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Mo Wonderboy

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A top rope splash. He didn't really fall off, but he sort of had a slow mo landing. Looked ridiculous.

Na it wasn't that, I can remember that too. Must've been WM6 or further on. I'm going to have to try and hunt that down now.

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WWE Wrestlemania VI

Koko B. Ware vs. Rick "The Model" Martel

This match was a kinda boring opener. The only thing I liked about it was whenever Martel was in control, he just had that "yeah, I've got this one sussed." look all of the time. It started lively, but didn't really get going from there. *

Andre the Giant and Haku © vs. Demolition - WWE World Tag Team Championships

This match had the purpose of 1) Andre the Giant turning face again and 2) Demolition getting their tag belts back. Smash does something you don't see often. Getting whipped into the ropes, just turn around and punch the guy in the face. Andre the Giant is even more immobile here than usual, so he winds up spending most of the match on the apron. The match is a bit on the dull side, and a bit long considering the entire point of the match was simply how it ended, and the post-match. *

Hercules vs. Earthquake

I'm surprised at how strong they had Hercules looking early doors in this one, considering Hercules was on the way out of singles competition and Earthquake was going into a major program with Hulk Hogan. Earthquake should have gone through Hercules as if he wasn't there. The execution was wrong and the match was boring. Not good. DUD

Mr. Perfect vs. Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake

Beefcake's fire vs. Perfect's bumping for the first section of the match made it an absolute joy to watch. Think HBK/Hogan, except Beefcake actually looked like he was doing damage himself. The finish here seems like a bit of an anti-climax, because the match really seemed to be getting going before that point. **1/2

Bad News Brown vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

Ah, that infamous moment where Piper goes into the match half blacked up. Could you imagine seeing that these days? The match is heated as hell with it seeming as if both guys want to kill each other. It seems a bit weird that they didn't give the match a finish. The match suited the double count out, but at the same time, it was a super heated match going into the show. **

The Hart Foundation vs. The Bolsheviks

Hart Attack. Done. Next? N/A

The Barbarian vs. Tito Santana

If there's one thing to seek out from this match, it's Barbarian's Clothesline. The match is a fun power vs. speed outing. Barbarian plays the kinda big guy well. It's not impossible to get him down. You're just gonna have to work hard to get him down, and everything he does looks vicious. Getting a win over a Santana was still a decent deal by this point. **

"Macho King" Randy Savage and Sensational Sherri vs. Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire

Dusty Rhodes has the Wheel of Fortune music here. Elizabeth is in the corner of Dusty and Sapphire. The stuff involving Sherri and Sapphire is pretty bad. Dusty and Rhodes at least bring some decent action into the match, even if it isn't the best. Macho and Sherri are proper b*****ds here. Savage in particular is a mammoth c**t. Not a great match by any means here. Infact, this whole fued is one to forget. *

The Orient Express vs. The Rockers

These teams would have a much better match at the following Royal Rumble. Infact when you watch this match, you would have no idea that they were capable of a genuine tag team classic. This is much more of your standard tag team formula midcard fare. Which means it's decent enough, but not much more than that. **

Dino Bravo vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan

This is about as "pish break" as it gets. Duggan's involvement is almost enough to make it rise about, but the match is boring as f**k. Bravo reminds me of why I disliked him so much with doing not much more than punches and kicks, and not doing them well either, and Duggan isn't much better here. DUD

"The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Pre-match, Jake Roberts cuts the sort of promo which makes you sad that he never went further. Dibiase was a perfect opponent for Dibiase. Both guys have a brilliant understanding of the little things and Dibiase was able to make Roberts look much better than he actually was. The drama towards the end was mental and the crowd was fittingly mental for it. Poor ending to the match, of which there were too many on this show. This was a really good match though. ***1/2

Akeem vs. The Big Bossman

The crowd couldn't give a toss about this one after the crazyness of the last one. Not even Dibiase being a b*****d at ringside helped things any. The match being shit didn't help either. Thankfully this is the last time I ever have to deal with a match involving One Man Gang. DUD

