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Mo Wonderboy

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Well well! Looks like I was correct with 'they'. I can't actually claim any credit for it though as I read it somewhere (in a wrestling mag but can't mind what one). I suppose there was a slight suprise with Hardy turning heel. But TNA has managed to top itself once more in the stupid stakes. Hyped as their biggest PPV ever, the big reveal does not revolve around their superb young stars who should be the future of the promotion and the business but instad aroud Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff and Jeff Jarrett. Hardy is hardly a young up and comer either. Dixie Carter has proven herself to be an utter clown to let this shite happen!

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Any replays/ streams of last night?

I fell asleep :ph34r: at some point between 2 and half 2 last night so I'm watching it on this youtube channel:


Might be taken down by the time you get in from work though. EDIT: it's gone now

I should say I didn't fall asleep due to the quality of the show, which was very good up to that point, it was because I was knackered.

Edited by Marshmallo
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Just read results.

I'm more disappointed at EV 2 beating Fourtune than the later heel turn, what possible benefit is there to putting over a bunch of has-beens against the likes of AJ, Beer Money and Matt Morgan who should be carrying the company for years? Where does this leave Fourtune now given the heel turn later in the night?

Hardy turning heel is an interesting one. Was anything made of Dixie signing that form on Impact? Why does Jarrett need to be part of "they"? Surely he would've made a good leader along with Sting for a faction to oppose Hogan and co?

From what I've seen so far - the Guns-Gen ME match was outstanding, one of the matches of the year so far IMO. The Knockouts match was OK. Eric Young is great. The X-Division match was decent but the aftermath was brutal. Abyss and RVD was pretty poor, I don't understand why you would make Abyss look weak when he is obviously meant to be an unstoppable monster in this new angle.

If anyone finds a decent link to watch the rest I'd appreciate it.

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TNA Bound for Glory 2010

Right, lots to look forward to here. Bring it on.

Motor City Machine Guns © vs. Generation Me - TNA World Tag Team Championships ( ****1/4 )

Angelina Love © vs. Tara vs. Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne - TNA Knockouts Championship ( **3/4 )

Orlando Jordan and Eric Young vs. Ink Inc. ( ** )

Jay Lethal © vs. Douglas Williams - TNA X Division Championship ( *** )

Abyss vs. Rob Van Dam, Monster's Ball ( **** )

D'Angelo Dinero, Sting and Kevin Nash vs. Samoa Joe and Jeff Jarrett ( *1/2 )

EV 2.0 vs. Fortune, Lethal Lockdown Match ( ***1/2 )

Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle - TNA World Heavyweight Championship ( ****1/4 )

Motor City Machine Guns © vs. Generation Me - TNA World Tag Team Championships

This is what tag team wrestling is all about for me. Absolutely amazing stuff here from both teams. Definately the best example of a sprint tag team match that WWE/TNA has attempted, but they have two teams who have done it many times in the past so that shouldn't come as a surprise. Some of the innovation both teams couldn't help to wow you. It was a shame that Generation Me weren't more over than they were. MCMG were WAY over, but the audience didn't really buy into the challengers. Ah well, corker of a match. ****1/4

This video package for the Knockout match is fucking horrific. Leave the video packages to people who have a clue what they're doing. Thanks in advance.

Angelina Love © vs. Tara vs. Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne - TNA Knockouts Championship

At least the match should remain exciting. And thankfully it did. Have to appreciate the constant wave of action in this match which made it feel fresh all of the way through. Madison Rayne is still shit though, but there does seem to be some sort of improvement in Velvet and Love. **3/4

Orlando Jordan and Eric Young vs. Ink Inc.

"It's well documented ... he's probably a virgin."

This match strikes me as slightly odd. Especially on the show which is apparently TNA's version of Wrestlemania. I was going to call EY the Santino of TNA, but the major difference between these two guys is that Eric Young is actually funny. That said, his act grated after a while, which suggests that this match was quite long for what it was. That said, I'm glad this match did find a place on the card because it was good light hearted stuff among all of the heated fueds going on. **

Lets give Orlando's Jordan a bit of credit for his post match reactions. Puts over the partnership with Eric Young a wee bit more.

Jay Lethal © vs. Douglas Williams - TNA X Division Championship

Nothing really wrong with the match here. Just not as involving as it possibly could have been. Douglas Williams has quite the fanbase for this ( I recognize a couple actually ) match. The lack of heat here really took away from Lethal kicking out of the Chaos Theory and basically felt like it was just a finisher getting killed. That wasn't the fault of the match though so I can't take away for that. This was a fine wee match. ***

Who's this bloke doing the Shore ? Whoever he is, he's got a bit of charisma about him. I hope he's got the wrestling to back it up. They could have a bit of an X Division star. HEY THAT WOMAN'S LACEY !!! FUCKING WIN~~~!!! The best music in TNA hits after that attack. I LOVE THIS~~~!!!

I take back what I said about video packages in TNA. The one for RVD/Abyss was fairly good.

Abyss vs. Rob Van Dam, Monster's Ball

Is Rob Van Dam going to have a memorable match in TNA ? Probably not, but this is probably one of the best chances he has had yet. It's going to be a hot crowd thanks to the 10/10/10 stuff too. The first thing to note is that they didn't start with the WWE style garbage nonsense which is normally how Abyss matches start these days. The second point is that Rob Van Dam takes a couple of MAJOR barbed wire bumps in there. Which has to be classed as a surprise. Rob Van Dam definately brought the A game to what was basically a spotfest, but a very brutal and enjoyable one. ****

Kevin Nash, Sting and D'Angelo Dinero vs. Jeff Jarrett and Samoa Joe

I don't think I've ever seen so many big names in one match and thought to myself "this is going to be poor". We get the most obvious heel turn ever here. Did anyone seriously not see JJ turning heel when Samoa Joe was in there and Jarrett hadn't been in the match yet ? The match was an absolute mess. It was slightly enjoyable mess. *1/2

I suppose that Jeff Jarrett must be one of "Them" then.

