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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Dolph Ziggler used to be Nicky in the Spirit Squad and he was Kerwin Whites caddy.

Ranjin Singh used to be Khalis manager...now he's his brother.

According to WWE, there was no Royal Rumble in 2004....it never existed.

Brooklyn Brawler was Doink the Clown as well.

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Kane himself was Jerry Lawler's dentist, I.Yankem or something equally stupid.

On the topic of Kane, you would have thought that the dirty b*****d would have washed his face once in a while! But no, when he took his mask off he revealed for all to see that he was in fact a manky c**t and seemingly had not washed his face since the fire, as he had soot all over his face.

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WWF getting Cornette to bury WCW and it's talent on Raw. Pretty shocking. I don't remember this, it goes back to what I said a few weeks back on this thread about WWF paying any sort of lip service to the WCW. It's just something I don't think they would have done.

Aye, this is on the Monday night wars DVD. I suppose WCW had it coming as Bischoff had been playing dirty upto that point.

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No sure about that. He did play him for a while but I'm sure the original Doink was some other guy.

Indeed. It was played by Matt Bourne, who was actually a pretty good wrestler in his own right

Oh and Doinkwub.gif

I'm sure I posted this before but he was brilliant....the original Heath Ladgers Joker....he was so sinister and creepy


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I've never quite understood the whole Bret-Austin thing when he inducted him into the HOF and announced his father would be inducted too.

These two had one of the most vicious and personal fueds I reckon theres ever been.

Austin tried to end Harts career, Hart returned the favour, Austin chaired the lot of the Harts in Canada during the national anthem, insulted his mother, father, sisters, wrecked him and his family's chance of winning dozens of matches, Owen broke his neck and laughed about it and they generally all hated one another.

Hart leaves for WCW without a proper end to the fued and next time we see him on WWF TV, Austin and he are good buddies. I know most of the 'WWE universe' won't know anything of their past, but for the ones who do remember it (or in my case, rewatching it now as I missed a lot of it first time round) it smacks of vince taking folk for retards with the memory span of a goldfish.

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I've never quite understood the whole Bret-Austin thing when he inducted him into the HOF and announced his father would be inducted too.

These two had one of the most vicious and personal fueds I reckon theres ever been.

Austin tried to end Harts career, Hart returned the favour, Austin chaired the lot of the Harts in Canada during the national anthem, insulted his mother, father, sisters, wrecked him and his family's chance of winning dozens of matches, Owen broke his neck and laughed about it and they generally all hated one another.

Hart leaves for WCW without a proper end to the fued and next time we see him on WWF TV, Austin and he are good buddies. I know most of the 'WWE universe' won't know anything of their past, but for the ones who do remember it (or in my case, rewatching it now as I missed a lot of it first time round) it smacks of vince taking folk for retards with the memory span of a goldfish.

Sweet jesus.

It's the Hall of Fame ceremony. It's not an episode of RAW. It's not some PPV where they are advancing storylines. It's a non-kayfabed appreciation of the past stars of WWE. It's not taking folk for retards at all, and this is only a cynic's view of it.

I can't believe that there are still people who think the Hart/Austin should even be acknowledged in this day and age at such an event.

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I've never quite understood the whole Bret-Austin thing when he inducted him into the HOF and announced his father would be inducted too.

These two had one of the most vicious and personal fueds I reckon theres ever been.

Austin tried to end Harts career, Hart returned the favour, Austin chaired the lot of the Harts in Canada during the national anthem, insulted his mother, father, sisters, wrecked him and his family's chance of winning dozens of matches, Owen broke his neck and laughed about it and they generally all hated one another.

Hart leaves for WCW without a proper end to the fued and next time we see him on WWF TV, Austin and he are good buddies. I know most of the 'WWE universe' won't know anything of their past, but for the ones who do remember it (or in my case, rewatching it now as I missed a lot of it first time round) it smacks of vince taking folk for retards with the memory span of a goldfish.

It's the HoF man.....kayfabe doesn't come into it. Did anyone complain when Flair spoke about Steamboat, Dusty, Race etc.? No. It doesn't matter. It's about honouring careers, not continuing storylines that happened 15, 20, 30 years ago.

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It's the HoF man.....kayfabe doesn't come into it. Did anyone complain when Flair spoke about Steamboat, Dusty, Race etc.? No. It doesn't matter. It's about honouring careers, not continuing storylines that happened 15, 20, 30 years ago.

some people have trouble with where the storyline ends and the real life parts begin

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Is it even worthwhile downloading and watching SmackDown! this week?

Not really.

Where do people think they are going with this McIntyre angle? And why are we meant to care about a fat jobber like Matt Hardy?

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I'm assuming not losing the title means someone can bring Drew back and he can say "I never lost the belt".

As for Fatt Lardy, he seems to be over with live audiences, so he was probably the best guy to do the angle with.

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PWG Battle of Los Angeles 2009 Night One

One of the premier US indy tournaments. I have been looking forward to watching this. Oh, and no PBP to be found here. Summaries only.