"Ravishing" Rick Rude vs. "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka

Rude was on the way to a big match with the Warrior at Summerslam, so Snuka here was basically some major cannon fodder for him. The match was quite decent. Snuka got a decent amount in there, and Rude actually came across looking stronger as a result as he got the win nice and clean. **1/2

Hulk Hogan vs. The Ultimate Warrior - WWE World Heavyweight Championship vs. WWE Intercontinental Championship

This was probably the biggest babyface vs. babyface match you could have thought of ever seeing. And the stakes couldn't have been higher either. Love that original early sign with Warrior just shaking off the Body Slam, and then Warrior does the exact same thing and Hogan seems hurt by it. This match is everything that's amazing about wrestling. Absolutely everything in this match means something, whether it be the dick measuring contest with their power games, or the pure desperation that sets in, and the wee touches of Warrior's superiority through the match and just the entire epic feel of the match. You don't get wrestling like this nearly enough. One of them matches where you see who's in it, think "this should be good" and it meets your expectations. ****1/4

I would say this is a one match show, but that one match is excellent.

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Dom Dom, sorry for keeping on coming back to you for answers here but the Summerslam after this - 91(?). Sapphire was supposed to do a match but it didn't go ahead. Dusty came out beforehand and said he didn't know where she was.

From memory, something went wrong backstage at this event and Saphhire no-showed. Any ideas?

Scrap that - on wikipedia I see it was a work with DiBiase. On my tagged classics DVD though I think they edited out the part later in the show where MDM did the reveal that he had bought Sapphire.

Did you know that Sapphire was about 55 years old at this stage?

Edited by Dindeleux
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Yeh, she was born in 1934!!!!!!

It was a terrible feud but I really like Dusty and Sapphire.

It was a strange combination though as it seemed to have a relationship element behind it which was never really mentioned at all on TV.

Edited by Dindeleux
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Anybody on here going to Kelvin Brawl at the end of June? I'm thinking about getting tickets for it and would probably be going with two non-fans who are tempted due to Hemphill and Florence. Anybody at Oran War before? Was it up to much?

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WWE Wrestlemania VIII

This one holds a special place in my heart. The venue just looked terrific and the show felt absolutely massive. This show was also the absolute pinnacle of Monsoon and Heenan as a commentary team.

El Matador vs. Shawn Michaels

They basically repackaged Tito Santana so as they could use him to put some more of the up and comers over. It's Tito Santana in there, so obviously it worked. Santana against the HBK of 2004 onwards would have been a pretty special match. HBK was nowhere near that level at this point, but he was obviously still pretty good. Matador does the Headlock stuff for much of the match, which is always fun, and he finds loads of ways to go to that. HBK in control is fun, as he really overdoes the cocky stuff. As an opener, this does all you could want. It's a good match, warms the crowd up without going mental. ***

Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. The Undertaker

Jake Roberts' attack on Paul Bearer was a super angle. It was the end of what was an incredible 12 months for him. It's a shame that he had fallen quite a bit since the brilliant angle with Randy Savage. It's weird seeing Taker in full blown zombie role. He hadn't quite mastered it the year before, but this time out, he had it down to a tee. Doesn't make for a fast paced sprint, but it DOES make of an eerie character no matter what's going on. The match definitely borders on boring as Taker spends much of the time just choking Roberts. Then Roberts hits the DDT and the match goes into the ridiculous. So yeah, this match actually sucks massive balls. DUD

Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart

This match is a great example of how to make a title seem as important as possible. Two guys who are ridiculously focused on one thing. The IC belt. The tension in the opening stages is amazing, as you can tell both guys just want to tear the other man's head off. I love how the end of the match comes when Piper's not able to go that extra mile and use the ringbell, and that turns out to be what costs him in the end. Hart is willing to do some cheap tricks of his own as he fakes an injury to try and get a cheap pin on Piper. There's all sorts to love about this match, and it's definitely one of my all time favourite Mania matches. ****1/2

Repo Man, The Mountie and The Nasty Boys vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, The Big Bossman, Virgil and Sgt. Slaughter

