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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Welcome to the new mythology: it's only "one or two" misguided fools.

Bollocks. I've been following that thread for months now, and the vast majority on it were dismissing fans from all other clubs as being "jealous", referring to this site as "Pish and Bile" (oh, the wit!!) not so long ago. The fact the penny seems to have dropped MONTHS too late with a number of you is no reason for congratulations. The fact it's so easy to turn you against each other again is staggering.


In fairness to Livi fans this is not a trait unique to them - consider the number of Rangers fans who claim that they attended during the dark days of the 80s, for example - but to the onlooker this kind of revisionism is unseemly at best.

The fact of the matter is that most people on LiviLions were giving it the whole "lol give him a chance he is gud~" patter well after posters on this site figured out that Livingston were in real danger of going under with Massone in charge.

So the Livi fans on here can pretend all they like that they've been oppressed by P&B and mischaracterised, but those who actually read LiviLions at the time know differently.

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However, is that really the fault of the Livingston support?

No, but the continued defence of it has been, and that is something for which virtually every Livingston fan on the internet is culpable. I can think of, at most, two exceptions.

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To be honest, I think I would be (and, in the dark, distant past, have been) slow to admit my club was stuffed. It's natural to hang onto hope, and, for the most part, that naive hanging onto hope is what certain Livi supporters have been guilty of, and a few still are.

Of course, there's a point where we might want to separate the owner from the club when things are going badly, to give support to the club, but cut the owner out. But given it's legally and financially difficult to cut the link between owner and club, I think it can be a difficult step to take. Effectively, it's admitting that things are going bad with your club, which can be hard to take.

I'm no fan of Livi, giving its provenance and shenanigans. I have some sympathy for Livi fans, however, but I think if think it's now beyond the time to be passive. If you want a club, you can't sit idly by with your hope. I don't know enough about your club to know if and how it might be turned around, but I'm afraid the remaining flickers of hope amongst the more deluded do seem rather desperate.

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The Livi Trust have been and continue to be active on this for months. What you see from a few young lads on livilions is the result of careful grooming by Massone who met with them and set them loose on the message boards. Of couse the bulk of the fans just shut their eyes to it all because like the fans of most clubs they really just want to go along and watch a game on a Saturday. They don't want to get involved in the politics of it all. The fact that things are now coming to a head has forced a lot of them to face facts. I am hopeful but admittedly not confident that we will get a decent turn out at the ground tonight to send the message to Massone that we want him out.

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The Livi Trust have been and continue to be active on this for months. What you see from a few young lads on livilions is the result of careful grooming by Massone who met with them and set them loose on the message boards. Of couse the bulk of the fans just shut their eyes to it all because like the fans of most clubs they really just want to go along and watch a game on a Saturday. They don't want to get involved in the politics of it all. The fact that things are now coming to a head has forced a lot of them to face facts. I am hopeful but admittedly not confident that we will get a decent turn out at the ground tonight to send the message to Massone that we want him out.

No wonder he hates you's.Grooming young lads !.

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I'm sure it's part of the overall benefit culture in Livingston wrt football that has brought them to where they are. It has always been about living in the moment, and spending way more than the income side of the ledger deemed sensible. It's a culture that has been allowed to exist for way too long, and I find that the number one priority of the club and the council is that their precious club survives regardless of how often they cheat and lie to everyone and anyone.

I can still drive by Almondvale and see work that I carried and equipment that I supplied which were never paid for. It's the same for many others too.

While I would not dance on the the grave of the club if it fails, I certainly would shed no tears. I know that if I had my chance again (given what has happened since administration), I'd do what I could to bury them for ripping me off.

I would far rather see them fold and something akin to a Phoenix Livingston appear in their place. A club who don't lie anymore. Thing is, lies have been spun as the truth since the mid 90s and now come so easily to just about everyone involved in the club that I am left shaking my head in disbelief at what is being permitted to go on at Almondvale. To paraphrase "A Few Good Men"..............."The truth? Livingston FC couldn't handle the truth".

That they are now using their "ambassador(s) to lie for them paints its own picture of how far the culture at Livingston has moved from what it was.............and it has moved not one inch. Lying is still the preferred option.

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Guest Angelo Mascarpone
Notice the BBC is now reporting potential bankruptcy by the end of next week. Apologies if this has already been discussed, but I do think it ought to be clarified - what happens now?

Airdrie go up.

Davie Hay makes statement on behalf of club.

Fans seen crying on Scotland today reading the A4 handwritten notice sellotaped to the front door.

Indepth interviews with main figures appear in the papers.

Stark warnings given by all about not letting unrealistic footballing expectations cloud reality happen again whilst a simultaneous bid from a mob of deluded fuds from Stirling gathers pace with pefumed articles from lazy journalists.

The chief executive returns to dishing out deep fried suppers.

Massone is doorstepped in Rome three months too late.

Life goes on.

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From what I'm hearing, if Livi don't meet the rent payment and the Council decide to play hardball instead of offering more time, they could have gone into the early stages of bankruptcy by about the middle of July. (Suggestion seems to be between 9th and 16th of July, depending on timings).

