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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Oh this money isn't money they want to invest in the club. No sir, no way. This would return from whence it came. The new boys in charge have absolutely no intention of investing capital in the club which does not remain wholly within their control. They want the club to be completely self financing with absolutely zero "investment".

It matters not one bit where the club ply their trade after this coming season as what they are after is not football related. They want to be in the mix for what can be gleaned from it. They have what I will call a "sympathetic" council leader who is not overly aversed to being wined and dined ...........that might buy a lot of goodwill from that particular individual.

What they are after is land and property. If they had been dealing with a council famed for their equal and rigourous application of policy, they wouldn't have gone to Livingston. They are there because they are dealing with a council who might be compliant with what they want to do. The most attractive part of all is Peter Johnston (the council leader). Watch what happens in the next 24 months.

Totally agree. There is definitely a more sinister view to this potential deal. What kind of white knight would ride to the rescue of livi with £1.8m debt in these economic conditions? No love of football would bypass this issue. The consortium has no Richard Branson to throw money into a bottomless pit! There's got to be something in it for them and a cheap deal on the prime council land is an obvious target.

The club meeting has been cancelled due to objections of a less than min 14 day notice period by a majority of clubs. SFL are going ahead with a decision today without their input nonetheless.

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The club meeting has been cancelled due to objections of a less than min 14 day notice period by a majority of clubs. SFL are going ahead with a decision today without their input nonetheless.

Where are you getting this from?

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The club meeting has been cancelled due to objections of a less than min 14 day notice period by a majority of clubs. SFL are going ahead with a decision today without their input nonetheless.

If this is true then the member clubs can't really complain if the SFL stick to form and let Livingston off the hook.

I imagine that a wide range of club chairman opinions will have been canvassed in advance of the meeting though- both by Longmuir for the SFL, and MacDougall/Rankine twisting arms and calling in favours from their fellow blazers.

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Looks like the clubs are conveniently excusing themselves in order for the committee to sweep all this unfortunate mess under the rug.

The SFL have already alienated themselves from the supporters, so such a move could cause widespread anarchy (in a footballing sense).

The only question is: what can we actually do that will make them sit up and take notice?

Edited by Sir Calum Melville
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Livi are playing a game that will lead to all fair minded people hating them for eternity.

Unfair advantage for 14 years - costs exceeding income and as such 'cheating' their way to glory and Div 1 football as well.

Get found out and admin beckons. Interim Manager connives with local cooncil and two sugar daddies to bail out club.

Sugar daddies go to SFL and state 'we're only taking over if you can guarantee us 1st Div football' rather than going there begging for Livi's survival.

SFL face backlash from everybody else sick at them bending over backwards to suck the Sugar daddies hairy ones

Sugar daddies realise their bluff is being called and claim theat they are being hard done to. Bond portrayed as a punsihment rather than a guarantee that Livi can actually fulfill their fixtures. Angling for no points deduction as bond sufficient.

SFL bend over backwards and suck again. Easy to bend over backwards when you have no spine...

Livi laugh their way to Div 1 football and so it begins again.

I wont be going to Livi again. They've sucked any sympathy I have for them clean out of me.

Have Livi given any business plan based on the income they expect to receive to the SFL by the way? Does this show costs being cut to match income?

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and so the saga drags on. I've a feeling the SFL will now be regretting their policy of abject cowardice as the mask slips from the latest vultures to land on Livi's corpse. Sadly it's probably too late now and having cheerfully strolled down the road of tame compliance the blazers will have to continue agreeing to 'support' this member club.

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On the back of the comments buy the potential buyers, that is that they're only interested if Lavvy are a Div 1 team, I believe that there will be a token points deduction to keep the other league member s happy. However, it won't be significant enough to threten their Div 1 status or blow the Lavvy takeover.

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The SFL have already alienated themselves from the supporters, so such a move could cause widespread anarchy (in a footballing sense).

The only question is: what can we actually do that will make them sit up and take notice?

irony from a dundee fan?

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"The only condition we have set is that the £720,000 must be taken as a final penalty."

What other organization except the SFL would let the club in the wrong dictate there punishment.Hope the SFL stand up to them though the thought of them being dumped in the third div is not an enticing prospect

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"The only condition we have set is that the £720,000 must be taken as a final penalty."

What other organization except the SFL would let the club in the wrong dictate there punishment.Hope the SFL stand up to them though the thought of them being dumped in the third div is not an enticing prospect

why? you'd pump them everytime you played them.

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Maybe the SFL should give Livi the option...£720k bond and say a ten point deduction...or they can accept relegation to the third, saving the £720k bond to spend on creditors...after all Rankine and Co are their for the good of the club...aren't they?? :whistle

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"The only condition we have set is that the £720,000 must be taken as a final penalty."

What other organization except the SFL would let the club in the wrong dictate there punishment.Hope the SFL stand up to them though the thought of them being dumped in the third div is not an enticing prospect

In the *extremely* unlikely event of that happening then Livingston FC will not exist come the weekend as MacDougall and Rankine will make good their threat to pull out.

I have to say it's more likely that I'll sign for Real Madrid before the weekend than "Livi" are to face that kind of penalty today.

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So, yet more blackmail from "Livi's" new owners.

As I understood it the only definite scenario in which they would walk away, is if the SFL relegated them to Division 3. The Division 2 plan is a grey area (they've made no statement on that as far as I can tell) and I still think that is the only appropriate sanction.

I think there's been some very interesting points made in the last twenty or so pages. It would be great to see some kind of fan-based grouping emerge (maybe from the posters on this thread and other interested fans who don't bother with the internet?) to try and campaign for the kind of changes we'd want to see enacted, and try and feed those into McLeish's review.

As someone else said after "deadline day" last week, we need to take some kind of action or forever consign ourselves to moaning pointlessly on the internet about what "they" (the blazers, UEFA, etc etc) are doing to "our" game.

Maybe hopelessly utopian but it would be interesting to see what could come out of it.

I think this is a good idea. As Yoss said, perhaps wait for the dust to settle but re-visit this idea while people still have a whiff of revolution in their nostrils!

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I don't get this point at all.

Yes, Livi have been very badly managed financially (by an utter fruitcake) but how is that riding roughshod over other clubs?

What seriously?

Every game your mob have ever won in the last few years,the league cup final,playing in europe,signing players from your fellow competitors etc etc was on the back of spending money you never had,whether it was massone,flynn,keane or whoever,

your club had no intention of paying at the end of the day!

If thats not riding roughshod its very fucking close!!! :angry:

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I think this is a good idea. As Yoss said, perhaps wait for the dust to settle but re-visit this idea while people still have a whiff of revolution in their nostrils!

Maybe worth a separate thread then sometime next week, would have to try and make it a sticky or something so that other fans from other divisions/forums could take part. By that time this thread should be sinking fast on p.3 after "Livi's" inevitable reprieve today, and thinking on rule changes and how football is governed/ how the leagues are composed should take place on another thread I think....

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You mean a ‘Johhny Foreigner did it and ran away’ kind of approach?

Wel, it's the simplest and easiest way to be seen to be acting decisively by doing nothing. If Massone can be seen as the root of the problem the S.F.L. can be seen to be the ruling body who acts by bringing in MacDougall and Rankine. and sweeping away the corrupt swarthy man.

Edited by Monster
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