The guy that hosted Family Fued does a sterling job with the intros. Family friendly humour doesn't have to be childish pathetic shit all of the time. The crowd lapped that shit up. The match itself isn't very good so the crowd should be lapping something up. The match was never boring at any point which I suppose is the least you should ever expect of an eight man tag. *

Ric Flair © vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage - WWE World Heavyweight Championship

If Piper/Hart was an example of two men purely just desperate to get the IC title, this is an example of a man not interested in ANY titles, and just giving Ric Flair the beating of a lifetime. Winning the title would be a nice little side bonus for Randy Savage in this match. Flair seems to really revel in his control of the match, methodical with every single move and with a great big grin on his face while he does it. The blood adds to it as it's during the big downward spiral for Flair as Savage hands out the beating of a lifetime. Then follows the sheer drama of the Flying Elbow and the madness that follows. This has gone down as a Wrestlemania classic, and repeat viewings have only been kinder to it for me. Another brilliant "cheap" ending, as Savage uses the sort of tactics that have seen Flair do so well over the years. Just an amazing match. *****

Rick "The Model" Martel vs. Tatanka

Tatanka was at the beginning of a winning streak at this point. Martel was the man who was going to help cement his spot. Some Native American shenanigans at ringside pre-match. Martel is in fine form in this match. He gets just enough in there that it makes Tatanka look really strong getting a good clean and comfy win over him. You'd have thought this was over after this match but they wound up keeping it going untill Survivor Series for whatever reason. *1/2

Money Inc. © vs. The Natural Disasters - WWE World Tag Team Championships

I thought they'd make the size difference a much bigger deal in this match. Early in the match it certainly seemed like that's what they were going to do. The match winds up going south pretty quickly though. Just the usual tag team stuff, but with some real moments of awkwardness. Especially with Typhoon in there. Money Inc. got a much easier ride against that guy than they should have gotten. When Quake gets back in, things get a touch better but not much I'm afraid. It's a poor show. 1/2*

Skinner vs. Owen Hart

Skinner was great fun to watch. He just had a pure "I just don't give a f**k" approach to every match. He basically gives Owen a beating in this one untill he gets rolled up for a cheap win. Owen adds a Dropkick post-match for good measure. Not much to rate here. N/A

Sid Justice vs. Hulk Hogan

There's a story about this match. Hulk Hogan was supposed to win the match with the Leg Drop, but Sid decided to take matters into his own hands and kickout, forcing Papa Shango to run-in and give the DQ finish instead of coming out post-match. This match wasn't that great anyways. Probably the worst example of a Hogan match at Wrestlemania. Sid Justice was probably the very worst wrestler Hogan faced at Wrestlemania though. The match was all about the ending though, with The Ultimate Warrior making a big return. The rating for the match is not good though. *

It still feels like a great Wrestlemania even with so much shite on it. Piper/Hart and Savage/Flair are brilliant. I'm not looking forward to the next one, that's for sure.

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I cant be bothered with reading back in the thread as to why DomDom posts those old cards so if someone would kindly tell me that would be swell.

No offence intended to DomDom either by the way. Does anyone read it?

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WWE Wrestlemania VIII


This show was also the absolute pinnacle of Monsoon and Heenan as a commentary team.


Heenan trying to keep calm then losing the plot and challenging Monsoon to a fight in the match that followed Flair's loss to Savage was comedy gold. :lol:

Sent from my HTC One X using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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I cant be bothered with reading back in the thread as to why DomDom posts those old cards so if someone would kindly tell me that would be swell.

No offence intended to DomDom either by the way. Does anyone read it?

This thread and forum is essentially people just posting their opinions on wrestling, whether people want to read them or not. My Mania reviews are just an example of that.

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I think you may have the proposed ending wrong domdom in regards to to Hogan/Justice

It was my understanding that Shango completely missed his cue and was meant to break up the three count but because he wasn't out in time, justice had no option but to kick out. Then the manager got involved to kill some time before Shango eventually turned up

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