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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Yes he has been on but everyone just ignores him as usual, He will give up & crawl back under his stone soon. :rolleyes:

:lol: :lol: There's a festival on, don't you know :lol: :lol:

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He's posted once, although considerably muted from his previous bellicose self.

I think he might finally be realising there's no profit to be made.

:lol: I know for a fact I didn't once post GIRUY. I just took the piss out of the grave dancers :lol:

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Both ourselves and (further back) Kilmarnock have had to claw our way out of the bottom tier. Dunfermline & St. Johnstone rose from it in the 80s and are looking sound.

Oh really, Dunfermline are looking sound are they? That is one hugely ill-informed piece of rubbish.

Let me set things straight:

Dunfermline don't own their ground. So what you might say. Several clubs don't. But Dunfermline are

12 million!!!!!!!!!!!

in debt.



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:lol: aye right-fun mibbe, mental certainly... that wasn't a vote for Gretna,that was a vote against Airdrie

And even if that was the case, voting against the embryonic Airdrie United was entirely justified.

...vote for a club with well over 1,000 fans and decent stadium or one with 78 fans and a ground somewhere near England .. tricky eh?

Thankfully, Scottish football maintains a meagre degree of sporting competition, as well as crude economic considerations, when making such decisions. Airdrieonians going bust one month, and a team called Airdrie United taking their place in the league, playing out of their old stadium and catering to their old fans (writing off a lot of their debt on the process), would've been terrible.

Airdrie were stabbed in the back.. but obviously am over that now :D

'Football in Airdrie' had gone bust with huge debts, and intended to set up a new club with a slightly different name and bounce back within a month. Not only would that have smashed the little credibility that existed to make clubs address their debts... it would also have denied Gretna FC (who at the time were a decent, hard-working semi-pro club) and other non-leaguers the one and only opportunity provided to them in Scotland to join the SFL. Since we have no pyramid...

Had the SFL relegated Livi before the 3 amigos rode in, would the club have been taken over at all?

Well, exactly. Whatever is said, there is no way any football governing body is going to punish a club which hasn't effectively broken it's rules, nor been judged upon by a court of law either...

IMO relegation to the 3rd division is a bit strong. This being the case what if it was a 2nd division team or even a 3rd division team would they be chucked out the league totally?

Firstly, you are making the mistake of presuming that every club which hits financial trouble will be relegated like Livingston. That isn't the case - the SFL adjudge each circumstances individually.

Why should Airdrie and Cowdenbeath be promoted, they should earn the right to play in the 1st and 2nd divisions by winning promotion or the play-offs?

Because the alternative is [1] 9 teams in the First Division = financial loss / 11 teams in the Third Division = have to re-write the entire fixture list, including 4 midweek rounds; [2] it keeps promotion and relegation for 2009-10 within normal parameters; [3] if Livi go bust entirely, they can replace them easily enough for 2010-11 by holding elections for a non-leaguer; and [4] in the past when a team has folded, the losing play-offs finalists have been promoted/kept up...

Livingston should appeal the decision and get points deduction and stay in the 1st division. :angry:

Unless the SFL clubs suddenly all get the biggest cold feet in history... - and, having barracked their own Management Committee for having not done enough, suddenly believe they've gone too far - Livingston have no chance of winning any appeal. The SFL clubs are highly unlikely to reverse the decision... The SFA will, at best, send it back to the SFL... A Court of Law will look at the SFL rules, and observe that the SFL rules (which Livi abide by) give the SFL power to make decisions on the issue as they see fit... An appeal would be over severity - and only the SFL judge on that.

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Guest Taeshire

Who are the League Management Committee?

Who is on it and which clubs do they represent?

The SFL website doesn't seem to have this information, it's decided at their AGM, details of which are also not contained on their website.

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Who are the League Management Committee?

3 Office Bearers (Jim Ballantyne, Brown McMaster, Donnie McIntyre) + 2 reps per Division = 9. I don't know why the divisional reps are, + sometimes Office Bearers double up as divisional reps.

EDIT TO ADD: I think David Longmuir also attends the meetings, but he has no vote on any issue.

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Guest Airdrie FC

Rumour of a press conference at Almondvale this afternoon according to radio reports, this doesn't sound good at all hate to say it but I think they are to announce that Livingston FC will be liquidated.

If one good thing can come out of this it is that a new Livingston FC could be reborn, run by the trust and fans, be completely debt free and hopefully playing in the East of Scotland League this season. A couple of years down the line we could see a new and improved Livingston FC playing in the Senior leagues again, hope I am wrong but not looking good, the old Livi are non viable.

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Still no announcement. What a joke the SFL are.

have heard there was a delay in the sausages and bacon being delivered, which has now been followed by a problem with Aulds getting the rolls to Hampden. You can't expect them to make a decision without a sumptious five course breakfast.

Rumour of a press conference at Almondvale this afternoon according to radio reports, this doesn't sound good at all hate to say it but I think they are to announce that Livingston FC will be liquidated.

If one good thing can come out of this it is that a new Livingston FC could be reborn, run by the trust and fans, be completely debt free and hopefully playing in the East of Scotland League this season. A couple of years down the line we could see a new and improved Livingston FC playing in the Senior leagues again, hope I am wrong but not looking good, the old Livi are non viable.

I hope the don't. As I mentioned earlier, there is already a Livignston United in the junior ranks they should go and support.

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Rumour of a press conference at Almondvale this afternoon according to radio reports, this doesn't sound good at all hate to say it but I think they are to announce that Livingston FC will be liquidated.

If one good thing can come out of this it is that a new Livingston FC could be reborn, run by the trust and fans, be completely debt free and hopefully playing in the East of Scotland League this season. A couple of years down the line we could see a new and improved Livingston FC playing in the Senior leagues again, hope I am wrong but not looking good, the old Livi are non viable.

Press conference could also be to indicate that they are fighting on, will appeal etc etc....

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