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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Didnt i read that this was a couple of days ago and only 50 turned up yet the Trust said this showed how strongly the fans felt? Did that mean not very strongly?

Or was that a dream or a different rally? :blink:

If that's true then Livingston fans are even more culpable than I thought, and I have absolutely no sympathy for them whatsoever.

Livingston FC won't exist in a year.

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If that's true then Livingston fans are even more culpable than I thought, and I have absolutely no sympathy for them whatsoever.

Livingston FC won't exist in a year.

It was short notice, but yes, was well below what you would expect from other clubs in a similar situation.

There I was praising CDE on Livilions, and he goes and says Massone has damaged "the good name of Livingston FC".

Come on CDE, keep it real. All joking aside, you must surely be aware that Livingston FC have long been reviled as the most pathologically dishonest club in the country. At no time have they ever had (or deserved to have) a "good name". Operating as a club that at least honours the principles of integrity and honesty are pre-requisites to having a "good name", and that is something Livingston have repeatedly refused to adopt.

Since the day the sun rose on Almondvale, "Livingston FC" and "integrity" have been strangers who have never met. The Kachloul episode was the nail in the coffin which clearly demonstrated the club wasn't the victim of circumstance.......deception was the modus operandi.....it was how the club chose to operate, and too many of you backed it to the hilt. If there is a time in your history when you have to accept that reality, it's now.

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It was short notice, but yes, was well below what you would expect from other clubs in a similar situation.

There I was praising CDE on Livilions, and he goes and says Massone has damaged "the good name of Livingston FC".

Come on CDE, keep it real. All joking aside, you must surely be aware that Livingston FC have long been reviled as the most pathologically dishonest club in the country. At no time have they ever had (or deserved to have) a "good name". Operating as a club that at least honours the principles of integrity and honesty are pre-requisites to having a "good name", and that is something Livingston have repeatedly refused to adopt.

Since the day the sun rose on Almondvale, "Livingston FC" and "integrity" have been strangers who have never met. The Kachloul episode was the nail in the coffin which clearly demonstrated the club wasn't the victim of circumstance.......deception was the modus operandi.....it was how the club chose to operate, and too many of you backed it to the hilt. If there is a time in your history when you have to accept that reality, it's now.

Spot on, and thats why i'm going to have a right good laugh when it goes 'tits up'. :lol:

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I think Livvy got their comeuppance for the Kachloul affair when we relegated them with Hunt punching the ball into the net.


I don't think any fellow fan really wants them to go bust.

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I think Livvy got their comeuppance for the Kachloul affair when we relegated them with Hunt punching the ball into the net.


I don't think any fellow fan really wants them to go bust.

No, but equally, if the club asks for money, and the fifty odd fans only raise one hundred and fifty quid, it's fair to say that when (not if) they go under, it won't be lamented by many either.

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No, but equally, if the club asks for money, and the fifty odd fans only raise one hundred and fifty quid, it's fair to say that when (not if) they go under, it won't be lamented by many either.

To be fair to Livingston fans there can't be a group of supporters who have been more done over by their clubs owners in the recent history of Scottish football. If Ross County's owners had been shown to be lying cheats who couldn't be trusted on numerous occasions do you think your fans would be queueing up to hand over cash to them? I imagine that quite a few Livingston fans have though 'f*ck it' and given up on them.

I hope that Livingston manage to turn it round - as I said earlier on this thread I think - but there are few clubs in Scottish football who have been so dishonestly run. Living within their means and building a sustainable club has never really been on the agenda.

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No, but equally, if the club asks for money, and the fifty odd fans only raise one hundred and fifty quid, it's fair to say that when (not if) they go under, it won't be lamented by many either.


A couple of months ago, we were being told "I can't believe you're still giving him money." Reality has since sunk in further and wider. An appeal to prop up Angelo Massone has very little appeal. Very few donate. And, thus, now we're being told "I can't believe you didn't give him more money."


A protest was confirmed a matter of hours before it was due on a message board read by, say at most, 20% of the support (200-250 people) and of that (being generous) 200-250, 70 turn up at such short notice. Given the bashing that our support's morale has taken over the last few years, I'd say it's not too bad.

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To be fair to Livingston fans there can't be a group of supporters who have been more done over by their clubs owners in the recent history of Scottish football. If Ross County's owners had been shown to be lying cheats who couldn't be trusted on numerous occasions do you think your fans would be queueing up to hand over cash to them? I imagine that quite a few Livingston fans have though 'f*ck it' and given up on them.

I hope that Livingston manage to turn it round - as I said earlier on this thread I think - but there are few clubs in Scottish football who have been so dishonestly run. Living within their means and building a sustainable club has never really been on the agenda.

Correct. I've been a season ticket holder since the beginning but he wont get a penny more from me.

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A couple of months ago, we were being told "I can't believe you're still giving him money." Reality has since sunk in further and wider. An appeal to prop up Angelo Massone has very little appeal. Very few donate. And, thus, now we're being told "I can't believe you didn't give him more money."


