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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Two VERY good main events. Thought the cage match would have been better had the R-Truth interference taken a bit less time.

Some decent stuff on the undercard as well. The opener in particular was very good. Nothing worrying the 2011 MOTYC list, but it's a solid PPV as always from WWE after Mania.

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The opener was very good, probably as good a match as Orton/Punk willhave. They really do need to give Punk something to make him look like a legit heel who poses a threat. It would be such a shame if Punk left because he feels he's not being used well/apreciated. Thats two high profile feuds (ie. feuds which span across various PPV's) and I'm stuggling to tink of a single CM Punk victory over eithr Orton or Cena. Did he actually win a match against either?:mellow:

Cody/Rey as very good as well I thought, enjoyed the backstage brawl bit.

The ladder match was motn for me. A great brawl with blood, a Del Rio sick bump onto the ladder and the result everyone wanted.

The cage match was ok. As obvious an ending as I've seen in a long time.

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How is he not Championship Material? :blink:

He's great on the mic, very good in the ring (put on one hell of a match last night), gets the crowd involved in his matches and the World Title looks good on him.

He's the perfect midcarder - I mean that as a compliment. He is very good at everything but I don't think he's good enough at anything to be in the main event.

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Whilst not shocked at all, the main event outcome has left me deflated with the WWE main event scene.

The main event talent right now is at its weakest in my lifetime, no taker, hhh, hbk, jericho, edge, batista to name but a few. No stars like Eddie and beniot who can jump between the mid card and main event at ease.

Miz has done well with his run imo but why not push him more, have him fued with people in the midcard like Morrison and atleast give them the chance to make a star for themselves.

They could have made Miz look more credible but no they have him win every match with interferance etc but no we get John f'ing Cena again. Whats gonna happen now? Are they gonna have Cena fued with someone for the 20th time in 3 years or are they gonna have one of the major rising stars like Del Rio job to him and totally destroy the push he should be getting?

Atleast with Hogan winning all the time all those years ago, i was only 10 years old and never understood the buisness at the time. Now you just cringe whenever Cena is in the ring

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I think it'll be a Del Rio - Cena feud and I think Del Rio will win it. Del Rio getting moved to Raw seems like a way of giving two guys, Del Rio and Christian, the belts. Del Rio - Miz wouldn't work since they're both heels and who better to go over than the biggest guy in the company in Cena. Del Rio can't stay and potentially stagnate on SD when they've clearly spent a lot of time and money hyping him up. Christian on the other hand wouldn't necessarily stagnate on SD because he's an established star. They clearly don't want to push Morrison, and a feud with Cena wouldn't work because of the face/face thing, so he couldn't take the WWE title. Orton will most likely turn heel and feud with Christian, which will be boring and pointless since Orton is... well boring and pointless.

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I disagree with the negative comments on Christian, I like him(although not as much as others here). On a brand which has seen Jack Swagger become the top champion and currently only has Randy Orton to compete with him I think he's as credible a champion as you'd expect.

I mean if you take out Cena then who's left? I think he's just as credible a champion as Miz and Orton, eventhough Orton is established it doesn't mean we need to tolerate him as champ.

I'll probably rewatch the PPV since the stream wasn't the best.

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I was going to find somewhere to watch this today but due to a mate posting a spoiler of the Orton-Punk match on facebook I didn't bother; as soon as I knew WWE had fucked Punk over once again I lost all interest. Reading through the thread I feel I made the right decision, although Kharma does sound excellent.

f**k OFF CENA!

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I'll be honest of the three or four PPVs I've watched recently, TLC, Extreme Rules and 'Mania, I think there might have been another. This was the best, I have the Rumble and Elimination Chamber downloaded to watch so for the moment I'll reserve complete judgement.

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I was going to find somewhere to watch this today but due to a mate posting a spoiler of the Orton-Punk match on facebook I didn't bother; as soon as I knew WWE had fucked Punk over once again I lost all interest. Reading through the thread I feel I made the right decision, although Kharma does sound excellent.

f**k OFF CENA!

Bloody Mick! mad.gif

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From the few TE's I've watched, I've got to say that Donny Osmond should win it. He doesn't have the best of looks though, and because of that I think Luke will win it, who could be a great heel.

Also, since this week is about team work or some shite like that. I would love to see a tag team NXT/TE. That could be pretty special like.

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I reckon it'll be Luke or Jeremiah to win it.

Can see Eric going out tonight.

Or big Andy actually. He's been pretty good in everything he's done but has stayed pretty quiet. Also has a good look for WWE.

Edited by garymcc1874
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