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Livingston - all the threads merged

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We've all probably said/posted things we later regret, hope things get better for him.

Personally i love listening and reading anything i can find on Livi, we aren't a big club so it's great having 2 Livi podcasts out there, keep up the good work, love listening to the interviews on it too.

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We've all probably said/posted things we later regret, hope things get better for him.
Personally i love listening and reading anything i can find on Livi, we aren't a big club so it's great having 2 Livi podcasts out there, keep up the good work, love listening to the interviews on it too.
Cheers my dude.
I've been there too - posting daft things usually comes back to bits on the bum.

Agree as well about anything Livi related is always good to have.
We have prided ourselves from not being exactly the same as TalkLivi. Those boys focus more on results and game analysis etc, whereas we just try to have a laugh, silly games and such. Perhaps a little bit more honest in our reactions to games and players.
The interviews have all been absolutely amazing for us to do as well.
Being the first "media" to interview David Fernandez in over a decade was pretty special also.

But aye cheers for the kind words.
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2 hours ago, LogieLivi said:

Can I also just say as well.
This new poster "JD and associates" is clearly J Domingo and probably also "Scrutinizer".
JD = J Domingo.
Both shitposters with chips on their shoulder about our club.

It most likely is. He has a fondness for trolling with race-related stuff, I've noticed. With J Domingo he was going on about "BAME". He messaged Atlis something about Pakistanis with LiviCancun. And now this with his latest project, which (to my shame!), I bit hard on.

Tell your brother that Twitter thing was a nothingburger. Folk get annoyed at stuff on Twitter all the time but then get over it and move on. Your podcast audience won't be hit by it.

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6 hours ago, LogieLivi said:

So, the poster on the almondview twitter is my brother.
He is indeed as you state, going through an absolutely hellish time at the moment.
He had signed out of the twitter account due to this, but obviously after the game, he had got frustrated with some of the language etc used towards Big Chuck during the game, leading him to sign in to post that reaction.
According to him, someone shouted "get that big b*****d off" at one point during his 7 minute cameo.
This has obviously triggered the reaction posted on twitter.

Once the rest of us (4 others) woke up the following day to find those tweets, we all agreed (the 4 of us, excluding my brother) to delete the tweets as the podcast should represent the views that we all have and NOT the views of one member of the group. If he had posted to his own personal twitter account then, fair enough but we were all embarrassed to read the tweets the following day.
He even posted an apology after we deleted the tweets, however once again without our knowledge.

I honestly believe that my brothers intentions were only good, and with the massive media coverage and interest in the BLM movement etc, I believe that he thought that what he was saying at that moment in time was correct, but of course, it was way off the mark.

I have been one of the biggest critics of Chuck since he made his debut and I will continue to be until he either shows us that he is any good, or gets binned completely. But my criticism is based purely on the footballing ability that I see on the pitch and not on the colour of anyone's skin.

I know that our listenership will probably take a hit based on the comments made, however once again, I believe that my brothers intentions were only good, however seriously backfired.

I think we will try and address this issue on this weeks podcast, however without my brother being there (he's on a hiatus for the personal issues mentioned initially) an apology or whatever coming from 4 people who didn't agree with him anyway, is not going to be as effective as coming from him.

I would like to say though@edinburghlivi thank you for the well wishes, he sometimes scouts P&B but doesn't post here. I shall pass them on to him.


It doesn't sound like it was something to be 'cancelled' about, it's easy to jump to conclusions about the intentions of online abuse in today's world.  It just shows that your brother is sensitive towards these issues and probably half expected Chuk's abuse to turn toxic.  But thankfully, I don't think it did.  There are certainly worse things he could have tweeted.  I, for one, will continue to listen to the podcast religiously.  All the best to your brother, he's a big funny lad, it's not the same without him 👍

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On 07/02/2022 at 08:07, ol1vercloff said:

Marvin Bartley's tweet at Callum Carson was a bit ridiculous.  If players/managers/assistant managers can't take the criticism, they should come off social media.  They love it when they're getting praised.  Callum's tweet wasn't even that critical, it was stating a reasonable opinion.  Journalists, local or otherwise, don't owe it to football clubs to go easy on them.  Perhaps the relationship between the club and Callum has been too pally pally over the years, so when the cold, hard, truth is spoken, people's feelings get hurt.  I wouldn't put it past the club to react by not helping Callum out with interviews etc now.  They can be petty from time to time.  But basically, if Caleb can't handle some criticism, then maybe professional football isn't for him.


