division. It's just really stale at the moment. Aries has no competition. Apart from Ion, there's no one in the division who's regularly on the show. Shelley and Kash have only turned up for the specific feuds.

I think if they dissolved it and merged it with the Television title it'd make it better, would give people like Daniels and Kazarian a division to work in without "demoting" them back to the X-Division.

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Austin Aries is far and away the best thing in TNA, and has been for a while. This guy shouldn't be wasted in the shitey X-Divison*. He should be a main eventer. He's more over than the current (and very boring) heavyweight champ.

*I hate how they've made the X-Division a cruiserweight division. It used to be one of the best and most innovative divisions in wrestling and was something that let TNA stand out and gave their wrestlers great experience of wrestling against others with different styles. But Bischoff and Hogan had to change that, the utter tossers.

I think the best thing TNA could do at the moment with Aries starting to be pushed further up the card is to remove the weight limit from the X-Division so the guys he is mixing with can challenge him for the title, you could then make a stand alone cruiserweight championship for the smaller guys so they still have a title to chase.

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Any1 else think HBK is involved this year to begin the build up for a "who's better" HHHvHBK match at wrestlemania next year?

I hope not - they'd have a good match but I think it'd be best if HBK stayed retired.

It would be better if they didn't fire or not hire people like Lethal and Low Ki. Zema Ion is also shit, fucking atrocious.

Jay Lethal is horrific and is a charisma vacuum. Low Ki is one of the most boring wrestlers I've ever seen, and is also a charisma vacuum with an awful look.

But even Jack Evans looked like more of a talent than Ion, although I've heard that he's a complete dick and that's why only the likes of CZW will hire him..


Jack Evans is the most business exposing spot monkey on the face of the Earth. He has the worst look of any wrestler ever, his matches are the worst kind of choreographed flip fests known to man and is generally the shits.

I think the best thing TNA could do at the moment with Aries starting to be pushed further up the card is to remove the weight limit from the X-Division so the guys he is mixing with can challenge him for the title, you could then make a stand alone cruiserweight championship for the smaller guys so they still have a title to chase.

It'd be interesting to see what would've happened if Sorensen hadn't got injured. I think they might've put the strap on him and moved Aries further up the card. As it is, I wouldn't mind them giving the X Division belt to Kid Kash, he's been on top form since they brought him back.

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Jay Lethal is horrific and is a charisma vacuum. Low Ki is one of the most boring wrestlers I've ever seen, and is also a charisma vacuum with an awful look.

It'd be interesting to see what would've happened if Sorensen hadn't got injured. I think they might've put the strap on him and moved Aries further up the card. As it is, I wouldn't mind them giving the X Division belt to Kid Kash, he's been on top form since they brought him back.

Sorensen is worse than both Lethal and Low Ki, in every aspect. He's not particularly good in the ring and is less charismatic than those two.

I think Low Ki gets a bad rap, he was alright in TNA before he went to WWE, his time in WWE probably wasn't helped by the god awful Laycool shite.

Before Aries became champ, there wasn't really much need to be ridiculously charismatic in the X-Division anyway.

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Don't think it would be a good idea for them to bring HBK back for a match against HHH. They should try build up what they've got rather than keep bringing back past superstars, regardless of how great they were.

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Don't think it would be a good idea for them to bring HBK back for a match against HHH. They should try build up what they've got rather than keep bringing back past superstars, regardless of how great they were.

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Sorensen is worse than both Lethal and Low Ki, in every aspect. He's not particularly good in the ring and is less charismatic than those two.

I think Low Ki gets a bad rap, he was alright in TNA before he went to WWE, his time in WWE probably wasn't helped by the god awful Laycool shite.

Before Aries became champ, there wasn't really much need to be ridiculously charismatic in the X-Division anyway.

Is he worse than those two? He's certainly a better in-ring storyteller, and he actually has a gimmick of sorts which he works within. Lethal might be better at impersonating the Macho Man, and Low Ki might be able to do 300 kicks in a match, but I'd take Sorensen over either of them.

The Laycool stuff was Low Ki in WWE was the best stuff he did, Laycool were entertaining and made him slightly relevant. Much rather that than watching him walk out about with a face looking like a baby trying to do a shite and kicking guys in the leg for 10 minutes.

The last sentence is exactly my problem with the style of the X-Division and why I dislike it.

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Sorenson is rank. His gimmick is exceptionally shite and must have had roughly 10 seconds of thought put into it. But like so many TNA performers, he has been stifled by an awful organisation, as TNA really are the pits right now. The X-Division is apparently just four or five guys, even though they have plenty of talented cruiserweights, meaning we see the same guys and same matches over and over again. They need to remove the weight limit and just let it be a good division again.

By the way, Lethal also does a brillaint Ric Flair impression!

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Right a few things.

1) Jay Lethal. I think he's a terrific wrestler. Always have done. But Marshy is right in that he has f**k all character.