The Cutler Brothers vs. Malachi Jackson and Ryan Taylor ( ***1/4 )

Scott Lost vs. Jerome Robinson ( *** )

Human Tornado vs. Matt Jackson ( **3/4 )

Colt Cabana vs. Joey Ryan ( ***1/2 )

Johnny Goodtime vs. Roderick Strong ( **1/2 )

Brandon Gatson vs. Nick Jackson ( ** )

Austin Aries vs. Brian Kendrick ( **1/2 )

Kenny Omega vs. Kevin Steen ( ***3/4 )

Alex Shelley vs. El Generico ( ***3/4 )

The Cutler Brothers vs. Malachi Jackson and Ryan Taylor

This is the only non tournament match of the night. The Cutlers look really fluent and have superb chemistry, and their opponents don't really have that. I don't think they're a regular team though, so I can live with that. This was a superb spot based opener. Jackson really doesn't look like a wrestler, but what he does do is wrestle like a spot monkey and bump like a man possessed, and in tag team wrestling as a babyface house on fire, you don't really need much else. The sprint after the Cutler's heat segment was great fun. ***1/4

Scott Lost vs. Jerome Robinson

This is the first time I've ever seen Robinson. Scott Lost can be very boring on offense, but he knows it, so he uses the big moves that he has well, and spreads them out in a fairly even fashion. Jerome Robinson looked brilliant here, timing his comebacks almost to perfection. Infact, that was the best thing about this match. How well both men timed their offense and because of that, it was actually a pretty good match, even though the guys involved are pretty limited, although Robinson is one for the future. ***

Human Tornado vs. Matt Jackson

Matt Jackson is represnting The Young Bucks/Generation ME. Human Tornado is simply representin'. An absolutely magnificent moment at the end of this match when Nick Jackson tries to involve himself and the referee decides to decapitate him with a massive Lariat. The heel Bucks are fun. Matt Jackson seems to slip in and out of the character a wee bit too much though. Getting the fans to clap and stuff. No joy. At the same time, the wee heelish additions to his flashy moveset are good. This is a good match, if a bit disjointed for the most part. **3/4

Colt Cabana vs. Joey Ryan

This is sure to be the most clean cut match of the round so far. Both guys with bags of experience and are more than solid in the ring. The opening couple of minutes of the match with Cabana doing the WoS style wrestling was brilliant, which was then followed up by some entertaining comedy wrestling, and then was followed up by the straight match, and the whole thing was just so smooth and so crisp. This is the first time I had seen Cabana since he went back to the indies, and I had almost forgotten how good he could be in his element. Really good match here, but lets not take away from Ryan who was his equal here. ***1/2

Johnny Goodtime vs. Roderick Strong

Johnny Goodtime is another guy who I have never seen before. Johnny Goodtime was put over in this match to be someone who could take everything that Strong had to throw and for the most part was doing his job well, but he did have one problem. If you can't do the complicated moves, then don't even attempt them. Four or five times in this match he went for slingshot and springboard moves and didn't manage to connect them in the way that he hoped and it continually took away from the flow of the match. Roderick Strong was as hard hitting and awesome as usual, but Goodtime really didn't help this at all. **1/2

Brandon Gatson vs. Nick Jackson

Another guy who I have never seen ! And of course it's Brandon Gatson. He's the first of the first timers on this set that has really impressed me so far, outside of the first match of course. You might not think it to look at him, but this man can fly, and not only that, but he can take it to the mat and wrestle. Nick Jackson is a hell of a lot more useless in singles competition than his brother by the looks of things. Everything he did just had me thinking "shite", even when it looked good. That's never good. **

Austin Aries vs. Brian Kendrick

This was some quality heel vs. heel stuff. The match itself wasn't put together to be your classic wrestling match but what it was there to do was to be very entertaining. Both guys just kept cheating each other and would then miss their moves one after the other and generally not be able to get any hold on the match whatsoever, and it took one big mega-cheat and a fluke to end up winning the match in the end. As I said, not exactly the classic match so I can't rate it as such, but this is fun. **1/2

Kenny Omega vs. Kevin Steen

Kenny Omega is apparently some rising star on the US indy circuit. He's another one I haven't seen but I have high hopes for this match. This match felt like a 25 minute main event style match crammed into 12 minutes. Of course, it felt like a very GOOD 25 minute match crammed into that time, so it was still very good, but it did feel as if some of the match was very rushed. It was incredibly well built though. ***3/4

El Generico vs. Alex Shelley

Oh man, this just HAS to be good. El Generico has to be one of my favourites on the US indies. He's actually my second favourite right behind Davey Richards I'd say. Alex Shelley is awesome. I knew once Shelley went to work on the knee of Generico that the injury would be forgotten, and that grated on me. They also did the hanging on the rope spot and the guy pulling himself into position for a top rope move. It was like a show of moves that annoy the shit out of me and it dragged the match down a good bit. It was still slick as hell and great to watch for the most part, but didn't have enough to drag it into the upper end. ***3/4



Plenty of stuff over 3* and nothing bad means that this is an easy recommendation if you can find one night of it. The last two matches are superb and aren't far from hitting the 4* mark.

Edited by DomDom
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