I must admit, I missed this whole Almondview race row that people are talking about.  Can someone fill me in?

That was a ridiculously touchy response from Bartley. I like him on TV/Radio but I think he needs to relax on Twitter. Tried to have a go at me for something I posted that was totally inoffensive.

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I tend to try and avoid knee jerk reactions to players performances on social media - instead I bend the ear of my oldest son on the way home (poor sod).

I am very aware that a lot of the younger players constantly search social media for reports on how they did. The older hands will have seen it all before and often can counter that the boy may have been following team instructions e.g. to hold back and not attack up the wing etc.

I think we do need to also be conscious when using a phrase about a loan player, for example, "send him back to where he came from". The writer almost certainly was referring to the club that loaned him out but, for someone of a perceived ethnic minority; it can mean something entirely different.

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11 hours ago, LogieLivi said:

So, the poster on the almondview twitter is my brother.
He is indeed as you state, going through an absolutely hellish time at the moment.
He had signed out of the twitter account due to this, but obviously after the game, he had got frustrated with some of the language etc used towards Big Chuck during the game, leading him to sign in to post that reaction.
According to him, someone shouted "get that big b*****d off" at one point during his 7 minute cameo.
This has obviously triggered the reaction posted on twitter.

Once the rest of us (4 others) woke up the following day to find those tweets, we all agreed (the 4 of us, excluding my brother) to delete the tweets as the podcast should represent the views that we all have and NOT the views of one member of the group. If he had posted to his own personal twitter account then, fair enough but we were all embarrassed to read the tweets the following day.
He even posted an apology after we deleted the tweets, however once again without our knowledge.

I honestly believe that my brothers intentions were only good, and with the massive media coverage and interest in the BLM movement etc, I believe that he thought that what he was saying at that moment in time was correct, but of course, it was way off the mark.

I have been one of the biggest critics of Chuck since he made his debut and I will continue to be until he either shows us that he is any good, or gets binned completely. But my criticism is based purely on the footballing ability that I see on the pitch and not on the colour of anyone's skin.

I know that our listenership will probably take a hit based on the comments made, however once again, I believe that my brothers intentions were only good, however seriously backfired.

I think we will try and address this issue on this weeks podcast, however without my brother being there (he's on a hiatus for the personal issues mentioned initially) an apology or whatever coming from 4 people who didn't agree with him anyway, is not going to be as effective as coming from him.

I would like to say though@edinburghlivi thank you for the well wishes, he sometimes scouts P&B but doesn't post here. I shall pass them on to him.

Terrible post 

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2 hours ago, Durnford said:

I tend to try and avoid knee jerk reactions to players performances on social media - instead I bend the ear of my oldest son on the way home (poor sod).

I am very aware that a lot of the younger players constantly search social media for reports on how they did. The older hands will have seen it all before and often can counter that the boy may have been following team instructions e.g. to hold back and not attack up the wing etc.

I think we do need to also be conscious when using a phrase about a loan player, for example, "send him back to where he came from". The writer almost certainly was referring to the club that loaned him out but, for someone of a perceived ethnic minority; it can mean something entirely different.

I don't really think we do, you'd have to be extremely daft to take it that way. I don't think anyone of any majority would sensibly read it as anything other than fans wanting his loan to be over and go back to his parent club.

I agree largely with the comments above though but it's something the players themselves need to learn to deal with, you'll always be publicly criticised in this job. In this instance it's nearly all warranted and true.

I don't even think there's much wrong with saying "get that big b*****d off" when the exact same shouts were aimed at Mackin and White. White especially being one person that massively divided the fan base.