A protest was confirmed a matter of hours before it was due on a message board read by, say at most, 20% of the support (200-250 people) and of that (being generous) 200-250, 70 turn up at such short notice. Given the bashing that our support's morale has taken over the last few years, I'd say it's not too bad.

Theres no fucking hope left here.

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It was short notice, but yes, was well below what you would expect from other clubs in a similar situation.

There I was praising CDE on Livilions, and he goes and says Massone has damaged "the good name of Livingston FC".

Come on CDE, keep it real. All joking aside, you must surely be aware that Livingston FC have long been reviled as the most pathologically dishonest club in the country. At no time have they ever had (or deserved to have) a "good name". Operating as a club that at least honours the principles of integrity and honesty are pre-requisites to having a "good name", and that is something Livingston have repeatedly refused to adopt.

Since the day the sun rose on Almondvale, "Livingston FC" and "integrity" have been strangers who have never met. The Kachloul episode was the nail in the coffin which clearly demonstrated the club wasn't the victim of circumstance.......deception was the modus operandi.....it was how the club chose to operate, and too many of you backed it to the hilt. If there is a time in your history when you have to accept that reality, it's now.

Spot on. I hated Livi for a while then realised it wasn't the punters fault, it was the despicable twosome of Flynn and Kyles. Looks like Massone (and I'm not sticking up for him in any way) has been sold a bill of goods from the slippery c***s... and now its him who's bullshitting.

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Spot on. I hated Livi for a while then realised it wasn't the punters fault, it was the despicable twosome of Flynn and Kyles. Looks like Massone (and I'm not sticking up for him in any way) has been sold a bill of goods from the slippery c***s... and now its him who's bullshitting.

I've been thinking that for a wee while now. Maybe Massone is Flynns chosen means of revenge for the lack of appreciation shown to him.

Edit. Then add Neil Rankin to the mix. God help yeez! Bill Hunter next?

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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Spot on. I hated Livi for a while then realised it wasn't the punters fault, it was the despicable twosome of Flynn and Kyles. Looks like Massone (and I'm not sticking up for him in any way) has been sold a bill of goods from the slippery c***s... and now its him who's bullshitting.

There is the argument that they are supporting their local club - though it must be remembered that this is a club that was moved from it's Edinburgh roots against the wishes of the vast majority of the club's fans.

Over on livilions, on a poll asking if you want Massolini to go - Massolini himself has posted no - you couldn't make this up - it's comedy gold - little wonder the press are having a field day!!

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It was moved yes we all get that, as I have said though to someone from Livi that is the same age as me they are their local side. Just like people from MK supporting MK Don's isn't as bizarre as you would like to think.

And there is a good proportion of the current Livi support who were old enough at the time to realise that the club had been moved against the wishes of the Meadowbank fans but didn't give a flying f**k because they had a local club to watch on their doorstep which had been parachuted in from Edinburgh. Some of them also saw the opportunity to get involved and make some cash for themselves.

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And there is a good proportion of the current Livi support who were old enough at the time to realise that the club had been moved against the wishes of the Meadowbank fans but didn't give a flying f**k because they had a local club to watch on their doorstep which had been parachuted in from Edinburgh. Some of them also saw the opportunity to get involved and make some cash for themselves.

I remeber them moving, but I don't remember them having parachutes. Wish I'd been there now. When Clydebank came to Airdrie they just turned up in their cars. No sense of theatre!

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I remeber them moving, but I don't remember them having parachutes. Wish I'd been there now. When Clydebank came to Airdrie they just turned up in their cars. No sense of theatre!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Now, if only they'd parachute the dugs in at Rovers for their race with the bikes.

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I wonder what moves the council have in mind for today. It has been suggested that they will force an administration order but it is highly unusual for a creditor to go that route as a report has to be prepared for the court, usually by an insolvency practitioner justifying the admin order and stating that it will achieve at least one of a number of purposes laid down by the Insolvency Act. To prepare a report properly generally needs access to the company's books etc. which only the directors can give at present.

Most creditors simply petition to have the company wound up i.e. put in liquidation. That's a lot simpler as all the council have to prove is that they are owed their own debt and not have to report on the company in general.

It may be that the council are trying to go for an admin order and, if so, good luck to them as that's the only insolvency procedure which might rescue something from the whole shambles. No matter what procedure it is, if the petition is only lodged in court today, the court will order it to be advertised and notice served on the company before making the order. Massone will be able to stall it for months simply by lodging a notice saying that he intends to defend it.

The saga may well rumble on towards the start of the season and I don't know what happens then. If they go bust after the season has started are we stuck with a 9 team league for a season? I think that is very good grounds for the SFA/SFL to act now! Our clubs should not have to take that risk and I would have thought that there have been enough breaches of SFL rules to say relegate them to the third now! Two missing home games is a big loss for any 1st division club.

Much as I feel for Livi fans, none of the rest of the clubs' finances are great and why should they suffer yet another financial blow?

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