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Mo Wonderboy

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I thought they were going for some record for number of masked people in the same building or something at Mania actually?

That was going the centred around a match involving Rey Mysterio or Sin Cara, but that was obviously planned before they both got fucked up.

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Just finished watching Lockdown, it wasn't fantastic.

The opening match was the Lethal Lockdown. Was average. Christopher Daniels managed to botch a clothesline from Anderson by falling before Anderson had even swung, jesus f**k. RVD hit something(frog splash maybe?) and went for a pin and Earl Hebner didn't even bother to count before Eric Bischoff broke it up after what was probably 2-3 seconds. There was tables and ladders on top of the cell roof, but they weren't used nor was there any activity on top of the cell, what's the point in that? It was a bit of a catch 22 for me, I wanted both people to lose so that we wouldn't need to see either Bischoff anymore. No doubt Eric is solely in creative though so Garrett losing probably would've been the best outcome.

The tag match was quite average. Probably because they don't want to rush his recovery but the Guns seemed to be more reserved than they were a year ago, or so and it suffered because of it. Some minor botches from them too(when they took Magnus down with the double kicks, the step on the back of the calf was so weak). It had good spells but overall both teams could've done a lot better.

I'm not watching a Robbie E/Devon match that hasn't seen ANY development since the last PPV. Do TNA have a second show/superstars equivalent or have they literally done nothing with this feud since Victory Road. I didn't even realise Devon won that match and was the TV champion, such is the lack of exposure.

I also skipped the Knockout's and Crimson/Morgan matches as well.

Angle and Hardy put on a great match. I was really surprised how good this was, given how awful the storyline is. Hardy should've done the moonsault off of the top though, completing copying all of Angle's signature moves. Match of the night for me.

Roode and Storm was alright. Not sure how I feel about the ending. I really don't like Storm so was glad he didn't pick up the victory and I knew Roode wasn't going to win clean in his hometown. But I don't like that ending of him getting kicked out of the cage. Start was pretty good with the brawl and it was decent going during the match but I dunno, it just didn't live up to either the standard of a main event or the standard set by Angle/Hardy. I'm not sure who's fault it is though, it just didn't deliver and had me a bit bored.

I think there was also a Knockout's tag match in there somewhere, that was also skipped. All in all it wasn't distinctly average. Out of the three big matches, only one really lived up to the standard it should've been at. I also hate how the tag team match started off as a standard tag match with tags and stuff. What are they gonna do if you don't go back to your corner, disqualify you, in a cage match? Added to the fact I already dislike the inclusion of cage door, pinfall and submission victories in cage matches.

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That Brock photo looks like a bad photoshop, reminds me of Tank Abbot in the dying days of WCW. :lol: I won't be surprised if he wears street gear in the match at Extreme Rules, especially if the rumours are true about him being out of shape.

I stupidly read Raw spoilers earlier, so I'm going to skip the "live" showing of tonight's show. The England shows are often quite poor though. The odds of there being a black cab, double decker bus and a clip of people drinking in a pub are quite short.

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I very nearly clicked on RAW spoilers there ... on the one hand I want to see if it looks like it'll be worth staying up for, but on the other hand I simply don't want to spoil it because then even if it is a good show it'll seem shite.

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Hmmm, don't know if I'll stay up for this, if someone who has read the spoilers can answer YES! in a Daniel Bryan like manner I'll stay up; Is Kane on? Is there even a slight twist to any of the current rivalries?

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