So surely you cannot go about promoting clubs a couple of weeks before the season begins, when they have built squads for the division below? If Airdrie and Cowdenbeath step up but get humped every week, and end up getting relegated - having played in front of smaller crowds - surely that is worse for them than staying down, and having a run at promotion and possibly going up? Plus how do you fill the vacancy in the Third Division? If they can run with 9 clubs, why not the First?

I have to say that I'd be surprised if the SFL has enough time to replace a defunct/dying Livi side.

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Notice the BBC is now reporting potential bankruptcy by the end of next week. Apologies if this has already been discussed, but I do think it ought to be clarified - what happens now?

Ah but not according to Massone's ambassador. The boy states.................

QUOTE Angelo also said to me he had a meeting with the council yesterday(or Wednesday I can't remember) and that he went away smiling wit some big news, so take from that what you want. UNQUOTE.

I think he was also insinuating that Rankin is now part of the deal, and that they are re-negotiating payments yet again. This council are either thick as two short planks, or they are up to their kness in the same crap as Massone.

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I feel genuinely sorry for this 18 year old.

He's been taken in by a snake oil salesman, but then what 18 year old supporter of any club wouldn't go and help the owner if asked?

The only certainty at the moment seems to be that this whole issue will drag on and make the S.F.L. look even less competent, if that's at all posible.

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Guest Angelo Mascarpone

Anyone who refers to themself in the third person over any sustained period of time has a real problem with their mental health.


Or at least this is what Angelo Mascarpone believes.

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Anyone who refers to themself in the third person over any sustained period of time has a real problem with their mental health.


Or at least this is what Angelo Mascarpone believes.

The Sun (that keeper of the journalistic moral high ground) has a piece about Massone's thirty something parking tickets. The club has had to pay the cash to free it from the pound, and the article alludes to the fact that it is the club who will have to shell out the cash for the fines. If that is an up to date image of Massone, he certainly cuts a dishevelled looking figure. I was going to make a comment about a club in their state paying for a Jag for him, but then I noticed its an X Type, so not really a Jag.

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Guest Angelo Mascarpone
The Sun (that keeper of the journalistic moral high ground) has a piece about Massone's thirty something parking tickets. The club has had to pay the cash to free it from the pound, and the article alludes to the fact that it is the club who will have to shell out the cash for the fines. If that is an up to date image of Massone, he certainly cuts a dishevelled looking figure. I was going to make a comment about a club in their state paying for a Jag for him, but then I noticed its an X Type, so not really a Jag.

I have to say i'm surprised the car was not repossessed whilst in the pound.

The collections agent should be getting a slap on the wrists if as I assume the car is not paid either.

The X Type thing pretty much sums up his whole persona.

The veneer of money and class but really underneath it's a fucking shitty Mondeo.

If your club chairman drives anything under a Bentley then you're in trouble.

It also goes to show the disdain he has for the supporters and suppliers.

Simply by parking nproperly he would have saved enough money to pay 2 folks wages one month.

30 * £60 = £1800

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Perhaps the SFL haven't acted as they have received private reassurances from the council that there will still be a team at Almondvale next season?

After all, "maintaining senior football at Livingston is the priority"- not it would seem the waste of hundreds of thousands of pounds of ratepayers cash, propping up a demonstrably failed project. I really can't see the council ever playing hardball and meaning it with Livingston. The appearance of Rankine at the last moment may just have convinced any council waverers.


I honestly think that if Livingston were going bust that someone would have administered the coup de grace by now. The fact that they still exist, at least on paper, suggests that they will still be around next season.

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I feel genuinely sorry for this 18 year old.

He's been taken in by a snake oil salesman, but then what 18 year old supporter of any club wouldn't go and help the owner if asked?

The only certainty at the moment seems to be that this whole issue will drag on and make the S.F.L. look even less competent, if that's at all posible.

To be honest, CDE would be doing him a favour if he shut down the boys account on LiviLions. Free speech is one thing, but the lad is starting to speak for Franchi and Massone, and it seems, with their blessing, and that is not a good place for him to be. It is not a healthy development at all. For those of us who pick over everything being said (it's an addictive soap opera I guess), then the lad is providing way too much ammunition. Definitely a case "ambassador, you are spoiling us".

Someone needs to step in and bring it to a halt.

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Perhaps the SFL haven't acted as they have received private reassurances from the council that there will still be a team at Almondvale next season?

After all, "maintaining senior football at Livingston is the priority"- not it would seem the waste of hundreds of thousands of pounds of ratepayers cash, propping up a demonstrably failed project. I really can't see the council ever playing hardball and meaning it with Livingston. The appearance of Rankine at the last moment may just have convinced any council waverers.


I honestly think that if Livingston were going bust that someone would have administered the coup de grace by now. The fact that they still exist, at least on paper, suggests that they will still be around next season.

Yep, but I reckon there are a few council members who won't want too many insightful questions to be asked.

I know if I were a WL rent payer, I'd be asking a lawyer to get my business a 66% rent discount from the council based on the precedent they are setting with the mob at Almondvale.

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