A lot of this is being made into something it isn't and the rewriting of the narrative into a racial based discussion is a bit weird given the entire situation is based around a young loan player putting in extremely poor performances. The reason it was even brought up in the first place has all been rectified and doesn't need more examination. 

I'd very happily see Chuk dropped from the squad for tomorrow night and especially given recent events I'd imagine he needs some time out the team and spotlight. Given some comments from Northampton fans it would appear he also had a shocking attitude down there and was almost allergic to working hard and pressing in games. From the sounds of it the performances we're getting right now are what would be considered his consistent level.

He's had more than enough chances for now, he needs to take it on the chin and fix his attitude up. Hopefully we can see him in the squad in 2-3 weeks when he's had time to get to grips with the work ethic required.

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23 minutes ago, ATLIS said:

Given some comments from Northampton fans it would appear he also had a shocking attitude down there and was almost allergic to working hard and pressing in games. 

Perhaps Gerrard knew that if he was ever going to get an education in hard work it was at the hands of Davie Martindale

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2 hours ago, Durnford said:

I tend to try and avoid knee jerk reactions to players performances on social media - instead I bend the ear of my oldest son on the way home (poor sod).

I am very aware that a lot of the younger players constantly search social media for reports on how they did. The older hands will have seen it all before and often can counter that the boy may have been following team instructions e.g. to hold back and not attack up the wing etc.


Interesting you say that, it certainly looked like he thought it was ok to just stay up the pitch waiting on the ball being played to him, and not do any pressing around the middle of the pitch to help his team mates out. But i doubt Martindale sent him on with those instructions, esp when we were down to 10 players, and the way Chuck was playing he was like a man short, leaving us with 9 men having to put in an extra hard shift. In any case it was the wrong game to bring him on, he clearly wasn't ready for that situation, having to run about helping out, think Martindale has to shoulder the blame for that decision too.


So far Panayiotou looked a better player, and wasn't given the early chances Chuck is getting, if he has something about him we're all not seeing, Martindale has his work cut out bringing it out.

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Just now, ATLIS said:

I don't really think we do, you'd have to be extremely daft to take it that way. I don't think anyone of any majority would sensibly read it as anything other than fans wanting his loan to be over and go back to his parent club.

I agree largely with the comments above though but it's something the players themselves need to learn to deal with, you'll always be publicly criticised in this job. In this instance it's nearly all warranted and true.

I don't even think there's much wrong with saying "get that big b*****d off" when the exact same shouts were aimed at Mackin and White. White especially being one person that massively divided the fan base.

A lot of this is being made into something it isn't and the rewriting of the narrative into a racial based discussion is a bit weird given the entire situation is based around a young loan player putting in extremely poor performances. The reason it was even brought up in the first place has all been rectified and doesn't need more examination. 

I'd very happily see Chuk dropped from the squad for tomorrow night and especially given recent events I'd imagine he needs some time out the team and spotlight. Given some comments from Northampton fans it would appear he also had a shocking attitude down there and was almost allergic to working hard and pressing in games. From the sounds of it the performances we're getting right now are what would be considered his consistent level.

He's had more than enough chances for now, he needs to take it on the chin and fix his attitude up. Hopefully we can see him in the squad in 2-3 weeks when he's had time to get to grips with the work ethic required.

Think you're reading more into my post than was intended Atlas

I wasn't. referring to the "b*****d" comment; I've no idea if he is or not and am even less interested.

I think I posted on the Aberdeen thread that for Chukwuemeka, although I've defended him on numerous occasions; I wasn't able to see any positive in his seven minute cameo on Saturday. I dont know what the issue was but seeing him and Bailey doing keepie-uppies before the game and working together it reminded me that they're both from Birmingham clubs and was hopeful they could develop a real understanding. Whether he was inured or struggling with instruction or simply in a huff about being brought on so late it didn't look good.

From where I sit there were dozens of people moaning that Martindale should get him off; I may also have been in that group; he was adding nothing to the team at a very difficult juncture of the game - quite simply we needed someone to constantly harry and to hold the ball up; basically break up attacks.

