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Livingston - all the threads merged

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That's an encouraging change of tact I suppose. I wonder if the rest of the support all think the same, or whether there's still the tendency to look for another white knight.

Regardless, Massone put himself in a win-moral win position with his rejection of McGruther's deadline, and he's spooked McGruther into upping his offer enough to allow him to walk away, with blame, but otherwise intact. If indeed he hasn't put his own money in (rather allowed the debts to accrue while letting trasfer money seep into his pocket), then he's got a club for a £1, left it in crisis and received a tidy profit for his efforts. Not a bad job if you can get it.

It would be the only way you could asset strip Livi- lets face it everything else was sold on by previous boards!

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You see Livi, its that attitude that upsets so many. Ok fans are loyal to their club. But most are also loyal to the game in general.

What your club have done is bring the game into disrepute overall. So please, dont be so complacent in your belief that away fans will still come to livingston in numbers. Those that support football will not support you by giving you there attendance money.

Cant you read. Theres many who have already said they will not be coming to almondvale this season. So the writings there, on the wall, for you to see.

Most of the posts on here are the usual p&b kangaroo court. In truth we've never been liked because the way we have bee created & bought over the years as a fan of Livi FC I have had little say in that, but I understand how other football supporters' must feel.

Anyway the 'Mad One' has now gone so its gonna be perty, perty, perty in Livi this weekend :P

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That's an encouraging change of tact I suppose. I wonder if the rest of the support all think the same, or whether there's still the tendency to look for another white knight.

Regardless, Massone put himself in a win-moral win position with his rejection of McGruther's deadline, and he's spooked McGruther into upping his offer enough to allow him to walk away, with blame, but otherwise intact. If indeed he hasn't put his own money in (rather allowed the debts to accrue while letting trasfer money seep into his pocket), then he's got a club for a £1, left it in crisis and received a tidy profit for his efforts. Not a bad job if you can get it.

I would imagine that some fans will be over heating fairly quickly if a life changing event such as a newly weakened team losing to County occurs. Every club has them though and it will be up to those that have seen the light to shout the loudest.

It wouldn't surprise me if Massone has indeed come out of this better than when he left. I'm looking forward to the book!

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There is an assumption we will end up punishment free here. Does no-one else feel that a points deduction is inevitable? We're in administration...

Apparently Livi aren't in administration "technically". I don't think a points deduction is inevitable, not by a long chalk.

Anyway, yer man McGruther can apparently draw up a CVA without needing to go through the process of administration so Livi may argue that how can you dock points from a club not in administration?

Also, McDougall and Rankine will be be getting in touch with all of their contacts throughout the league and getting them on side. They will say that everything (Livi's history) up until now hasn't been owt to do with them and that by punishing the club with deduction of points, they would be seriously affecting (jeopardising?) the future of the club itself.

Longmuir's comments in the paper today let the cat out of the bag. The SFL will do anything to keep you going and it doesn't sound as if they will be putting many obstacles in your way.

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You really do need to get a life. Seriously.

Perhaps he'll have a better chance of getting a life when he gets the money he's due from Rankine/McDougall/Nixon. Failing that, perhaps the SFL will show some gumption and give Livi a punishment they deserve. The latter may not help Duncan and the other creditors get his money, but at least it could provide some hope for the future that our governing body is not a completely lost cause. I await to be convinced that we can expect any such action from the SFL.

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I agree with Stadio but not about the book! :blink:

Will this thread be ended now? :(

I'll miss you all, it's been emotional. :bairn:bairn

We could all just upsticks and head to SPL forum and pass 280+ pages of comment about Hearts being in the doo-doo :)

I'd imagine this thread still has a bit to go yet but doing some bloody work will have to take priority next week methinks!

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We could all just upsticks and head to SPL forum and pass 280+ pages of comment about Hearts being in the doo-doo :)

I'd imagine this thread still has a bit to go yet but doing some bloody work will have to take priority next week methinks!

Leave my thread alone, ya buggers!! <_<:D

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How many bankrupt companies immediately resume trading under a different name. I don't agree with it, but everyone is acting all indignant when it's going on ALL the time in the business world (we're not even proposing this?). Anyway, LFC are commited to trying to pay these creditors something, we will take it on the chin if we end up with points deducted or relegation. We will even face the complete obliteration of LFC if it comes to it with some dignity hopefully. We no longer wish to be led to the slaughter house by irresponsible owners and will find our way through this. Believe it or not, we just love our club. The club is still young, this disaster is an eye opener for many, the state of scottish football is only becoming clear to me through my investigations and learing curve from my own clubs problems. I wonder how many of you realsie how close your going to come to this in the near future? Livi just had a head start on the road to disaster.

You sir are a total fuckwit. How many times do Livi want a headstart?

You do not deserve the dignity of anything approaching a sensible answer.

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How many Livi fans agree with the comments below?

Anyone that says we are a young club with hardly any history and don't deserve to be taken seriously etc etc needs a hard kick in the nuts, we may be young but in our 14 years we've been through more than some teams over 100 years old, some aint won a major cup for a start let alone played in Europe, but more to the point i think we've more than paid our dues as fans supporting a team that have taken us through hell so many times, relegations, admin twice, a whisker away from going out of existance, don't think theres many fans of other clubs that have suffered as much as us.

So feck them all that despise us, we're still here and we love our club, nothing else matters.

The above appears on Livi Lions and perhaps sums up just how out of touch with reality many fans of that club still are. I have not an earthly if the poster, Liviforever, posts on P&B. I suspect it would be better for him if he didn't darken this board with such unfortunate comments.

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How many Livi fans agree with the comments below?

The above appears on Livi Lions and perhaps sums up just how out of touch with reality many fans of that club still are. I have not an earthly if the poster, Liviforever, posts on P&B. I suspect it would be better for him if he didn't darken this board with such unfortunate comments.

FFS give it a rest :rolleyes:

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Re Rankine - frying pan - fire? :huh:

Hey Jude, exactly my comment about 10 pages back !! :D

It was on the same post where Peter Liar had stated he had pictures of Massone in my car :lol: :lol: I offered to apologise to the "Trust", pay £1000 into the fighting fund and never mention them again in my posts if he posted it. There's not been any sign of him on here since, probably away putting the fire in his pants out :lol: :lol:

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That's an encouraging change of tact I suppose. I wonder if the rest of the support all think the same, or whether there's still the tendency to look for another white knight.

Regardless, Massone put himself in a win-moral win position with his rejection of McGruther's deadline, and he's spooked McGruther into upping his offer enough to allow him to walk away, with blame, but otherwise intact. If indeed he hasn't put his own money in (rather allowed the debts to accrue while letting trasfer money seep into his pocket), then he's got a club for a £1, left it in crisis and received a tidy profit for his efforts. Not a bad job if you can get it.

I believe he also has a guarantee that no investigation into his running of the club will be conducted therefore no criminal charges.

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