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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Both Chris Benoit's look and personality are incredibly overlooked. Benoit had an unmatched intensity. As for questioning Bret Hart's personality, that's just madness. He had it coming out of his pores.

An unmatched intensity? Undertaker, Triple H and Brock Lesnar are three names that instantly spring to mind who would disagree with that statement.

Benoit was simply a great worker, yet i never found him nor Bret Hart entertaining in the slighest.

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Unless it's some TNA guy who I won't know simply because I don't watch it, the only one I can see which I think it might be is yon Elijah guy from ECW but I'm really not sure.

At first glance, there's a Shaun Wright Phillips lookalike in there.

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Unless it's some TNA guy who I won't know simply because I don't watch it, the only one I can see which I think it might be is yon Elijah guy from ECW but I'm really not sure.

Elijah Burke is now in TNA, that's who I thought it was. He's been on TNA tv quite a lot though, JS is lying to us!!

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Fell asleep again watching this so just about to watch the rest now since the flooding means I won't be going anywhere today.

Judging by the lack of any comments in this thread, I'm not expecting it to be up to much though!

Is SmackDown live tonight in the UK as well btw ??

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Lots of thoughts on RAW.

* Piper's Pit to open up RAW? I'll have some of that! This is one of the more pro-Cena crowds that we've had recently, although there's still a sizeable Cena-hating section of the audience. This is one ridiculously confusing opening segment. What points are being made here exactly? I'm pretty sure that Piper is to blame for that. John Cena does his very best to salvage the whole thing and get to the point that Piper is making, but whenever the slevering fuckwit starts talking again it all falls to shit. That was a sad sight to see. Horrific opening.

* Miz vs. JoMo: The Miz's aggression in the pre-match beatdown was magnificent and made him look great. JoMo looked like a hero for continuing and shows, again, that he is excellent in the ring. I really hope he winds up in PWG and Dragon Gate USA because I think his matches can be fantastic to watch. This match wasn't that good but both guys came out of it looking great. Surprised me with John Morrison seeing as he's on the way out, but credit where it's due. Fucking horrific ending to the match though. Surely you just let the guy finish the match, aye? Ugh. ** The Miz being on a tear makes me happy though.

* SHITEHAWKS vs. Kelly/Shitehawk #3: The "run-in" at the start was absolutely fantastic. Too short to be anything really. N/A

* Ziggler vs. Orton: Ziggler's music change doesn't sit well with me at the minute. The match was pretty good as you expect from these guys. The Ziggler win doesn't mean as much as it'd have meant even three months ago, but it's still a good one for him. Doing the headstand after the match was just weird but at the same time, brilliant. **1/2

* Hopefully the idiots that think Bryan lost his case, even though Teddy Long blatantly said he hasn't, will realise now that this didn't actually happen at all. Daniel Bryan also had one of his best days on the mic after a shifty start. I like the idea of making Mark Henry look more beatable in order for Daniel Bryan to look like he has a chance, thanks to the injury to the leg.

* Swagger vs. Ryder: Not really the most exciting of matches. I've never noticed this before, but has anyone else noticed just how slow and plodding Ryder is on offense? His execution is always pretty good though, so I guess that doesn't matter much. *

* Mick Foley's wee cameo is nice enough, and actually made me wanna watch Smackdown more. Guy's still got it on the mic.

* Del Rio vs. Punk: A good dramatic match with a cracking wee ending with Punk cheating in a match where if he got DQed he lost the title. It's what you'd expect from a free TV main event between these guys. Good stuff which doesn't hit the crazy heights. ***1/2

It's an average show with highlights and major lowlights.

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