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Livingston - all the threads merged

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I think the difference is between going into administration, and breaching insolvency rules. I'm not entirely sure the two amount to the same thing. As far as I was aware administration meant a points penalty deduction. I might be talking bollocks though.

Probably be me talking bollocks I'm renowned for it,don't think there is a points deduction set in stone.

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I think the difference is between going into administration, and breaching insolvency rules. I'm not entirely sure the two amount to the same thing. As far as I was aware administration meant a points penalty deduction. I might be talking bollocks though.
Only the english FA have rules for punishing teams going into administration, in Scotland we seem to prefer to make the rules up as we go along, there is no set punishment sadly.

Hence why we find ourselfs in the current situation.

Probably be me talking bollocks I'm renowned for it,don't think there is a points deduction set in stone.

The SPL rules state a 10 point deduction for entering administration. There is no such set penalty within the SFL rules which means the SFL have wide discretionary powers.

Gretna were deducted 10 points by the SPL when they went into administartion. They were then relegated to Divsion Three by the SFL when the administrator was unable to guarantee that Gretna would fulfil its fixtures.

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QUOTE (larry the lion @ Aug 5 2009, 22:53) post_snapback.gifSome of these posts are unbelievable! :barf

The way some of you are gloating is quite repulsive and perverse considering the overall state of Scottish football and the likelyhood of this repeating itself in the not too distant future. Your provincial, narrow minded, short visioned tripe spewing from your keyboards reminds me we, as livi fans, now have NOTHING to be ashamed of. NO-ONE to apologise to, no one to ask to be kind and not harsh. GIRUY. Why the harshest penalty possible, because only then did it secure promotion for two other clubs. Cynical? That word doesn't even cover it. One trouser leg up, get licking those frogs boys!

What a scene today in the meeting eh? The Airdrie chairman chairing the meeting that will see his club get promoted, Black, red faced and passionate, rallying the old gaurd. What a conspiracy of wanks! The SFL that is bigger than the rest of us and been around 100 years pish is easy to spout when it suits you. 5 minutes ago they were hell spawn and utterly redundant in your opinions! Plus the members effectively said, NO to the SFL policy of allowing Livi to continue. "oh but mumsy wumsy, now livi will have an unfair advantage in the lower leagues and might just bounce back up!" FFS !! Admit it, you just don't like to see other teams succeed because you are tight, mean and cynical MTF.

Pathetic, what a bunch of miserable misers (mostly). I hope the boot is on the other foot sometime, and oh boy, I don't think we'll have long to wait.....

To those amongst you who have been gracious and supportive of us, I apologise for my tirade.

Everyone else, ask yourselves how you would feel in our position and get a grip.

Livingston -

Will we pay our rent? No.

Will we pay our electricity bill? No.

Will we pay taxes? No.

Will we pay Council Tax? No.

What about wages? No.

Small firms that rely on prompt payments? No.

Health & safety certificates and compliance? No.

What about a manger? No - sack him and his cronies and give them f**k all.

What about all the people that rely on Livingston paying their way so these people in turn can pay their mortgages and feed their families? f**k them as well.

What we will do is convince full-time players to play for nothing while all our competitors pay the above bills. That way we can hopefully march up the league while our rivals have go part-time to pay their debts. Then we can bask in the glory of being a successful team.

Is that what you call right, morally just or fair? You must have a few screws loose if you think the above is acceptable behaviour to everyone else involved in Scottish Football who has had to endure pain to survive while you f**k everyone. Again.

To be fair to Larry he wasn't really in the know about how bad the situation has been at Almondvale & was constantly drip fed lies from Massone & others about the finances & led to believe those who opposed Massone were the evil enemy.

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To be fair to Larry he wasn't really in the know about how bad the situation has been at Almondvale & was constantly drip fed lies from Massone & others about the finances & led to believe those who opposed Massone were the evil enemy.


Does he not have the power of independant thought?

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It's been said before, but for all the criticism of the SFL's inaction prior to last week, I've no idea what it is in particular that people think they should have been doing? Livingston were prior to McGrouther's appointment not in breach of any rules and Massone was denying there was any problem. The SFL had no entitlement to get involved.


I'd agree very much with what is said about the SFL but it's been common knowledge for months that this was about to happen so you wonder whether the SFL has the foresight for a contingency plan when or if the inevitable happened. I was at the Livi v QoS game back at the end of the season and I remember picking up a programme lying around one of the suites at Almondvale and a Livi officially quite openly admitting in front of a group of people, I'd keep that programme safe because it's most likely to be the last one this club will ever issue. Even the likes of Davie Hay was quite open about the club's future was in grave danger unless things were sorted soon.

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I'd agree very much with what is said about the SFL but it's been common knowledge for months that this was about to happen so you wonder whether the SFL has the foresight for a contingency plan when or if the inevitable happened. I was at the Livi v QoS game back at the end of the season and I remember picking up a programme lying around one of the suites at Almondvale and a Livi officially quite openly admitting in front of a group of people, I'd keep that programme safe because it's most likely to be the last one this club will ever issue. Even the likes of Davie Hay was quite open about the club's future was in grave danger unless things were sorted soon.

Perhaps this is their contingency plan!

Imagine the reaction there would have been if they had decided in May to have a competition for an additional place in the SFL 'just in case'.

