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Livingston - all the threads merged

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There's no way the administrator would be allowing them to take on more debt at this stage, soft or otherwise.

(Edit: surely?)

There's nothing in Scottish football that surprises me anymore,unfortunately.

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Let's get back to the serious business of calling Livingston c***s. Are they seriously going to be running a full-time squad in division three with crowds of maybe a thousand if they're lucky, even while similtaneously offering creditors some derisory number of pence in the pound for a CVA? It's almost breathtakingly brass-necked, and I'll have nothing but ill-will for them if that is the road they go down after all thse promises of turning over a new leaf and living within their means from now on. Look what Clyde are having to do to their playing squad in order not to default on debts.

Oh, and they're signing more players as well? = more expenditure and more wages = more debt?

Any club in admin/interim admin/whatever plane of existence Livi are on now, should have an immediate transfer embargo until a cva is in place.

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But how can they ' appeal' to an sgm within 10 days if it takes 21 days to convene a special general meeting.

Coz it's their baw an they can dae whit they want,that's his next answer.

Another of his assertions that is bollocks in the real world,where even making someone sign a set of rules doesn't make those rules legally binding.

Edited by ayrmad
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Are you saying it is undeserved given their financial actions and how it has impacted numerous business, people, etc? Really?

Of course I'm not,I was referring solely about the fans.

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It says "appeal to a special general meeting". It's a clear as day.

The last letter I got from the beaks at Hampden Park was pretty clear - it confirmed the appeal papers had been lodged in accordance with [whatever the rule was] and that the decision was therefore set aside. The date of the appeal was notified later (once they knew when the usual suspects would be available)

What did the letters you received from Hampden Park say Sir Calum?

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The last letter I got from the beaks at Hampden Park was pretty clear - it confirmed the appeal papers had been lodged in accordance with [whatever the rule was] and that the decision was therefore set aside. The date of the appeal was notified later (once they knew when the usual suspects would be available)

What did the letters you received from Hampden Park say Sir Calum?

At the risk of intruding, was your appeal not to the SFA? I think all the discussion in the last x number of pages is still about the original SFL appeal.

I don't think an SFL decision is suspended whilst an appeal is made to the SFA. I might be wrong, though.

Dunno if it has been mentioned already, but what is printed in the Wee Red Book?

Have we got Clubs X, Y & Z to accomodate the farce that's going on just now?

Wee Red Book shows all the original fixtures before Livi were relegated and the others promoted.

Edited to add - maybe Livi could use that as grounds for appeal ;)

Edited by Flash
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McDougall has stated that he has not got a problem with a demotion to the 3rd division,he has got a problem with the processes used to reach that decision.

As he's not prone to being a daftie I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

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I shall allow you that pleasure this time as I am the winner of the 10,000th post. ;)

I think we both know that not to be strictly true!! I have started the appeals process! :P

Anyway, I hope to be watching footy at that time tomorrow :D ( I could have been cruel and mentioned a division- but I won't!! Some of your colleagues, I might have though!)

Edited by Big G...
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At the risk of intruding, was your appeal not to the SFA? I think all the discussion in the last x number of pages is still about the original SFL appeal.

I don't think an SFL decision is suspended whilst an appeal is made to the SFA. I might be wrong, though.

Wee Red Book shows all the original fixtures before Livi were relegated and the others promoted.

Edited to add - maybe Livi could use that as grounds for appeal ;)

Probably be as tenious as any used against them. ;)

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I think we both know that not to be strictly true!! I have started the appeals process! :P

Anyway, I hope to be watching footy at that time tomorrow :D

Hope you're willing to abide by Divs decision. :rolleyes:

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I think we both know that not to be strictly true!! I have started the appeals process! :P

Anyway, I hope to be watching footy at that time tomorrow :D ( I could have been cruel and mentioned a division- but I won't!! Some of your colleagues, I might have though!)

I hope you enjoy my game then, while cowdenbeath enjoy yours & we enjoy cowdenbeath's game.

We could debate the appeal process of winning posts all day today & you could be the 11,000 champion by tonight, or Duncan Freemason may arrive & repeat a few hundred posts to help us along? :P

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At the risk of intruding, was your appeal not to the SFA? I think all the discussion in the last x number of pages is still about the original SFL appeal.

I don't think an SFL decision is suspended whilst an appeal is made to the SFA. I might be wrong, though.

Wee Red Book shows all the original fixtures before Livi were relegated and the others promoted.

Edited to add - maybe Livi could use that as grounds for appeal ;)

Intrude away Flash, I have never claimed that all the bodies would operate under the same procedures as I am well aware that would be mixing apples with oranges, I only wanted to make the point, my point being if it is still not clear that I would be keen to know what the acknowledgement from the SFL to Livi said eg did it say that the original decision would be set aside?

I just don't know the answer to that

But to answer your question, no that particular appeal was not to the SFA - sometimes hard to keep track of which appeal at Spartans we're talking about!

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At the risk of intruding, was your appeal not to the SFA? I think all the discussion in the last x number of pages is still about the original SFL appeal.

I don't think an SFL decision is suspended whilst an appeal is made to the SFA. I might be wrong, though.

Wee Red Book shows all the original fixtures before Livi were relegated and the others promoted.

Edited to add - maybe Livi could use that as grounds for appeal ;)

Appeals Procedures

133. The Association’s structure for the hearing of appeals is as set out in this Article.

The following provisions and procedures provide a means for the resolution

of differences or questions arising from the observance and implementation of

the Association’s Articles, rules and decisions and the fact of membership of the

Association shall constitute an agreement by a member that it, or any body or

person interested through such member, shall submit all such differences or

questions to the jurisdiction of the Association and shall not be permitted to take

such differences or questions to a court of law.

The provisions for the hearing of appeals, as set out hereunder, shall also apply to

any sub-committee established by the Appeals Committee from time to time. All

references to Appeals Committee shall also mean a sub-committee of the Appeals

Committee as the context so requires.

Appeals Committee

133.1 A player, official, referee, club, league or association has the right to appeal to the

Appeals Committee against a decision of a club or any recognised football body

which is imposed upon such person or body, provided that the appellant has

exhausted such appeals proceedings as were available to the appellant consequent

to the decision in question, unless a satisfactory reason is given for not having

done so, and provided that the appeal to the Appeals Committee is not excluded

in terms of Article 66. For the avoidance of doubt, an appeal by a player must be

submitted either:-

a) by the player personally, in writing; or

by the player’s club, on the player’s behalf, in writing with the reasons of

appeal countersigned by the player.

An appeal hearing shall not be conducted as a re-hearing of the case except by

way of an express submission on behalf of a party to the hearing and with the

permission of the Chairman of the Appeals Committee.

Once an appeal has been validly submitted to the Secretary, the decision against

which the appeal is submitted shall be set aside pending the hearing of the appeal

unless the interests of justice dictate that the decision should be given effect. The

original decision making body shall be entitled to make representations to the

Secretary opposing such a setting aside of the decision. Such representation must

be lodged in writing with the Secretary within 1 working day of the Secretary’s

receipt of the appeal submission. The representations shall be considered by the

Secretary and the Chairman of the Appeals Committee, whose decision thereon

shall be final and binding. In the absence of either the Secretary and/or the

Chairman of the Appeals Committee, the President and/or the First Vice-President

shall be entitled to act as alternates in considering the representations

There is a proviso but in most cases I think the original decision would be set aside

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