Team 3D are here to make an announcement now. They say that they want one more match against the TNA World Tag Team Champions, The Motor City Machine Guns, and then they are going to head off into the sunset. No matter the result, they retire. They haven't been relevant for about five years anyways so it's about fucking time.

EV 2.0 vs. Fortune, Lethal Lockdown Match

This should at least be a hell of an entertaining match. The section when the guys were still coming into the match could get a bit tedious at times, as matches like that tend to do. Why does Kendrick always attempt that Sliced Bread #2 from a ladder ? He botches it every time ! The match was pretty chaotic but not the best match of that type that I've seen. ***1/2

Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle - TNA World Heavyweight Championship

I felt that this got a bit rushed at times and it really hurt what could have been a bit of a classic between these three guys. That said, it was still the joint match of the night which certainly means that the match was a hell of an effort between the three guys. The ref bump also helped to bring the mark down a wee bit. ****1/4

Then we have the predictable "They" with Abyss, Hogan, Bischoff, Jarrett and Hardy. Well, apart from Hardy, who didn't see that coming ?

Predictable ending aside, this was a good 'un.

Edited by DomDom
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The whole 'they' thing in TNA is pathetic. They have the show and product now revolving around a wrestler who can hardly walk never mind wrestle (Hogan), an old non wrestler who does nothing (Bischoff), a naive and idotic non wrestler who is a dreadful character (Dixie Carter), two aging wrestlers who are past it and not longer relevant (Sting and Jarrett, Nash too until last night seemingly) and a sad old man running about bumping wildly and screaming loud pish in a desperate attempt to steal the limelight (Flair). The only fresh stars near the top now are Abyss, RVD and Hardy, and these guys have been around for a while. The younger, fresh talent has been stuffed under the glass celing the old selfish guard have created, men who have taken so much from the business yet even now want to hog the attention and limelight and keep others down and give nothing back.

It used to be that TNA was all bout pushing new stars and creating the future players of the industry and WWE had an ageing main event team. Now it's the WWE who are pushing fresh talent, with the likes of The Miz, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, Daniel Bryan, The Nexus and others being pushed and the likes of Tyler Black, Rampage Brown and Martin Stone being signed to developmental deals. There is a similarity to what TNA are doing now and what WCW before they died (yes I know that the death of WCW wasn't all down to the in ring happenings, but it was a massive part in it's downfall). The only difference is that WCW competed with, and even beat, WWE. TNA will never compete with the WWE>

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After having fell asleep last night watching a stream I just watched Bound For Glory there, and for someone who doesnt watch TNA very often anymore and aint really been following the storylines I am left so very confused. Has this Hogan/Bischoff heel turn been on the cards for a while? Because it just seems very pointless. And as for Junkie Hardy, his main thing about him is girls and little kids screaming for him because he's a good guy, he'll be a shite heel.

Also, they said Abyss was having his last TNA match during the show quite a few times, is he actually away or was this a storyline?

Same goes for Nash and the Dudleys, are they away too?

Spoilers, C'MON, infact you can get a red dot for that.

Stream/replay anyone?

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Spoilers, C'MON, infact you can get a red dot for that.

Indeed. It's ridiculously ignorant. You'd think that with other people using spoiler tags, he'd use his common sense. I guess I was giving him too much credit.

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Spoilers, C'MON, infact you can get a red dot for that.

First, apologies for that, I hadnt looked through the other posts to see folk were using Spoiler tags.

Secondly, I personally wouldnt go into a thread or forum about wrestling, had I not seen the previous nights show/PPV and I didnt wanna know what happened.

Thirdly, I actually didnt think about putting spoiler tags because it was a live show. Theres usually alot of posts by many people during live PPV's and spoiler tags dont get used then.

I apologise for not putting it in spoiler tags but you're partly to blame yourself for coming into the thread in the first place if you dont wanna know what happened.

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First, apologies for that, I hadnt looked through the other posts to see folk were using Spoiler tags.

Secondly, I personally wouldnt go into a thread or forum about wrestling, had I not seen the previous nights show/PPV and I didnt wanna know what happened.

Thirdly, I actually didnt think about putting spoiler tags because it was a live show. Theres usually alot of posts by many people during live PPV's and spoiler tags dont get used then.

I apologise for not putting it in spoiler tags but you're partly to blame yourself for coming into the thread in the first place if you dont wanna know what happened.

Actually, no, it wasn't live over here, which is what makes it an entirely different thing from people posting stuff from stuff like WWE PPVs and RAW.

It's basically the equivalent of posting Smackdown spoilers before they air on Friday, which is when BFG will be aired in the UK.

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I think most of us on here will see BFG via "other means" before Friday, but it should still be in spoiler tags, for a couple of days anyway.

Well yeah, but that IS besides the point. It's not freely available for us right away which means people won't be able to see it right away, meaning spoiler tags is just good manners.

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Team Raw, captained by The Miz; R-Truth, John Morrison, Santino, Sheamus and CM Punk. Have to laugh at Santino being there! How do you go from Superstars to being in the main event of the next PPV? R-Truth is pish and should just f**k off. Team Raw is pretty strong though. Cena will probably get on there somehow As for Team Smackdown? Show is captain, and I would imagine his team will include Edge, Rey, McIntyre, Rhodes, Swagger and perhaps Del Rio? Other possible entrants could be Masters

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