That all being said I think we definitely need to be conscious over the choice of phrases. The phrase "go back to where you came from" can have multiple connotations. Even generationally there are words used in my youth which now appear to have a completely different context now.

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19 minutes ago, Durnford said:

Think you're reading more into my post than was intended Atlas

I wasn't. referring to the "b*****d" comment; I've no idea if he is or not and am even less interested.

I think I posted on the Aberdeen thread that for Chukwuemeka, although I've defended him on numerous occasions; I wasn't able to see any positive in his seven minute cameo on Saturday. I dont know what the issue was but seeing him and Bailey doing keepie-uppies before the game and working together it reminded me that they're both from Birmingham clubs and was hopeful they could develop a real understanding. Whether he was inured or struggling with instruction or simply in a huff about being brought on so late it didn't look good.

From where I sit there were dozens of people moaning that Martindale should get him off; I may also have been in that group; he was adding nothing to the team at a very difficult juncture of the game - quite simply we needed someone to constantly harry and to hold the ball up; basically break up attacks.

That all being said I think we definitely need to be conscious over the choice of phrases. The phrase "go back to where you came from" can have multiple connotations. Even generationally there are words used in my youth which now appear to have a completely different context now.

Yeah wasn't directed at you, I had just quoted you to go over the bit I'd highlighted it. The rest of the post was generally aimed at the topic.

To be fair though the only context I've heard it in has been the exact words of "send him back to Villa"

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1 hour ago, ATLIS said:

A lot of this is being made into something it isn't and the rewriting of the narrative into a racial based discussion is a bit weird given the entire situation is based around a young loan player putting in extremely poor performances

Well it's probably been two separate discussions.

1) The troll came in here with "isn't this Livi fan who did these tweets a bad person and shouldn't he have his podcast cancelled over them". All the shite I then posted was in response to that. I was trying to explain what the thinking will've been behind those tweets in the hope that anyone who was initially annoyed by the tweets might come to view them as not so bad. I bothered doing all that because we're a diddy club so every fan counts and every podcast counts. As you say, this is now done with.

2) Chukwuemeka. Normal football discussion with folk's opinions on this player for our team. We can now bash on with this again.

Edited by FreedomFarter
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Perhaps Gerrard knew that if he was ever going to get an education in hard work it was at the hands of Davie Martindale
I'd imagine that's got a lot to do with it. I'd say Davie has improved quite a few players with his coaching (and the rest of his coaching team too). Guys like Robinson, Dykes, Pittman, Forrest, Fitzwater, Stryjek, Serrano etc all improved massively with his coaching. There are a few others but I'd say they are probably the most noticeable
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On 06/02/2022 at 23:24, EdinburghLivi said:

Konovalov is due to arrive this week but may not make it in time for Wednesday. If Soto tested positive for COVID, it was well after he showed up as he was at the Hibs game.



I was aware he was at the Hibs game but honestly not sure what happened. Could be different rules for sportsmen and if he tests negative he’s good to just go do as he pleases rather than isolating 

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10 hours ago, ATLIS said:



I was aware he was at the Hibs game but honestly not sure what happened. Could be different rules for sportsmen and if he tests negative he’s good to just go do as he pleases rather than isolating 

Could be that he arrived before the announcement, which is more than likely anyway i.e. we had him up training with us because we knew we were getting him and the clubs were just finalising the agreement.

Not sure if its different for sports but everyone else's rule is you can end isolation if you test negative on day 6 and 7. If he arrived on or before the 22nd and tested positive then, he could have been out of isolation on the 29th which was when we played Hibs.

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10 hours ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

Well so far we've had Alan Forrest winning MoTM for 3 games in Feb, i'd give yesterday's to Nicky Devlin though, some superb blocks and tackles inside our box, putting everything he had into them.

Said that yesterday even midway through the first half he was throwing himself into everything. Didn't realise he was only 28, for some reason I thought he was a few years older. Could easily be the Club Captain for the next 5 years, maybe longer.

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