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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Have you actually created this bloody thing yet?

I'd love to vote for myself.

I think it may be in the rules that you are not allowed but you could always appeal for leave to appeal the appeal against the said rules. I think you would be unsuccessful though - not that I would want to presuppose that or indeed influence the decision of any who would be involved in making the decision regarding the rules or even the appeal. You may be allowed to vote while the appeal is in progress but opinion on that may be divided.

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I think it may be in the rules that you are not allowed but you could always appeal for leave to appeal the appeal against the said rules. I think you would be unsuccessful though - not that I would want to presuppose that or indeed influence the decision of any who would be involved in making the decision regarding the rules or even the appeal. You may be allowed to vote while the appeal is in progress but opinion on that may be divided.

I already have a headache thanks :lol:

Seriously though, I know you're not impressed with the rules, but in fairness, by being members of the SFL, Livi surely agreed to abide by these by their very membership. Do you not accept that the brinksmanship tactics by McGruther/Consortium and the "First Division Only" pish they spouted might be a little bit to blame here?

Just treat me rough & you will be in with a chance. ;)

There are 0898 numbers for that sort of nonsense you know :o

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I think it may be in the rules that you are not allowed but you could always appeal for leave to appeal the appeal against the said rules. I think you would be unsuccessful though - not that I would want to presuppose that or indeed influence the decision of any who would be involved in making the decision regarding the rules or even the appeal. You may be allowed to vote while the appeal is in progress but opinion on that may be divided.

...or failing that you could cheat the system by writing a cheque to PLL by way of bribery, but cancel said cheque before she has a chance to cash it. Yes, she would become a creditor but you could set up a CVA and pay her 5% of the agreed fee at a later date. In the meantime, she will be virtually penniless but it doesn't matter because you will have reached the pinnacle of your career as a poster by appearing in a poll on the Livi Lions forum.

It's really a very simple concept, but don't do it too often or people will never trust you again.

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...or failing that you could cheat the system by writing a cheque to PLL by way of bribery, but cancel said cheque before she has a chance to cash it. Yes, she would become a creditor but you could set up a CVA and pay her 5% of the agreed fee at a later date. In the meantime, she will be virtually penniless but it doesn't matter because you will have reached the pinnacle of your career as a poster by appearing in a poll on the Livi Lions forum.

It's really a very simple concept, but don't do it too often or people will never trust you again.

Now now! You're taking this too far. :rolleyes:

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On the Appeal.

For the Appeal to have been made: If the appeal had been made, that would mean the grounds for the appeal would have been heard. Those having heard the appeal would now be deliberating on that appeal, and would pass on their collective judgement on Thursday. There should be no requirement for anyone concerned with LFC to be present on Thursday if the appeal has already been formally made.

If The Appeal has not been made: The representatives of LFC shall be present on Thursday in order to make their appeal.

Where the latter scenario is true, then LFC are a 3rd division club appealing against their demotion. They are also a 3rd division club who have refused to fulfill a fixture.

You can make your own mind up which scenario you hold to be true, but if any representative of LFC turns up on Thursday to present any sort of grounds for an appeal, then the appeal has not been made. In that case, then they really have made a bad situation a whole lot worse by refusing to fulfill a fixture. Funny how LFC are super quick to run to the rule of law in order to escape the consequences of their actions. Funny how when a ruling body makes a decision that actually bites back, then suddenly they aren't so keen on judgements being passed.

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I already have a headache thanks :lol:

Seriously though, I know you're not impressed with the rules, but in fairness, by being members of the SFL, Livi surely agreed to abide by these by their very membership. Do you not accept that the brinksmanship tactics by McGruther/Consortium and the "First Division Only" pish they spouted might be a little bit to blame here?

To be honest I just wish the whole thing was over. I would have been quite happy for them to have accepted the demotion on Friday. I have no idea why our lot are prolonging this or even the wisdom of it. That said the SFL rules are a complete mess and they too open themselves to a certain amount of ridicule. Whatever happens you can be sure of one thing. The fans will have to sit on the sidelines as usual waiting for the blazers/owners to decide everything.

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Oh I forgot to add you! :P

Now ahead of the king! :D

As this is quickly descending (or would that be ascending) into you playing the Philip Madoc's role as the German officer, it's worth pointing out that you have also omitted Private Pike's name from your list.

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So will McGruther be spending Thursday's meeting arguing over rule technicalities and insisting that relegation to the third division is too harsh a punishment, both being matters of interpretation?

It certainly sounds like those are the two drums he will be beating. Can't help but think his comments and those of McDougall etc... over the past few days coupled with their non-appearance at East Stirling will count against them heavily.

Hopefully it will all be sorted by Thursday night (but hopefully not before we get to 400 pages on here :) ).

Whatever the clubs decide, I just hope some hard and fast rules/punishments are agreed for clubs that fall into interim administration/administration or whatever. I think it's something we need.