Livingston might have sued the SFL for sending a message to creditors that they had no faith in their ability to fulfil next season's fixtures, thus making administration more likely! And you would have had a very unhappy HFL/EOSL/SOSL at them possibly having to lose a team at short notice.

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Posters on the 8,400 post strong "Livingston-All Threads Merged" thread today reacted with dismay when the thread was relegated without warning to the third division by the Pie & Bovril management committee.

"We feel that, having bored the first division forum for the whole of last season, explained P&B Secretary Div, "that relegation to the third division gives this thread the best possible hope of survival on P&B".

However, a wide range of posters queued up to lament the almost inevitable extinction of the thread. "This is the death knell of the thread" complained KingfaetheSooth, who vowed to set up a Thread Trust in oder to ensure fair governance and a voice for all, with the thread finding its own level in future years. Meanwhile, the interested SkylineDrifter-qos75-Yoss consortium was urgently seeking a meeting with the authorities, to establish a new location for their nuanced observations on league management. "It's going to be very difficult" posted a tight lipped Yoss after crunch four hour crisis talks in an internet cafe in Kirkcaldy.

There are real fears that the collapse of the thread will have knock on effects in the local economy, with internet cafes across the country reporting a 448% drop in revenue in real terms, pointing to serried ranks of empty chairs previously occupied with Champions-League standard procrastinating fans. Virgin media bosses warned of the likelihood of administration after seeing a 2.7 GB-per-user-drop in bandwidth consumption in the last 24 hours. Most damningly, posters across Scotland now face the ghastly prospect of actually having to do some work.

As activity drained from the thread, with poster after poster leaving with a bitter "ah'm no slummin it doon here" valediction, at the eleventh hour, a cigar smoking Stadio delle Almondvale arrived to announce that he was here to save the thread, and that he was ready to write 60,000 posts immediately, in order to ensure its short term survival.

He was last seen being pursued by an angry mob from the internet, however, whilst the discussion sank to the humiliating oblivion of page four on the third division forum, falling below little visited titles such as Update on Chris Jardine's toenail fungus, Berwick's new fourth change strip available to pre-order online, and the Prohibition of Promotion for Montrose Football Club (Scotland) Act 1996


Brilliant - simply, quite superb - post of the thread! :lol:

Did you? I don't remember you mentioning it before. Meadowbank! fancy that?

What team do you support now you're down south?

He had a badge in his sig for a while, I think it's MK Dons maybe?

Funny you should mention this guys - now that AFC wimbledon have sold their soul and whored themselves up to the Conference National - I'm thinking of supporting either Raynes Park Vale or Sutton United. :D

I'm now re-branding myself at a supporters-trust-hater and an anti-glory-hunter. :P

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If Livingston go bust and they don't go down the Airdrie United route, will their fans start up a new club like Gretna 2008 or will they support the town's other football club, Livingston United?

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Posters on the 8,400 post strong "Livingston-All Threads Merged" thread today reacted with dismay when the thread was relegated without warning to the third division by the Pie & Bovril management committee.


Meanwhile, Airdrie Utd fans expressed concern at being asked to step up to the 1st division forum with only 3 days notice.

A fans' spokesman said "We just don't have the personnel required to make an impact in the forum. Sure we're good at responding to constant accusations that we're Clydebank in disguise, that we think Hitler was a nice fella who's just a bit misunderstood and that Kenny Black is a bit scruffy (that last one is true actually), but we're always going to be on the back foot unless we look to add some attacking options. We need to sign a poster capable of laying down some seriously bewildering sh!t. I hear that Waffen minty fella is currently a free agent, so we may knocking on his mailbox door in the next day or so".

Elsewhere, Cowdenbeath fans ruled out the possibility of picking up some of the posters let go by Clyde at the start of the close season. "We already have plenty of grumpy old men and 17 year olds with poor spelling and grammar" a Cowdenbeath fan is quoted as saying.


Edited by stuartcraig
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There was nothing fundamentally wrong with that decision at the time and the Gretna elected to the SFL (pre-Mileson) would most likely have been an asset to the SFl on a small scale the way Annan are now. Mileson's arrival on the scene changed everything just as it would had he pitched up at Cowdenbeath, Airdrie, Elgin, etc instead.

:lol: aye right-fun mibbe, mental certainly... that wasn't a vote for Gretna,that was a vote against Airdrie

...vote for a club with well over 1,000 fans and decent stadium or one with 78 fans and a ground somewhere near England .. tricky eh?

Airdrie were stabbed in the back.. but obviously am over that now :D

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Meanwhile, Airdrie Utd fans expressed concern at being asked to step up to the 1st division forum with only 3 days notice.

A fans' spokesman said "We just don't have the personnel required to make an impact in the forum. Sure we're good at responding to constant accusations that we're Clydebank in disguise, that we think Hitler was a nice fella who's just a bit misunderstood and that Kenny Black is a bit scruffy (that last one is true actually), but we're always going to be on the back foot unless we look to add some attacking options. We need to sign a poster capable of laying down some seriously bewildering sh!t. I hear that Waffen minty fella is currently a free agent, so we may knocking on his mailbox door in the next day or so".

Elsewhere, Cowdenbeath fans ruled out the possibility of picking up some of the posters let go by Clyde at the start of the close season. "We already have plenty of grumpy old men and 17 year olds with poor spelling and grammar" a Cowdenbeath fan is quoted as saying.


:lol::lol: Brilliant!

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