2) Low Ki. Depends how you book him. He could go from being mediocre in one promotion to blinding in another. I also think he has an intensity that makes up for a bit of the lack of character he has. His main problem is that he's an up himself c**t that thinks he's more important than he actually is.

3) Jack Evans. Shit. The guy was spectacular to watch the first times I seen him. But he has no way of storytelling and can't do anything other than flip. It's a shame because he plays the cocky wigga' excellently. Maybe he IS one, but why does that matter? I guess it matters because he's also shit.

4) Zema Ion. I'd like to see him take over from Austin Aries at the top of the X Division for two reasons. It allows Aries to go higher. It also gives Ion a chance to show even more. Everything about him is subdued compared to what he does in IWC, where he has really stood out and has been very good.

5) The X Division. It's not the division that's the problem. It's the lack of proper challengers, which is something that TNA can create. If they really want to, they can rebuild. I think Jesse Sorenson coming back to challenge Ion would make sense, which brings me to...

6) Jesse Sorensen. Good character wrestler and does a job, but much else. He's not got much experience so that's fine, and he's got plenty of good guys to learn from, so I'm happy enough to see him there when he returns.

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Was thinking they were possibly swerving towards a hhh hbk taker 3way but now think it could be building to next year and a 'who's better' match.

With Long and Laurinitis getting physical, been half expecting them to end up competing in the tag match themselves...

Would love that to happen - then the board to call them both idiots for getting that involved and bump them for Foley as GM of both brands.

Or get some sort of 'GM MITB' briefcase. Laurinitis team wins, Foley comes out - cashes - Mr Socko - 123, new GM.

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Sorenson is rank. His gimmick is exceptionally shite and must have had roughly 10 seconds of thought put into it. But like so many TNA performers, he has been stifled by an awful organisation, as TNA really are the pits right now. The X-Division is apparently just four or five guys, even though they have plenty of talented cruiserweights, meaning we see the same guys and same matches over and over again. They need to remove the weight limit and just let it be a good division again.

By the way, Lethal also does a brillaint Ric Flair impression!

TNA can't win can they? First they push too many ex-WWE/WCW guys that people think are past it and get slated for it. Now they're pushing the likes of Storm and Roode and it's "awful" and "the pits".

Jesse Sorensen is a decent little worker and he's still very young. I'm not saying he's going to be the next Ric Flair or anything but I'd much rather watch him than a Jack Evans gymnastic display, Low Ki slapping his own leg, or Jay Lethal boring the hell out of me.

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Was thinking they were possibly swerving towards a hhh hbk taker 3way but now think it could be building to next year and a 'who's better' match.

The thought has come to my head. It'd be a terrific match, absolutely no doubt about that, but would we want to see them wrestle and for HBK to come out of retirement? He went out in the best form of his career and I'd really like it to stay that way.

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TNA can't win can they? First they push too many ex-WWE/WCW guys that people think are past it and get slated for it. Now they're pushing the likes of Storm and Roode and it's "awful" and "the pits".

Jesse Sorensen is a decent little worker and he's still very young. I'm not saying he's going to be the next Ric Flair or anything but I'd much rather watch him than a Jack Evans gymnastic display, Low Ki slapping his own leg, or Jay Lethal boring the hell out of me.

They're quite correct to be pushing Storm and Roode, but they waited far too long to do so. TNA CAN win, but they choose not to. For f**k sake, they're pushing Garrett Bischoff! They can make the X Divison good, nay great, again, as Dom Dom alludes to, but they choose not to. They have plenty of talented wrestlers in that division yet only feature three or so at one time.

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Surely nobody that has watched TNA these days can REALLY think the Storm and Roode stuff is "awful". I've not really watched much of Impact, but I've made a point of looking out the Roode stuff because of what I've heard, and he's looked absolutely amazing, and has also been booked really well. Apparently the road agents undo a lot of the work of the bookers with the match finishes, which hasn't helped.

The title match loss, heel turn and subsequent title win turned out to be a great idea from TNA, but ultimately might have lost them a lot of fans, which is a shame considering it's a bold move which in hindsight was brilliant.

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I don't love the Storm/Roode stuff, but mostly because I can't stand Storm. Not sure why, there's just something about him that I just dislike. Having said that, I really like Roode so it should at least be good.

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On his Twitter account, Evan Bourne announced that he suffered some sort of "accident", causing him to break his foot in four places and fracture it in five more places.

There's absolutely no word on how much time the injury will cause him to miss, but he was already on the WWE sidelines, just coming off of his second Wellness Policy violation a week ago.

The company had no plans to bring him back until after WrestleMania, but obviously, his return will now be pushed back.Stay tuned for further updates on the situation, including how long the injury will keep him out for, as it comes in.

Stoned out his tree?

Oh and if anyone is interested, Sky Sports is airing a show called Once in a Lifetime: The Rock vs. John Cena at noon tomorrow.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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