Yep, but this time, LFC need to be very deeply affected by the tightening of those rules. No more of LFC being "the last time this will happen" and getting away scot free as they did in 2004.

I'm sure Mr McGruther's professional standing might well sink another few notches with a few more desperate re-interpretations on the death knell theme. We might hear something on how LFCs being fairly punished will negatively impact upon Scotland's carbon footprint. He has proved himself to be competent in twisting the truth thus far. I am sure that will continue for a wee while yet.

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Do you reckon we can afford the whole of the QOTS crew? I reckon their hilarious antics could top Sammy the Tammy.


If that were indeed the QotS crew, you could safely say that the clown suits had been paid for. Now if that were an LFC clown troupe, you just know that the invoice would be neatly tucked away in the "f**k 'em" file.

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Yep, but this time, LFC need to be very deeply affected by the tightening of those rules. No more of LFC being "the last time this will happen" and getting away scot free as they did in 2004.

I'm sure Mr McGruther's professional standing might well sink another few notches with a few more desperate re-interpretations on the death knell theme. We might here something on how LFCs being fairly punished will negatively impact upon Scotland's carbon footprint. He has proved himself to be competent in twisting the truth thus far. I am sure that will continue for a wee while yet.

NO no longer! I can't take this any longer, I'm past the point of no return (a fine Phantom song if I may say so!) I want it to end on thursday, play in the third pay all the debts, & just watch a game of normal football. Please? :(

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Assume they want to play in Division 1. They were not relegated.

I don't actually fully understand what you mean, but 'relegated/not relegated' has been done to death by know. It won't be going to a Court of Law so - effectively - SFL interpretation is god.

I thought the safety certificate was all sorted HJ?

I've heard differently, and LiviLions seems to think similar. I'd be surprised if it wasn't tbh - but then again, if it was reliant on Livi5 putting up the money, maybe they've not committed yet...? There have been so many twists and turns in this story, it wouldn't surprise me if we get more!!

On an entirely different matter, was speaking to one of the lads in the hotel tonight. James works in the gym here but plays for a team 3 levels below the Blue Square conference, his teams top players are on £170 per week.

Chicken feed for the Spartans if you subscribe to the rumours :lol: ... I presume you are talking about Ismithian First Division ("the Ryman League")? Roughly comparable to the bottom-end SFL supposedly: an annual wage of £6k-£7k doesn't seem ridiculous for a top player (it is England!!).

Oh I'm sure if it will lead to chaos and disruption of the league then I presume we will be bound to go down that route. As you say it is the Livi way is it not?

Sadly, it has been the Livi owner's way for too long. I'm sure that everyone involved in the club would do their best, if indeed the certificate hasn't been issued: but it may be impossible to do it at short notice. Who knows. You certainly can't play any SFL game at Bathgate... or behind closed doors. Perhaps SFL will, finally :rolleyes: , take pity and let you reverse the match to an away.

I don't know, there is a thread about this game/safety cert on Livilions but I got distracted by another thread where they were discussing a man's "package". :D

A fair enough excuse :lol: ... the LiviLions thread seems to suggest no-one knows r.e. the certificate.

Btw - I agree with comments that a simpler, and more proscriptive, set of rules on admin are needed.

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If that were indeed the QotS crew, you could safely say that the clown suits had been paid for. Now if that were an LFC clown troupe, you just know that the invoice would be neatly tucked away in the "f**k 'em" file.

Bloody hell Duncan! I pity your kids if you have any, Imagine being in the bad books in your house? :unsure:

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Maybe aye, maybe naw.

This I could not resist even though i should. I mean, what feckin' planet does this bozzo live on? Another LL gem.............

QUOTE If we lose the appeal, on the basis of the SFL failing to follow their own rules correctly, then it would be remiss to let it lie, and simply roll over, as that is how the SFL have got away with things for so long. UNQUOTE

The stuff re WLC needing to re-direct the LFC budget into the education budget is soooo right. This individual needs to be stuck back in Primary 1. Perhaps the system gave up on him too easily first time around.

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So why did Longmuir state in Thursdays Daily Mail that Livi wouldn't be expected to play on Saturday if they filed for an appeal?

I think they're changing with the wind regardless of right or wrong.

All you need to bear in mind is that the SFL haven't a clue what they are doing on this issue and are willing for it all to go away, particularly McMaster and Longmuir whose comments have ranged from one extreme to the other.

Livi are the chief villains in all of this but I hope the SFL's role in all of this is looked at when the dust settles as this type of thing just can't happen again.

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NO no longer! I can't take this any longer, I'm past the point of no return (a fine Phantom song if I may say so!) I want it to end on thursday, play in the third pay all the debts, & just watch a game of normal football. Please? :(

Livi have no intention of paying all their debts. You forgot to mention the penalty for failure to fulfil a fixture. What do you think is a fair punishment for breaking Rule 28.4?

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