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Livingston - all the threads merged

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I hope they play it. If they have a desire to continue with this project I can't see how having a weekend off helps anyone. Perhaps the issue may be more to do with what squad we might have? The possibility is still there that our Division 3 squad may consist of our entire U-19 team.

What are the rules regarding turning out for a league fixture and then transferring to another SFL club? Can a player do this? Is it OK until the end of August?

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Well, the Trust are not trying to buy the Club. Neil Rankine's company Livignston 5, which Gordon McDougall and Ged Nixon hold a 50% stake of, are. The trust have been promised a place on the board, and have held extensive discussions with McDougall in previous months. Nixon is the Trust spokesman, but would take up a role as a businessman in his own right (having been a Director briefly before).

It was announced (when the club still though they were in Division 1) that Nuxon would be Chief Executive. No board positions would be salaried.

Think that's about it.

Edited by Livi 293
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I am convinced that if the consortium believe they can rescue the club, we will play.

Or not, if working on the principle that the status quo remains until an appeal against a punishment is heard/considered?

We could still be playing Division Three...

Arrrggghhh! My head hurts! :wacko:

Edited by Livi 293
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And still no comment from you as to how this division was an example of "self-preservation" by the SFLMC. If First Division clubs were interested in self-preservation then your lot would be stuck with a -30 points deduction in Division One, keeping everyone else safe of relegation.

Anyway, Livi fans should try to look at this as a positive. It's a chance to unload all your overpaid chancers and build a club that is sustainable, and actually find your level the proper way, as opposed to relying on moneymen from outwith the club like Flynn or Massone. Yeah, you might end up putting up with a few years in Division Three while you pay off the debts that have been accumulated, but you'd find a lot of good will coming your way if you actually manage that, and can then focus on finding your level as a Division One or Two side varying on how big your fanbase is.

Check back, sunshine.

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FFS this is driving me round the bend!!!!!! :angry: All we have done since feckin november is wait on announcements!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(:(

When is the announcement to announce when Livi are making an announcement :rolleyes:

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Yet the SFL do their level best to extinguish one of their member clubs. Hardly helps the cause.

Expelling you would have been 'their level best'.

I find it ironic that WaffenThinMint clearly spent so much time and energy to make that crock of shit up about these 'obsessives'. It's almost as if he's developing his own futile agenda that's consuming his time.

How sweet.

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This has just been posted on LiviLions:

the grapevine suggests that Livi are not keen on playing a provisional game against East Stirling but are willing to play a provisional game against ross county.

Have to say in most cases in real life when an appeal is made the status quo prevails until the outcome of the appeal is decided.


...I'm sure Ross County will be delighted to play a provisional fixture against a third divison team, instead of a competitive fixture against Airdrie!

(any club announcement is obviously being delayed whilst the triumvirate look for wriggle-room. I'm not sure they have any left, and whilst they can still cause major disruption I don't really now think they're in any position to negotiate. Not sure screwing up the start to other teams seasons is the best way to curry favour in terms of future appeals/votes, either)

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I find it ironic that WaffenThinMint clearly spent so much time and energy to make that crock of shit up about these 'obsessives'. It's almost as if he's developing his own futile agenda that's consuming his time. How sweet.

And once again, VikingTON fails to appreciate the irony of what he's just said :lol::lol::lol:

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It is their scheduled next match. They will not play if an appeal is planned.

No it is not their scheduled match. Their scheduled match is v East Stirling. Read the rules... the Management Committee decision is Final. It has happened. It can be appealled, but if you appeal it does not revert. Until an appeal is successful, Livi are a Third Division club. This is simple fact.

Since when have clubs been obliged to play provisional games.

There are no such thing as provisional games. It is simply a way of Longmuir & Co making it clear that if Livingston later over-turn demotion, the results are annulled. It ain't included in the rules.

If Livingston launch an appeal, and refuse to play, they are in breach of the same rules as good old Hamilton Accies were when their players went on strike. If Livi do scratch, they should have the book thrown at them. Seldom in history has a Senior club scratched from a league fixture...

Livi are the club scratching around for survival here - they shouldn't be dictating any conditions.

What are the rules regarding turning out for a league fixture and then transferring to another SFL club? Can a player do this? Is it OK until the end of August?

Yes, but if I was a Livingston player, I'd be wanting some guarentees about my registration ;)...

Edited by HibeeJibee
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I think that now the game is on the Livingston fans should now try and show the potential new owners that they have a club worth saving by getting as many fans as possible to turn up tomorrow.

In support of your club we will take as many of your five and ten pound notes as we can and stick them in our bank account, there is nothing "provisional" about this.

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just accept the punishment and get on with it, get a few early wins and try make a good push for promotion, chances are they wud have been relegated from div 1 anyway so if they can go up this year then damage would be limited. get on with it and stop messing other teams about

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I think the issue is whether the debt can be serviced as a Third Division club. It's not as simple as 'just getting on with it'. The prospective owners are assessing if they can even afford to fund it in Division Three.

Edited by Livi 293
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I think the issue is whether the debt can be serviced as a Third Division club. It's not as simple as 'just getting on with it'. The perspective owners are assessing if they can even afford to fund it in Division Three.

<_< you don't write the statements for the Livingston FC official website by any chance, do you?

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